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by Melissa Meintjes

  Fredrick and Juliet lived together for many years before, Paulina, Natasha’s sister who had blonde hair, green eyes, and a beautiful symmetry of features moved in with them. When Juliet interacted with, Paulina she tried at first to be nice, but would take on strict religious beliefs, when she spoke to her, and therefore, Paulina grew to like her only faintly. For example, Juliet believed in penance and self-sacrifice as a solution to problems, but ironically never beat herself. If Paulina had a problem and prayer did not work, Juliet, would claim that ritualistic self-mortification and self-beatings would work, for God had seen sinfulness in the person praying. Paulina felt offended, for she had believed that suffering was always wrong, and therefore recommended to her father that they break-up. Her father, never broke up with Juliet, for she had filled a void no woman had ever filled before. Eventually Paulina grew to accept their love, and the couple in it.

  As a result of Juliet’s continual penitential views, Natasha’s family did not find Juliet odd in her suggestion of self-punishment, and a rejection of traditional medication, when confronted with Natasha’s illness. Instead of hating Juliet, they forgave her, for she seemed to embody everything they loved, despite her cruel beliefs; and grew to understand the world as potentially spiritual, the way Juliet interpreted it. Contrary to her family, Natasha, could not forgive Juliet, for she had felt the grip of death, and remembered the pain of punishing herself, in her bedroom, with the hope of making her depression go away. To her despair, she had still needed medication, and therefore saw Juliet as a potential murderer and abuser. She began to feel uneasy around Juliet, and constantly encouraged her father to break up with her. To her despair, her father refused, claiming that he loved Juliet and that Juliet had merely made a mistake. Juliet, instead of feeling humble, felt overwhelmed with pride and hate, for she still believed Natasha guilty of some terrible sin, and secretly hated Natasha and Paulina for reminding her of Fredrick’s first wife. She hated having Magdalena’s two beautiful young daughters remind her and Fredrick of all the love moments Fredrick had experienced with Magdalena in their early adult years. She kept her jealousy to herself, as a shameful secret that would betray her image of spiritual perfection; and therefore, never mentioned it to anyone. Sometimes Fredrick thought she might be jealous but forgave it as a normal part of human nature, instead of criticizing it for the malice it possessed.

  A few months later, Fredrick got transferred by the insurance company he worked for to become the head of an office in Miami. So he bought a house at the end of a residential neighborhood. He let Juliet choose the house and they chose a big pink house with stone floors, and a big stone chimney that led up to the ceiling, which one could see from the entrance. The house had two floors, but the second floor consisted of a balcony looking down on the first, and had a railing of pink porous rock that contained shells. In addition, the house contained two bedrooms on the second floor, and the master bedroom on the first floor by the entrance. The house also contained a secret television room above the kitchen with a circular stair well leading up to it. The kitchen possessed marble tops, a center piece, and paintings of green leaves upon the upper rim of the walls. Next to the kitchen stood a second big television room, and by the entrance, there presided the living room. The house also contained two crystal chandeliers; one by the entrance and one in the dining room, by the intricate stairwell leading to the first television room. Behind the house, one found a pool, a Jacuzzi, and a small garden. While outside the house, there stood a small stone fountain, also made of pink porous rock, containing shells. The grand windows, the stone floors, the chandeliers and the balcony of the second floor gave the house a feeling of great expense, and therefore Juliet fell in love with the house, and with her husband even more for making her feel richer than she had ever felt before.

  Natasha, and Paulina liked the house too, and spent most of their days studying in their bedrooms. Juliet, resented their presence, but tried to feel at home in the big house, and therefore avoided them and ostracized Natasha through language. The family spoke fluent Spanish, while Natasha did not, and Juliet took advantage of it by constantly speaking only Spanish. The family and Natasha, knew that Juliet could speak perfect English and therefore Natasha felt persecuted and uncomfortable with her newly established family.

  Chapter 5

  Gabriel Strife returned from another long day at work and had dinner with Rickey, his roommate. He ate some pasta, with a loaf of French bread. He felt happy, to live with his best friend and asked Rickey about his love life. Rickey had been dating a woman who had cheated on him, and was still overcoming the sadness of his loss. He had discovered accidently through Facebook, her deceit, because he decided to check out all her male friends. Once he did he realized that one of them had a link to her other account on which she called herself by another name. He analyzed the account and realized they were dating. There were pictures of them, and although he felt like beating up her boyfriend, he instead began to cry and tried to find another girl friend.

  Gabriel felt happy to be able to comfort his roommate and decided that he wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. So he decided to invite him out on the date with himself and Sarah on Friday night.

  He said “since you are all alone, if you want, you can come with us. We are going to go see a movie.”

  Rickey responded, as he leaned back in his chair in his grey denim and white t shirt: “I would love to. I cannot believe that something so terrible happened to me. I cannot believe she cheated on me. I wish I could kill her.”

  Then Gabriel responded “Unfortunately, that is not something you can do. I am sure the pain will pass eventually.”

  Although Gabriel felt happy to be helping his friend he felt uncomfortable socializing with a man, because of Sarah’s overly obvious appetite for them. So he decided to go in to his bedroom instead of sit with Rickey because he regretted inviting him.

  As Gabriel sat at his desk that he had cleaned from the previous ejaculation, he navigated his browser to Facebook, and clicked on his girlfriend’s picture. The internet immediately presented him with a sweet picture of a blonde smiling. Even in two dimensional form, he thought, she embodied perfection. Her breasts did not look flat, they looked bulbous even on a picture. Her blouse showed a little bit of cleavage, as the photo captured her from a slightly elevated angle. He loved her face. Although it had brought him so much pain, he felt its serene beauty brought him tremendous peace. The greatest pleasure in life to him came from knowing that he was part of such a beauty. To know that he possessed her, gave him enthusiasm, courage and optimism; things his life would have felt empty without, and so he forgave her every transgression that she had committed. As he scrolled further down the screen he clicked on her photographs, and saw her standing on the beach in a bikini and he felt happy that such a photograph existed. He remembered that day when they had gone to the coast and spent the whole day swimming, and walking around on Key Biscayne. The lush tropical vegetation had provided him with an opportunity to experience bicycling on the beach. He loved physical sports and treasured the opportunity to spend time with Sarah.

  Some of the other photos of Sarah on the beach consisted of her standing in the Florida keys. One time they had driven down to Key Largo and spent the weekend at the beach there. Experiencing the Florida weather with the sea, felt like paradise, and he felt happy just to remember her. He had remembered how they had played with a Frisbee, and at night danced on the beach. He loved Florida, even though one would of thought he would have been tired of it after having grown up there. He had always felt special in Florida as a blonde, and enjoyed the way everyone had brunette hair. He spoke fluent Spanish the way Florida desired of him, and had become successful by attending the Florida International University.

  As he scrolled down her main timeline, he could see her list of friends, of which she had more than a hundred. She did not know them all intimately, but had felt bad rejecting them. So she had more than a hundred even though
many were false. Then as he continued on her timeline he could see the places she had visited with him, such as the dance club they had gone to, or the restaurant they had eaten dinner at two weeks ago.

  As he scrolled lower down the timeline he reviewed the music she liked, the TV shows she watched, and the movies that fascinated her. He then scrolled through all the books she had enjoyed, which included Harry Potter and the Hunger Games. Then he arrived at her dreaded likes, where a long list of men resided.

  Her favorite TV shows consisted of Supernatural, and Scrubs. Her favorite music included George Straight, and Green Day. Her favorite movies consisted of Fast and the Furious, Prince of Persia, and Brokeback Mountain. Although her taste in movies seemed normal, he felt that she greatly coveted the actors in them. She also seemed to have an infatuation with David Miguel the Brazilian soccer player. In a folder of her photos she contained photos of David Miguel, the Supernatural brothers, the men from Fast and the Furious, and the actor who played in Prince of Persia and Brokeback Mountain. As a result, Gabriel felt very jealous and decided to put pictures of women he liked on his Facebook page, in order to take revenge.

  So Gabriel thought about all the women who had moved him, and realized he loved few as much as he loved Sarah. Despite his love he had a need to hurt her, and make her jealous, and so he thought about the woman who had played in Save the Last Dance 2, called Izabella Miko. He felt that her grace and gentle beauty had always moved him. So he decided, to find photographs of her and post them on his site. He found a variety of photos of her. Some with her lips painted out and others with her eyes only. Some showed her face nude, and even then he found her beautiful. Since he could not decide which one he liked most, he found a variety of photos and placed them on his site. He secretly even kept one of her nude sitting in a bathtub. He thought it would be too much for Sarah to tolerate him placing that one on Facebook. So he kept it hidden.

  Another woman he could hardly resist, had been Charlize Theron. Despite her role in Monster and her role as the evil queen in Snow White and The Huntsman, he liked her. Her role as a model for Jadore, had always moved him. He loved the way the gold fabrics embraced her and reminded him of the gold liquid she had walked in. He also loved her face as the queen in Snow White. She looked like the arctic, angelic beauty he had always believed he desired and therefor kept a lot of her photos as the queen. Her power in the role and decorative wardrobe had made her more attractive to him, despite her vile nature.

  He then typed in to Google images, the name of Kate Beckinsale. His favorite photo that he found, consisted of her wearing fishnet stockings, lying on the floor, in underwear and a feathered scarf. He loved the allure and mystery she exuded in many of her photographs. The shape of her little nose and her big rounded lips, made him feel more alive. So he kept a picture of her wearing purple lipstick on his Facebook account

  So he stacked all the decent photos of his favorite actresses and placed them in to a folder on his Facebook account. He then skimmed through his likes, admiring himself. He read his love of soccer, football, swimming, and basketball. He had been an athlete at school and Sarah had been a cheerleader, and therefore he had always felt perfect for her. He then looked over all his friends and everything looked the same as before. He looked through his favorite books which he listed as “The Alchemist,” and “The Sword of Truth” series. He then looked at his favorite TV shows, which he had listed as Sports Entertainment, Big Love, and Gilmore girls. He liked a variety of movies and therefore had randomly chosen a few random movies such as Pretty woman, The Knight, Gladiator, and Beowulf.

  Although he did not have anything in common with Sarah, he loved her. As he thought about the women, he looked forward to seeing her reaction to his new photos. He decided not to say anything to her about it, because he did not want to seem weird.

  Chapter 6

  Celia Rose, the name of a red headed beautiful pornography star was merely a name; the real Celia Rose had been called Dorothy Clever her whole life through, and had become a porn star because she felt unsatisfied with minimum wage. She had started as a stripper, in a nightclub, where she met other women who eventually told her about porn sites.

  They would say to her “your body is too beautiful for this dark place, it should be photographed under bright lights.” The women often complimented each other and sometimes even touched and kissed each other.

  Dorothy responded, “how much do they pay?”

  “Around one thousand five hundred per shot.” Maria responded.

  Dorothy then asked for the address, and Maria gave her the location of a pornography production site called the Dungeon. Dorothy grew excited with the way that they paid much more than the strip club, where she had worked for many years, and while looking at her nude pale breasts in the mirror, she felt overwhelmed with enthusiasm.

  The next day, Dorothy visited the Dungeon after working all day at Starbucks. The Dungeon appeared like an old factory warehouse from the outside. It had two gates and a fence all around. It had a few cars in the parking lot and many of the windows were covered with curtains. As she walked up to the main entrance she felt enthusiastic and filled with awe over the tranquility and status she felt at a place considered so vile and low by many. When she arrived at the entrance a security guard asked her where she wanted to go, and then led her to a little room at the edge of the first corridor. In that room a slender man sat at a desk wearing casual blue jeans and a t-shirt. He stood up and greeted her and shook hands with her. She shook his hand and smiled and then asked if they were hiring. He responded that yes, that they were always hiring.

  He said “in this industry there could never be too many porn stars. Beauty and variety is something we always strive to achieve.” Then he looked at her body clad in a tank top and shorts and asked her to remove them. He said “it is important for me to see what your body looks like and to know that you are uninhibited.”

  She then blushed slightly and took off all her clothes standing in only her heels. She felt slightly aroused and wished he would hold her and penetrate her. Although her supple round breasts, slender waist and slightly wider than average buttocks, had always made her feel confident, she felt shy with a strange man inspecting her under bright lights. Although she had shown her body, at a strip club for many years, she felt shy because the strip club had often veiled her in dimness and she was often allowed to wear something small.

  The man looked at her nude body and walked around her.

  He then grabbed her buttocks and said “beautiful. We could definitely use a girl like you.” He then asked what she was willing to do in front of the camera.

  She then asked “what are my choices?”

  “He then responded “nude displays, role playing, bondage, spanking, oral penetration, anal penetration, vaginal penetration, female sex partners, and male sex partners?”

  She then responded “I am not sure what I am willing to do just yet.”

  Then the man responded, “I need to know because I need to know who I can call for each shoot.”

  She then responded, “ok. I am willing to do everything, except. . .” then she grew confused and asked, “is not having a male or female sex partner the same thing as anal or vaginal penetration?”

  He frowned and then responded “no, vaginal penetration and anal penetration can occur with dildos, instead of body parts.”

  She then responded, “I think I will only have sex with a condom, and I do not want to be beat too hard.”

  He then smiled and asked her to sit on the chair in the corner of his office and open her legs. She did, and then he said “beautiful. I am sure you will be very popular. I just need you to shave your pubic hair a little more. We have a wax spa on the third floor where you can have someone remove all your body hair for you.”

  She then blushed and closed her legs, and told him that she would only be available after six pm and before ten pm.

  Then he told her to stand up and said “Before you leave tod
ay, I would like to get your number and some photos of you.”

  She then nodded and asked for a piece of paper, on which she wrote her phone number. Then he led her upstairs to the second floor, to a room at the edge of a long lit white corridor. As she walked by the various doors she could hear people talking, and in one instant she heard someone scream. She felt scared, but continued to walk, out of a desperation for money. Once they arrived at the last door, he led her in, and told her to sit on a little stool between a camera and a colorful wall display.

  He then said “wait here, I am going to get a photographer.

  After about half an hour of sitting, a short bald man walked in, and introduced himself as Clint. He then said “we need photographs of you to display on the list of models page. I am going to take a head shot of you smiling, and then a few body shots. He then asked her to smile for the camera, and he snapped a photo. He then asked her to remove her shoes and told her to lie on her side on the black sheet that he had placed on the floor. She did as told, and the camera snapped again. He then told her to put red lipstick on and kiss the air while pushing out her chest, and placing her hands on her waist. She did as told and the camera snapped. Then he told her to turn around and stand on her tip toes with one foot in front of the other. She did as told and the camera snapped. He then told her to put her shoes back on and open her legs wide, while placing her hands in front of her. Then the camera snapped a shot of her from behind. Then he told her “tonight or tomorrow morning your photos should be up, and you will see the beautiful shots we took.”


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