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Visionary Awakened

Page 21

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Hm...who knows? Seeing as I'm still here in my cat form means Mother Destiny's fine with it," Risuki dismissed.

  "Scar?" I heard Cece speak up. I wondered if I should wake up or not, questions already flooding my mind now that I was conscious, and just faking sleep. To pretend to keep sleeping, or face the music?

  "I’d rather sleep, but I think you're worrying Christian. Not to mention, your best friend is loud and freaking out about you hating her."

  Hate her? For what? With the knowledge obtained from the recent vision, everything seemed to connect, but I wondered if there was something else I was missing beyond what I already knew, both from observation and my own research.

  "You'll find out. Want to 'wake up' now?" Risuki inquired. I paused for a moment, and felt a hand brush on my right cheek.

  "Scar? Are you awake?" Christian's soft voice asked. I didn't like how worried he sounded, which made me mentally sigh. I guess. I don't like when Christian's sad and I guess it would be quieter if I woke up.

  I opened my eyes slowly, squinting at the bright light above. I snuggled my head against Christian's shirt, taking a moment to enjoy the rich scent of his cologne that clung to his clothes. He chuckled. "Vinzent, you mind turning the lights down?"

  "One sec," I heard Vinzent state. I felt Christian's fingers go through my hair and sensed the bright lights had dimmed, but I still wasn't tempted to get up.

  "C'mon, Scar, don't go back to sleep, at least not until I know you're okay," Christian whispered. I reluctantly opened my eyes and looked up at Christian's purple ones that always left me in awe.

  "I'm okay," I mumbled.

  He smirked, leaning down to give me a quick kiss. "Can you stay awake for a few minutes?"

  "I guess," I replied before yawning.

  "Meow." Moonlight walked in between us, making Christian groan. I smiled as Moonlight nuzzled his head against my cheek once more.

  "Break it up. He had enough time with you," Risuki huffed, which made me smile. Christian helped me up and I yawned again, rubbing my eyes. Then I noticed Vinzent sitting on the sofa to our right and Cece pacing around.

  "Oh, hey, Cece and Vinzent."

  Vinzent sighed in relief. "You see? She's fine. Can you stop pacing like a mad woman for a second?" He looked over at Cece, who paused for a moment to glare at him.

  "I'm pacing with a purpose, and Scar, how are you feeling? Are you okay?" Cece asked, looking hesitantly at me.

  "I'm fine. I had a vision. I thought everyone was used to this by now?" I questioned, trying to brush their worries away. Aside from being tired, I felt perfectly fine. Even after the gruesome vision I'd witnessed, I didn't feel the need to panic. I'd talk to Christian about it when Cece and Vinzent were gone.

  "Cece's more concerned about what you saw in your vision," Vinzent elaborated.

  "Oh." I glanced at Christian, who had a pained expression on his face. I lifted my hand to rub his cheek. "We'll talk about that later," I whispered to him, but leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, hoping it would give him a little bit of reassurance I wasn’t going anywhere. I didn't know what he was thinking, but maybe he was scared I wouldn't accept his dark past.

  "What about it?" I questioned.

  "Do you remember it?" Cece asked.

  "Yes," I replied.

  Cece and Vinzent exchanged looks before Vinzent spoke up. "How much?"

  "All of it." It was one of the few visions I'd been able to successfully remember, unlike all the ones I'd experienced over the years that vanished in seconds. Maybe the impact of the vision and its strong connection with Christian helped it linger in my mind, just like how I remembered the vision of the police officer finding my mother's body.

  " you know what I am?" Vinzent asked, after waiting for Cece to respond only to get nothing. From her expression, it looked like she was still processing the fact I remembered my entire vision.

  I looked back to Vinzent before I answered. "In the vision, you were a white horse shifter. I'm only assuming it was you, because your name was mentioned, but I could be wrong. Pretty cool, though I do wish you were a unicorn shifter instead."

  Vinzent laughed, which was unexpected. The sound made Moonlight jump before he stared at Vinzent like he was crazy. I smiled and stroked Moonlight's fur as he relaxed in my lap, his eyes locked on Vinzent, who smirked.

  "I wish I was a unicorn shifter, Scar, but sadly, that wasn't in the Starlight god’s plans. I guess you saw how we met Christian then?" he clarified.

  I nodded. "Yes." The room was silent for a moment and Cece bit her lip as she began to fidget in place.

  I exhaled, closing my eyes for a moment. "Cece, what happened to Jake?" I questioned. I had thought the room was silent before, but my words made me feel like I'd asked something a forbidden question; it seemed as if everyone had stopped breathing altogether.

  I glanced at Christian, who looked nervous. He turned away from my gaze, making him look guilty of something, possibly the reason why everyone was silent.

  "...Why?" Cece asked, meeting my gaze.

  "He wasn't at Rebecca’s funeral, even though they were in a serious relationship. I texted him offering my condolences, and even though I didn't expect him to reply, I found out the number has been out of service for a while," I revealed.

  Moonlight's purrs were the only sound in the room. Cece stared directly into my eyes. I could see how nervous she was, but those blue-green eyes were what gave her away, guilt resonating in them. That was more than enough to confirm what I already knew to be true.

  I decided to take a different approach to ease everyone's worry. "I ask for loyalty, for such betrayal of my kindness results in death," I recited Cece’s words from my vision.

  Cece blinked, looking shocked at my words. I noticed Vinzent's surprised gaze and he gave a side glance at his girlfriend who was completely still. I decided to share what I knew.

  "When I found out Jake's phone was out of service, I decided to do some snooping. One, because I knew Jake long enough to know he wouldn't change his number after our break up, especially when he was so defensive regarding his love for Rebecca," I began, looking down at Moonlight as I spoke.

  "Two, he's super lazy and would rather watch a football game than wait in line to get his number changed. I decided to look into it, having Ethan's iPad handy after claiming I was only going to play Candy Crush on it. I read that Jake's body had been found in an alleyway and had died from unknown causes. Rebecca was notified, but she instructed that his body be donated for research. He had no other family willing to take his ashes if he was cremated."

  When no one spoke, I decided to carry on. "At first, I was, furious, because no one told me about it. I was also mad that after spending five years with him, he hadn't considered me family or someone worthy enough to receive his ashes. We may have broken up, but I did once love him and I would have at least put his ashes somewhere in a memorial of some sort, giving him that respect in death."

  Did he deserve my pity? No, but I guess that little side of me that still loved him thought he deserved to at least be in an urn, rather than wherever his body was now. I guess the larger half of me knew better, and after hearing more about who Jake really was, I decided maybe it was for the best after all.

  "But I didn't stop digging. I found out what type of person he was and what he did behind the scenes. I learned he wasn't a good person and was participating in things that could have put me at risk without me even realizing it. Drugs, illegal transactions, basically living a double life, which included Rebecca and bunch of other prostitutes," I admitted.

  "In the end, once I finished my research, I just put everything together. The alleyway that was near my place, his death being on the day he broke up with me, and the reality that not even one police officer came back to investigate or inform me of his passing made me realize my best friend must have taken it upon herself to make my life easier," I disclosed, looking up to stare into Cece's eyes. Christian's arms wrapped around
my waist and he rested his head on my shoulder.

  "Scar...I..." He trailed off and I could almost feel his struggle in admitting what I again already knew, which made me smile.

  "I know, Christian. The report stated that you were the one to call in PINC, saying that a body was found in the alleyway by a passing pedestrian and you were in the area because you were coming over to visit me. That's not true, is it?" I whispered.

  He nodded into my shoulder, tightening his hold. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

  I was quiet for a moment before I took a calming breath, returning my gaze to my best friend.

  "I'm not mad about the fact you killed Jake on my behalf. Now that I know kinda what you are and a bit of what you've had to deal with at such a young age, I understand those very words you spoke that night as you asked Christian to pledge his loyalty to you. Am I hurt that you didn't tell me? Yes, because it meant you didn't think I was strong enough to handle the truth."

  "It wasn't that I didn't think you were strong enough Scar," Cece defended, but I lifted my hand, signaling her to stop.

  "Yes, it does. You didn't tell me because of everything going on, correct? You guys don't tell me things because you say ABCD is happening and we can tell her later because it's the best for her. But in reality, it's not. I’d rather you tell me something right away and let me be the judge and decision maker of what will make MY life better, rather than you taking the reins and deciding it's better to leave me out of the loop until we're sitting in a living room, ready to discuss the topic only after I find out," I vented.

  Cece looked away, glancing at the floor and Vinzent bowed his head. "Sorry, Scar,” he apologized. I gave him a small smile and glanced at Cece, who was silent. I knew she'd need some time to process my way of thinking before she'd apologize. But before I could speak again the phone rang.

  Moonlight jumped off my lap to stand on the top of the sofa we were sitting on as Christian reached into his back pocket to grab his phone.

  "Ethan, what's up? Ya...Scar's awake and with me. Hmm? The next need Scar to come with. Okay. Uh...sure, give us ten minutes and you can come up. No I'm not fucking naked now. Hush and be patient," Christian grumbled before he hung the phone.

  I looked over my shoulder to meet his gaze. "Ethan's downstairs. We have an assignment to look for the next crystal, but we're on a tight time limit. We need to be leave to go to the office in a few," Christian declared.

  I nodded and noticed Vinzent stand up. "Guess we’ll leave before Ethan gets here. He'll wonder why we're both here at Christian's place."

  "True," I replied, looking at Cece, who didn't meet my gaze. "You two can go. Cece, this conversation isn't over. Think about it and get back to me."

  She nodded and turned around. A portal opened up and she walked right through it, closing it behind her just like that.

  Vinzent groaned. "Really. She always does that when she gets all moody."

  "You mean leaving you behind?" I asked.

  "Every single time. You'd think after 260 years of service, she'd remember me when she gets all depressed. Nope." Vinzent crossed his arms and I snickered.

  Christian shook his head and rubbed my back to get my attention. "You know, she's probably sorry but doesn't know how to say it right now."

  "I know," I replied.

  "But you're gonna let her be all depressed and make my life a living hell in order for her to really understand her actions," Vinzent suspected.

  I nodded in agreement. "Yup."

  "Women. Can't you just apologize and move on? Why be stubborn and drag this on?" he complained.

  "She won't learn otherwise. At least if she thinks about it and truly realizes that what she did hurt me, she'll understand and never do it again," I proclaimed. Christian and Vinzent both groaned.

  "Scary I tell you," Christian commented.

  "Agreed." Vinzent nodded. He walked to the door before looking back over his shoulder at us.

  "I know Cece does things before acting and without worrying about the consequences, but everything she does is for the sake of people she loves and cares about. I know on the outside it sometimes doesn't look the best, but Cece didn't choose to be the person she is today. It was something forced on her. She’s just used to carrying everyone's burdens on her shoulders, rather than asking if it will truly help them for her to do so. What I'm trying to say, is don't be too harsh on her. She cares a whole lot about you, Scar, and she values you even higher than my relationship with her. That's saying something."

  Vinzent gave me a sympathetic smile before he waved. "Good luck with your mission and contact us if you need anything."

  In a flash, another portal opened and he walked through it. Before either of us could respond, the portal closed.

  "Meow." Moonlight jumped off the couch and ran off somewhere. We both stared down at the hall where he went.

  In seconds, he returned with his Nighty doll in his mouth, the ribbon around the little white doll's neck loosened yet again.

  I turned to Christian, raising an eyebrow at him and he glanced away. "He was annoying me," Christian grumbled.

  I leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. He kissed me back. We continued our heated exchange, until I felt Moonlight jump back into my lap. "MEOOOWWW."

  We pulled back to look down at Moonlight, who impatiently waited for me to fix his doll.

  "You're spoiled," Christian mumbled.

  "Meow," Moonlight retorted. "Damn straight. Scar was mine first. Hmph," Risuki grumbled. I laughed, taking the doll from my lap and began to fix the bow.

  We heard a knock on the door. I looked up and turned to Christian, who smiled. "I guess we need to get ready."

  "Ya," I replied before I leaned in and kissed him one last time. "Maybe we can get a few more moments before we have to start the assignment," I suggested.

  "Maybe. Regardless...I love you,” he whispered, his cheeks turning slightly red. I blinked, feeling my own cheeks burn at his words.

  "I love you too, no matter what past you've dealt with. I love the Christian I see before me," I reassured him.

  The cool collected him, the broken side of him. I just loved Christian for exactly who he was and that would never change.

  "Ethan, go ahead. I'll be there in a minute," I reassured him.

  Ethan looked between Christian and I, and nodded. "Alright. Don't be too long, Scar. We have to be at the underground place before it gets crowded."

  "Got it."

  He smiled before heading out the door of the office, leaving Christian and I alone.

  "If you're going to ask, I'm fine," I reassured him, sliding my arms around his waist.


  I covered his lips with my own, thankful my combat heels gave me some height so I didn't need to struggle too much to reach up and give him the heated kiss.

  He closed his eyes and I followed suit, his hands sliding to grip my ass as we continued the slow kiss.

  "What are you so worried about?" I questioned.

  "Aren't you...scared of me? Ashamed of what I am? Upset I'm a vampire, or I don't know." He looked unsure.

  "Christian, your past is what made you into the man in my arms at this very moment. It's one I would never wish on anyone and a path you didn't deserve. I guess it's kinda weird to know your true age, but I kinda just pretend you’re 29." I winked and kissed his nose before continuing.

  "Just as I said back in your condo, Christian, I love you. That didn't change just because I got to witness what you endured all those decades ago. It's the same as how my friendship with Cece isn't going to fall out just because I'm making her suffer a little bit. You could have taken revenge on Haslam. You had the tools and the knowledge to hunt him down with Ethan's iPad and kill them if you wanted, yet you didn't. Why?" I questioned.

  Christian blinked, seeming a little stunned by my question. He looked deep in thought for a moment. "I guess with time...the pain lessened. Though at some points in my life I wanted revenge, I figured
I'd leave it up to the Starlight gods and let them act on my behalf. I also didn't think my family would be happy if I tainted my hands with blood that wasn't justified. I didn't want to become the murderer I despised so much."

  My expression softened as I stared into those amethyst eyes that showed his relief and happiness. I pulled him into a hug, closing my eyes while I inhaled his addictive cologne.

  "Exactly, and you were rewarded with justice," I whispered.

  "You always seem to make us accept our flaws," Christian commented.

  "They aren't flaws when they don't bring you down. They're just scars that tell the story of a strong individual who continued to climb the mountain of life. Doesn't matter how many you collect in this life, or the next. As long as you keep getting up and striving to reach the top, you'll be rewarded with that sense of pride. No matter how many scars you obtained on this journey, you ended up victorious, and THAT is something no one can take away from you," I vowed.

  "I wonder what I did to blessed with a person who loves me so?" Christian asked.

  "I've asked the Starlight gods the same thing, wondering how I got lucky enough to be in a group of amazing and sexy private investigators," I hummed.

  We pulled back to share a look and smiled widely at one another. "Well, I'm happy I get to be a part of the ride and it's nice to have someone with you to witness the end of the journey,” he whispered.

  "It will be a climb worth experiencing and a sight worth seeing," I whispered. He slid his hand in mine and we walked out of the office, heading downstairs to where Ethan was waiting in his green BMW.

  "I'll be with Junho and Jaxson. We'll scout the area while you guys look into this potential hint. Be careful and please don't get in trouble," Christian urged.

  "I always avoid trouble. It’s just addicted to me, that's all." I shrugged.

  He sighed. "Uh huh. Just comes at you like a magnet."

  "What about Michael?" I questioned.

  "He had a family emergency. He had to go home to discuss some competition thing his realm is supposed to participate in. Complicated family stuff that he doesn't like dealing with. He should be back tonight though, so he won't be missing much. He'll join us at some point when he can," Christian revealed.


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