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by Melissa Meintjes

  He walked back, with pink lipstick, hidden in his palm and then kissed Gabriel and then said “I just wanted to kiss you before I painted those big lips out.” Then Carl painted Gabriel’s enormous masculine mouth, and stared in admiration at the beauty of all his colors. Then Gabriel looked in the mirror and for a moment fell in love again with himself, the way he often felt when admiring himself. Then he walked back to Carl and kissed him in a self-conceited manner that seemed to celebrate a love for Carl and for himself. As Carl felt Gabriel’s massive and soft, yet firm lips on his, he knew he did not need any paint for Gabriel’s massive lips seemed to contain enough for both.

  Gabriel then asked Carl if he wanted to spend the night, to which Carl responded yes. After half an hour of watching more television, filled with pride for they knew they were better than any woman. They decided to go to sleep, which they accomplished nude, and holding each other.

  The following morning, Carl left Gabriel at around six am, so that he could go home and get dressed in his own bedroom where all his clothes were. He left Gabriel, who woke up later to the sound of his alarm. With half an hour to prepare for work, Gabriel rushed through his routine, and almost forgot to wash off the make-up but managed to.

  Gabriel went to work, in his usual, green scrubs and sneakers and felt happy with the elation of knowing he had sex the night before. His anus hurt a little bit, but all the happiness inside him seemed to compensate.

  He walked in to the big pink hospital as always, at ten am when his usual shift would begin. He then walked around to look at all the patients, in the west wing of the Baptist hospital, and asked them all individually how they were doing. They all seemed fine. The gunshot victim seemed to be recuperating, and the cancer patient seemed to be more accepting of death. He gave all the patient’s their medications, and then sat waiting for one of them to call him. Eventually one patient called him and threatened suicide, to which Gabriel responded, by calling the head nurse, and in the mean while waited for the head nurse to arrive.

  While he sat waiting for the head nurse, the teenage boy asked “why are you waiting here?”

  Then Gabriel responded “I have to make sure that you do not commit suicide.”

  Then the teenage boy responded “I do not want to. I was lying.”

  Then Gabriel responded, “I am sorry it is hospital policy.”

  Then the teen age boy, in a state of emotional upset, said “You have some make-up on. Are you a faggot?”

  Then Gabriel responded no, “I sometimes work in the theatre.”

  Then the boy asked “what play are you doing?”

  Gabriel hesitated, and then said a word that came to his mind “Othello,” he responded.

  Then the boy smirked and growled “There are no faggots in Othello. Faggot.”

  Then Gabriel felt queasy, as he realized he was being persecuted for his sexuality. In defense, he lied again, and said “In fact there is a faggot in Othello.”

  Then the boy claimed “no there is not. You stupid faggot.”

  Gabriel then responded “in this version there is.” In a few minutes, the head nurse arrived, and Gabriel left the injured boy to her attention.

  Gabriel felt terrible, for what the injured boy had said, seemed to insult every ounce of who he was. He felt worthless, even though on some level he felt like the best. All the years of homosexual persecution had caused him to feel pride despite the persecution. The holocaust always made him feel that being a faggot was a compliment, and anyone who said otherwise was the insult. To him it did not make sense that humanity could be so evil, and so for a moment he felt terrible; but as the moments passed he said to himself with pride “I am a faggot, but what are you.” to the boy who still seemed present in his mind. Later that day, he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror at the faggot that others hated and again felt love and pride, for he saw the most beautiful man in the world; physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

  Chapter 3

  Gabriel Strife, the manager at a local Miami, Seven Eleven, worked hard all day, and felt eager to go home in to his apartment, in down town Miami, he lived in a high ceilinged loft style home in a condominium society that consisted of two towers. The two white towers, with their blue windows emphasized, stood tall in Miami on the street of Sunset. They looked like they belonged to a movie, where the architect had used light houses as an inspiration. So although they seemed far from the sea, their tropical appeal had always won him over. The high windows of his loft, also moved him, for he felt closer to the sky, and every day he felt happy for being closer to nature because it seemed to mean that he was part of nature, something that made him proud. His girlfriend was still attending college and therefore living at the dorms, and so he lived with his room-mate, Rickey. Rickey with straight dark hair, and dark skin and eyes contrasted with Gabriel’s curly blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned pale skin. The two men seemed like two halves of a whole, like the yin and yang, and their friendship seemed to symbolize the balance of the universe and its eternal harmony. Although they were not gay, many wondered if they were.

  Gabriel’s girlfriend, Sarah Pearl, also had blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale tanned skin. He had always loved her perfectly congruous face, which to him embodied flawless beauty, and her overly exuberant female curves wrapped around a thin silhouette. She seemed to look like America’s sweetheart from the days of Doris Day, celebrating a robust femininity instead of anorexia. Her thick blonde, long hair, yelled health, and her brown eye brows contrasted with her blue eyes, which she felt made them shine more. He enjoyed her personality but mostly her sex, which to him seemed to fulfill him and give his life meaning. He felt that she came close to matching his perfection of features, which consisted of a slender slightly arched nose, big pouty lips and big blue green eyes.

  They dated each other often. Sometimes they would go dancing, during which he would feel her round shape whirl him in to a frenzy of sex, and he would feel prouder, for she seemed like the female celebration of him. One night they went to a dance club where the music played loud and they danced almost until three am. Other nights he would take her to a movie, or rent one in his apartment. She enjoyed a wide assortment of movies and enjoyed almost every movie he chose because she had been watching it with him. The moments were bliss, other than when she would fawn over other men. He would become filled with jealousy, but then her blow jobs would take his jealousy away, and hide it in some ancient animalistic part of him. Her softness, and suppleness made every moment become filled with happiness. Her expensive sweaters and wide array of high heeled shoes, made him like her even more, for she seemed to embody expensive taste, and therefore everything brilliant in his mind. They would often go for walks on the beach together, and at night lie on the beach, close together fondling each other. The stars lit up their feelings, for they both felt close to god, and close to love, at once; the two ultimate forces in their universe. The Miami star filled sky felt like the most beautiful thing in the world, as they felt each other’s heart beats, and throbbing sex.

  After a while, Gabriel and Sarah’s dates became ultra-sexual, during which they would lie together nude, and feel complete through the beauty of each other without any movies or entertainment.

  Although Gabriel felt Sarah to be one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, he felt admiration for others too, but tried to keep his feelings to himself, and therefore would become very angry when she did not do the same. She would often openly make him jealous. On her Facebook account she would often have pictures of men; movie stars, and famous players of sport. She would fawn about how she wished she could be with many of them. For example, she would say she loved the men who played in Supernatural. During moments like these Gabriel felt overwhelmed with jealousy, and would often go out flirting with other women, only to feel more ashamed, and angry. For losing Sarah felt like the worst thing that could ever happen to him. Other women did not compare to her, and therefore, he would always only feel scared of losing he
r. He would go online to sexual chat rooms, and flirt with prostitutes who had pictures of their vagina’s exposed. After going to such chat rooms he would often feel terrible, as if he had betrayed the one person he loved most. Also, the sexual guilt from his upbringing affected him. So he began to desire punishment; such as getting spanked. As a result he decided to frequent sadomasochistic web sites more often.

  One night after work, and dinner, he sat watching television with his roommate, and experienced a slight erection over a young woman on television. So he decided to relieve himself of the tension, in his bedroom. As he lay in his bed, he began to fondle his penis, and felt the long mushroom like shape extend in his hand. After a minute he closed his eyes, and tried to imagine, fornicating with Sarah, but instead felt obliterated in his attempts. His penis began to go limp and he began to desire punishment for all the times he had cheated on Sarah in his mind. He again tried to imagine her nude, but instead of the usual vibrant sexuality he had always felt, he felt pierced by his jealousy, and his guilt. Instead of not attempting any further and walking back out to the television room, the way many would have, the sweet memory of his erection moved him to try again. So he took out some lubricating oil that he had bought for the purpose of masturbation, and rubbed some on his penis, which rose slightly as a reaction. He then took off his pants, and lay on his bed. He then began rubbing his beautiful long penis. He imagined it inside Sarah, but the erection immediately started going limp. So he decided to close his eyes and think of different women. He immediately imagined the prostitutes from the internet. He imagined their round and firm butt cheeks moving on screen. He imagined them bent over, and he strangely felt at ease, and during that ease he felt his penis come alive. So he decided, in his state of sexual hunger, to watch a beautiful prostitute nude. He got up nude from the waist down, and sat in his office chair by his computer, which he had already switched on.

  Once he opened his browser, he navigated to his favorite pornography site and looked under the index for his favorite pornography star, called Joselin Cake. He clicked her name, and immediately pictures of her showed up nude. Her brown hair, and plump white body made him feel ecstasy. How could a creature so divine appear on a screen and tempt him from an unknown world which he could never touch? He wondered. So he decided, to click through her photos, and then found one of her getting spanked. Her white butt cheeks red, from repeated assaults, stunned him in their beauty, and he felt encouraged to masturbate. He began to rub and rub until semen started spurting beneath his desk. He felt the beauty of his sex please him and as he moaned he felt the orgasm he had been longing for, as every muscle tensed and then released. He then lunged in to his bed and fell asleep.

  The following morning, Gabriel Strife, felt happy and satisfied, thinking about Joselin Cake. As he thought about Sarah he began to feel guilty, but happy he had relieved his anger. He wished he could spank her. He imagined her round buttocks with their tan lines getting red like Joselin’s. As he got an erection and realized it was too late for him to masturbate, he started thinking about his mother, and while hoping that the erection would dissipate, it disappeared.

  Chapter 4

  After Natasha told her father, Fredrick, about Juliet, her father reprimanded Juliet for her extreme religious beliefs, and for refusing to accept illness as a regular part of life. Although part of him wanted to break up with Juliet he could not bring himself to such an act, because he had spent too many years with her. He always remembered the first time they had met, and felt warm inside over her friendliness. Her big bright smile had moved him, and made him forget his first wife and her cold dismissal of his needs.

  His first wife, Magdalena, who had honey blonde hair, thin lips and blue eyes, had married Fredrick when they were in their early twenties and although they had very few things in common except their love of the sea, and a dream of living in Florida together one day, they loved each other. They belonged to different religions, different cultures, and held different views on health. While Magdalena smoked, Fredrick never did. She would routinely excuse her terrible habit, by claiming everyone had habits; whether it be chocolate, sweet things, or an addiction to sex. Unlike Fredrick, Magdalena had been raised to see sex as taboo. To feel oppressed by guilt every time she thought of it. The Catholic church had made her feel guilty about everything that at all led to procreation and then did not; especially if outside the bonds of marriage. As a result she always expected love without the cost of sex. She expected eternal friendship without romance; and for the marriage to flourish on spiritual love instead of physical. For example, she only wanted to have sex when they were going to have babies, while Fredrick wanted sex almost every night. Although he understood the nature of Catholicism, he also wanted a wife, a woman who would cling to him, make love to him, and make him feel like a king through the physical aspects of romance. As a result, when he went away on business trips he would often fornicate with other women, who he believed made up for his spiritual starvation, a starvation he believed stemmed from a lack of romance and sex. He believed sex and love were essential to life and often said to his children “like a flower needs water, a relationship needs love.” Magdalena, although she claimed that she believed in the same concept, her idea of love meant refraining, and embodying sacrifice the way God had; through the pictures of Jesus and the saints that she believed in. She believed true love came from the test of suffering and abstinence.

  Fredrick’s love for his first wife began to dwindle as the girlfriend’s abroad reconfirmed to him that his beliefs about sex had always been right, while Magdalena’s had always been wrong. He became so enamored with other women and so pompous in his beliefs, that he eventually trusted the religion of sex to the point that he lost all sense of paranoia, and therefore his wife accidently discovered his true nature. One of the women he had slept with, eventually gave him a genital wart, and instead of caring enough to make sure his wife never found out, Magdalena found out one night when she decided to give in to temptation and, therefore, tried to make love to her husband. Fredrick felt so overwhelmed with lust and surprise, that he did not think about his wart, and in the dimly lit room fornicated with his wife. After fornication, she decided to give him oral sex, a concept she rarely entertained because of her desire to stay pure spiritually. So that night she decided to partake in oral sex because she had felt the cold fingers of age and suffering creep up on her; concepts which had forced her to question her faith. As she licked his penis, she discovered a small lump and in alarm ran to switch the lights on. To her dismay, she discovered that the love she had revolved her life around no longer existed in its bright purity and comforting glow. So she decided to separate from him. He begged for her forgiveness, and because of all the times she had been taught to forgive, she forgave, and realized that part of love was also the sacrifice of such moments, and therefore felt more pure and proud in her new station as his ex-love.

  Fredrick, contrary to Magdalena, did not stay with her out of a sense of forgiveness for all the times she had rejected him, but rather out of an understanding for life and spirituality, the way it actually was. He understood her Catholic faith and felt secure in her devotion and love, and therefore appreciated its eternal nature which captivated his admiration, over the transient nature of carnal love. He also understood that life could be challenging, and therefore commitment and a belief in marriage were things that made his heart grow warm, for he knew that family were the only people who stood beside one, through the bad times and the good. Therefore, Fredrick loved his wife in a way, and struggled to make her forgive and understand him, despite his dissatisfaction with her sexuality.

  Despite Fredrick’s appreciation of Magdalena for her fidelity, he accused her of being cold; he said “a real wife, does not just use her husband for money, but rather cooks for him, cleans for him, bears him children, and fornicates with him regularly.” She responded “I am not a whore, I am a Catholic.” Then he responded “I am sorry but a true wife is always a who
re as well as a mother, and a cook.” She began to feel ashamed because of her Catholic faith, and began to question the validity of it every day, until one day, all that the humiliation left, was an atheist; knowing that she had lost her husband, her faith, and her dignity.

  Magdalena and Fredrick tried to stay together for the rest of their lives, but Magdalena’s new faith of atheism, and doubt in God’s choices for her, made her question her marriage and her own loyalty to her husband. She began to feel used, and abandoned. Did he not have obligations to me, she wondered. Did he not do something wrong, and therefore become my enemy, she thought. She would speculate about him constantly, in such a manner, as she drank her tea in the morning. She eventually began to lust over other men, and in her guilt free state began to wish for a divorce. In such a manner, Fredrick and Magdalena divorced, and then Fredrick met Juliet and fell in love enough, to commit to her.

  One day in the tropical city of Caracas, Venezuela, surrounded by green mountains, Fredrick met Juliet in the Hilton hotel, where she worked. Her friendliness and beauty had moved him, and every morning when he saw her, he felt more alive. Her friendliness seemed to say that everything would work out fine, and she made him feel optimistic about the future even though he had lost his first wife after twenty-eight years of marriage. After a few weeks he developed the courage to ask her out and went on a date with her, to a dinner and dance place he had gone to with one of his previous lovers. He felt overwhelmed with happiness, and eventually started living with her. He loved everything about her; her dedication to health, her love of coffee, her love of deserts, her love of bicycling, her desire to always stay slender, and most importantly her love of sex and him. Contrary to Magdalena, she would make love to him as often as possible and take through the mouth contraception, in order to please him more carnally and completely. She would never say no to anything he wanted, and at night after sex, she would cling to him, as if he were the only man alive, and her protector from the dark and whatever may have lurked there.


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