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Seamless Forever (Sleepless November Saga Book 3)

Page 18

by Kelsey Clayton

  My eyebrows furrow. “Babe, you’re about six hours early.”

  He shakes his head. “Time difference. It’s 12:00 AM on the east coast.”

  “You’re such a sap.” I joke as I kiss him.

  After the restaurant, our parents go back to their rooms while we all go out to the nearest club. As we’re dancing, I keep a careful eye on Jo and Jason. It’s adorable how they fall right back into old habits, laughing with each other and not having a care in the world. I really wish they would just get back together, but that’s none of my business. Jo will always do what she thinks is best and I trust her judgement.

  The clock counts down to midnight, and while we’re basically zombies – being as it’s 6 AM back home – we celebrate with the rest of the crowd. Once it’s over, however, we leave and head back to the hotel.

  “Here.” Holden hands me the small card. “Take our room key.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “It’s tradition to sleep in separate rooms the night before the wedding.”

  “An ancient tradition.” I chuckle.

  “Maybe so, but being as you’re already pregnant, this is one of few traditions we can still take part in.” When I pout, he continues. “Don’t worry, you won’t be alone. Emily is staying with you. I’ll be in Brandon’s room with him.”

  “Well, I guess since I can’t have you, she’ll do.”

  “I can hear you.” Emily sasses, making me laugh.

  Holden bends forward and kisses me softly. “I’ll meet you at the altar.”

  THE REST OF THE short time we’re awake is spent awake grilling Em for details, but she won’t budge. Thankfully, I don’t have much time to overthink it, because sleep pulls me under rather quickly.

  In the morning, I wake to the sound of someone pounding on the suite door. Emily groans and shoves her head under the pillow, forcing me to get up and see who it is. When I open it, Bree, Jo, and Sky all push past me and into the room.

  “Good morning, Miss Jacobs.” Sky greets me.

  I rub my eyes with the back of my hand. “What time is it?”

  “Time for you to get ready to become my sister-in-law.” Jo says happily.

  “I thought Holden said the wedding isn’t until this evening.”

  Bree coos. “You’re so cute when you’re naïve. We have a dress appointment in thirty minutes, followed by the spa, and then hair and makeup.”

  “So much to do for an impromptu wedding.”

  Skylar raises up her hands defensively. “I tried warning you. All this shit took me over a year.”

  I walk over to Emily, pulling the pillow off her head. “Get up, loser. If I need to be awake this early, so do you.”

  “You’re so dramatic. It’s like two in the afternoon back home.” Bree remarks.

  “I’m pregnant. It makes me tired and cranky.”

  “Bless Holden for dealing with you.”

  I stick my tongue out at her and she chuckles.

  Once Em and I are ready to go, we all head out for the boutique. The rest of the itinerary for the day, I’m okay with. This, however, is going to be rough. I’m not sure how many dresses they will have that will fit my belly. It’s not huge, but it’s definitely there.

  I tell the girls that I don’t care what they choose, because to be honest – I don’t. The fact that they came all the way here is enough for me. I trust their judgement and fashion sense. So, while they’re scouring the racks, the sales woman focuses on me.

  It takes a good hour before we find one that I like. It’s simple, an ivory colored dress that goes to just above my knees. It has spaghetti straps and the top layer of fabric is more of a see-through mesh to a silk underneath. It flows gently down the front of me, allowing for my stomach to remain comfortable. The bottom of the dress is open in the front, while the sides and the back become longer.

  “Kayleigh, you look amazing.” Emily gasps.

  “You think so?”

  She nods. “I mean, Holden would marry you in a potato sack, but this is gorgeous.”

  I giggle as I look myself over in the mirror. Yeah, he’ll like this.

  The five of us pay for the dresses – them all picking different variations of a light teal – and make our way to the spa. When we get there, I find out we are to get anything we want. The receptionist has a judging look on her face, but she’s probably just jealous. Someone leaked the details of our nuptials to the media and now there have been fans from all over Hawaii coming to the hotel to catch a glimpse of Holden. Bree worries about me getting jealous, but he’s about to become my husband. I don’t have a care in the world.

  Jo and I opt for massages first, while the rest go to get their facials. I’m glad for the time alone with her, because I’ve been itching to ask about Jason.

  “Seriously, H is adorable for doing all this for you.” She tells me, lying face down on the massage table.

  I’m sitting in a chair, unable to lie flat on my stomach. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Well, good, because I was prepared to force you down that aisle if I had to.”

  The thought of her trying makes me smile. “I love you and all, but you’re little.”

  She shrugs. “I’d get Jason and Caleb to help. They’re big.”

  “Touché.” It goes quiet for a moment, and I can tell she’s thinking about him. “So, is this the first time you’ve seen Jay since your break up?”

  “Kind of.” She sighs. “I saw him once after to give back some of his things, but other than that, yeah.”

  “And? How do you feel now?”

  “I’m really not sure. I mean my feelings for Caleb are gone, that’s for sure, but my feelings for Jason were always so much stronger.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty sure he’s still hung up on you.”

  “He is?” She sounds surprised.

  I nod. “He hasn’t so much as looked at another girl since September. Even at parties, it’s like they don’t exist to him or something.”

  Her expression turns hopeful, but it’s only for a second. “He’s probably just afraid of Holden getting mad. He can be discreet when he wants to be.”

  I’m about to fight her on it, but the look on her face tells me I better not. The last thing I want to do is make her upset when she needs to see him soon. The heights even align to where she is paired with him to walk back down the aisle. She needs to be as levelheaded as possible.

  WHEN WE GET BACK to my suite, our dresses are all waiting for us along with the professionals to do our hair and makeup. Again, I trust my friends to do whatever they think looks best. They all decide on having it up in intricate buns. I, however, choose something I’ve seen so many times in my dreams – half up, half down, and curled.

  For the makeup, we all remain as natural as possible – using just enough to cover blemishes and pronounce our best features, but not look like we’re trying too hard. None of us have ever really been the kind to cake on foundation anyway. Well, except for Bree during half of freshman year.

  By the time we’re done, my mother comes in to see how we’re doing. She has John in tow, who looks like he’s going to cry, but he stays in the background. My mom doesn’t mask her feelings as easily. She thanks the heavens above for waterproof mascara.

  “Mom, stop crying. You’re going to make me cry.”

  She dabs her tears with a tissue. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You look beautiful.”

  A worker for the hotel peaks her head into the room. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but you’re expected downstairs in ten minutes.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  My mom takes a deep breath. “John and I will be waiting in the front row.”

  I look past her and at my stepfather. “No, Mom. You will be waiting in the front row. He has a bride to give away.” The dam breaks and all the emotions he was holding back come flooding out. I walk toward him and smile softly. “That is, as long as you want to.” />
  “I would be honored.” He chokes out.

  I STAND BEHIND THE tall wooden barrier, hearing the music play and watching my friends all walk out one by one. Just knowing Holden is on the other side, makes me want to knock it down and run up to him. I had expected my anxiety to be out of control, but I don’t feel it at all. The only thing I can think of is the fact that in a few minutes, Holden Rivers will be my husband.

  “Are you ready?” John asks me.

  I hold onto his arm and keep the bouquet in the other hand. “Absolutely.”

  The woman standing near the start of the aisle nods at someone and the music changes. I follow my stepfather’s lead and begin walking. My toes sink into the sand, grounding me and giving me something to focus on. One step, two steps, three steps. When I feel steady enough, I look up and my eyes meet Holden’s.

  He’s wearing a light gray tuxedo. His hair is styled, keeping it out of his face. The main thing I’m focused on though, is the way he’s looking at me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much fondness. The light is hitting him just right, and the closer I get, the easier it is to see the tears in his eyes. When we finally reach the end of the aisle, he steps forward and takes my hand from John.

  “Take good care of her.” John tells him emotionally.

  “I will.” Holden assures him, then turns to me. “You look stunning.”

  “Even while pregnant?”

  His smile widens. “Especially while pregnant.”

  I roll my eyes playfully and we take our places in front of the officiant. Our hands stay conjoined, not wanting to let go since we haven’t seen each other all day. He squeezes three times. I. Love. You. I return the sentiment.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen.” The man begins. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Kayleigh Madison Jacobs and Holden Edward Rivers – two people who by the grace of God have found each other to spend their lives with.”

  “Wait!” Someone yells. Their voice instantly makes me cringe, and I turn to see Bianca standing at the end of the aisle. Everyone gasps. “Holden, please. Don’t do this.”

  Chapter 26

  Holden looks away from Bianca and back to me, his pained expression practically screaming his apology. Brandon seems somewhere in between shocked and trying not to laugh. Everyone else is just staring blankly. Holden and I turn our heads back to Bianca.

  “B, what are you doing here?” He asks.

  She wipes a tear away from her eye. “I love you. I’ve always loved you. Please, don’t marry her.”

  He squeezes my hand in his and uses the other to rub his head. “I’ve told you already, you and I are not going to be together.”

  “Why not?!” She spits. “You think she can give you all the things that I can? She’s probably just marrying you for the money. She’ll drain your bank account and spend it all on coke.”

  I see red. Holden’s face contorts in anger as everyone’s jaws drop. Before I can even begin to control myself, I release his hand and march towards Bianca, who is now half way up the aisle. She gives me a smug look, taunting me. When I reach her, I ball my fist up swing it directly into her face.

  She steps back, looking completely shocked. There’s a cut on her lip from my engagement ring – something I consider ironic justice. Holden appears at my side and places a protective hand on my stomach to hold me back.

  “I think you better leave.” He tells her, waving to a security guard. A distraught Bianca is escorted out and away from our wedding. My fiancé turns to me. “Are you okay?!”

  “That depends, are you going with her?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then I’m perfect.” I grab his hand and start walking back toward the altar.

  He pulls on my hand to stop me. “Are you sure you still want to do this? I don’t want memories of our wedding to be tainted by her.”

  “Holden, do you want to marry me?”

  “More than anything in the world.”

  I smile at his honesty. “Then let’s get married. Postponing the wedding is exactly what she wants us to do. Now, I don’t know about you but the last thing I want is to give it to her. So, are you coming with me or not?”

  He lights up and nods once, walking with me back to where we were previously standing. As we get close enough, Emily puts her hand out for a low five. I chuckle as I discreetly slap her hand with mine. When I turn back to Holden, I see Brandon smiling proudly behind him. I shoot him a wink that makes him laugh.

  “Well then, let us continue.” The officiant picks back up as if nothing happened, but I can’t stop staring into Holden’s eyes. The way he looks at me like I’m the most spectacular thing he’s ever seen – it’s breathtaking.

  I get lost in my thoughts, and the next thing I know, it’s time for Holden to read his vows.

  “Kayleigh.” He starts. “Before I get into it, I have a confession.” My stomach drops. “A little over two years ago, we were grouped together on a project. What you don’t know, is that I paid the professor to pair us together.” A bark of laughter leaves my mouth, and I cover it with my hand. Holden leans to the side to look behind me. “Sorry Bree.”

  “We’ll talk later, Rivers.” She scoffs, making everyone laugh because we know she’s not serious.

  He focuses back on me. “The second I saw you, it was like something punched me in the gut. I couldn’t think straight, and everything that came out of my mouth only made it worse. I knew that the only way to get you to give me a second look was to open up and let you see another side of me – a side I’ve always kept hidden in fear of getting hurt. The thing is, you made it so easy. Falling in love with you wasn’t a conscious effort – it just happened, like gravity. We’ve been through a lot together, but no matter what, we always find a way back to each other. I feel so incredibly lucky for getting to spend the rest of my life with you by my side.”

  The tears are pouring down my face like a waterfall. Holden takes the cloth from his pocket and hands it to me. I thank him quietly and use it to dry my eyes, careful not to smear my makeup.

  “Beautiful, Holden. Now, Kayleigh, would you like to read your vows?”

  I nod, taking a deep breath to compose myself. “Holden. I met you the beginning of freshman year, and honestly, how I felt about you then makes me laugh now. The way you came off was an obvious front and yet you had everyone fooled. It wasn’t until you found out one of my darkest secrets that I had no choice but to let you in. The thing is, you let me in, too. You dropped that façade and allowed me to get to know the real person behind the mask. From there, I had no choice but to love you. The way you looked at me, the way you still look at me – it never fails to make me feel so important. Now we’re expecting a baby together in just a few months, and I am so excited to begin this next chapter of our lives together. I love you, for everything you are and everything you stand for.”

  “Very nice.” The officiant smiles. “Do we have the rings?” Holden turns around to take the rings from Brandon. When he faces me again, the man begins. “Holden, we’ll start with you. Do you, Holden Edward Rivers, take thee, Kayleigh Madison Jacobs, to be your wife? To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

  He slips the ring onto my finger, then looks up at me. “Every step of the way.”

  A broad grin stretches across my face as the officiant turns to me. “And do you, Kayleigh Madison Jacobs, take thee, Holden Edward Rivers, to be your husband? To have and to hold, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

  I slide the ring into place and giggle softly. “Not going anywhere.”

  “Then by the power vested in me, by the state of Hawaii, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Holden doesn’t waste any time. As the sun dips beneath the water line, he pulls me into his arms and presses his lips to mine in a heated kiss. I can feel the blush cover my cheeks, knowing our parents are watching. He
pulls away after a moment and stares deep into my eyes.

  We turn to walk back up the aisle. I stop him from going anywhere and take my bouquet from Emily. I pull three of the calla lilies from it, handing one to my mom, one to Heather, and placing one on the empty chair reserved for his mother. When I’m done, I rejoin him. He has a tear in his eye as he bends down to kiss my cheek.

  “Thank you.” He whispers.

  I look at him, confused. “For what?”

  “Being you.”

  I DIDN’T EXPECT TO have a reception, but I shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that Holden arranged one anyway. We have our first dance to Fall for You by We Three. He holds me close as we sway to the music, their voices softly flowing through the room.

  “How’s your hand?” He asks, referring to me hitting Bianca earlier.

  “A little sore, but I’m okay.”

  A small laugh leaves his mouth. “What happened to not letting her affect you?”

  I sigh. “She’s the TMZ source.”

  “What?!” He growls and stops moving.

  “She told me at the party last week.”

  “That’s it. I’m pressing charges.”

  He looks around the room for Dan but I pull his head down to face me. “Don’t. She’s not worth the second thought. You’re mine now, and that’s all that matters.”

  “Baby, I’ve always been yours.”

  THE TIME COMES FOR Emily and Brandon to give their speeches. Holden and I sit close together, holding hands as we listen to our two best friends. Emily is the first one to stand, tapping her spoon on her glass to get everyone’s attention.

  “I’ve known Kayleigh since we were little – when boys had cooties and butterfly hair clips were all the rage. When she first told me about Holden, it was the first couple weeks of school, and she was groaning about the ‘arrogant moron’ her roommate was dating. The funny part of that is, when I asked if he was hot, she almost forgot how to speak and mumbled ‘that’s not the point’. The next time I heard about him was a couple months later when she showed up at my house and introduced him as her boyfriend. Every part of me wanted to ask questions, but when I saw how happy she was, and the look in her eyes when she smiled at him, I knew I didn’t have to. Holden, I have never seen my best friend this happy in all the time that I’ve known her. Thank you for that. I’m so excited for your future together, and I wish you all the best things in life.”


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