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Visionary Awakened

Page 22

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Ah, okay. I hope everything is okay. Now that you mentioned it, I haven't heard from Mako recently," I pointed out.

  "They're probably busy. Junho hasn't talked about Marcus for a while, so maybe they're just adjusting to the Heila lifestyle," Christian considered.

  "Most likely. At least that's good. I won't worry then. I better get going," I hummed.

  He nodded and grinned, leaning in to kiss me firmly on the lips. "Good luck and I love you,” he whispered.

  "I love you more. Have fun!" I winked, turning around. Then I paused, looking back at him. "And make sure you go back upstairs and take Moonlight's doll out from Kendrick's desk."

  Christian pouted, which made me grin as I tried not to laugh. "Fine....he didn't even notice yet,” he grumbled, turning around to walk to the elevators. I giggled quietly and noticed Moonlight walk from the stairway and trail after Christian, who hadn't yet spotted him.

  I moved away, walking to the doors, but hid behind a pillar to watch. Christian pressed the elevator button and looked down to see Moonlight at his feet.

  He looked like he was displeased, but I smiled when he knelt down and petted Moonlight's head, who in return, nudged his head against Christian’s hand. Christian picked him up and entered the elevator, which had just opened. Just admit you like him. Even just a little.

  "Whatever." Risuki's voice entered my mind, but his tone revealed his happiness. I grinned, walking out from my hiding place.

  I felt a hand slide into mine and turned to see Ethan standing next to me, a knowing smile on his lips. "Guess things worked out?" he questioned.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. "How do you always seem to know everything, yet no one actually tells you anything?" I questioned.

  "I'm rather observant and that's why I'm a good team player. Plus, I’d rather sit behind a computer screen and watch everything." He winked.

  "Hmm. Sneaky," I mumbled.

  "Smart, you mean. Ready to go?"

  "Yes. Let's find the next crystal." I declared.

  Ethan nodded. "The Crystal of Unity," he confirmed.

  The Crystal of Unity. I wonder what challenge will be next for our team?

  "Ah. Fuck...Ethan, we shouldn't be-" I was cut off by Ethan's lips as he rammed his cock deep inside me. He fucked me hard against the set of cool grey lockers, while kissing me passionately.

  I figured alcohol was playing a role, or maybe it was the heated evening atmosphere going on in the underground fight venue we were preparing for, but one thing led to another as we waited for the cage fight rules to be announced. Now we were both in one of the private locker rooms, having fast heated sex before the match.

  I moaned and tilted my head back, panting as my breasts pressed against the lockers. The cold metal made my nipples harder while my body hummed in fulfillment. I wanted to be logical and point out we didn't have much time before we had to get into agent mode and figure out how we were going to get the Crystal of Unity.

  Yet, there was no way I could ignore a good, fast fuck, especially with Ethan. He always seemed to surprise me with his sudden dominant nature, which pushed aside his curious clumsy side and brought out the other half of him that I adored.

  "You can't expect me to ignore this sexy body of yours, Scar. I love when you moan," Ethan hummed before he kissed my neck, thrusting in and out of me in fast, urgent movements..

  "Ethan...Ethan, yes! Faster...a bit more..." I begged, knowing I was on the verge of climaxing. His own moans and exhales increased and got louder. I could feel how hard his cock was inside me as his body grew rigid.

  "Scar!" he growled, giving one final deep thrust, which was enough to throw me over the edge into ecstasy.

  "Ethan!" I cried. My body locked up as I enjoyed the pleasurable vibrations that ran through me as he released his seed inside me.

  Ethan tightened his hold around my waist, supporting me as my body trembled. He pressed his other hand against the lockers to keep from putting his weight on me as we tried to catch our breaths.

  "Scar...once this assignment is done...I swear we need alone time. I really want to enjoy more of you, and at a much slower pace," Ethan whispered the words against my flesh before he kissed my shoulder and trailed towards my neck.

  I whimpered at his touch as he slowly withdrew his cock, making me shudder. I turned to face him, my back pressed against the lockers. Ethan pressed his naked body against me, kissing me deeply.

  My left hand roamed along the right half of his chest, while my right arm rested on his left shoulder, my hand playing with his ombre blue hair. We broke the kiss, but stayed close, our lips barely touching.

  "I know, Ethan. I'm sorry...I'm trying," I whispered, realizing he must have felt left out recently. He shook his head, giving me another kiss before he began to leave a hickey on my neck. The sucking and biting made me rest my head back against the lockers behind me and close my eyes.

  "I understand,” he whispered. He finished giving me two more hickeys before he pulled back up to meet my gaze. "After we collect the crystals and when things calm down, can we go on a date?"

  "Just us?" I asked.

  "Hmmm. Ya...well, maybe we'll bring Junho along," Ethan hummed. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why Junho?"

  "He's easy going. If I want a threesome with you, he'd totally be chill with it and not ask questions." Ethan winked. He leaned in, his voice dropping a tone deeper.

  "And it would be fun to invite along Hyun and Eun for some fun," Nyx's husky voice whispered in my ear before he tugged on my earlobe with his teeth.

  "Fuck,'re just gonna turn me on again," I whispered breathily. He released my ear, which throbbed, sending bits of pleasure and excitement through me.

  He chuckled. "Alright, Scar. I won't tease you today." He placed a kiss on my cheek before closing his eyes.

  Ethan's normal green eyes returned and he shook his head. "Jeez, Nyx. He doesn't even warn me anymore before he takes control."

  I giggled. "He likes frustrating you."

  "I guess. We should get dressed," Ethan suggested. I nodded in agreement and we pulled apart, quickly working on getting into our outfits for the assignment.

  "So for this cage fight, it's just you kicking ass and me cheering you on?" I inquired as I pulled up my black tights. I figured if we were going to do anything requiring some flexibility, I should wear tights instead of constricting jeans.

  "Should be. That's what the rules state. Partners have to be one male and one female. We worked our way up to the top and the winner gets the prize money and the box, which has the bracelet with the crystal inside," Ethan revealed as he tied his grey sweatpants.

  "Sweats?" I asked, looking down at him.

  He grinned. "That's all I need. Gonna get dirty kicking ass."

  "You know, when people look at you, they're gonna think you’re a pushover," I pointed out.

  "Why? I'm not intimidating enough?" he questioned with a grin.

  "You're cute with a hint of nerd in you, until you have your glasses and t-shirt off...and well..." I blushed, glancing away as I tried to figure out how to finish the sentence without pointing out that he looked utterly hot and intimidating naked.

  Ethan picked his glasses off the bench and put them on. Then he walked up to me, sliding his hands down the sides of my body and pulling me into an embrace. I held back a moan, loving how my breasts pressed against his hard, bare chest.

  "I'm more intimidating naked then, hmm?" he teased.

  "Not necessarily intimidating...just really hot and it gets me excited...Ya, we need a date together," I confessed.

  "Indeed we do, my love." Ethan spoke quietly, holding me in his arms for a long moment. The ding of his phone pulled us out of the moment and he sighed. He pulled away to grab the device that sat next to his bag of electronics.

  I took the opportunity to put on my black sports bra, followed by a red crop top with the words “FAIRY LOVER” in bright gold glitter. I hadn't even realized the words on the top. I glanced at
Ethan who sensed my gaze, lifting his lime green eyes to stare at the crop top.

  "Totally not being biased or anything, but that top looks gorgeous on you, Scar," Ethan complimented.

  "Uh huh. Sneaky," I commented, walking over to the mirror to tie my hair into a high bun. Even if I wasn't fighting, it never was good to have your hair out.

  "Huh? Well shit," Ethan grumbled. I looked over to see his look of concentration as he stared at the phone screen. He placed his phone down and pulled out his laptop, crossing his legs on the bench. Then he placed the black device in his lap and began to type swiftly.

  "What?" I asked, but returned to fixing my hair, knowing when Ethan went into computer mode it would be a little bit before he registered and replied to my question.

  After a minute of typing, he groaned. "Jaxson's gonna kick my ass."

  "Why is Jaxson gonna kick your ass? What’s going on?"

  "The rules have been updated since there are less partnered competitors tonight and it's a full house," Ethan explained.

  "Which means?" I asked, not understanding cage fighting logistics.

  "We're both fighting," Ethan revealed.

  "As in the same ring?" I asked, shocked.

  "No. We'll be matched up with another set of partners. I'll fight the male and you'll fight the female. From the looks of things, we’re gonna be the final fight."

  "We don't work our way up? Or have to deal with the previous winner?" I questioned, taking my knowledge of these things from movies and shows.

  "Nope. It goes in whatever order they see fit. The good thing is we'll only have to fight once and when we win, the crystal is ours," Ethan acknowledged. I noticed his expression, which made me realize there was more to what he wanted to say.

  "But?" I pressed. He lifted his gaze to me and gave me a sympathetic look.

  "Jaxson is gonna get pissed if I let you fight, Scar,” he confessed.

  I rolled my eyes. "Jaxson knows I'm a grown ass woman who's been trained by Kendrick. He made sure I knew how to fight and I've taken kickboxing and other classes up until recently. I think I can handle myself just fine," I grumbled.

  "Not that simple, my love," Ethan whispered, getting up to walk over to me. "Everyone on the list are shifters."

  "Your point?"

  He raised his hand to move a strand of my neon orange hair that escaped my bun behind my ear. Then he closed his eyes.

  I felt a flow of magic leak off him and glanced at the mirror to my left; my bright orange locks were now pure white.

  "Well, shit? Way to age my ass, Ethan," I huffed. I had to admit the white locks looked natural and made me think of wolves and their white fur.

  "I don't want people to recognize you when you’re fighting. This makes you look more like a wolf shifter than what you are," Ethan revealed. He opened his eyes, which were now midnight blue.

  I paused in my next statement, mesmerized by his beautiful eyes. "Right..." I trailed off. He confidently smirked before lifting his hand. His soft thumb trailed my bottom lip.

  "Scar, concentrate please,” he whispered, which only made it even harder to follow his request.

  "Dark fairies are so dangerous," Aurora mumbled.

  "Very. Earth to Scar? Hello?" Serenity sang. I blinked a few times before I snapped out of it.

  "Aww fuck. Sorry. Okay, concentrating," I declared. Thanks, guys.

  "No worries." Serenity giggled.

  "Call upon us if you need us," Aurora reassured me before she and Serenity disappeared from my mind.

  "As I was saying, the problem is they can use their spirits," Ethan acknowledged.

  "So? Why is that bad for us?"

  "It's bad because we haven't trained you in switching back and forth with Aurora and Serenity," Ethan disclosed.

  I blinked, and then started laughing. "Ethan, I'll be fine. I think you need to have more faith in me." I leaned in and kissed him on the nose. Then I moved out of his way, walking over to grab some red lipstick to finish my look.

  "Scar, you've used your spirits how many times? Once?" Ethan stressed.

  "Twice if you consider the mall incident, which counts by the way." I pointed my lipstick container at him as I walked over to the mirror to apply the bright ruby red color to my lips.

  "Are you going to be okay?" Ethan asked. I finished applying the lipstick and smiled at my reflection, noticing how the white strands of my hair made my blue-green eyes pop and my red lipstick look brilliant.

  "I'll be fine, Ethan," I reassured him, looking over my shoulder to meet his worried expression. I sighed, walking over to him and cradling his face in my hands.

  "Ethan. I'm a part of this team, remember? I know I'm your guys’ girlfriend and you fear for my safety, but this is an assignment and I have to be able to meet the demands of it. Can you just trust in my strength and support me? I'd really appreciate it." I whispered the last part as I stared into his eyes. The midnight blue color slowly morphed back to lime green.

  We stared at each other for a long time before Ethan nodded. "Make sure Jaxson doesn't hide my body. I'd like to be cremated if he plans to kill me."

  I rolled my eyes. "He's not gonna kill you."

  "Maybe. Depends how fast I can run."

  I shook my head. "Overprotective."

  "Because we love you," Ethan replied.

  "I love you too. Now, are we ready to kick ass?" I questioned. I put my stuff in the locker, turning to face him as he put on a black shirt with the words “SHE'S MY FAIRY QUEEN" in bright red letters. The word “QUEEN” was in sparkling gold that matched my shirt.

  I raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged. "Got the idea from Elias. I like it." He winked.

  "Men. Always claiming ownership," I sighed.

  "At least we don't steal your clothes and wear them," he countered.

  I sighed dramatically. "PLEASE! We ‘BORROW’ your clothes because we're always sleeping in your rooms and you hide our clothes so we have to walk around the house naked."

  "Not guilty....that was Junho," Ethan insisted, putting his bag into the locker and sealing it up with a special lock. He did the same for mine before he turned to face me, offering me his hand.

  "Ready to kick ass, Fairy Lover?" He hummed.

  "Is that a new nickname? ‘Cause I like it," I said, putting my hand in his.

  "If you want it to be."

  "Fairy Lover. Perfect. I'm SO ready to kick ass," I stated.

  "Then let's get this over with and win that crystal," Ethan declared. With a squeeze of his hand, we went out of the locker room, ready to kick some shifter ass.

  "Mother fucking! Ethan, WHY THE FLYING FUCK IS SCAR IN THE RING?!"

  I sighed, trying to tune out the loud conversation happening in the little speaker in my ear. I was thankful for the dragon earring that wrapped around my ear, concealing the tiny headset.

  I looked at the bulky shifter before me. She had a wide grin on her face and everyone cheered, excited to see the beat down they expected me to receive. I cracked my neck, making sure my bun was in place before strapping on my red gloves.

  I took a quick look at the guys. Junho gave me a sympathetic smile. Jaxson, on the other hand, looked like he was going to murder everyone in the large room, which felt small with all the shifters shouting and waving money in the air. I noticed Michael's blonde hair appear near the entrance and he slowly made his way through the crowd towards the guys.

  He reached Junho's side, looking confused and a little stunned at Jaxson's anger that I could feel all the way from here. His gold eyes lifted to meet mine and grew wide. Junho passed him an earring headset, which he quickly put in.

  "Scarlet? Why is your ass in the ring?"

  "You know she can't answer that," Ethan huffed. I glanced over to him resting his arms on the ropes of the ring.

  He had a scratch on his cheek and a few bruises on his arms and bare chest, but otherwise, he was in perfect shape.

  His fight had been quick and easy, entertaining the crowd for
a minute by dodging and making his opponent think he was a weakling.

  But as soon as Ethan slid his glasses off and tossed them to me to hold, it took less than thirty seconds before the oversized male was down for the count with a broken jaw, nose, and right arm.

  The swift ending made the whole room fall silent. After a moment, they cheered and praised Ethan, who was the male winner. Watching the whole thing was really hot, and I'd have to ask him on our next date where he learned how to fight like that. He didn't even use Nyx, which left me more intrigued.

  Now it was my turn to face the bulky guy's girlfriend who honestly gave me bear vibes. Though the rules stated we couldn't shift into our spirit forms, an individual could still call upon their spirit to take control and aid them in the fight.

  That was what Ethan had been worried about and why Jaxson was freaking the fuck out.

  "Scar, get out of the ring," Jaxson ordered.

  "She still can't answer and the match is about to start," Ethan commented dryly.

  "I'm so fucking kicking your ass, Ethan Roseblade. I swear to the fucking Starlight gods!" Jaxson snarled.

  "Can you do that after this case is done? Good luck, Scar. Stay calm," Junho encouraged and I smiled at him.

  Michael frowned but met my gaze, lifting his hand to press the button of his headset. "Scarlet. Best advice, act weak and ignore any taunts. Then leave the rest to Serenity and Aurora."

  I raised an eyebrow at him and my spirits entered my mind at their mention.

  "Us?" they both questioned curiously.

  I frowned, but slowly nodded, showing I understood. He continued. "You have Seraphim spirits, Scar. Aside from your eyes, no one will be able to tell that you have two spirits. Aurora and Serenity can sync up their behavior to be exactly the same if you really wanted to. No one but us would know. You're at the highest advantage with this opportunity. Make sure you use it."

  "FINAL ROUND- We're about to begin!" the announce declared, making the crowd go wild with excitement. I nodded confidently before I lifted up my crop shirt and passed it to Ethan. I didn’t want it to get dirty and I needed to be as light as I could be.


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