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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

Page 48

by Eve Newton

  Vazna regards me closely.

  “I am not safe there!” I blurt out.

  “Why?” he asks, seemingly remaining calm in the face of my outburst.

  I sigh. “It’s a long story.”

  “I have time.”

  I hesitate, but then say, “Luc told his Demons that the Apocalypse wasn’t going to go through, but they don’t believe him. They are threatening my children to ensure it doesn’t happen. We couldn’t allow that. So, I came here until he sorts it out.”

  “Sorts it out?” Vazna asks, slightly stunned by my admission.

  I nod.

  “How?” he croaks out.

  I shrug at him. “I have no idea,” I admit. “But he has recalled all Demons from Earth and locked them out. If I were to take a guess, I would say that he is going to wipe Hell clean of Demons. Start over.”

  Vazna’s silence causes me to wring my hands. Have I said too much? Probably. But he has this calming way that makes me want to tell him things.


  “A clean slate? No one has ever even contemplated it, on either side. But he can’t do that,” Vazna says insistently, but warily.

  My anger flares up, my eyes turning to flames and sending a frisson of fear through him that I feel before he shakes it off.

  “Of course he can,” I scoff at him, getting myself back under control. Man, that was some power rush. I wonder if the babies are causing that. “He can do whatever the fuck he wants to. He is the Devil. Consequences not exactly a thing, you know.”

  Vazna cringes at my expletive but doesn’t chastise me for it. “All of them?” he asks hesitantly.

  Again, I shrug. “I don’t know. I suppose there are those loyal to him and then those that have a self-preservation higher than their ridiculous convictions. There will be those who stick around.”

  “The Upper-Level Demons?” he inquires.

  My eyes narrow. Oh, he is so busted. I know he is trying to pump me for as much information as he can to use against us, and I’ve been a complete idiot and given him some ammo. Luc is going to fry my sexy ass when I get back down there.

  “This doesn’t tip the scales in your direction,” I bark at him.

  He shivers at my tone and gets a faraway look in his eye.


  “Hmm?” he asks, clearly having gone somewhere else.

  “I said, don’t you dare think you can use this to your advantage. Luc is not in a very forgiving mood, and rules be damned, he will do whatever it takes.” I’m challenging him, and he accepts it.

  He gives me a shrewd look which I return and then smile, a slow seductive smile that affects him.

  “Don’t,” he mumbles, putting his hand up. “Don’t use your powers on me, I told you it isn’t necessary.”

  At that moment, Slade comes flying through the door, his hands outstretched, ready to throttle me.

  “Whoa,” I say, holding my hand up and having him come to an abrupt halt a few feet from me. “What is that for?” I ask huffily. “I came to you in peace.”

  “You are an evil whore and you need to go back to Hell or be destroyed for good,” he hisses.

  I give Evan a rude glare as Dashel slips in next to me and takes my hand. “What did you say to him?” I snap.

  “The truth,” Evan replies with an unconcerned shrug. “Not my fault he came out of his shock at seeing you again and wants to destroy you for ruining his life.”

  “Great, thanks,” I mutter and fix Slade with a withering gaze. “I am not here to hurt you, Slade, and I am…sorry,” I choke on the word to Dashel and Evan’s amusement, “for what I did to you, but remember that if it wasn’t for me, Trixie would never have been created in Lacey’s mind and you wouldn’t have had happiness for the first time in your miserable life. You have a child, for fuck’s sake. Take the win.” I huff in exasperation.

  As if on cue, there is a wail coming from upstairs that signifies the presence of the aforementioned child. Vazna clears his throat as no one moves to see to the infant.

  “Let him go,” he says to me.

  I give him a confused look, which then turns into one of amusement.

  “Oh,” I laugh, “still getting used to these new powers.” I release my invisible hold on Slade, who rushes off without a word to attend to his child.

  “Can we stay?” I call up after him. “Just for a while?”

  “No!” he roars down the stairs. “Get the fuck out!”

  “Okay then,” I grouse, with my hand on the top of my bump. The babies are kicking up a storm right now. A small frown creases my brow and with a small gasp, I run my hand over my belly.

  “Are you okay?” Dashel asks as Evan rushes to my side and takes my arm.

  “Yeah, fine,” I mutter and sit down.

  “We should go,” Evan says quietly.

  I shake my head with a grimace. “Not yet.”

  Vazna is watching this exchange with interest, but then shifts his gaze away as I glare at him.

  He has his hand on the hilt of his sword, but he removes it quickly. “In light of recent events, it appears that you are here legally,” he says imperiously. “In fact, as the only three Demons on Earth, you are well within the figures of balance.”

  Dashel growls at him, clearly not happy at being lumped in with us Demons.

  “He will be here for me and he will take what he wants when he comes,” I spit out, knowing that Vazna’s mind is working overtime with all I have imparted. “Between the two of us, no one will be able to stop us.”

  He gives me a grim look and flaps off, having nothing to say to that.



  I look to where Vazna disappeared and I know what I have to do. I turn to Axelle.

  “I have to go back,” I say.

  “What? Why?” she asks, the fear in her eyes making me love her even more.

  “He may not know it, but he needs support. You cannot be there for him, but I can. Did you not notice that his true form did not affect me in the caverns? You turned Evan away from him, but I was looking directly at him. If that is the case, I am fairly certain that I cannot be destroyed by a mere Demon.”

  She gulps and looks down.

  I know she feels bad for me pointing out that she didn’t try to stop me from looking at him, but as Evan was right next to her, she reacted to what was in front of her. As she always does. I don’t fault her for it. It’s who she is.

  “Oh,” she says, giving me a weak smile. “I thought you meant go back to Heaven.”

  I return her smile and lean forward to kiss her. “No,” I reassure her. “I am happy with my decision to be with you. I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

  She beams at me, her blue eyes filling with tears. “I love you,” she says, kissing me again. “But don’t go back. Please.”

  “I have to. I’ve made up my mind.”

  She bites her lip and then after a pause, nods. “Okay. But stick with Luc, and please don’t get vanquished.”

  “I won’t,” I say and then look at Evan. I don’t think I can move myself back to Hell, although I haven’t tried.

  “You do it,” he states, giving me a vicious look. I know by that glare alone that he doesn’t want me to go, but it’s been decided.

  I look deep within myself. If I could move myself to Heaven as an Angel, surely, I have the ability to move myself to Hell as a Dark Angel.

  I close my eyes and a feeling washes over me, it’s hot and heavy, but when I open my eyes, I’m back in the downstairs corridor of the residence, looking at Luc, who is watching the couple have sex again, from an armchair over in the corner by the stairs.

  He gives me a cursory glance that turns to a grimace as he sees me. “Two things,” he says. “This isn’t what it looks like, and secondly, how the fuck did you get back here?” His face goes dark and he adds, “Actually, three, where is Axelle?”

  “She’s fine with Evan on Earth.” I address the most important t
hing first. “Secondly, I’m a Dark Angel of Hell now, figures I can move myself to and from this dimension. Lastly, it looks like you are watching a couple having intercourse.”

  He chuckles and stands up. “Did you decide you are taking up the mantle of Hell’s Guardian?”

  “I did,” I say slowly. “Am I going to have to fight Darius for the position?”

  Luc snorts. “No. He is my Personal Guard, not Hell’s. Hell has never had one, until now.”

  “That’s a shame. I was quite looking forward to wiping him out, for good this time,” I say.

  “Indeed,” he drawls. “I’m sure he would like another crack at you as well. However, do that on your own time. What are you doing here? Why have you left Axelle?”

  “My place is here, with you, while you sort out this mess. Axelle is perfectly safe. Vazna has been to see her, they talked, and he left with assurance that they are allowed to be there.”

  “Of course, they are,” Luc scoffs. “They are the only two Demons on Earth. Well within the quota. I’m sure that the other side is creaming themselves over having Earth rid of evil for a while.” He gives me a suspicious look. “Speaking of creaming themselves, did Axelle behave around that fuck?”

  “Of course,” I scoff back. “She wouldn’t betray us.” I look over at the couple. “Can the same be said for you?”

  “I was merely thinking,” he answers.

  “About what?”

  “Whether to wipe out every last Demon here or keep a few around to keep Hell ticking over.”

  “Watching people have sex helps with that decision?”

  “I’m horny without my wife here to satisfy my raging dick that all of this destruction is causing. I had no intention of acting on it, but I needed to see someone get some satisfaction.”

  I look back at the male and female, both of them definitely getting satisfied as we speak. “I find watching them interesting. I do not find fault with your actions.”

  “Gee, thanks,” he remarks. “I was seeking your approval.”

  I blink. “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit,” I point out.

  “Yet it is so fun. Would you like to see what you’ve come back to?”

  I look over my shoulder at the double doors. “Before we do that, I want to make something very clear to you.”

  “Oh? What’s that?”

  “I have made peace with my decision to fall. It was always going to be the only option when I realized my feelings for Axelle. I am here now and I’m not going anywhere. I have absolutely no doubts about where my future lies and what it holds. Axelle and I will have a child. I want to make sure you truly accept that and haven’t just told her what she wants to hear.”

  His eyes search mine for a minute. “I’m quite delighted by the prospect. In fact, I hope you have more than one.”

  I stare at him in surprise.

  “You do realize that you will breed a new race of Dark Angels with her. Powerful creatures that will be the best soldiers that I could hope for my son to lead.”

  “An army,” I say flatly. “I might have known you would have twisted this to your own advantage.”

  He shrugs unapologetically. “The Devil. What can I say? Look, I accept you and Evan in Axelle’s life. I accept that she wishes to make a life with you both by whatever means she chooses. But let me make one thing clear to you. I rule Hell. That includes everyone in it and everyone who will come into it in the future. If you do not wish for your offspring to be minions of Hell’s ruler, don’t make them.”

  I grit my teeth, but there is nothing that I can say that won’t sound like a direct challenge to him.

  “Very well,” I mutter. I have no desire to defy him or his rule. He is welcome to it. It is enough for me to know that Axelle loves me and wants me. “Seeing as I now belong to you, why don’t you tell me precisely what it is that you want me to do as Hell’s Guardian.”

  He points to the doors. “Come with me.” He stalks past me and opens the double doors with a flourish.


  With Dashel at my left side, I look out over the scorched ground, filled with the decimated corpses of the corporeal forms of my Demons. I wave my hand grimly and they break apart, disintegrating into ash. Their Demonic essences are dragged up and out of Hell to be sent to the pits. I will have to find somewhere else to put them at some point, as the thousands upon thousands of essences will have overcrowded the banishment zone to the point where it will start to overflow into the Wastelands if I’m not careful. There is no fucking way I’m giving any of them the opportunity to make an escape. I want them all to suffer for eternity for their betrayal.

  “Oh,” Dashel says, somewhat faintly.

  I turn to him. “Throw up and I’ll banish you along with them.”

  “No, it’s not that. I—I, uhm…”

  I stare into his eyes and see desire mingled with an aggression that thrills me.

  “You’re turned on?” I ask him, with a little laugh. “Now, you see why I was watching the live porn.”

  “Yes,” he breathes. “I want to ravage Axelle in this destruction.”

  “Oh, you have no idea,” I mutter. “You will fit in well around here. I had my misgivings, but your blood, my blood, belongs here.”

  I slap him on the shoulder, accepting who he is and feeling slightly warm towards him because of it. He is my family by blood, the only family that I have until my children are born.

  “Take flight,” I order him and then I turn to my right and face what is left of Hell’s Demons. There are more than I thought there would be. I was going for total annihilation, but some of them decided to abandon their quest when I revealed my true self and started slaying left and right. They have been out here with the slain, while I mulled over what to do about them. They are staring at what happens when you defy me. If nothing else, it will serve as a reminder if any residual feelings of revolt might arise in the future. I shift to my fake-Devil form as Dashel sprouts his black wings and flaps them fiercely. I wave my hand, bringing a sword of black flames to his hand, which he stares at with lust and triumph. He takes off, hovering in mid-air until I join him.

  “All of you, on your knees and swear fealty this instant,” I growl at them, reveling in the stench of fear.

  The couple of hundred Demons drop to their knees, heads bowed, their voices trembling as they swear their allegiance to me. I grunt at the sheer preposterousness of the situation. Where did it all go wrong?

  “Get up,” I snarl at them. “See Roberta for your new assignments. Until this mess gets fixed, none of you will have a moment to spare. We cannot show weakness to the other side. Hell has to run as normal and you pathetic bunch of assholes are going to make sure, day and night, that things get done.” I wave my hand again and Roberta appears looking delighted at the torture she is going to hand out at my behest. She was the first one I went to before I rampaged across Hell. She swore her loyalty before I even had to ask. I trust her as much as I can trust anyone at the moment. But then I look over at Dashel and change that thought.

  I trust him.

  He won’t let me down.

  “I wish I had the capability to banish you to the pits,” I mutter, landing next to my father and shifting back to my human appearance.

  “Humph,” Gravla says, adding a rude hand gesture to go with it. “This was totally uncalled for,” he grouses, indicating the destruction around him.

  “I could have ordered them to back-off, but that wouldn’t have smashed out the insubordination. I did what I had to,” I retort as Dashel lands next to me, making my father pale and avoid his gaze as much as he would the plague.

  “Very well,” Gravla states. “But now what? Hell cannot be run by a handful of idiots.”

  “I am well aware,” I respond with gritted teeth. “I need to recoup my losses. But as you will recall, Hell is mine to run. Not yours.” I couldn’t resist the dig, and it hits home.

  My father scowls and then sniffs. “Of course,” he murmurs. “An
d such a grand job you are doing,” he adds with a snort and an indication of the devastation behind him.

  “Fuck off, before I get Dashel to wave his new sword in your direction. He’s dying to try that thing out and who better to test it on than you?” I snarl and watch him stalk off to my satisfaction.

  I need to see my wife now.

  Forgetting all about the rules, I grab Dashel and flame up to Earth, straight to our love.



  I take in a deep breath and shudder. I look at Axelle with a stricken look, but she growls at me.

  “I will rip your balls off if you take me back. I’m fine,” she gets out before she hisses from the pain.

  The stench of blood gets stronger and I shake my head at her. “I’ll have to trust Luc to give me a new pair,” I say desperately, reaching for her and then grunting with relief as the Devil and Dashel appear before our eyes in a burst of flames.

  “What’s happened?” Luc asks immediately, dropping to his knees next to Axelle.

  I sigh. “Your wife is a stubborn little bitch. She didn’t want to worry you, but the babies are coming and it’s not good.”

  “Fuck you,” she shrieks at me for betraying her, but her safety is the only thing that matters.

  “What?” Luc thunders but then slashes his wrist to get Axelle to drink from him. “Axelle,” he says in a softer voice. “We need to get you home.”

  “Is everything sorted?”

  “Yes,” he says shortly. “Let’s go.”

  She sighs in relief and holds her hand out for him to take them back home, which he does, leaving me and Dashel to follow them.

  “Get someone,” Axelle says and flops back to the bed.

  “Is there anyone left to get?” I ask urgently.

  “I don’t understand,” Luc says with a frown. “How has this happened so suddenly?”

  “I don’t know!” I snap. “Just get someone.”

  Luc snaps his fingers and the Dark Oracle appears. “Yes, my Lord?” she inquires and then sees Axelle on the bed. “Oh,” she mutters and gets to work without comment.


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