Love Unscripted

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Love Unscripted Page 5

by Emma Collins

  Laura couldn’t miss the shift in Riley’s demeanor at the mention of her parents. Riley took a gulp rather than a sip of her whiskey.

  “I don’t really remember watching cartoons growing up,” Riley said, a distant look on her face. “There were plenty of black and white movies... And I loved to read, so I guess I just mashed the two interests together and got it into my head that it would be a fun way to make a living.”

  Laura wanted to ask her more about her family, but she didn’t want to upset Riley. She didn’t even mention her parents when she answered, and judging by the way she glossed over it, she had to guess that she didn’t have a great relationship with them, for whatever reason.

  Laura brought her glass to her lips. She was nicely buzzed, and despite the array of emotions she’d felt this evening, she was relaxed. It was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She’d admitted that she really didn’t want to go ahead with this movie idea, and Riley didn’t hold that against her.

  She tried not to feel bad. Like Riley said, it was practice for her, but a part of her wondered what it would be like to have so many people know about her and her books. If they did do this, she’d probably gain thousands of new readers. The money side of things didn’t really interest her. She lived a modest life. Getting a check wouldn’t really change much for her.

  She just couldn’t detach herself from that book and from that time in her life. Even after all these years, it was still so close to her. Giving someone else the power to change it, to add to it.... Laura couldn’t see herself doing it.

  “You okay?” Riley asked softly.

  “Yeah...” The whiskey was encouraging her to speak her mind. “I was just thinking about what it would be like... If I could let Chasing Time go... If we did do the movie.”


  “I don’t know,” Laura said with a smile. “I’m normally so decisive... This is... This is completely out of character for me, but I’m flip flopping between the two, and every time I’m certain that I’ve made the right decision, I change my mind again.”

  “I know what that’s like. I feel it with almost every role I’ve ever taken on. You have to decide whether or not you’re willing to commit to this... It’s going to become your life for weeks and weeks on end. You have to be sure.”

  “So, how did you decide?”

  Riley placed her arm across the back of the couch. “I guess I just learned how to trust my gut. There were always doubts... With every single job I took, but I had to go with that gut feeling.”

  “I have no idea what my gut is telling me to do...”

  “Then take some time... There’s no rush with this. Send back that contract with your requirements. It’ll give you a bit of time to really think it over, and if you do decide to do it, all the technical stuff will be out of the way. The terms will be agreed upon, and we can get down to actually making this happen... Sorry,” Riley said, shaking her head. “I’m getting carried away again. Don’t mind me.”

  Laura couldn’t keep her lips from sliding into a smile. She loved how enthusiastic Riley was about this. She wished she could borrow some of that energy. The thing that dominated her mind and body right now was dread.

  “You’re right,” Laura said, finishing her drink. “I’m going to keep thinking about it... Thank you for being so patient with me. You must think I’m nuts.”

  “Not at all. This is your book. It’s a big decision... And you should take all the time you need,” Riley said as she stood up. “And I should get to bed... This whiskey is too easy to drink.”

  “I’m surprised,” Laura said, getting up.

  “Adam got me into it... I’m guessing that’s not your average bottle.”

  “No. It was a gift from Amanda, last Christmas. I’m always reluctant to drink when I’m here writing on my own...”

  “Slippery slope?”

  “Something like that,” Laura said, handing Riley the pile of pajamas. “I’d hate to become a cliché... The guest room is just down the hall. Last door on the left.”

  “Thanks... I had a great time tonight... You know-”

  “Despite the meltdown.”

  “Yeah,” Riley said with a lopsided smile. “Night.”

  Laura turned off the lights and headed up the stairs, feeling lighter than she had since this whole thing started. This was her choice. She just had to make the right one.

  Chapter 14

  In the week since Riley Hill had stayed the night, Laura did some real soul searching. She went for long hikes during the day, and spent a few evenings with Amanda, talking it through with her over a glass, or four, of wine. Her current book had been ignored for the time being. This was more important, and she’d finally made a decision.

  Riley would be here any minute. Laura only invited her over for a drink, but she figured it made more sense than going out. She didn’t want any distractions, anyone interrupting them and asking for a photo with Riley.

  The doorbell rang, and Laura doubled checked her reflection in the hallway mirror, tousling her hair and straightening her silver chain, getting the clasp out of sight while she took a deep breath. She’d made her decision. There was no going back on it now.

  “Hi,” Laura said as she pulled open her door, a cold blast of air hitting her as Riley greeted her with a smile.

  “Hey... I wasn’t sure what kind of wine you drank,” Riley said, holding up a bottle of red, “But I went with a Merlot. It’s usually a safe bet.”

  “Thanks. You didn’t have to... Come in,” Laura said as she took a step back and once again, she found herself getting a little star struck. “It’s freezing out there.”

  Amanda had watched almost every single one of Riley’s movies with her, and somehow, Riley’s smile was even more dazzling today, her voice sultrier than she remembered when they first met. Laura was starting to see her as a celebrity, and she knew she had to keep that in check if they were going to make this work. She just had to go back to the way things were when they first met, when Riley was just a fan of her books, even if she was an attractive fan.

  “So,” Riley said as she slipped out of her jacket, revealing a black, cozy looking sweater. “I feel like you’ve made up your mind.”

  “What gave me away?” she asked as she hung up Riley’s coat.

  “You sounded nervous on the phone.”

  Laura nodded. “Right, well... I guess, I am,” she said, forcing herself to smile. Nervous didn’t even begin to describe it. “Have a seat,” she said, motioning to the brown leather sofa beside the roaring fire. She left the bottle on the coffee table. “Make yourself at home. I’ll get a corkscrew and two glasses.”

  Laura took down two wine glasses from one of the upper cabinets and found the corkscrew that was still on the counter from last night. All day, she’d been a bit anxious, and she thought it was about the decision she’d made, but as she came back into the living room, she realized it was because she’d be seeing Riley again tonight. And it wouldn’t just be tonight either.

  Well, that would be up to Riley. She might jet back to Hollywood once Laura agreed to option her book, and she could very well never hear from her again, but Laura had a feeling that this wasn’t just about her book. She thought Riley was genuine.

  She uncorked the wine and poured them each a generous glass.

  “Cheers,” Riley said, lifting her glass and clinking it gently off Laura’s.

  “Cheers.” Laura took a quick drink before putting her glass on the coffee table. “So, you’re right. I did make up my mind... Finally.”

  Laura draped her arm across the back of the couch, trying to get comfortable as she leaned back into the cushions. She was sitting on her own couch, yet she might as well have been in a holding cell, waiting for her interrogation to begin. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this nervous. She met Riley’s eyes and that did little to calm her nerves.

  “I want to do this,” Laura breathed.

  “Really? Are you

  “Yes,” Laura said with a sigh. “Yes. definitely. I mean, I went back and forth for the last week, but this is the right decision.”

  “That’s great. I can’t believe it.”

  Riley’s smile was at a hundred watts, and it was contagious. Laura reached for her glass. If she didn’t know better, she’d say this was her third or fourth glass. She was buzzed, but it wasn’t from the alcohol. Being around Riley seemed to have that effect on her.

  “That’s fantastic news,” Riley said, reaching for Laura’s hand that was still across the back of the couch and giving it a quick squeeze. “I can’t wait to tell Adam.”

  “Yeah... And there’s one more thing. I’ve decided not to get involved.” That was the part that was making her nervous. Doing the movie was one thing, but letting it go completely? That was one of the scariest things she could ever do, but that was the way it had to be.

  “What? Are you sure? I know I said that it would be difficult, but I’m sure that they’d let you have some say.”

  “No. I’m sure. I spent hours talking it over with Amanda, and she had some really valid points. One of them was to just let the book go. It was there for me when I needed it, but now... Now, it’s going to be something else, and I have to trust you and Adam and everyone else that’s going to be involved... That you’ll respect the story, but of course, it’s going to have changes made to it...”

  “And you’ll probably hate whoever ends up playing you,” Riley said with a smile as she took another drink.


  “Well, your reaction to me playing Gwen wasn’t great. I’m sure you think of Lynn as yourself... And someone is going to cast an actress who might not fit the image you have of yourself, or Lynn... It’s going to be tough, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “I hadn’t even thought about that... I was thinking about it in terms of plot and what they’re going to cut or add to it... All of it will be tough, I guess, which is why I have to just let go of it.”

  “I probably don’t need to say this, but I want to,” Riley said as she scooted a little closer to her on the couch. “I’m going to work incredibly hard on this. First of all, because I take every role seriously. Secondly, this story had a huge impact on me... and thirdly, I want you to be proud of it. I want this to be something Grace would have been proud of.”

  Laura reached for her drink, blinking back tears. She swallowed the lump in her throat down with the Merlot as she kept her emotions in check.

  “Thank you,” Laura said in just above a whisper. “I really appreciate it... That you understand where I’m coming from and what the story means to me... Plus, this could be your last acting job. You know, if you’re pursuing screenwriting. I’m sure you’ll want to go out with a bang.”

  Riley laughed softly. “You know, I wasn’t even thinking about that, but you’re right. This really could be it.”

  “Will you miss it?”

  Riley sighed. “I don’t know. I guess, I’ll have to wait and see... But I’m looking forward to it being more of a hobby. I might take on a small role or go back to theater. Who knows? I feel like I’m about to start a second life.”

  “And you’re only twenty-nine.”

  “Ah,” Riley said with an almost flirtatious smile. “You did do your research on me... Was that when we first met or the other day?”

  Laura ran her fingertip along the rim of her glass. There was no point lying. “This past week... I might have watched some of your movies too.”

  “Really?” Riley asked, her smile turning into a grin. “What’d you think?”

  “Well... Romantic comedies suit you. I’m not really into movies which is why I’m probably one of ten people on this planet who didn’t know who you were, but I enjoyed those three...”

  “And the horror?”

  “I might have been looking through my fingers for most of it,” Laura said, her cheeks heating up at that admission. “Amanda said it was good though.”

  “Okay, you’re not into scary movies... What about the more dramatic stuff? Did you see my last movie?”

  “The one that’s out now?”

  “Yeah,” Riley said as she took another sip.

  “No... We were just flicking through Netflix. So, I haven’t seen all of them.”

  “We should go.”

  “Together? To see your movie?” Laura asked, figuring she’d misunderstood her.

  “Yeah. Why not?”

  “Do actors do that? Go to their own movies?”

  Riley shrugged. “It’s not an ego thing, if that’s what you mean. I want you to see it, and I wouldn’t mind going with you... Unless you want to see it with Amanda?”

  “No. That’s not what I meant... Sorry. Of course, I’d go see it with you.”

  “Alright. Some day this week, if you’re free. Daytime is better too... Less people.”


  “Sure,” Riley said as she finished her drink. “Tomorrow it is... Are you really sure about this? Our project I mean, not going to the movies tomorrow. I’m going to call Adam tonight if you are.”

  “I am,” Laura said, her voice sounding much more confident than it did the last time. “Call him. Give him the good news.”

  She was all in now, and instead of worrying about what was going to happen to her book, Laura was looking forward to going to the movies tomorrow, with Riley Hill. The whole thing was surreal.

  Chapter 15

  “So, were my tears believable?” Riley asked when they got back to her place. She wanted to ask her since the credits started rolling across the screen, but she didn’t want to seem desperate either.

  “Yes,” Laura said as Riley took her coat from her and hung it up. “I can’t believe I cried though...”

  “Well, we’re even then.”

  Laura quirked her eyebrow.

  “You made me cry with your story,” Riley explained as she flicked on some extra lamps on their way into the living room. “And my movie made your cry.”

  “Ah. I guess we are then.”

  “Not that I want to make it a habit or anything... Something to drink?” she asked, changing the subject. She didn’t know what it was about Laura, but she was always a little nervous around her, edgy even. She said anything that came to mind, because she was comfortable around her, but then she second guessed everything, worrying about what Laura must think of her.

  Riley always hated that Hollywood, blond bimbo cliché, and she regretted playing a role just like that when she was trying to pay the bills in L.A. She was nothing like that, although her biggest problem was rambling with a touch of clumsiness. So far, at least, Laura hadn’t seen much of either of those.

  “A glass of wine or a bottle of beer?” Laura asked as she sat down. “I have to drive so... Nothing too strong.”

  “No whiskey tonight then.”

  “Right... Surprise me.”

  Riley opened her mouth to say something she probably shouldn’t. Instead, she just gave her a smile before she went into the kitchen. Sometimes, the way Laura looked at her... She thought there might be a hint of attraction there. It was more than likely just wishful thinking, and if they were going to be working together for the next few months, Riley should tone down those kinds of thoughts.

  Although, if Laura’s not getting involved with this project... There wouldn’t really be a conflict of interest. Laura would sign the contract and that would be it.

  Riley opened the refrigerator and took out two bottles of beer. She’d really let her imagination run wild today. Nothing had happened, except that she’d had a good time, for the first time in a long time, and it had nothing to do with work. She loved spending time with Adam, but they inevitably started talking shop, and today had been... So different.

  “Here you go,” Riley said, handing Laura her beer as she sat down beside her.

  “Thanks... So, what did Adam have to say?”

  “I was wondering when you were going to ask,” Riley s
aid, feeling her lips slide into a smile. “He’s thrilled, but he’s spent more time warning me about this project... Not to get my hopes up. It’s my first time writing... Am I sure that I’m willing to take on another movie... He’s been listening to me talk about quitting for years, so I know where he’s coming from, but I do really want to do this.”

  “And we’re not the only ones that want to do this? There’s someone willing to back it?”

  “That’s what Adam tells me, but until it’s officially begun, I’m always a little skeptical. Your contract should be here in a few days though. That part is straight forward.”

  Laura nodded, and Riley thought about what she’d just said. All Laura had to do was sign over the rights. There was no reason for Riley to see her again. Tonight could even be the last time.

  “I know you said that you don’t want an official role,” Riley started, thinking out loud. “But what about a... consulting type of thing. I always spend time getting to know the character I’m playing, but this is different. She was real... And the whole story... It would be great to have you to bounce ideas off of.”

  “Yeah, sure. You can always call me, once you factor in the time difference,” Laura said with a hint of a smile.

  “Well... I was actually thinking of having you around... You know, on set or at least on location, because like I said, it wouldn’t be an official thing.”

  “You want me to move to L.A.?”

  Riley took a quick drink. She had no idea what she was doing, but she wanted to spend more time with Laura. “Not L.A. necessarily. We could be filming almost anywhere. It could even be Upstate New York. I’m just putting it out there. I could always call you... I just thought...”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I’m flattered,” Laura said, sitting forward slightly as she ran her hand through her dark hair. “I’d love to be able to let you know what I was thinking about a particular scene... Is it okay if I think about it?”

  “Of course. We don’t know when or where we’ll be filming so... It’s months away yet.”

  Riley took a long drink. It wasn’t unreasonable or crazy to ask Laura for that kind of guidance, except, she knew the motivation wasn’t entirely work related. She’d be packing her bags next week and going back to her life in California. It’d be nice to know that she’d get to see Laura again.


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