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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

Page 29

by Eve Newton

  I’m impressed with her foresight. She knows this is a fancy establishment and getting him to agree to a freebie would just cause more suspicion.

  She gives the man another seductive smile, which makes him drool just a little bit, and then she walks away and makes her way over to the elevators as we follow her.

  “He’s a bit young, isn’t he?” I ask with a smirk.

  “So what? I don’t plan on fucking him. Can’t, remember?” she asks with only a bit of bite, that lets me know it is already pissing her off.

  “I mean for using your powers on.”

  She just shrugs.

  I don’t really care one way or the other, but if he suddenly decides to make her his crush, we might have a problem on our hands that will be a nuisance to get rid of.

  Dashel remains silent as we follow her out of the elevator and into a lavish room that is definitely a step up from the fleapit motel that we just abandoned.

  Thump! Thump! Thump!

  “For fuck’s sake, man,” I groan as Axelle ignores the banging on the door and concentrates on sucking my cock instead. “Can a Reaper not catch a fucking break around here?”

  “Ignore it,” she mumbles around my cock.

  “Ugh!” I say and flop back to the bed. “It’s getting annoying.”

  Axelle stifles her snort of amusement. “Who the hell is it?” she yells, getting to her feet.

  “It – it’s Robert,” a man’s voice says from the other side of the door.

  “Robert?” Axelle asks me in bewilderment, as Dashel goes on guard with a fierce frown.

  I shrug, but then I go grim. “The guy from the Reception desk,” I hiss at her. “I knew this would happen.”

  “Oh, crap,” she says with a sigh.

  “You should have gone easier on him,” Dashel berates her.

  “I barely used my powers,” she snaps at him and drags her clothes back on. She opens the door with a bright smile.

  I can see the hangdog expression on Robert’s face from over here.

  “I need you,” he whines at her, looking a bit sweaty and out of control. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  Axelle lets out a huff. “Fine,” she says. “Come.” She takes his hand and with a wicked look back at us, she leads him into the hallway.

  “Wait! Axelle, what the hell do you think you are doing?” I hiss after her.

  Dashel is already through the door, his hands clenched into fists. I’m quick to follow after pulling up my jeans.

  “Let me take care of this,” she calls back and pushes open a door that reads “Authorized Personnel only”.

  She shoves Robert into the cupboard, watching him stumble forward awkwardly, then she kicks the door closed behind her.

  “Axelle!” Dashel storms at her and kicks the door in with a hard boot to the door, sending it splintering off its hinges.

  Robert has pounced on her in the short time before Dashel went all Alpha on us and is attacking her with a sloppy kiss that is all tongue and lacks any sort of finesse whatsoever.

  I snort with laughter at her disgusted face.

  “Yuck,” she says while she pushes him away.

  “I need you,” Robert says again and dives his hand in between her legs, completely ignoring me and the wrathful Angel that is about to throttle the life out of him.

  “Fuck’s sake,” she grumbles. “Back up.” She pushes on his chest enough to get him a few inches away from her. “Dashel, just wait,” she warns him and brings her hands up to Robert’s head, placing them on either side of his temples. She pushes her power into his head with a slight shimmer over her hands. His eyes roll back into his head and he collapses at her feet as Dashel reaches out to catch him.

  “Relax,” Axelle says with a smirk. “I got this.”

  “Did you kill him?” I ask with a sigh.

  “No, you idiot. I knocked him out with a burst of power. He’ll wake up in the morning with a stinking hangover, but he’ll live,” she says.

  Dashel gives her a scathing look. “This is too much mess, sweet Demon,” he chides her in a tone that is gentler than his look. He needs to work on his face.

  She gapes at him and then grins. “I like that,” she says, referring to his endearment, leaning over Robert to kiss him.

  He gives her a pleased look.

  It pisses me off that I don’t have a pet name for her. I’ll have to work on that. I’m not having that Angelic asshole one up me.

  “So,” I say to break them up. “Is that a new power or an old one?”

  “Old,” she says. “Too much desire sends the brain into overload. Only problem is, I can’t be around when he wakes up.”

  “Gotcha,” I say with a creased brow. “How long will he be out?”

  “A few hours yet,” she says.

  “Right, if we have a few hours, let’s just relax for a bit before we have to go on the run again,” I propose. I seriously need her to finish what we started before this sloppy idiot interrupted us.

  “Okay,” Axelle says. “But two hours tops. I need to be as far away from him as possible.”

  I nod and Dashel rearranges Robert so that he is in a more comfortable position, then, propping up the door, we head back to the room.

  “I’m going to take a shower. Join me?” I ask her quietly. I need some time alone with her.

  She nods. “But then I need to sleep. All this power usage is making me tired.”

  “Done,” I agree and shut the bathroom door on Dashel and the rest of the world.


  I feel myself drift off to the soft sound of running water from Evan’s shower. Man, he likes to spend some time in there. Dashel decided to patrol the hallway in case Robert woke up earlier so that I could get some rest after a much-needed tongue fuck from Evan, with the hot water of the shower cascading down on me. That Trans-Atlantic trip took it out of me. I’m exhausted, but I won’t let my men know just how much.

  I smile as I think of the things we’ve got up to today when suddenly, I can feel another presence in the room. My eyes pop open and I find myself staring directly into Luc’s astonishing, blue eyes.

  “What the…?” I ask, as I push myself up into a sitting position. “What are you doing here?”

  “Not pleased to see me?” he asks, raising one eyebrow at me.

  “Of course, I am,” I fluster. “But you aren’t supposed to be here, remember?”

  “I had to see you,” he says, shuffling himself closer to me on the bed.

  “Oh?” I ask, my voice going an octave higher at his nearness.

  His eyes rake over me, clad only in my vest top and panties. I feel my nipples go on alert as he sweeps his gaze over my tits with an appreciative gleam in his eyes.

  “Err,” I mutter, starting to feel as if something is amiss here. “What are you doing?”

  “Looking at my Demon Bound,” he purrs at me, now running his hand up the inside of my leg.

  “Uhn,” I stammer and use all of my will power to push him away. “Stop, please,” I beg weakly.

  Am I dreaming this? Is this another test? It has to be. He wouldn’t…

  “I don’t want to stop,” he whispers close to my ear. “I want to touch you; you are such a beautiful creature. I want to taste you, I want to…”

  “Luc!” I bark, interrupting him, forcing myself back into the mountain of pillows. “You – you…”

  “I want you,” he says, tracing his lips down my jawline and nuzzling my neck as his hand finds my pussy covered only in scant lace. “I need you.”

  “Oh, unholy fuck,” I breathe, squeezing my eyes shut as his fingers wiggle their way past my panty line and stroke me.

  I can feel the shudder about to go over me from just a simple touch and it clouds my mind. I know this isn’t right, something is very off here, but I want it so badly I can taste it.


  My eyes fly open at the furious roar and I gasp.

  Another Luc is stand
ing over us, a pair of black wings stretched out and taking up the entire length of the room. His handsome face contorts into a hideous mask as he roars again at the Luc with his hand in my panties.

  “Wh—what is going on?” I splutter, pushing away the amorous Luc and gazing up at the furious Luc, wiping the drool from my chin. He is spectacular, an impure vision of deliciousness, whoever, whatever, he is.

  “Touch her again, you fuck, and I will make your first death feel like a vacation,” angry Luc bellows.

  “What?” I ask again with a squint at handsy Luc. “Who is this? What the hell? Luc?” I look up again at the Devil himself in all of his glorious rage and gulp.

  “Oh, crap,” I whisper.

  I nearly fell for it.

  I wanted to fall for it.

  I wanted to believe that Luc had come for me because he wanted me. But all along it was an imposter.

  “Has he violated you?” winged Luc thunders at me.

  “Err, no, no…” I start and with a grim nod, the real Luc takes the imposter by the throat and disappears in a flurry of wings and fire.

  “Unholy shit!” I cry, leaping off the bed as Evan races out of the bathroom.

  “What?” he asks instantly. “What happened?”

  “I think I’m in serious trouble,” I say, my hands shaking.

  I’ve never seen Luc so enraged before, he was livid and not only with his imposter, but with me as well. I could see it in his eyes when he turned them on me. “I’m in serious, serious shit.”



  I land back in my dining hall and send my father skidding across the stone floor to the other side, where he hits the wall and comes to a halt.

  I clench my fist. I’d intended for him to go through the wall, the lying, scumbag bastard.

  I remember belatedly that my father is no lesser Demon, which is what I’m used to dealing with around here. Next time I won’t forget.

  “How dare you!” I roar, my wings folding back in on themselves and disappearing. “How dare you touch her!”

  “Why? You aren’t doing anything in that department, that much was obvious from her reaction,” my father scoffs at me.

  “She is sacred,” I seethe. “She isn’t to be touched. Not yet.”

  “Jealous?” Gravla sneers. “Jealous that I practically got her off with just one touch?”

  “Bastard!” I spit out and, in a flash, have him by the throat again. “I told you that if you touched her, I would kill you.”

  “So, kill me,” Gravla says unconcerned, removing my hand and standing up to shake out the rumples in his suit. “It’s not like it would be the first time. Besides, the spell will just bring me back, so I’m not too bothered about what you do to me.”

  I growl at him, trapped. There is nothing I can do about the spell; it has been set and only the end result will send him away. There is only one way to play this and that is to give him something to occupy his time and keep him away from Axelle.

  “It was only a bit of harmless fun,” Gravla says then in a placating voice. “I would never have fucked her. I want this child as much as you do.”

  “Doubtful,” I mutter. “But you keep your hands off her. Understood? She isn’t to be messed with. Her sex-drive is higher than most and…” I trail off. I’d been about to say that I don’t trust her, but it’s not true because I do. I left her with Evan and that Angel knowing she wouldn’t betray me.

  “You don’t trust her?” Gravla prods slyly.

  “I don’t trust you,” I spit out. “Going to her disguised as me is one of the lowest things you have ever done, and that is saying something. You could at least have tried it on in your own damn form.”

  “I wanted to see if she would resist you,” Gravla explains. “Believe me when I say, I want this as much as you. I wanted to test her, to see if she is truly worthy of you.”

  “She is,” I say stiffly. “She has come this far. She has shown me nothing but loyalty.”

  Except when she abandoned me.

  But she came back, that is all that matters.

  “Maybe so, but if what she craves more than anything was offered to her on a platter, would she have remained so loyal?” Gravla asks.

  “Craves more than anything?” I scoff. “Don’t be ridiculous. She is just a lust-fueled female, it has nothing to do with me.”

  “Are you blind?” Gravla asks incredulously. “I spent all of two minutes with her as you and she was practically turning to goo in my hands. Well, your hands,” he adds with a vicious smirk which does nothing to appease my temper.

  “It means nothing,” I repeat, determined not to get too excited about that prospect. I have faced the biggest obstacle that I’ve ever encountered head-on, and there is no point in denying it anymore. But if she doesn’t feel the same way, well, there will be nothing left to call my domain. I’m starting to realize that all of my ‘feelings’, whether evil or positive, come in excess. I don’t know how to put the brakes on because I’ve never had to. Glut is my game, what would sin be without it? But seeing my father touching her made me confront everything I’ve been trying to hide from.

  “I will get you something to play with while you are here, but you stay away from Axelle. Period. I will not have this discussion with you again.”

  “Even though my intentions were honorable,” Gravla says with a mock-disappointed air.

  “Pah, you know nothing of honor,” I drawl. “Keep talking that way and I will think you should be sent upstairs.”

  Gravla lets out a loud guffaw. “Oh, my boy. You haven’t lost your sense of humor. Now about that plaything? A brunette, perhaps?”

  I don’t bother replying, I just give him a glare and spin on my heel. Oh, I have a brunette for him all right, seemingly one he has enjoyed previously. I need to deal with this and then pay a visit to Axelle. She has some serious explaining to do.

  Several moments later, I burst into Jezebelle’s room unannounced, only to come to a rapid halt with a curse so descriptive in nature, it leaves nothing to the imagination.

  And neither is she.

  She is lying spread-eagled on her bed, her skirt up her waist, with Darius in between her legs giving her a licking with his sharp tongue. She is wiggling in rapture at the mix of pleasure and pain that the Demon guard is bringing her, and it does nothing to prevent the stirring inside me to spike.

  But I push it back down with a grunt. I have more important things to deal with than a bit of voyeurism.

  “What the fuck is this?” I growl.

  Jezebelle peeks at me through her messed up hair. “Exactly what it looks like,” she gets out before she screams, coming against Darius’s mouth.

  “You will stop at nothing, will you?” I ask her in disgust. “Which is precisely why I thought of you for this job.”

  “Well, you aren’t giving me any pleasure, why shouldn’t I get it wherever I can find it?” she sulks at me, pushing Darius’s big head from between her legs and climbing off the bed.

  “Oh, please do,” I say sarcastically. “In fact, there is an old flame of yours downstairs, just waiting to fuck you senseless.”

  “Who?” Jezebelle asks, looking confused.

  “My father,” I explain and enjoy the shock on her face. “He is here, by much the same means as you, except he is further up the food chain than you and thus is corporeal without any assistance. So, you are perfect to entertain each other and keep out of my business.”

  “I don’t understand,” she says carefully.

  “Go downstairs and be his plaything,” I order her. “Keep him occupied in whatever manner he pleases so that I don’t have to deal with him.”

  “Oh, it’s like that, is it?” Jezebelle snaps, getting her composure, and her fire, back. “You just think you can whore me out as you wish.”

  “While you insist on living in my residence, you will do as I tell you to,” I state. “If you don’t like it, feel free to leave.”

I watch her struggle. I know she has nowhere to go, no money and no job. I also know that she knows I won’t give her anything, so she has no choice but to do as I want. However, I also know it’s all for show. She will be rolling around the dining hall with my father in a matter of minutes and loving every second of it.

  “Very well,” she says eventually. “But I expect recompense.”

  “Spoken like a true whore,” I drawl with disdain. “Go.”

  I watch as she sweeps out of the room and turn my attention to Darius. “She is playing with you, don’t trust she will give you anything,” I warn my guard.

  “So pretty,” Darius says with a big sigh. “So tasty.”

  “Ergh,” I comment and leave the Demon to moon after my ex, seriously done with this shit between them.

  This day is going to the hellhounds and I seriously need to get it back on track. I need to see Axelle and find out why she thought it acceptable to be touched by my father.


  “Well, who was it?” Evan asks me, the fear on his face matching my own.

  “How the fuck should I know?” I yell at him, finally getting my wobbly knees to keep me upright so that I can start shoving stuff into my duffel bag, and wondering where the hell Dashel is.

  “Do you think it was a test?” Evan carefully asks the question that I’ve been wondering myself.

  “It has to be,” I say. “He sent a copy of himself here to see if I would give in and screw him! Fuck!” I cry out this expletive in my growing panic. “He is going to fucking kill me.”

  “Well, not right away,” Evan points out.

  I growl at him. “Gee, thanks for that. So, if this trial doesn’t kill me, he will. I don’t know which is worse.”

  “Axelle,” Luc’s voice suddenly resonates around the silent room.

  “Luc!” I exclaim and go to him with my hands outstretched. “I didn’t know…”

  “Evan, if you please?” Luc asks, but it isn’t really a question. He waves his hand and Evan disappears, probably back to Hell. “I also dispatched your Angel friend,” he adds with a look back at me that makes my stomach clench.


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