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The Swede

Page 24

by Maureen Smith

  She wound her arms around his neck, lifting herself higher against him. He kissed her deeply, thoroughly, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth to taste her more fully.

  She purred with pleasure, smiling into his eyes. “I guess we should probably shower at some point.”

  “Why?” he murmured between kisses. “Do I stink?”

  “Is that even possible?”

  “Have you smelled me after a game? I’m pretty sweaty.”

  She chuckled, twirling her tongue around his. “You don’t stink. I’m just looking for an excuse to get you naked again.”

  He grinned against her mouth. “Why didn’t you just say so? You don’t need an excuse to get me naked.”

  She wiggled her eyebrows. “In that case…”

  They quickly undressed each other, then Viggo swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bathroom. After putting her down, he reached around the shower curtain to turn on the water.

  She smacked his beefy ass cheek, startling a laugh out of him.

  “What was that for?”

  “Payback from earlier.” She nipped his earlobe.

  Grinning, he scooped her up and climbed over the edge of the tub. When the cool water hit her skin, she let out a surprised squeal, the sound bouncing off the tiled walls.

  Viggo laughed. “Sorry. That’s what happens when you distract me, woman.”

  He set her down—safely out of range of the cold water—and turned to adjust the faucet. She admired his droolworthy backside while he stood under the spray testing the temperature. His shoulders were so broad and strong, his back angling into a perfect V. God, he was sexy.

  After a few moments, he reached up and turned to angle the nozzle toward her. “Better?”

  She stepped closer. The water was the perfect temperature, not too hot or cold. “Much better.”

  He grinned crookedly. “I’ve been taking a lot of cold showers ever since I met you. I’ve gotten used to it.”

  She laughed. “Poor baby.”

  He gently maneuvered her to stand in front of the spray. She sighed luxuriantly and closed her eyes, letting the hot water flow over her body. Their marathon lovemaking had left her sore and aching. But she was oh so ready for more.

  Viggo moved up close behind her, kissing the side of her neck.

  A soft moan escaped her.

  Nuzzling her ear, he reached around to cup her breasts. She shivered as her nipples pebbled against the wet heat of his palms.

  She turned slowly to face him so that her back was to the pulsing spray. The high showerhead sent water sluicing over his gorgeous body, running in rivulets down all that golden skin.

  They stared at each other, the air around them clouded with steam. Then Viggo bent to kiss her bare shoulder, his mouth burning a path of slippery-hot kisses to her breasts.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

  “So are you.” Her head fell back on a low moan as his mouth closed around her nipple in a hard suction, the edge of his teeth scraping the sensitive flesh. Her pussy muscles clenched and pulsed. Standing on tiptoe, she arched her hips and pressed them against his, shivering at the slick hardness of his erection.

  When he lifted his head, she looped her arms around his neck and kissed him, pulling his bottom lip into her mouth with a soft tug of her teeth. He groaned, his thick cock swelling and dancing against her stomach.

  They shared a languorously erotic kiss under the hot spray, tongues sliding and stroking and tangling. By the time their lips came away warmed and wet, Viggo’s eyes had melted from gray to liquid steel.

  He watched under heavy lids as she sank to her knees in front of him. She pressed her nose to his groin, inhaling his musky male scent and smiling when she felt him shudder.

  Curling her fingers around the velvety length of his cock, she tongued the thick base and followed the line of a pulsing vein.

  His hips jerked and a rush of air whooshed from his lips.

  She slowly pumped him up and down, watching him from under her lashes. Water was running down his head, plastering his hair to his face. He looked sexy as hell.

  She licked her way along the underside of his cock, making him shiver and groan. Staring up into his eyes, she gave the broad head a slow lick.

  “Jesus, Scarlett,” he gasped, his powerful thighs parting as he braced one hand on the tiled wall beside them.

  “Mmm,” she purred as her tongue circled his cockhead, catching the pearly beads of precum that dribbled out. “I love the way you taste.”

  “Fuck, baby.” He slicked his wet hair back, staring down at her as rivulets of water ran down his face and dripped off his spiky lashes.

  She opened her mouth wider, taking in the first inch of his cock. She had a lot more to go. The man was blessed with girth and length.

  His eyes smoldered as he watched her plump lips wrap around his dick. “Holy shit,” he breathed. “That’s so fucking hot.”

  She loved his reaction, loved reducing this strapping hockey god to a shivering mass of raw need and lust.

  She cupped his heavy balls and rolled them between her fingers, smiling around his cock when another deep tremor rocked his body. Her nipples peaked and her clit vibrated like a snare drum, feeding off his arousal.

  “Thank you for my Christmas tree,” she purred seductively. “Tack så mycket.”

  He let out a guttural groan. “You’re trying to kill me, speaking Swedish with my dick in your mouth.”

  She choked back a laugh and took him deeper, swallowing as much of him as she could. He made a ragged sound in his throat, his hand coming up to fist in her hair.

  She began sucking him off, her head bobbing up and down his length. He groaned her name roughly, his fingers tightening in her hair. She licked and sucked him harder, pumping him with her hand at the same time. She loved the taste and feel of him, could easily get addicted.

  Her vigorous sucking had his muscled abs clenching and his thighs shaking with pleasure. She could feel his cock twitching and throbbing, and she salivated in anticipation of his hot jizz hitting the back of her throat. But before she could get him off, he pulled out of her mouth.

  Looking fierce and intent, he lifted her off the floor and gathered her up in his arms, growling when she wrapped her legs around his waist. He lifted her until just the head of his cock speared her creamy opening.

  When their eyes locked, he thrust her down onto him, making her cry out as a violent spasm of pleasure streaked through her body.

  “Fuck.” He shuddered against her, slick flesh rubbing slick flesh.

  She wound her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts into his chest. He cupped her ass cheeks and crushed his mouth to hers, giving her a kiss that scorched her down to her toes.

  She moaned his name as he began sliding in and out of her at a languorous pace, letting her feel every inch of his cock plunging through her folds. It drove her insane, made her more ravenous for him.

  “I’ve been fantasizing about this,” he rasped. “Fucking you in the shower, feeling your tight little pussy creaming on my dick while hot water beats down on our bodies. I’m in fucking heaven.”

  The explicit words had her sex clenching around him. She dug her heels into his ass, reveling in the flex of his powerful glutes as he pumped his hips, pounding deeper into her. He was so sexy and strong, holding her up as if she weighed nothing as he thoroughly rocked her world.

  “You feel so damn good, baby,” he moaned. “Like you were made just for me.”

  “I was,” she moaned back.

  “Damn right you were.”

  Dizzy with pleasure, she stared down at their joined bodies as he thrust and withdrew, his cock glistening wetter and wetter with her juices. Her vision blurred, her body spasming as the motherlode of orgasms threatened to explode through her.

  “It’s so good,” she whimpered, lost in a blanket of pure physical pleasure. “Oh God, baby, it feels so good. I can’t take it.”

  His hips slapped
wetly against hers, making her gasp and arch, her sex pulsing and rippling around him. His dick was so thick and hard, grinding against her exquisitely engorged clit with every stroke. She clung to his neck, her breasts bouncing against his chest as he slammed into her, harder and harder.

  “Viggo,” she sobbed in ecstasy.

  He gripped her thighs, his fingers biting into her flesh as he drove faster and deeper inside her. Her head fell back, pulses of white-hot electricity sizzling up and down her spine.

  As the water rained over them, Viggo slicked her hair off her face with one hand and kissed her hard, his tongue spearing her mouth to stroke her tongue.

  They climaxed explosively together, gasping into each other’s mouths as he spurted hot jets of semen deep inside her. Her thighs squeezed his hips while her muscles clamped down on his cock, milking him for every drop her body could wring out of his.

  “Fuuuuck.” He bowed his head, burying his face in her neck as she dropped her forehead to his shoulder. They were both panting and trembling violently, clutching each other under the now-lukewarm curtain of water.

  For several moments the world came to a standstill. The only sounds were their rasping breaths and the steady pulse of the shower spray.

  “Wow,” Viggo murmured at length, nuzzling her neck and collarbone. “Shower sex with Scarlett Rain. Best. Thing. Ever.”

  She laughed, lifting her head from his shoulder to nibble his wet lips. “Consider it an early Christmas present.”

  “Well ho, ho, ho,” he whispered as his mouth slanted over hers. “Merry Christmas to me.”

  Chapter 16


  All I Want for Christmas Is You

  * * *

  Scarlett woke up on Christmas morning to find Viggo watching her.

  He was lying beside her, propped up on one elbow with the covers bunched around his waist, leaving his bare chest exposed. His eyes were focused on her face with such tender intensity that her heart flipped over and skipped several beats.

  She gave him a soft, drowsy smile. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas,” he murmured.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “A while.” He smiled a little. “My family called pretty early to wish me Merry Christmas.”

  “Really? I didn’t even hear your phone ring.”

  “Good. I didn’t want to wake you, so I stepped out into the hallway to talk to them.”

  Scarlett smiled, snuggling deeper under the covers. “How many hours ahead is Stockholm?”

  “Six.” Viggo reached out and stroked her cheek with his thumb, staring at her with quiet adoration. “I love watching you sleep.”

  Her heart fluttered and sang at his words. “Is that what you were doing? Watching me?”

  He nodded slowly. “I could watch you all day and never get enough.”

  An ache swelled in her chest. I am so fucked.

  She reached over and touched his chest, letting her fingers drift over his pecs. He caught her hand, lifted it to his mouth and kissed her palm.

  She smiled shyly, her toes curling beneath the covers. It was Christmas, and all she wanted was him. Him, him and only him.

  Slowly he eased her onto her back and shifted his weight over her. She shivered as he ran his warm hands up her body, stroking along her ribs before brushing his mouth over hers.

  “One more day.”

  She smiled against his lips. “What’re you talking about?”

  He slid his tongue inside her mouth and she moaned softly, hooking her leg around his and digging her heel into the back of his thigh.

  “Let’s stay one more day,” he whispered.

  Her heart leaped. “You know we can’t,” she said weakly.

  He sucked her tongue. “Why not?”

  It was hard to think with his hard cock pressed against her lower belly. “We’re already missing Christmas today,” she said breathlessly. “Everyone’s waiting for us.”

  He levered himself above her and planted his hands on either side of her head, looking down into her eyes. “Just one more day.”

  She groaned, wrestling with fierce temptation. “Viggo—”

  “Look outside. We got almost two feet of snow. We don’t even know if the roads will be passable tomorrow.”

  “True.” Scarlett was smiling. If she could hibernate with him the rest of the winter, she would in a heartbeat.

  He slicked his tongue along the seam of her mouth, making her sigh as her hands went to the back of his neck, fingers burrowing into his hair.

  “We’ll have to stay on top of the weather report to see if any more snow is expected,” she whispered.

  “Umm-hmm,” Viggo murmured distractedly, the fat head of his cock nudging her entrance. “And speaking of staying on top of something…”

  * * *

  After making love a few more times, they lazed in bed another hour just enjoying the warmth of each other’s bodies, blithely ignoring their ringing phones. Alexa played festive Christmas songs while the twinkling tabletop tree cast a warm holiday glow around the room.

  Viggo had called room service last night and preordered breakfast. When the food came, they donned matching hotel robes and ate in bed, feeding each other syrupy forkfuls of brioche French toast with caramelized bananas and smoked bacon.

  When they finished eating, Viggo pulled Scarlett into his lap and leaned back against the headboard. She wreathed her arms around his neck as they shared slow, soft kisses.

  “God, I’m loving this,” he murmured against her mouth.

  She smiled. “Being shut away from the world in this little hotel room?”

  “Yeah. It doesn’t get any better than this.”

  “Agreed.” She fluttered butterfly kisses on his cheek with her long eyelashes, making him laugh at the tickling sensation.

  She grinned into his eyes. “Be right back.”

  “Where’re you going?”

  She laughed. “I have to pee. Is that okay with you?”

  “I suppose,” he grumbled playfully before releasing her.

  His heated gaze followed her as she climbed off his lap and headed around the corner. After using the bathroom and washing her hands, she reached inside the closet to retrieve the silver gift-wrapped box she’d hidden behind her coats. She’d bought Christmas presents for her family, her bandmates and Viggo. After he dumped her, she’d seriously considered setting his gift on fire. Now she was glad she didn’t.

  When she returned to the bed, she was surprised to find two expensively wrapped gifts waiting for her.

  She stared at Viggo. “You got me Christmas presents?”

  “Of course.” His expression softened when he saw the large box she was carrying. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Oh, this isn’t for you. It’s for the concierge. He’s been so helpful, hasn’t he?” When Viggo grinned, she laughed and thrust the present at him. “It’s not much, but I hope you’ll like it.”

  “I know I will,” he said warmly. “But I want you to open yours first.”

  “No, you go first.” She sat on the bed, watching eagerly as he unwrapped the box. Inside was a large stuffed elk sporting a Rebels number nineteen jersey with SANDSTRÖM sewn across the back. It was holding a hockey stick in one paw and a realistic-looking cinnamon bun in the other.

  A warm, deep laugh rumbled out of Viggo’s chest. The sound made Scarlett grin.

  “Holy shit,” he exclaimed, picking up the elk. “Where’d you get this?”

  “One of those novelty places that makes custom stuffed animals.” She grinned. “I chose an elk because it’s Sweden’s national animal. He plays hockey and loves Swedish cinnamon buns just like you.”

  “Damn, he’s cute as fuck.” Viggo grinned boyishly and squeezed the plush elk in his big hand, activating the music box. When “All I Want for Christmas Is You” erupted from the toy, he stared at it in disbelief. “Is that…?”

  When Scarlett began singing along to
the song, he let out a laugh of pure delight.

  She smiled. “I recorded a drum solo and four other Christmas songs. To start a new one, just give it a squeeze.” Her smile turned shy. “I figured since you like my singing—”

  He cupped the back of her head, pulled her close and kissed her deep and hard. By the time he drew away and smiled into her eyes, she was breathless and grinning like an idiot.

  “I don’t like your singing. I love your singing,” he said fervently. “This is one of the best gifts I’ve ever received, Scarlett. I’m gonna cherish it forever.”

  His heartfelt words made her melt. “I’m so glad you like it.”

  “I love it. It’s awesome.” He grinned at the elk, listening to Scarlett’s rendition of “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” The quiet rapture on his face turned her insides to mush. Who knew such a big, tough hockey player would have a soft spot for stuffed animals? It was the most achingly endearing thing she’d ever seen.

  “Oh. I almost forgot.” She smiled, lifting the elk’s little jersey. “There’s a picture sewn over his heart. See?”

  Viggo gazed down at the old photograph of him and his siblings as children. They stood bunched together in front of the family’s summer cottage back in Sweden. Six blond-haired kids, arms slung around one another’s shoulders, laughing and making goofy faces at the camera.

  Scarlett smiled, watching Viggo. “I got the picture from your Instagram.”

  “Fuck, baby.” His voice was thick and he looked like he was blinking back tears as happy childhood memories tumbled through his mind. When the Christmas song ended, he lifted his head and grinned at Scarlett, his eyes warm with pleasure. “Thank you so much for this.”

  “You are so welcome,” she said softly.

  He kissed her again, then handed her one of her presents. “Your turn.”

  She shook her head at him. “You really didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Just open it.”

  She pulled the bow apart and peeled off the fancy wrapping paper. Her pulse quickened when she saw the long velvet jewelry box. She carefully flipped back the lid, then gasped at the sight of two sparkling diamond navel rings. One was a diamond-studded hoop. The other was a delicate platinum barbell with a diamond on each end.


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