Love Unscripted

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Love Unscripted Page 6

by Emma Collins

  “I think it’s a great idea,” Laura said, sitting back into the cushions again. “I just don’t want to commit when I don’t know the details.”

  “We’ll be in touch then...”

  “How much longer are you in town for?”

  “I’m flying back next week. I rented this place for a month. It went fast,” Riley said, her short nails peeling back the label away from the bottle while she spoke. “Back to reality,” she said with a weak smile.

  “You’ll probably have a lot of work to do... Not that I think your script needs work,” Laura quickly added. “Sorry, that came out wrong.”

  “It’s okay. I know what you mean, and there is a lot to do. I’m sure you have a good agent, but make sure they negotiate. The studios are known for low-balling authors.”

  Laura laughed softly as Riley got up to throw another log on the fire.

  “What’s so funny?” Riley asked, sitting down again, crossing one leg over the other.

  “I don’t have an agent. I never did. I have an editor. I work with a publishing company sometimes, but I’ve never been involved with anything like this... I suppose I should get one.”

  “You don’t have an agent?”

  “No,” Laura said, taking a drink. “There was no need.”

  “Wow... Okay, well, I know plenty of them, if you want me to recommend one to you. They’d have experience with optioning books.”

  “Sure. I wouldn’t know where to begin or what kind of figure to even accept.”

  “I’ll give you a few phone numbers,” Riley said, bringing her bottle to her lips and finishing what was left. She couldn’t imagine not having an agent. Laura would definitely need one, even if she never used them again, she’d need an agent for this deal.

  Riley watched Laura finish her beer. This was it, for a few weeks anyway. Riley might call her when they got more details about the filming location and the timeline, but she’d have no reason to until then.

  “I better get going,” Laura said as she stood up, and Riley did the same. “Thanks for today. I had a great time.”

  “Me too...”

  This was unnecessarily awkward. Riley took a step forward and wrapped her arms around her in a brief yet warm hug. Laura’s espresso brown hair brushed across her cheek as she pulled away. Riley knew the last few weeks would have been hard for her, bringing up the past and everything, and she wanted to say something, but she knew she’d only mess it up. The last thing she wanted to do was upset her, especially when she wouldn’t be seeing her again anytime soon.

  “I’ll text you those numbers,” Riley said as she took Laura’s coat down off the hook that was inside the front door and handed it to her. “For the agents I know.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that...” Laura slipped into her jacket, pushing her hair across one shoulder. “You’re secret’s safe with me, by the way. I don’t want you worrying about it. I didn’t even tell Amanda, and she knows everything.”

  Riley nodded, her cheeks heating up at the mention of the lie she was living. She really needed to fix that situation, and this movie would be the perfect opportunity to do that. They had to make it first. She wasn’t going to get ahead of herself, but by the time this was over, she’d be out.

  “I trust you with it,” Riley said, giving her a weak smile. “I guess I had a gut feeling or something... Thanks again for today.”

  “Goodnight,” Laura said as she took her keys out of her coat pocket and left, giving her a quick wave on the way out.

  “Night,” Riley called after her, closing the door to keep the chilly night air out. She got another bottle of beer from the fridge and got comfortable on the couch while she caught up on the news.

  Riley had never been one for friends. She got along with most of the people she worked with, and while a project was ongoing, they’d go out for drinks or dinner, but none of those friendships ever lasted. They all went their separate ways after, and except for a few posts on social media, they never kept in touch.

  She’d always had Adam, but he was more like a brother to her. This was the first time in years that she actually wanted to really get to know someone. Maybe she was still looking at Laura with admiration, but she didn’t think so. She’d gotten past that. She just liked being around her, and Riley loved being treated like a normal person. That could be it. It happened so rarely.

  Riley stretched out on the couch, fluffing the cushion behind her before she got comfortable. She’d see Laura again, and hopefully Riley wouldn’t be too busy filming to spend some more time with her.

  Chapter 16

  Riley unlocked the door of the three-bedroom house she would be calling home for the next few months. She wheeled her black suitcase behind her, a trickle of sweat running down her back. The listing for this place said it had air-conditioning, and Riley hoped it was working. She knew summers on the east coast were muggy, but this felt like she was in the middle of a jungle, the air hot and heavy, her clothes clinging to her.

  She left her suitcase at the foot of the timber stairs and surveyed the room. She knew from the pictures that this house was far from modern, but the location was perfect, and she wanted a change from her stylish home in Bakersfield. This house could only be described as country chic with pine floors throughout the open planned living room and kitchen area. Everything was finished to a high standard, but it still had that country feel to it.

  The real benefit to this house was that it was less than fifteen minutes away from where they would be shooting most of the movie, and after eight months of working with Adam and the studio on her script, she couldn’t wait to get started. Being involved in the whole process was new to her. Normally she got the script around this time, just a few weeks before they got started. She was often juggling multiple projects, but this time, it was all about Chasing Time.

  Riley had stood her ground when it came to the title. She didn’t want it changed, and they listened. She had to assume that Laura had signed her contract months ago. She had no idea how she was. If she was really okay with this or not. She said she was, but that was months ago.

  Riley had wanted to call her. She was only back in California for a few days when she picked up her phone and debated calling her, but she didn’t want it to seem like she was pressuring her. Laura would get her contract, and it would be up to her to negotiate a price. Riley didn’t want to be influencing her when that was going on, and then she thought about calling her a month or two later, but it was Thanksgiving and then it was Christmas. She didn’t know how Laura dealt with the holidays or if she had family to spend them with. The timing was never right.

  She could have sent her a text, but she didn’t really have a reason to. At least, now... The movie was finally getting underway, and Laura had seemed open-minded about helping Riley figure out different scenes and character motivation. This was the right time to get in touch with her.

  Chapter 17

  Laura’s sat nav directed her to turn left onto a dirt road that winded through the thick forest. She’d spent most of the three-hour drive wondering what she was really doing. Why was she bothering coming all the way up here if she didn’t want to worry about how this movie was going to turn out?

  She headed along the I-87 on autopilot, passing signs for the Catskills, and traveling further north. Riley had called her yesterday, inviting her to stay with her for a few days. She’d rented a house for the next six months, and although it was remote, it was supposed to be a short drive to where they’d be filming.

  Laura accepted her offer, because she’d pretty much committed to it months ago, when Riley had said that she could use her take on things, but so much time had passed... Laura wondered if they’d have that same... She didn’t know what it was. She just liked being around Riley, and it had nothing to do with her fame. She was comfortable when she was with her, even if she did make her a little nervous from time to time, but that was her own problem.

  Riley was stunning, to the point where it was distra
cting. It wasn’t even her looks. It was something about her personality. She had this easy going way about her, and her smile was infectious. Even talking to her about Grace was almost therapeutic, and that was new to her. She didn’t normally talk about Grace even to Amanda. She just didn’t like going back there, but this whole thing, if nothing else, has brought her some closure... Even before this movie gets made. Laura was in a better place than she was this time last year.

  The house finally appeared, the sun slipping behind the trees as Laura pulled up behind Riley’s black BMW. They were deep in the forest, the humming of cicadas surrounding her as she got out of her car and took her suitcase out of the trunk.

  Laura brought her laptop, just in case. She never liked to leave home without it, and she also had no idea what the next few days were going to be like. She didn’t know if she was going to be spending most of the day with Riley or if she’d have things to do before they started filming and they would just chat in the evenings. She could see herself getting some work done here though. A change of scenery always helped.

  Not that she even needed to think about her next book. She’d finished her last project two months ago, and she’d only vaguely started thinking about the next one. The check she’d gotten for the rights to Chasing Time would keep her going indefinitely. She’d always been good with money, but that would provide the kind of buffer that would keep her from ever worrying about her finances again.

  Laura carried her compact suitcase up the three steps that led to the porch. Two Adirondack chairs and a few potted plants were to the left of the door, and before Riley even opened it, she decided that these few days would do her good.

  “Hey,” Riley said as she pulled open the door, her blond hair tied back in a messy bun. She was wearing khaki shorts and a black tank top. She was more tanned than the last time Laura saw her, possibly even more toned. “Come on in.”

  “So, this is home for the next few months?” Laura asked as she followed her inside, leaving her suitcase by the door, the air-conditioning hitting her right away.

  “Yeah. I’ve only been here a few days, but it already feels like home... I’ll show you where your room is. The bedrooms are all upstairs.”

  “Okay.” Laura picked up her suitcase and let her lead the way, turning right at the top of the stairs where there were three open doors.

  “There’s two bedrooms. Have your pick, and the bathroom is just there... I think this one is a bit brighter,” she said, letting Laura have a look for herself.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll go with this one.”

  It wasn’t spacious, the double bed taking up most of the room, but that was okay with her. She’d done a little research when Riley had given her the address, and there were plenty of trails near here, a lake too. She probably wouldn’t be spending much time in here anyway.

  “Alright,” Riley said, “I’ll let you get settled in. This house isn’t the fanciest or anything, but there is a pool out the back. I hope you brought a bathing suit... I don’t know if I remembered to say it to you though.”

  “I didn’t, but I probably wouldn’t have...”

  “In this heat? It’s supposed to be ninety-seven tomorrow.”

  Laura shrugged. “What can I say? I’m not much of a pool person.”

  “Alright... Well, I’ll be downstairs. I just opened a bottle of wine... Take your time settling in.”


  Laura lifted her suitcase onto the bed and started hanging up her clothes. The idea of going for a swim really didn’t appeal to her. She was in pretty good shape for her age. That’s one of the reasons she went hiking, but even if she didn’t avail of the pool... Riley would.

  Laura swallowed. She could use that glass of wine. She didn’t care whether it was red or white. She’d reasoned with herself before that she’d been drawn to Riley because she was an actress. That she probably had that effect on almost everyone she met, but the idea of Riley lounging around the pool in a bikini got her heart beating a little faster.

  She went into the bathroom across the hall with her toiletries bag and splashed some water on her face. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d really checked out another woman. Even ten years later, it felt disloyal to Grace. It didn’t matter anyway. Riley could have just about anyone she wanted. The only reason she didn’t was because she wasn’t out. Even if Laura was interested, the chances of Riley feeling the same were slim.

  There were a few times in those days they spent together months ago that Laura thought Riley might have been borderline flirting with her, but when Laura really thought about it... Riley couldn’t act that way around anyone who didn’t know she was gay. That was it. It was safe for her to potentially flirt with Laura. Riley might not even have realized she was doing it. It was probably one of the very few times when she could be herself.

  Laura knew Riley had Adam, but that was different. There was her ex... or kind of ex, as Riley put it, but other than that, Riley had to guard her feelings.

  She was probably the only lesbian Riley had ever been around who she could be herself with. It had nothing to do with attraction. What would a thirty-year-old, world famous actress want with her anyway? She’d be forty-four in a few days. Riley was definitely out of her league, but it was liberating to feel that stir somewhere deep inside. It had been so long, she was starting to wonder if she’d ever be attracted to another woman again.

  Laura headed downstairs, more than ready for a glass of wine, and if there was some light flirting at some point over the next few days, she’d be up for that. As long as it was just innocent fun, and Laura was convinced that’s all it would be, for either of them.

  Chapter 18

  “I took the liberty of pouring you a glass of wine,” Riley said as Laura came down the stairs. She was still wearing the clothes she arrived in, white pants and a red blouse. “It’s a Chardonnay, but if you’d rather have beer, there’s two kinds in the fridge.”

  “Thanks. I’ll go with the wine,” Laura said as she sat down on the couch beside her, leaving some space between them.

  “Did you have any trouble finding the house?”

  “No. Well, I had the sat nav on... But it was strange driving past where I grew up, where I lived with Grace and not turning off. I haven’t been up here in years.”

  “Thank you for coming... I don’t think I said that earlier. I wasn’t sure if you’d still be interested,” Riley said. She had no idea how these next few days were going to go... If they’d be relaxed or emotional. “I know this whole process hasn’t been easy for you... So, thank you.”

  “I think we’re on the same page now. We want this movie to be the best it can be... If I can help you out at all, I’d be glad to.”

  Riley nodded. “I appreciate that...” She was surprised by how formal they were being with each other. Yes, it had been months since they last spoke, but this time, it felt like Laura was here on business, rather than as a friend.

  I guess she is. That’s how I worded it when I asked her... I wanted her insight, so that I could do the character justice.

  Riley didn’t just want this to be about business though. She’d really missed Laura in the last few months and being around her again only reminded her of that. Just the sound of her voice did something to her, and Riley didn’t know how she was going to get past it.

  “I’d like to apologize,” Laura said as she took a sip of wine. “It wasn’t until after you went back to California that I realized how self-centered I was. It was all about me and how I felt about making this movie... But what about you? You were ready to retire you said, and now, you’re about to begin a pretty big project. You’ve done most of the writing too. How are you? Are you regretting doing this?”

  Riley took a drink while she thought about how much to reveal. “I don’t think you were self-centered. It was a big decision... You had to think about it from every angle... I kind of wish I had done that.”

  “So, you are having regrets.”

  Riley sighed. “No. I wouldn’t say that... I guess, I was just so excited about getting to write the adaptation, meeting you, putting this whole thing in motion... I wasn’t thinking about how challenging this is going to be.”

  “What do you mean? Acting again?”

  “No...” Riley held Laura’s gaze. “I’m nervous about the... Romantic aspects of the role.”

  “Really? I thought you’d be thrilled... You know, because you wouldn’t be playing a straight character again. Why are you nervous?”

  Riley took another drink. God, this was embarrassing. “I’ve uh... I’ve only ever kissed one woman.”

  “Your ex.”

  “Right... I never wanted to risk it with anyone else. That’s not all though,” Riley said, running her fingertip along the rim of her glass. “The woman playing Lynn... It’s Julie McCoy.”

  “Julie McCoy?”

  Laura may never have heard of Riley but judging by her open mouth and the curl of her lips, she knew exactly who Julie McCoy was.

  “When did this happen?” Laura asked.

  “A few weeks ago. I wanted to text you, but you said you wanted to let go, so I didn’t want to bother you with all the details.”

  “That’s a pretty big deal.”

  “Because she’s playing a character loosely based on you?” Riley guessed.

  “That and Julie fucking McCoy is going to be in this movie, that’s based on my book. I can’t believe it,” Laura said with a laugh.

  “Should I be offended? You reacted pretty badly to me being in this film, but Julie McCoy... You’re actually blushing.”

  That made Laura smile. “I know who she is, and I might have a crush on her. I always thought she might have been gay.”

  “What? You have a thing for her?”

  Laura shrugged. “Yeah. She’s stunning. She’s got that old Hollywood thing going for her, you know? She kind of reminds me of Ava Gardner.”


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