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Page 15

by Melissa Meintjes

After Gabriel’s orgasm, he said “thank you honey, let me give you an orgasm now.”

  Then Sarah spread her legs, and he began to lick the pink fleshy tendrils that composed her vagina. He licked, and she got wetter. He started using his hands and sticking his fingers in to her crevice, until more white fluid started coming out. He kept licking harder and harder until she came to orgasm. After sex they both lay in bed together naked, and Gabriel compared Sarah’s vagina to Celia’s. He wondered how Celia would taste and imagined the slightly acidic and salty odor of her vagina filling his nostrils. As he lay in bed with Sarah he remembered how Sarah had been a virgin when he had first met her. He had to spend a lot of time convincing her that her vagina was something beautiful instead of something ugly. She said, she felt like it was a urinal, and that he might not like her because of it. Then one day, he had started licking her without permission, while they were making out. She ended up coming to orgasm, after which he complimented her vagina, therefore making her proud to be a sexual woman. After that, she let him lick her whenever either of them wanted.

  Even though Gabriel Strife loved Sarah, he enjoyed the idea of Celia too much to let her go from his memory. As he continued to gaze at her in pain, he began to enjoy the idea of her pain, and therefore enjoyed her pornography more, making it more of a hobby for him. So when Sarah went out to the bookstore, with some of her friends, Gabriel, looked online at Celia again. He navigated to the index, of the Dungeon site, clicked her name, and then clicked on the next pornography shoot, he had already seen, called “Apple Cart.” As he saw the various photos of Celia on an apple cart, he noticed they were not as sadistic as usual, and a part of him craved the punishment he had grown used to. He watched her slender curves next to the other sexually beautiful women. He loved seeing the contrast of their different hair colors, and appreciated their pale skin under the sunlight. He enjoyed the exposure of their buttocks, and analyzed the photograph of the three anuses under the light. He wished he could be there eating apples, and felt happy to be celebrating his love of women. He loved women, he thought, as he knew that he would always love women. People like Sarah could make him feel bad about it, but at least he believed he was enjoying something natural and pure instead of violent video games, drugs, or excessive amounts of food. He felt proud despite his addiction and promised himself he would always love women more than anything. He continued to watch the photos of Celia taking a bite from an apple the same color as her hair, and as he watched the red of the apple and her hair he felt intoxicated with her beauty, wanting to feed her more apples. Then he watched the shots of snow white naked, and thought about how Celia was truly the fairest of them all, despite the fact that Celia did not represent a brunette. He felt irritated at the shot’s insinuation that brunette’s were better looking. He had always felt that beauty was something dependent on many factors combined in to one incredible tapestry that spoke to the soul, instead of just coloring; and so although he enjoyed many brunettes, such as Natasha two doors down, he still thought the fairest to be Celia. Although he had, enjoyed watching Celia as the friend of Snow White, his body missed the usual degradation Celia suffered and therefore wished he could see her in another position, which showed her submission more. Her beauty so perplexed him, that although he enjoyed her vulnerability on the apple cart, his body could not fully release the tension of his sex. He saw her as a goddess who should have had a temple built in her honor and therefore felt like worshipping instead of masturbating. Then he clicked the next photo set called “Horse Play.” As he saw the close ups of Celia’s body on a dildo, he realized she symbolized a sexual slave, and as he saw the whip touch her, he felt the ancient lust of his male body take over his homage of a priest to a goddess, and again felt like masturbating. His adoration faded to disrespect and therefore lust could reside. He began to masturbate and felt his penis swell. The guilt he had initially felt began to fade to pleasure as he watched her humiliation and slavery to the masked man. She had fallen in grace but even in her fallen state, he loved her, with a passion he felt in his groin and in his heart. Then as he rubbed, with his body hungry for more, he clicked the next photo shoot called “Maid’s Story.” In it he witnessed the sexiest dress he had ever seen and desperately wished she was his maid. He watched her rounded buttocks exposed, her graceful hands dust, and her voluminous breasts wobble ever so slightly as she moved. He loved the lace embracing her shapely legs, making her more than just a lust object, making her truly the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. As he watched, he desperately wished to push his penis in to her anus, and wished to suck on her pale breasts. As he rubbed his penis he watched, and felt like one of the gentlemen sitting in the room. Then he watched as she got spanked and had hot candle wax poured on her. He watched as she fornicated with one of the handsome gentleman. To Gabriel’s terror he became jealous, and felt a desire to save her from her pornographic obligations. As he sat erected, Gabriel clicked the next photo shoot called, “Sadistic Rope.” He then saw her roped up with the rope embracing her beautiful pale figure in to a humiliating disfigured shape. He still wished he could save her, but also continued to feel aroused, and then rubbed himself watching her dangling, since there were no more photo shoots to watch.

  After he finished masturbating, Gabriel lay down in his bed and wished he could dangle Sarah from a rope. He imagined her in the same position, but realized she would hate him for asking. So he decided to keep his enjoyment of fetish and bondage to himself, a secret that made him proud instead of ashamed for Celia’s beauty diminished all ailments in him.

  Chapter 29

  After having had taken control of Joanna, Miguel felt much happier. He walked with a bounce in his step and managed to lose weight. He decided, to build her a prison, and therefore bought nails, wooden boards, and screws. He then bought a towel rack and decided to install it in the room where he would keep her. Once he installed the towel rack, he began to build a cage, and screwed bars on to the window in the bedroom.

  It took Miguel several days to build a cage and prepare the room for Joanna. He bought a port potty and brought it in there, and a mattress so that she could sleep comfortably. He nailed thick wooden boards to the roof and then screwed wooden rails to them. In order to make a cage. Then he installed a wooden board for a door, and placed the port potty inside. Then he screwed the towel rack below the window, and placed a mattress under it. Once Miguel had finished the cage, he pointed the gun at Joanna and ordered her to unlock her handcuffs and take one hand out, walk to the towel rack in the bed room and handcuff herself around the towel rack there instead. Joanna did as told out of a fear of getting shot.

  During the several days in captivity, Joanna felt very scared, she imagined running if Miguel let her go to urinate, take a shower or to do something else. She imagined risking getting shot, but then began to cry for the thought of a hole in her body terrified her. She imagined getting shot in the leg or in the arm, and then she thought she would tolerate the pain to escape. Then she thought, what if he hit an organ. She imagined what that would feel like. Then she imagined her brain getting hit, or her lungs. She thought that she did not want to die, but imagined spending the rest of her life locked in a cage.

  The thought of being Miguel’s love, made her want to vomit, and she knew more than ever that she had to run if she had the chance. So she again began to imagine getting shot. After several hours of mostly imagining being shot through, with a gun, she began to feel terrible. Any little noise made her feel like screaming. Her arm began to ache from the position in the handcuffs, and she desperately wanted to escape. Then she looked at the cage and the mattress. She then began to look forward to sleeping on the mattress in captivity. She felt ashamed for enjoying the thought, and so she reasoned out the shame by telling herself that he had been her friend. When she remembered his kindness from the past, the bullets seemed more terrifying and too terrifying to attempt. So she decided not to run, and instead reason with her old friend.

  During Joa
nna’s several days in captivity, Miguel made sure she went to the bathroom in the shadow of fear from his gun. He also fed her bananas and water. He let her brush her teeth and floss every night. He had a sense of fear from her teeth so he threatened her before flossing, telling her that if she tried anything he would shoot her.

  One time Miguel Sanchez brought her food and water which she ate like a dog, without hands. As he watched her slurp up the water, he felt like the luckiest man in the world, and decided to touch her buttocks in its tight skirt as it pushed up in to the air. Then she felt shocked and asked him to stop.

  She said “Please, Miguel, I thought we were friends. Friends do not treat each other like dogs. I would never treat you like this.”

  As Miguel became overwhelmed with guilt, he stopped touching her, and then apologized by saying “Joanna, I know we are for each other. You just do not give me a chance. You will though, and you will see I am the right one for you. Soon you will feel more comfortable. I will buy a long chain and padlock it on to the towel rack and then attach your handcuffs to the chain by looping them together. Then you will be able to move more freely”

  Joanna felt terrible; emotionally and physically and after eating, she lay down on the mattress and tried to fall asleep. Eventually she did.

  Once awake, Joanna, felt terrible about everything around her, and again anticipated escaping when she was unlocked again for the switch of the chains, to go to the bathroom, to change, or to take a bath. She again imagined being shot through as she ran, and became terrorized. Then she thought about other solutions. Such as maybe playing along with Miguel. She then imagined that she would just try to make him feel miserable because the thought of having sex with Miguel was just too terrible to her. She imagined his pudgy body on top of hers, and felt devastated at the thought. She had always felt her sexuality to be very important to her and therefore could not bear the thought of sharing it with someone she so hated. Even though she had tolerated him, how could she act like she loved him, she wondered. So she decided to find out what he wanted. Maybe he did not want her, perhaps he was a sex trafficker. Joanna had seen countless movies about sex trafficking, and felt fear pulse through her as she imagined being sold to a rich man in another country, who could not possess a beautiful woman through his wits nor appearance. She then lay down, with her bladder full and waited for Miguel to return.

  When Miguel returned she asked to go to the bathroom, and Miguel again pointed the gun at her, and then handed her the key for the handcuffs. She unlocked herself, and went to the bathroom in the port potty. After she had finished, Miguel, ordered her to reattach herself to the towel rack and then toss the key away. Then Miguel decided to take out the long chain from his car, and again told her to unlock herself with the key that he had handed to her. He then through the thin chain on the mattress and the padlock, and told her, while pointing the gun, to loop the chain around the towel rack, padlock it together, and then loop the handcuff through the chain, and then close them around her wrists. Her much longer bondage chains allowed her to go to the bathroom, sleep, and eat normally. He then brought in a change of clothes for her, and told her that she needed to shower.

  He then told her “you belong to me, so you may as well get used to being naked in front of me.”

  She responded “Please do not violate me Miguel? What do you want from me. I have some money, maybe I can give you some.”

  Then he responded “I do not want your money.”

  Then she asked “what do you want.”

  Then he responded “you. Only you.”

  Then she grimaced, and responded “you can have me. You know that.”

  Then Miguel responded “I do not want to share you with other men or risk losing you to them. I want to know that I will have you forever.”

  Then she asked, “don’t you think marriage should be a choice?”

  He then responded “I have tried to overcome you, but could not, so the only way I can be happy is by possessing you.”

  She then looked down in dismay, for she could not think of anything to say.

  Miguel seeing how sad she had become, said “please do not be sad. I will make sure you are fine.”

  Then he pointed the gun at her, through the handcuff key at her and told her to unlock herself. Then he told her to get naked, and get in to the shower. With great trepidation and sadness she did, and a few minutes later, got out of the shower, dried herself and got dressed in the shorts and t shirt he had bought for her, while thinking about the gun pointed at her.

  At work, Miguel acted like he did not understand where Joanna had disappeared to, and he watched as the world searched for her. He felt happy that nobody suspected him, and realized that he had complete power over her life. So he decided that he wanted more than just a prisoner, he wanted a lover, and so thought about ways that he could get that from her. He remembered learning about the effect of punishment in psychology class, and began to imagine her reaction if she was punished for not wanting him, and so he decided to punish her somehow if she refused him sexual services. At first he only imagined not giving her food for a few days. Then he imagined her fighting back and hurting him anyway, and realized it would be more difficult than he had imagined. So, he thought about how to overcome such a difficulty and he thought about threatening her with physical brutality if she tried anything cruel, such as biting him.

  So that night after eating dinner in his kitchen, Miguel took dinner to Joanna, and watched her eat. He loved watching her big lips swallow the gulps of food, and then drink the wine he had given her. After she had finished, he told her that he wanted her sexually and that if she denied him, he would punish her.

  Raised with virtue, she felt terrible giving her sex to someone she did not love, and so she responded “I don’t think I can have sex with you Miguel. Please let me go.”

  Then he said “didn’t you hear I will punish you?”

  Then she asked “how?”

  Then he responded, “I will whip you with my belt.”

  Then she squealed in fear, and responded “I will never have sex with you, never, you hear.”

  He felt ashamed, and enraged at her audacity, to fight back against a man who had the power of a gun. So, he took off his belt and began to hit her with it. She scrunched up in to a little ball, and felt overwhelmed with fear as she counted to herself the beatings.

  He hit her five times in total, and then asked her “have you changed your mind Joanna?”

  She then whined “no I could never change my mind.”

  Then he hit her again, and this time across the face. She became scared at the thought of being hit in a place so close to her eyes, and so out of fear she consented to having sex with him.

  Miguel then unzipped his pants and told her “you better lick this well, I am leaving the gun and key outside, if you try anything, such as biting me, and I survive, I am doing whatever you did to me back to you.” She nodded in understanding, and as he moved closer towards her with his penis exposed, he began to feel scared of her big teeth so close to his penis. He felt that she was the fighting type, and then after exposing himself, zipped himself back up again. Then he walked away and relieved his erection in the bathroom over the lavatory. Meanwhile Joanna thought about his penis and felt like screaming. Although his penis had always just been an elongated piece of flesh, to Joanna it represented something taboo and to be feared, like sex itself for its awesome power in one’s life; the power to create, to hurt, to love, and to comfort.

  After coming to orgasm, Miguel felt overwhelmed with shame at the thought that Joanna had seen him and not wanted him. The thought of feeling so exposed and vulnerable made him feel like killing her and even though all the love he had felt in the past stopped him, he took off his belt and began to hit her again; about seven times in total.

  Once Miguel, had finished, beating Joanna, he went to his kitchen to eat something, and as he ate a banana, he realized he did not feel satisfied, and so he decided to humili
ate her through nudity. If he felt exposed, so should she. He reasoned. So he went back in to the room with a gun, pointed it at her and told her to get undressed.

  He said “I think your nudity will help us. You will be more accepting of sex with me, and I will feel happier. Your clothes are not the real you anyway. You did not choose them I did.”

  Then she begged “please Miguel, do not make me get naked. I already feel bad enough as it is.”

  Then he threatened “do as you are told, or else.”

  Then she began to undress as he watched, gave him her clothes and sat on the mattress, nude.

  Chapter 30

  In the condominium, Natasha found happiness with her dog, taking him to the park and feeling that everybody loved her more because she had a dog. She felt that the dog embodied a special gift from god; that through the dog, god loved her more. She would look at his paws and stop wanting anything in this world except to be with her dog. The fur on his paws shined in a silvery golden way, and his pink nails usually filled her with a sense of awe. The kind of awe she felt when she looked at a sunset. Through sunsets she had always felt that god loved her. She would look at the streaks of light and imagine that God had painted them for humanity. Much in the same way, through the dogs paws she felt God’s love and through the dog’s smile she believed she knew god’s compassion. As she would analyze the dog’s fur patterns of yellow, and white, she felt a sense of childhood happiness as if all the bad things that happened to her had never happened; as if her step mother had never hurt her and tried to kill her, as if her father had never abandoned her, as if her sister had never had bulimia, as if the man two doors down was not dating someone else. In the warm glow of her dog’s smile she felt secure from the pain of the world, because she knew that something as beautiful as a dog loved her eternally. Although at times people would tell her that the dog loved her only out of instinct, or because she fed him; she felt the dog loved her because he was so special. He loved her because his personality had always been as beautiful as his eyes and fur patterns. She had always appreciated his warm smile from the day they had first met.


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