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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

Page 47

by Eve Newton

“Yes, of course,” Evan replies instantly, as Dashel nods his consent.

  Axelle is rousing as we enter the bedroom, and I need to fill her in on what happened outside.

  “Luc,” she mutters, and I go to her, taking her hand again. “What happened?”

  She struggles to sit up as I tell her, “You are growing, my love, but you will be fine.” I give her an encouraging smile.

  She looks down at her bigger bump and raises her eyebrow. “Hmm,” she murmurs and then dismisses it. “What happened outside, is what I meant.”

  “Oh,” I say, with a small smile, but then I frown at her. “I told them that the Apocalypse was off, but they are not convinced. I fear for you and our children, Axelle. They will make sure that there is no chance of this, as apparently my word isn’t good enough.”

  “What does that mean?” she asks, returning my frown.

  “I need to send you away from here,” I say carefully. “Evan and Dashel are going to go with you. To Earth.”

  “What?” she asks, shaking her head.

  “I have already locked down access and recalled all Earthbound Demons. You will be safe there while I deal with this.”

  Axelle climbs off the bed and regards me closely. “I thought we were in this together,” she accuses.

  “We are,” I say. “But I am not risking you and our children. Not now, not ever. You will go and you will be safe. End of story.”

  “I see,” she says. “Very well. I suppose I can’t argue with that.” She beams at me and I feel a sense of relief. I’d expected her to argue until the cows came home about it.

  “But what will you do here?” Axelle asks then.

  “Ensure that you are safe to return at my earliest convenience,” I growl at her, but then give her a small smile to show I’m not angry at her, just this entire revolt.

  She nods, but then licks her lips and gives me a fearful glance, shifting her gaze between me and Dashel.

  “What?” I ask her.

  “What about…uhm…Vazna?” she asks quietly. “He will know as soon as our feet hit the ground.”

  “Ugh!” I make a noise of disgust.

  I know why Axelle looks so scared after the way I treated her over that feathered fuckhead before. “Do not worry about him. I’m sure once you explain your reasons, he will leave you alone. They, after-all, are ‘Team No-Apocalypse’.” I roll my eyes with annoyance. “And if he doesn’t, I am more than sure you can handle him with your powers.” I give her a fierce look that leaves no doubt as to my feelings about that. But I cannot just send her away without being able to defend herself. Evan isn’t a fighter, that I know of. His ability to wield a double headed ax, notwithstanding, and I can’t trust Dashel with her life. “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that using your powers, in any form, will alert them to your presence. Do try to stay undetected for as long as possible,” I add.

  She nods hastily as she realizes I’m right. Aggravating the situation by flaming in and out all over the place is not in her best interests. She looks like she wants to say something but remains quiet until I snap at her.


  She looks away. “I’m just wondering if Earth is the best place for me?”

  I can tell it took everything that she had to say that. I’m not a fool; I know she can’t wait to get back up there. She practically heads up the Anti-Apocalypse campaign, for fuck’s sake.

  “The only other place I can lock the Demons out of is the Wastelands. I am sure you would rather attempt safety on Earth instead,” I remark.

  At her wide eyes, I nod. “You will leave now.”

  She licks her lips and stares hungrily at me. I could curse myself. “My blood,” I mutter. I'd forgotten all about it. “Evan will have to come back for it as and when you need it,” I decide. It’s not the best plan, but it will have to do.

  “Okay,” she says meekly, peeking out at Evan from lowered lashes.

  I slash my wrist and summon up a glass, but before I can start to pour my blood into it, Axelle has leapt at me, her mouth latching directly onto my wrist to slurp up the blood directly from my vein.

  “Uhn,” I moan as I look down at her. It is the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed, and it has made me rock-hard for her.

  I slide my free hand up her dress to grab her ass as I push her back to the bed. She takes her mouth off me and gives me a wicked smile. I know what she wants from me and despite her big bump, I’m going to give it to her.

  In a bone-crunching flash, I shift to my faux-Devil form and watch as her eyes light up. She licks her lips and drops her gaze to my enormous swinging cock.

  “Two,” she breathes, taking her dress off to show me her beautiful naked body.

  I snort and oblige her, making another one appear under the first one, watching as her mouth drops open in shock as if she didn’t quite believe I could do it.

  “Oh, yes,” she moans as I turn her around and bend to lift her up with my forearms under her thighs so she is supported enough for this fucking that Evan is desperate to get involved in, judging by the fact that he has stripped off his clothes and is stalking towards her to her absolute glee.

  I raise her up a bit so that he can reach her pussy with his mouth, giving her a tongue fucking that makes her cream herself almost instantly.

  He groans as he tastes it and delves his fingers into her hole and then to her rear hole to lube her up with her legs resting on his shoulders.

  When he decides she’s ready, he takes some of her weight off my arm so that I can guide one of my cocks into her ass and the other longer one into her pussy as she lowers her legs again.

  “Oh, fuck, yes,” she cries out softly as I move her up and down, supporting her weight easily with my vast strength. “Oh, Luc, this is amazing!”

  “Wait,” I growl at her as Evan positions himself in front of her.

  “Oooooh,” she moans as he grabs his cock and starts to push it inside her already filled up pussy.

  I can feel his cock rubbing against my extension and I don’t hate it.

  “Fuck,” he rasps. “So tight. Fuck.”

  He closes his eyes and throws his head aback as he continues to shove himself further inside her and then fuck her with small pumps. Her orgasm rips through her, making her scream, but we are nowhere near done with her yet. I move her up and down, fucking her ass and her pussy at the same time, feeling her juices coating me. Evan moves even closer to her as he pulls his hips back and rams in again and again.

  “Shit!” he roars and squeezes his eyes shut as he comes, but he doesn’t lose his erection. If anything, he goes even harder.

  I groan and feel myself about to come in both her ass and her pussy at the same time. That’s how this works. They aren’t separate.

  I clench my fists as I feel the rush coursing through my body. It’s two orgasms built into one and it is something that will make my knees buckle if I’m not careful.

  She pulls Evan even closer and wraps her legs around him, letting him take her weight as my breathing gets heavier.

  “Fuck,” I pant as it hits me like a freight train, the fire racing through my veins as I spurt my double load into her, feeling her come again as she is well and truly fucked.

  I glance at Dashel as the last of my seed drains into her. He is aroused but doesn’t step forward to join in.

  I sit heavily, bringing Axelle and Evan with me and with a scramble of limbs, she has turned around and rides me like a cowgirl with her pussy around one dick and her hand around the other.

  “I’m going to get used to this if you’re not careful,” she pants.

  I avoid talking as it hurts in this form, but she isn’t bothered. She isn’t here for conversation. She is here to be serviced in the manner with which I would like her to be accustomed to. She leans forward and Evan slides his wet dick into her ass with a loud groan.

  She gestures to Dashel and he comes forward hesitantly. “Need you,” she rasps. “Please.”

  He undoes his
pants and pulls his dick out, letting her take it in her other hand briefly before she takes him in her mouth. He takes over and fucks her as she goes still so that we can hold her in place while we take our pleasure from her.

  She is magnificent.

  “I love you,” I murmur to her then I lose myself to the climax that hits me at the same time as hers tears through her.

  Moments later it is time to say good-bye to her, not knowing when I will see her again. I shift back to my human form to kiss her for a long time before I let her go to shower and get dressed. I watch as she leaves with Evan and Dashel and it really stings that I have to let her go. I sigh and relish the quiet for a moment. It is going to take more than just a few words from my wife to make this right in my head for me. I’m currently lost in my convictions, but I was serious when I said that I wanted her as my partner. It will take the weight of Hell off my shoulders to bear this burden with her, leaving me more time to be with her and our son. She has shown me today that I can count on her no matter what, and it makes me want to know more about her. It never even occurred to me before. She was my Demon Bound, chosen by the Fates and that was all there was to it. The fact that I created her body to my liking, so I had something desirable to look at and fuck was just something I gave to myself, so it wasn’t going to be a chore. Never did I think that I would actually fall in love with her and put her feelings beside my own. I never thought I would like her, enjoy her attitude and her defiance. But it is all of these things that have defined her and now I want to be a part of it. A part of her.

  Finally pleased with my decision, I head outside, remembering to shift to my fake-Devil form before I bust the doors open once again and dodge a flaming arrow that nearly takes my left eye out. I growl, loud and long, before I give my Demons something to really fear.



  “Alone at last,” Evan comments with a wicked look at me after he has transported us to Earth and to the house that we resided in while I was on the lam.

  “Here?” I ask, wrinkling up my nose and ignoring him.

  “My experience is with travel to souls, not places. This was the only place I knew enough of to get us here,” he says, looking put out by my incredulity.

  I shake my head. “No, we need to go somewhere else.”

  The only other place I have an address for makes my blood run a bit cooler, but perhaps it might not be so bad once I explain myself. I give the address to Evan, and see his eyes go wide. Even Dashel clears his throat in protest.

  “Are you sure about that?” Dashel asks.

  I nod my confirmation. “We need to get inside quickly, so let’s go.”

  Evan grips my hand as Dashel takes the other one and in the next breath, I’m staring up at a modest house, with a white picket fence.

  I steel myself and march up to the door, banging on it with force in my nervousness.

  It opens.

  “Can I help you?” Slade asks us, looking at the three of us in query.

  “Hello, slave,” I drawl, not out of trying to antagonize him, but because it is the only thing that will make him realize who I am with no doubts.

  His gray eyes go wide and then he pales. “Fuck off!” he roars and attempts to slam the door in our faces, but I slap my hand to it to stop him.

  “Nope, can’t do that,” I say. “Look, Slade, I need your help. You were the only one I could come to off the top of my head.”

  “Why? Killed everyone else you know on Earth?” he retorts.

  The look I give him to confirm that, has him gulping and trying to shut the door again.

  “I can do this out here, if you like,” I wheedle. “Or you can let us in, and I can explain.”

  “There is fuck all you can to say to me, Axelle, so just leave, or are you gunning for another exorcism, as that can be arranged,” he growls, getting on Dashel’s bad side now. He steps forward and kicks the door open, making Slade stumble back.

  I put my hand on Dashel to stop him from storming into the house. He needs to try and do this properly. I shrug at a furious Slade. “You can’t exorcise me from this body. It is mine.”

  That catches him completely off-guard. He gives me a very interested once-over, because how could he not. It is only then that he notices my baby bump and his eyes nearly pop out of his head.

  He stumbles back even further, which I take as our cue to push past him into his house, invading his space, as Evan and Dashel follow quickly.

  “I don’t have much time,” I say, turning back to Slade. “Vazna will know we are here any minute now.”

  “Who is Vazna?” he asks in confusion, still staring at my belly. “The father?” he sneers nastily.

  “Oh, fuck no,” I snap. “These children belong firmly to my husband. The Devil,” I add, and wait for his response.

  He faints.

  “Great,” I mutter and indicate to Evan to get him onto the couch.

  After several, long, minutes, Slade finally comes to. He blinks, looks at me and his face crumples.

  “Fuck, I thought you were a nightmare,” he mumbles.

  “Sorry,” I chirp, insincerely. “Here in the flesh. Now, can I explain before you have an Angel swooping into your sitting room?”

  “Angel?” he bleats and looks at Evan fearfully. “Are you…?”

  I snort. “Him? No. Evan, here, is a Reaper. Dashel, on the other hand, fell from grace not that long ago. But I mean Heaven’s Guardian.”

  Slade’s already pale face goes ashen. “Am I…?”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, man, you’re fine,” I snarl. This conversation has spiraled, and I need to get it back on track immediately.

  Slade’s eyes find mine again and he blinks. “Why are you here?” he asks, steeling himself and standing up.

  “Ah, grown a pair. I remember that happened on my watch.” I give him a narrow-eyed look, which turns a bit nasty as I add, “How’s Trixie?”

  I’m slightly mortified when tears spring to his eyes. “She’s gone,” he whispers.

  I actually feel bad and give him a pitying look. “I know,” I say. “I was here briefly a few weeks ago in Lacey’s body. I know she was returning to have it off with Doctor Devious.”

  “What?” he snaps, clenching his hands into fists. “You were here? When? Why?”

  “It’s a long story. I didn’t mean to be, I kind of just turned up unexpectedly.” I wave my hands dismissively.

  “When,” Slade croaks out.

  I huff. “While Trixie was pregnant,” I say uncomfortably. “I…”

  “I knew it!” he declares triumphantly, approaching me. “It was you with the…with the…” His turn to wave his hands about, “psychic’s. You were trying to get to a host, weren’t you?”

  “Well, obviously,” I drawl.

  “You left her soulless, you bitch!” he screams.

  “I know,” I grit out. “But she is fine now, isn’t she?”

  I see baby stuff strewn about, so I assume Trixie, Lacey, whoever, gave birth and then left with Doctor Delish.

  Slade gives me a withering glare.

  “But look…” I don’t get any further as who should swoop in with a flurry of wings, but Heaven’s Guardian himself.

  “Great,” I complain accusingly to Slade. “I didn’t even get a chance to tell you anything.” I turn to Vazna. “And you, you just had to turn up, didn’t you?”

  “You knew I would,” he says idly, and glares at Evan. “Didn’t I kill you once already?”

  “You had no right!” I scream at him before I get hold of my temper. “But anyway, Luc brought him back.”

  “Humph,” Vazna mutters, his eyes going to Dashel and clouding over slightly. “So…what are you doing here? Have a change of heart about the children?” he adds, turning from Dashel in disgust.

  “No,” I snarl nastily. “Obviously not. And by the way, Luc knows about what you were doing to me and he is pissed.”

  Vazna looks unconcerned.
r />   “However,” I add graciously. “Luc and I have decided that the Apocalypse is not in anyone’s best interests.”

  Slade splutters on that, looking between the two of us with a look of utter disbelief.

  “Luc and I?” Vazna inquires, with a hard look. “Since when is Hell a partnership?”

  “Since Luc and I got married and he asked me to be his true partner,” I answer proudly. “But didn’t you hear me? Apocalypse no-more.”

  “I heard you,” Vazna says. “May I have a word in private?” he asks, looking only at me, with those luscious blue eyes that I wouldn’t mind losing myself in before I tear his Angelic soul from his body.

  “You’ll have to ask Slade if he will leave us alone in his house,” I say archly, giving my former slave a shrug. “And also, if he is okay to be left alone with Evan and Dashel.”

  “Do I know you?” Slade interrupts, looking at Dashel.

  “We have met once before, I made you forget. Although…” He frowns now. “How do you remember?”

  Slade just blinks at him.

  Evan takes Slade by the arm and leads him away. “Let them talk. I’ll fill you in.”

  Slade goes with Evan, Dashel trailing behind them, and he gives me a fierce glare.

  I nod back. “I’ll be fine. Promise.”

  “You had better be,” he growls. “I am not being eviscerated by your husband because you got yourself in trouble. Again.”

  “Go,” I say, and watch as they leave, closing the door behind them.

  Vazna regards me closely and then sweeps me up in his powerful arms, crushing me against the wall, his body getting as close to mine as is possible with my bump in the way. He dips his head to kiss me and I let him, briefly. I have to close this down now before Luc blows in here all guns blazing.

  “Do not fall now,” I warn him, shoving him away. “If you go down there today, Luc will know I had something to do with it.” I wiggle out from between him and the wall.

  “Hmm,” he murmurs, but then clears his throat. “So, why are you here and not with him then? On the run again?”

  I shake my head and purse my lips. I debate with myself over whether to tell him, but I suppose the other side will find out anyway.


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