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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

Page 28

by Eve Newton

  The sparks fly from his fingers, making me buck at the same time that Evan makes me come in an explosion of raw desire, the fire racing through my veins, making me lightheaded and my knees give way.

  Dashel is there to hold me up, his hands on me causing me immense pleasure with the pain he is inflicting on me.

  “Fuck!” I pant. “More, I need so much more,” I groan.

  Evan takes his soaking wet fingers out of me and pushes on Dashel to move. He does reluctantly, giving me a second to catch my breath and for my essence to heal itself before Evan throws me on the bed, discarding my shoes and jeans hastily.

  He looks at Dashel. “You okay to see to yourself while I tongue fuck our Demon?”

  My Angel nods and climbs onto the bed with us. He has his dick in his hand in record time, jerking himself off as Evan dives in between my legs, thrusting his tongue inside me, as his finger circles my clit, making me come instantly.

  “Fuck, I love how easy you are,” Evan growls at me before he dives back in to tongue fuck me to within an inch of my life.

  I close my eyes and arch my back as I feel Dashel’s cum splat onto my tits in a rapid firing that makes me want to open my mouth and have him empty his dick into my mouth. But Luc said that was also a no-go, so I’m screwed. The irony of that does not escape me.

  I come again as Dashel kisses me sweetly, sweeping his tongue over my lips and tweaking my nipple gently.

  “My turn,” Evan murmurs, coming up for air and undoing his jeans.

  I give him a smirk and push Dashel away from me so that I can get to my knees. Evan climbs off the bed and I crawl towards him, licking my lips.

  “Fuck, I love it when you look at me like that,” he whispers, shoving his hand roughly into my hair and then tugging viciously, making me moan with desire.

  I feel Dashel’s hand on my lower back as I bend over to take Evan in my mouth, grazing my teeth down his length before I lick him all the way back up to the tip. I plunge my mouth over him as Dashel shocks me by touching my wet pussy softly, almost as if he is testing my reaction.

  “Yes,” I pant, muffled by Evan’s cock in my mouth. “More.”

  He steadily slips a finger inside me and stifles his grunt of pain. The hand on my back suddenly goes red hot, burning me from the inside out.

  “No!” I hear Evan growl at him, pulling his dick out of my mouth and panting as he comes on my tits to mingle with Dashel’s cum.

  I pull back. “Let him,” I rasp, the essence inside me on fire from Dashel’s attack.

  “He’s hurting you beyond what you can handle!” Evan says, as I feel my eyes roll back and I collapse in a heap in front of Evan as Dashel lets out a low rumble and withdraws his finger from my pussy.

  “Fuck,” I grunt and roll over. “Do it again.”

  “No!” Evan yells, but I’m lost to my Angel.

  I need his hands on me and I don’t care how much he hurts me in order to make me come for him like his little Demon bitch.


  “Luc!” my father booms at me, beckoning me closer with a long black claw before he picks up his silver goblet and takes a long drink from it. “So good to see you again.”

  “Yes, and how is that possible?” I ask, exasperated. “You are dead.”

  “Well, ‘dead’ is such a final word,” my father, Gravla, says.

  “With good cause,” I mutter and then roll my eyes as Jasmine crawls out from underneath the table and takes the goblet from Gravla to fill up.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I made myself at home,” Gravla says with a lewd look at Jasmine.

  “I can see that,” I say, keeping my arms crossed so that I don’t fling a ball of Hell fire at my father. “So, about your sudden reappearance?” I really do not want my father here. He is a meddlesome, vulgar beast that doesn’t possess an ounce of subtlety, and now is not the time to be dealing with his unexpected reincarnation.

  “That would be the work of you and some little Demon bitch,” Gravla says, settling back into his chair as Jasmine disappears underneath the table again.

  The look of satisfaction on his face makes me cringe.

  “How so?” I ask, curious beyond belief at how this explanation is going to go.

  “Long ago, I asked the Dark Oracle to cast a spell on the portrait in the hallway and add a part of my essence to it. Once you finally found a bitch strong enough to get this far in the trials, the spell was activated, and here I am.”

  “Fantastic,” I drawl, now knowing where Jezebelle must’ve gotten the idea. “And how long will you be staying?” I query, hoping it isn’t all that long.

  “Just until I can see my grandson and know that you have done your job,” Gravla states with a patronizing glare.

  I freeze as my father blurts out the secret I’ve kept for so many centuries, in the presence of a witness.

  Jasmine is going to have to go.

  “Great, and if I fail?” I ask, tightly. “Then what?”

  “Then I go away and come back when you find another wench to get this far, rinse and repeat,” Gravla says. “But why do you think you will fail? That is hardly the winning attitude I spent centuries trying to beat into you.”

  I grimace at him and uncross my arms. “I will not get my hopes raised, only to be dashed again,” I say quietly.

  “But this one is special!” Gravla booms. “Jasmine told me so.”

  “They were all special, Father,” I grate out. “That is why they were chosen.”

  “Hm, pity that sexy, little brunette wasn’t the one. I wouldn’t have minded keeping her around for a bit longer. She was quite the Hellcat, no?” The look that Gravla gives me makes my stomach churn. It doesn’t surprise me, though, that he seduced Jezebelle. He never could stand it when I had something that he didn’t, and Jezebelle would have taken my father to her bed without batting an eye in a vain attempt to make me jealous.

  “Indeed,” I say with a tight smile.

  “So, this is how your new bitch likes you to look?” Gravla asks, indicating my appearance with his goblet. “I wonder how she will feel about your true self?” he adds with a happy grunt and it is clear that he has been completely satisfied by Jasmine.

  “Ergh,” I mutter, not usually modest about sexual gratification, but when it involves my father and a female I’ve screwed more than once myself, it calls for some. It turns my stomach even more when I remember how Axelle’s eyes lit up at the thought of my true self, when she thought I looked like my father.

  This is bad, so bad.

  I must keep them as far away from each other as possible.

  “She is off limits,” I snarl. “Understand?”

  “Of course,” Gravla says jovially. “I wouldn’t dream of messing this up for you.”

  Somehow, I just don’t believe him. “Touch her and you will wish that you never came out of that painting,” I growl at him.

  “Such distrust,” Gravla sneers and pulls the naked Jasmine up onto his lap.

  “For fuck’s sake,” I say and turn on my heel.

  This is possibly the worst timing ever. Trust my manipulative, lech of a father to turn up right when I’m battling with what the Witch told me and my sudden confusion about what Axelle really means to me.

  I coil a ball of fire in my hand and turn rapidly to shoot it at Jasmine. Her screams echo through the dining hall as she burns to ash on my father’s lap.

  “Tell another being about the trials and that will be you,” I spit out and leave my father looking down at his lap in disgust, brushing away the remnants of his whore.



  I’m in agony over hurting Axelle in the way that I currently am, but I can’t stop. I have to touch her in this manner and in order not to corrupt my soul yet, I have to repair it by hurting her.

  My hand is damp with her juices, dripping out of her as I cup her in between her legs, keeping my finger inside her as I pull back slightly and then thrust back inside her.

  I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips. She feels so hot and slippery. I want very much to slide my manhood inside her and know how that feels.

  “Aah,” she cries out and shudders as Evan cradles her head, giving me a death stare that makes the guilt rear up inside me.

  “Make her come and then let her go,” he spits out at me.

  “I—I don’t know how,” I murmur, looking down at her.

  Evan huffs at me and places Axelle’s head carefully on the bed. She writhes in pain, twisting on my finger. He grabs my hand and directs my thumb onto the nub nestled between her lower lips. “Here,” he says gruffly. “Circle and press down at the same time.”

  I nod and do as he instructed as he goes back to take Axelle in his arms.

  “Ooh,” she whimpers and bucks wildly. “That’s it.”

  At her encouragement that I’m doing this right, I grow more determined in my actions, pulling my finger out of her and rubbing furiously at the nub that makes her scream my name as she arches her back. This reaction to my touch is arousing me to bursting point.

  “Oh, yes,” she pants and then shudders on the bed, the sweat beading on her forehead.

  “Enough now!” Evan barks at me.

  I don’t want to take my hand off her. I want to make her do that again.

  “I love you,” I murmur to her, crawling over and kissing her fevered brow.

  Then, I let her go and move away from her. I have a hole in my soul now that cannot be repaired. It is a dull ache, but it does nothing to squash the feeling of elation I have that I pleased her so well.

  “You do not do that again,” Evan breathes. “Please.”

  I’d thought he was talking to me, but he is whispering to Axelle.

  She shakes her head. “I’m fine,” she says weakly.

  “No, you’re not,” he says and kisses the top of her head. “I can’t bear to see you in pain.”

  “I’m fine,” she says in a stronger voice, pushing him back. She looks over at me and beckons me closer. I hesitantly go back to her. “I love you too,” she says, rising to her knees and cupping my face. “Thank you. I needed that.”

  “So did I,” I croak out.

  She gives me that beautiful smile which turns to surprise as the door is suddenly kicked in with a vicious thump.

  Vazna sweeps in with four Angels at his back, shrouded from human eyes.

  I quickly shove Axelle behind me. I have pondered, repeatedly, since my revelation earlier if Vazna is fully playing out my role now and is falling for my Demon as well. I do not know if that is how this works, but I can’t risk him getting his hands on her either way.

  “You are supposed to be dead,” Vazna says, pointing his sword at Evan. “You should have stayed that way.”

  “Hey,” Axelle says, climbing off the bed and giving Vazna and his fellow Angels a good view of her naked body. They all look away as one, clearing their throats awkwardly. “You are so rude. We were busy in here.”

  “Keep your mouth shut, Demon,” Vazna snarls at her.

  “Oh, so you do remember me,” she giggles. “And here I thought you had forgotten our time together.”

  The Angels at his back let out a collective gasp and he turns to them with a roll of his eyes.

  “Do not believe anything the Demon whore says,” he drawls, and turns back to her, giving her an appraising look. “That body is not human,” he says.

  “No kidding,” she answers as Evan stands stock still, eyeing up the glowing swords with growing trepidation. “Do you like it?” she purrs, edging closer to him.

  I quickly grab her arm to stop her from getting any closer.

  Vazna hastily retreats. “Stay away from me,” he says, brandishing his sword close to her face.

  “Oh, where’s the fun in that?” she asks, taking another small step forward, despite my hand on her arm.

  “Get back!” he roars.

  “Only if you tell your army of do-gooders here to leave. You are making Evan nervous,” she says with a tinkly laugh that I can see affects him.

  I sigh. It appears that, yes, she is turning his head as she turned mine.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” Vazna says. He turns to the Angel at his right-hand side. “Report this immediately, she is breaking the rules by being here. Find out what our orders are. You three, go with him.” He orders the other Angels.

  I let out a small gurgle. She has spun him into her web. She has made him dismiss his back up to leave him alone. Vazna gives me a strange look, but then shifts his eyes back to her.

  “Brave little soul, aren’t you,” Axelle taunts him, “so eager to face me on your own.” She steps even closer to him and now, I let her. I want to see what she would’ve done to me had I not already come to her.

  She traces a finger lightly down his arm as he drops the sword to his side.

  “Leave now, I will tell them you escaped,” he gasps.

  “Such a good boy,” she beams at him, bringing her hand up to his face to cup it gently.

  He hisses, staring down into her blue eyes.

  I see them cloud over. He can see only her. He wants only to please her; in whatever way she wishes. She has him completely in the palm of her hand, so to speak.

  Evan is breathing heavily at my side, turned on by this show. I am afraid to admit that watching her work has also caused my own cock to grow again.

  “Leave immediately,” Vazna rasps, his voice husky. His whole body is shaking with the effort of trying to resist her as she strokes his cheek. Then she cups her hand around the back of his neck, drawing his head closer to hers.

  “Axelle!” I exclaim, not prepared to witness what she is about to do next. I thought I’d made myself clear earlier, but apparently not.

  “Let a girl at least put her clothes back on,” she whispers to Vazna with a laugh, before she presses her soft lips against his.

  Vazna lets out a strangled moan, squeezing his eyes tight shut as she keeps her lips against his.

  I see her tongue flick out to lick his lips in that way that she has done to me several times.

  The stab in my heart is forceful and real. I am wildly jealous that she has her mouth on another man that isn’t Evan. I wonder why it makes a difference, but then she steps back and starts to get dressed, indicating we should do the same.

  “You are truly evil,” Vazna hisses, opening his eyes again.

  “Never claimed to be anything else,” she says in a melodic voice that is still seducing him even from afar.

  “And you, Dashel. You make me sick cavorting around with this whore. You will pay with your soul and I will dance when you fall.”

  I grit my teeth, but say nothing.

  “I will vanquish you,” Vazna mutters through gritted teeth to Axelle, but makes no move to approach her. “You will bring forth the end!”

  “So I hear,” she says smartly, “but see this face? It’s unconcerned, so save your lecture or whatever. Catch you later, if you find me.”

  She disappears quickly through the damaged door, with Evan and I hot on her heels. I want to stop and warn Vazna away from her, but I feel that he can’t listen to me, even if he wants to.


  “Quickly,” Axelle shouts to me, looking back over his shoulder. “Do you want them to catch us?”

  “No, obviously,” I say. “I’m just…”

  “What?” she snaps.

  “A bit in awe of what just happened,” I admit with a sheepish look at her. “You totally turned his head.”

  “You doubt me?” she asks archly.

  “No. I told you I want to see it, but he is powerful and you just…”

  “Completely took control of him,” Dashel says to my surprise. “You need to be careful, Axelle. His role in this has been thrown into suspicion.”

  “Oh? How?” she asks, a flicker of concern going over her face.

  The Angel hesitates, which makes me suspicious now. “You have swayed his mind,” he says carefully
. “Just be careful if we encounter him again.”

  Axelle nods, but I don’t believe him for a second. He is hiding something.

  “Well, this body has powers that even I can’t comprehend,” Axelle says to us. “In fact, I wonder…” She takes our hands and squeezes her eyes shut, concentrating hard.

  “Where are we?” I ask in surprise, looking around. It is approaching dawn and the raindrops fall into her eyes as she looks up in delight.

  “London,” she says proudly.

  “England?” I ask. “How did you do that?” I give her a fascinated look that makes her preen.

  “I told you, powers I can’t comprehend,” she says.

  “You transported the three of us halfway across the world?” Dashel presses. “I don’t think a single Demon, outside of Luc, can do that.”

  “Probably because none can,” she answers.

  “So you are, like, the second most powerful Demon now?” he asks with a frown.

  “I prefer to think of myself as the most powerful female,” Axelle informs us and then pulls us forward. “Can we get out of the rain now?”

  I nod in agreement and we cross the road to a posh looking hotel. “Although, you are fucking sexy all wet and cold.”

  She laughs. “Back at you,” she says, running her hands into my hair and kissing my nose.

  “Are you doing your seduction thing again?” I ask, looking up at the hotel.

  “Yep,” Axelle says. “Although, I doubt I will be able to flash him this time. It’s going to take a bit more finesse.”

  “Can’t wait,” I murmur and watch as she stalks over to the Reception desk and gives the man on duty her brightest smile. He instantly falls under her spell and gives her a doe-eyed look back. She pushes her tits out to make her pebbled nipples more pronounced in her wet top. His eyes almost glaze over as he looks down.

  I edge closer, intent on listening to everything she says and does.

  “Give me your hand,” she whispers to the man and he does, placing it lightly on the counter between them. “I want a room for the night,” she purrs.

  “Of course,” he says and taking back his hand, he taps into his computer, and moments later he is handing over a keycard having agreed to accept payment on checkout, which, of course, we will have to duck out of.


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