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Seamless Forever (Sleepless November Saga Book 3)

Page 17

by Kelsey Clayton

  “What? That’s insane. It’s not his fault.”

  “He said that if he wasn’t so well known, this wouldn’t have happened – and it certainly wouldn’t have made TMZ if it did.”

  My phone vibrates yet again, but this time it’s my mom. I groan as I throw myself back against my pillow. Emily smiles sympathetically and takes the device into her hand.

  “I’ve got this one.” She presses answer and puts the phone to her ear. “Hi Mrs. Hartman.”

  I can hear my mother shouting from here. “Emily? Where is Kayleigh? Is she alright? What’s going on?”

  “She’s okay. I’m here with her now, she just really doesn’t feel like talking.”

  “Put it on speaker.” I mouth, not wanting to speak to her but wanting to hear what she says. Em nods and presses the button so my mom’s voice is louder.

  “She’s not high, is she?”

  I roll my eyes dramatically, making my best friend snicker. “No. She’s definitely not high.”

  She sighs into the phone. “Maybe I should just come there.”

  My stomach drops, but Em gives me a reassuring look. “That’s really not necessary. She just needs some time. Give her a couple more days and I’ll make sure she calls you. I promise.”

  “Fine, but if I don’t hear from her by Friday, I’m taking the next flight out.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Hartman.”

  “Thank you, Emily. She’s very lucky to have you.”

  She sticks her tongue out at me and makes me laugh as she says goodbye to my mom. As soon as she hangs up, I take my phone back and send a quick text to Holden.

  Me: I’m sorry I haven’t wanted to talk.

  Thank you for sending Em.

  Don’t blame yourself. I love you.

  Once it goes through, I place it on the nightstand and settle back into my bed. Emily makes herself comfortable on the other side and grabs the remote, turning on the TV and playing Friends through Netflix. This girl always knows exactly how to make me the most comfortable, and I love her for that.

  THE FOLLOWING NIGHT, THE two of us are studying for finals when she decides to take a break. She’s scrolling through her phone when it dings. I hear her breath hitch, and it causes me to look at her strangely.

  “What?” I ask.

  She doesn’t answer immediately, reading something over first. When she’s done, she coos. “Holden released a statement.”

  “He did what?!”

  “This surprises you? Kayleigh, you’re lucky he didn’t strangle the reporter.”

  I grab my phone and type Holden Rivers into the search engine, clicking the first link pops up.

  NHL Prodigy Responds to Fiancé Drug Rumors

  A few days ago, TMZ released a bit of information involving Boston Bruins new heartthrob, Holden Rivers. A source revealed to them that his fiancé, Kayleigh Jacobs, has a history of cocaine addiction. The recent news of them expecting a baby together caused the source to be concerned. Mr. Rivers, himself, released a statement today, regarding the situation. This is what he had to say…

  “It’s absurd that I even need to respond to these allegations. My relationship with my fiancé is something that is extremely important to me, and to see her name be slandered like this has caused more hurt than acceptable. If the person who went to TMZ with this story was so concerned for the wellbeing of our child, they should have come to me directly. Instead, they were only trying to cause irreparable damage and that is not something I am okay with. I’m only reaching out to set the record straight. Kayleigh does not have a drug problem, and when I find the person who made such claims, there will be legal charges brought against them. My fiancé and I will have no further comments on the issue.”

  Well, there you have it. The rumors are precisely that – rumors.

  I finish reading and wipe the tear from my eye. Unable to dial the number fast enough, I put the phone to my ear and wait for an answer.

  “Hello?! Kayleigh?!”

  “Hi.” I breathe.

  Holden exhales into the phone. “Hey.”

  ONCE I’M ABLE TO really focus on studying for finals, I manage to wrap my head around all the information I need. The exams are more difficult, because I had to teach myself the material. However, I get through them.

  Emily left the Monday after she got here. It was nice to have some one on one time with her, but she had to get back to school. Holden’s statement managed to kill most of the media chaos, and as soon as his last game was over, he got on a plane to come back to me.

  We’re currently sitting in the airport, waiting for Jo to arrive for our flight back to Jersey. My whole body is shaking and I can’t sit still. The thought of Holden’s parents knowing about my past makes my anxiety skyrocket. He claims that he’s already spoken to them about it and explained that it’s not a current problem, but I’m still unbelievably nervous.

  “It’s going to be fine.” Holden assures me, placing his hand on my knee.

  “They probably hate me.”

  “They don’t.”

  “Well, they should.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Why? Because you’ve made some mistakes in your life? Babe, these are the same people who had to pick me up from the police department because I got caught at a party drunk and high. I was fifteen. You’re not the only person to make stupid choices.”

  Just as I’m about to respond, a sudden pressure in my stomach causes me to freeze. I place my hands on it lightly and wait to see if it happens again. When it does, I gasp.

  “What?” Holden practically panics. “What’s wrong?”

  “I-I think the baby just kicked.”

  A wide grin stretches across his face. “Really?!”

  “I’ve been feeling flutters for a week now, but this time, it was an actual kick.” I grab his hands and put it on my stomach, having him push down just slightly. “Come on, peanut. Do it again.” A few moments pass, and just as we’re about to give up, there’s a strong jab straight to Holden’s hand. “Did you feel that?!”

  He doesn’t move. His attention stays fully focused on my belly. However, when I see a tear leak out and slide down his cheek, I know he felt it, too.

  THE FLIGHT AND CAR ride to Holden’s parent’s house are filled with nervous jitters, no matter how much Holden and Josephine both try to calm me down. Even Brandon makes an attempt but it’s no use. The possibility of them not finding me worthy enough to marry Holden makes me sick.

  We pull up to the house and I decide to sit in the car for an extra couple minutes. Holden waits with me and sends the other two inside. He doesn’t say anything, knowing it wouldn’t help at all. He just looks at me patiently and gives me all the time I need.

  “Okay.” I whisper after a few minutes. “I’m ready.”

  He climbs out of the car and opens the door for me, wrapping his arm around my waist as soon as he can. We walk slowly toward the house. When we get onto the porch, Heather steps outside. She looks at me and then to Holden.

  “Can I talk to Kayleigh, please?”

  My fiancé glances down at me and I nod, knowing there is nothing I can do to avoid this. He kisses the top of my head before going inside, leaving Heather and I alone together.

  “Care to sit?” She asks, leading me over to the swing. The two of us sit down and she sighs. “How are you?”

  I focus on my hands. “I’ve been better.”

  “I bet. I was worried about you.”

  “You were?” I ask, looking at her, confused.

  She smiles softly. “Of course, I was. You’re going to be my daughter soon.”

  “You still want me to be?”

  “Oh sweetheart, don’t be silly. So, you have a past. Name someone who doesn’t.”

  A wave of relief washes over me. Although, I’m still ashamed. “Yeah, but I made really bad choices.”

  “Do you still make those bad choices now?”

  “No.” I shake my head rapidly. “Never.”

  “Then you can’
t let them define you. They’re just a part of your past. You take your mistakes and you learn from them. That’s all you can do.”

  “I was so afraid you’d hate me.”

  “Well, that would make me a hypocrite.”

  My eyes widen. “Y-you used to…”

  “No, but my husband did.”

  I sit there, gaping. The thought of Dan doing drugs seems outlandish to me. He’s a lawyer and so well put together.

  “I never would have guessed.”

  She chuckles. “That’s because he doesn’t let a mistake he made when he was younger have any effect on his life now. Though, he’s also never had millions of people judging him for it.”

  “Yeah.” I wince. “That parts hard.”

  “But you’re getting through it. You have Holden, and the baby. Who cares what anyone else thinks? The people who matter still love you, and none of us are going anywhere.”

  I hug her tightly, not knowing how much I needed her motherly advice until now. She’s right. As long as I have the people I care about, everything is going to be just fine.

  SOMEHOW, HOLDEN ENDS UP talking me into going to a party. He had given me the option to stay home, but I knew how that would look. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be though. No one mentions the media mishap, or even looks at me differently – that is, however, until Bianca walks through the door. The sour expression on her face is enough to make me uneasy.

  I place my hands over my stomach protectively, as if she’s about to attack me like some kind of ninja. When she notices, she glances at Holden. Her face changes to a look between longing and sadness, but it’s quickly masked when someone comes up to talk to her.

  Suddenly, the room is just too small. The air is thick and I feel like I can’t get a deep enough breath. Trying to avoid the impending anxiety attack, I lean over and whisper into Holden’s ear.

  “I’m just going to get some fresh air.”

  He eyes me intently. “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No. Stay with your friends. I’ll only be a minute.”

  It almost looks like he’s going to argue it, but thankfully, he doesn’t. It’s not that I don’t want him around me. I just don’t feel like spending my night explaining that his devil of an ex can still make me feel intimidated.

  I step outside, into the overly fancy backyard. Being in the end of December, I can see my breath. I snuggle deeper into Holden’s jacket and allow the cold air to burn as I inhale deeply.

  “Cold?” A voice startles me. Bianca.

  “What did you do? Follow me out here?”

  She smirks. “Maybe. You and I both know Holden wouldn’t allow me within five feet of you otherwise.”

  I roll my eyes. “What do you want, Bianca?”

  “The same thing I’ve always wanted – for you to disappear.”

  “Yeah, well that’s not going to happen.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it will. You’ll fuck up at some point, and your relationship will deteriorate right in front of your face.” The evil grin that appears on her sends a chill down my spine, and I watch her step closer. “And when that happens, you better believe my friend at TMZ will be more than happy to cover the story.”

  Just like that, all the fresh air in the world isn’t enough to stop the pain in my chest. Bianca nudges past me and walks away, leaving through the back gate. The anger that spreads through my body has me wanting to chase after her – to show her exactly who she messed with, and why it wouldn’t be wise to do it again – but as I go to step forward, a kick in my stomach reminds me that’s not a good idea. I close my eyes and will myself to calm down. A couple counts to ten later, I go back inside to find the one person who can always make me smile.

  AFTER THE PARTY, I decide not to tell Holden about Bianca being the inside source. He already has enough to worry about. He doesn’t need to be seeking a lawsuit against a jealous ex. Instead, I just focus on spending Christmas with my growing family.

  Before I know it, it’s time to go back to the airport. We were going to drive to Rhode Island like we did last year, but Holden said he would rather fly. He claims he’s been spending way too much time in cars and on buses lately. I consider correcting him, because he’s been on planes just as much, but I decide against it.

  Brandon and Emily are quiet as we walk through the airport. I try to figure out why, but Em won’t even look me in the eyes. They’re hiding something.

  “What’s up with them?” I question.

  Holden glances at our two friends but says nothing. He has the same look on his face as they do, cluing me in that I’m the only one who isn’t in on the secret – whatever it is. It doesn’t necessarily seem like a bad thing, but not knowing what it could be is driving me crazy. When Holden isn’t paying attention, I grab the tickets out of his hand.



  “Give me those.” He reaches but I turn so he misses.

  “Why are we going to Hawaii?” I’m confused. “Did you tell my parents we aren’t coming? They’re expecting us for New Year’s.”

  Emily chuckles while Holden just looks at me with pure amusement. “You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?”

  I narrow my eyes. “Why?”

  He steps forward and takes my hands in his. “Because you spoil surprises. Yes, I spoke to your parents. They’re actually getting on a flight themselves.”

  “What? Where are they going?”

  “To our wedding.”

  Chapter 25

  Ifidget in the seat next to Holden. The six-hour flight to our layover at LAX does nothing to ease my anxiety. Since he dropped the bombshell about where we’re going and why, he hasn’t answered any of my questions. Where are we getting married? When did you arrange this? How long are we staying there for?

  “What about everyone else? All our bridesmaids and groomsmen?”

  Holden snorts. “Baby, do you trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  He grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers. “Then believe me when I say that I have everything figured out.”

  I groan, causing Em and Brandon to laugh while Holden just looks at me lovingly. I hate them dearly.

  WE LIE ON LOUNGE chairs around the pool. Holden is to my left while Emily is on my right, with Brandon on the other side of her. Jo is on the other side of Holden. Our parents sit about fifty feet away at a table, talking like they’ve known each other for years. It’s nice to see them getting along so well.

  Since we arrived last night, no one will give me any details on what’s happening. It’s literally a surprise wedding, and despite being the bride, I have no say in anything. I’ve even tried texting everyone back in Maine. They won’t answer me.

  An idea comes to mind, and I get up slowly.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” I lie.

  Holden looks up from his phone. “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll be right back.”

  With a quick kiss goodbye, I head inside. I walk past the bathrooms and straight up to the front desk. The woman on the other side of the counter looks friendly enough, so I smile sweetly and hope to get some information out of her.

  “How can I help you, ma’am?”

  I rest my arms on the counter. “I was wondering if you could tell me any details about the Rivers wedding.”

  She types a few things into her computer, then frowns. “It appears that information is confidential, per request of the groom.”

  “Okay, then could you at least tell me how many rooms Mr. Rivers has booked?”

  “I’m sorry, miss. I’m not allowed to disclose that information.”

  I sigh, thanking her for trying. As I turn around, I’m faced with Bree and Skylar. Their arms are crossed and they’re looking at me like I’m in trouble.

  “Well, aren’t you sneaky.” Bree quips.

  Running toward them, we envelop into a group hug. “Oh, my god. Yo
u guys are seriously here?!”

  “Hey. Where’s ours?” A voice calls out.

  I spin on my heels to see Caleb, Jason, and Dawson. My jaw drops and suddenly, I feel so complete. One by one they each come up to embrace me. First is Dawson, then Jason. Lastly, Caleb smiles brightly as he picks me up and spins me around.

  “Alright, be careful with my fiancé.” Holden appears beside us.

  Caleb puts me down and I grin at Holden. “You did all this?”

  He smirks. “I told you I had it all figured out.”

  I step closer and wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you.”

  “Thank me by marrying me tomorrow evening.”

  My breath hitches. Knowing I’ll officially be Mrs. Kayleigh Rivers by tomorrow night causes me to feel things I never knew existed. This place is gorgeous and I’m here with all my favorite people in the world. It can’t possibly get better than this.

  “Aw, we missed her reaction.” Emily pouts to both Jo and Brandon.

  Holden and I watch as they all greet each other. It isn’t until Jo reaches Jason that everyone goes alarmingly quiet. I don’t think they’ve seen each other since September. The mix of emotions is written all over Jason’s face.

  “How are you?” He breathes.

  She looks down, smiling shyly. “I’ve been okay. How about you?”

  “Same. You look good.”

  “Thanks. So do you.”

  The two of them look like middle school kids talking to their first crush. All of us stay completely still, but it’s clear we’re all thinking the same thing. I just hope forcing them together for this wedding does less harm than good.

  THE REHEARSAL DINNER THAT Holden arranged is perfect. Both our parents, plus all our closest friends, all gathered around the same table – I’ve never been happier. We’re all sun-kissed from spending the rest of the day out by the pool. Who knew the end of December could be so warm?

  At six o’clock, Holden leans over and softly whispers into my ear. “Happy Anniversary.”


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