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The Swede

Page 25

by Maureen Smith

  “Wow,” she breathed, lifting the jeweled ornaments out of the box to admire them in the light. “These are absolutely gorgeous, Viggo.”

  He smiled. “You like them?”

  “They’re diamonds. What’s not to like?” She beamed at him. “I can’t wait to wear them. In fact, I’ll wear one tonight when we go to dinner.”

  He grinned wickedly. “Can I watch you put it on?”

  “Of course,” she purred, returning the navel rings to the box. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll even let you do the honors.”

  He laugh-groaned before handing her the second present.

  She removed the gift wrapping and opened the box to reveal an old Marvel Team-Up comic book. The pristine cover featured Spider-Man and the Human Torch battling the Sandman.

  Her eyes widened at the realization that this was the first issue that had introduced Misty Knight.

  “Oh my God!” She jumped up, staring incredulously at the comic book. It was sealed in a plastic case and graded Mint condition. Not only that—

  “It’s signed by Stan Lee,” Viggo said.

  She squealed excitedly and leaped on top of him, making him laugh as she pinned him against the headboard and showered his face with a flurry of grateful kisses. “This is the issue that got stolen!”

  “I know.”

  “Oh my God!” Her stunned gaze went from his smiling face to the sealed comic book. “I always wanted to get my hands on another copy. The last time I tried, it was sold out everywhere I looked.” She shook her head at Viggo. “I can’t believe you found a copy in Mint condition. And you got Stan Lee’s autograph!”

  He smiled softly. “I still remember the giddy excitement on your face that night when you told me about your love affair with Misty Knight. I just wanted to see that look again. It took my breath away then and now.”

  “Oh, Viggo…” Her voice caught in her throat.

  He stroked her hair back from her face. The tender affection in his eyes made her want to cry. “We’re still going to Comic Con together.”

  “Yeah?” She gave him a pleased smile. “You still up for some cosplay?”

  “Yeah.” He grinned. “Just don’t tell my teammates.”

  She laughed and smacked more kisses all over his face.

  After exchanging gifts, they checked their phones. They both had a bunch of missed calls and texts from family and friends.

  Nadia and Lennox had left Scarlett teasing voicemails, wondering if she and Viggo would come up for air today. Her bandmates had called to rave about the Christmas presents she’d given them. They sent a video of themselves dressed as Goth Santa’s Helpers. She howled with laughter as they serenaded her with The Vandals’ “Oi To The World.”

  “That is hilarious,” Viggo chuckled, watching the video with her as his phone pinged beside him. “They should put this up on YouTube. Your fans would love it.”

  “Definitely.” Scarlett grinned, sending out a group text to her bandmates. “Do you need to call back any family members? Or did you already talk to everyone?”

  “I talked to my parents and siblings. I can talk to the rest later,” he said, kissing her shoulder. “They’re probably all gathered around the table having Christmas dinner right now.”

  Scarlett turned to look at him. “Do a lot of relatives come for Christmas?”

  “Tons,” he confirmed, smiling fondly. “Most of my aunts, uncles and cousins will be there.”

  Scarlett smiled at the picture his words painted. “I’m sorry you’re missing that.”

  “It’s okay,” he murmured, stroking her cheek. “I’m right where I want to be.”

  Her heart soared. “So am I.”

  He smiled, brushed his lips over hers and winked. “Call your family so they won’t think I’ve kidnapped you.”

  “Good idea,” she said with a laugh.

  She phoned her father first, exchanging Christmas greetings and warm pleasantries.

  When her mother got on the phone, the first question out of her mouth was: “Are you and Viggo enjoying yourselves?”

  Scarlett smiled wryly. “Merry Christmas to you too, Ma.”

  “Same to you, baby.” Sherise tittered. “We’re all having such a wonderful time. We got up early this morning and opened presents, then had a big breakfast at the lodge and went skiing. That was a blast! Reid’s family is such a delight. I’m so glad his parents are back together. You can tell they never stopped loving each other. And I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Reid’s siblings. Avery and Aria are such sweethearts, and that brother of his is so handsome. If you didn’t already have Viggo, you know I’d be trying to fix you up with Ryder. With a name like that—”

  “Ma, please.”

  She laughed. “Not that there’s any substitute for Viggo. Lordy, that boy is something else. Reid, too. He and Nadia can’t keep their hands off each other. Every time they sneak off together, I know exactly what they’re about to do. And I overheard Ana teasing Nadia about screaming Reid’s name in the middle of the night.” Sherise cackled lasciviously before continuing. “Your grandparents are getting along so well with Reid’s grandparents. It’s heartwarming to see them bonding. I wish my parents could have come as planned—maybe next year. Anyway, all the womenfolk are in the kitchen right now drinking hot toddies and putting the finishing touches on Christmas dinner. Reid’s grandma bakes a mean bourbon pecan pie. She promised to give me and Aunt Eden the recipe. We’ll try to save a piece for you and Viggo.”

  “Please do.” Scarlett grinned, enjoying her mother’s chatty update—minus the pervy parts.

  “Of course everyone misses you and Viggo. You both have presents under the tree. And your grandparents can’t wait to see you and meet Viggo.”

  “I know,” Scarlett said, feeling slightly guilty. “As long as the roads are clear, we should be able to join you guys tomorrow.”

  “Oh, take your time. There’s no rush.”

  “Really, Ma? Don’t you want to see your own child for the holidays?”

  “Of course I do. But your safety is more important than anything else. There’s no sense in you and Viggo risking life and limb just to be here with us.”

  Scarlett saw right through the faux maternal concern. “Seriously, Ma—”

  “Put Viggo on the phone so I can wish him Merry Christmas.”

  Scarlett frowned. “I don’t think—”

  “I’ll be good, I promise.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes, then turned to Viggo and mumbled, “My mom wants to wish you Merry Christmas.”

  He held out his hand, his eyes twinkling with laughter.

  “If she says anything inappropriate—”

  “I can handle it.” He wiggled his fingers for the phone.

  After another hesitation, Scarlett reluctantly handed it over.

  Viggo put the phone up to his ear—the ear on the other side of his head. “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Warner.” He paused and smiled, listening to her mother’s response. Then he chuckled warmly. “I appreciate that.”

  Scarlett strained to hear what her mom was saying, but she wasn’t talking loud enough. Probably on purpose.

  “I do,” Viggo said, looking at Scarlett. There was a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Scarlett narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “What’re you two conspiring about?”

  He turned away from her and rose from the bed, wandering to the window as he continued speaking to her mother.

  Scarlett scowled after him. What the hell could he and that crazy woman be talking about?

  As soon as he ended the call and gave Scarlett back her phone, she demanded, “What did she say?”

  “Nothing.” His expression was innocent. Too innocent.

  She frowned warningly. “Viggo—”

  “Let’s go outside and build that snowman.”

  “What? Now?”

  “Now.” He grinned, plucking her out of the bed. “C’mon, songbird. It’ll be fun.”

y bundled up in warm clothes and ventured outside to the small park in front of the hotel. The ground and trees were blanketed in fresh white snow that shimmered like crystal in the afternoon sunlight.

  As Scarlett stood there admiring the beautiful scenery, a snowball hit her square in the back. She spun around, sputtering indignantly as Viggo burst out laughing.

  “Oh, it’s on!” She bent down, scooped up some snow and rolled it into a ball. When Viggo took off running, she darted after him shouting, “Your ass is mine, Sandström!”

  He laughed harder, taking cover behind a tree.

  Grinning from ear to ear, Scarlett crept up on him. Or at least tried to. It was hard to be stealth with snow crunching loudly beneath her boots.

  Suddenly he pounced from behind the tree, armed with an even bigger snowball and a positively devilish grin.

  Caught by surprise, she hurled her snowball at him and completely missed.

  “Bloody hell!” she shrieked in frustration. “How the heck did I miss such a big freakin’ target?”

  Viggo threw back his head and let out a diabolical laugh that echoed around the snowy park. It was such a perfect evil-villain laugh that Scarlett couldn’t help giggling. But then suddenly he trained his sights on her, and her giggles turned into squeals as he started chasing her with that big ass snowball.

  She ran like she was being pursued by the homicidal maniac from The Shining. Unfortunately, Viggo was a superfast hockey player who streaked across icy surfaces like the wind. She’d have better luck outrunning a bullet train.

  So when he was almost upon her, she pretended to trip and fall into the snow, sending up a dramatic poof of white powder. Smothering a grin, she rolled over onto her back and whimpered piteously.

  “Shit.” Viggo leaned over her, his eyes full of concern beneath his black beanie. “Are you okay, baby?”

  She gave an exaggerated wince. “I don’t think so.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  When he leaned closer, she scooped up a handful of snow and threw it in his face. “Gotcha!”

  He reared back, sputtering and choking on the cold snow.

  Scarlett started laughing so hard she could barely catch her breath.

  Viggo wiped his face and glared at her. But his lips were twitching, and he soon doubled over laughing. Which only made her laugh harder.

  She was still lying in the snow when he climbed on top of her and straddled her hips, grabbing her wrists in one hand and pinning them above her head.

  She grinned up at him. “I got you so good.”

  “You did.” His eyes sparkled like silver in the sunlight, roving slowly over her face. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Her heart stuttered in her chest. She could feel the heat of his body through their thick layers of clothing and heavy coats.

  She gave him an impish grin. “You wanna kiss me, don’t you?”

  He smiled. “I do.”

  “So what’re you waiting for?”

  “Good question,” he murmured, his head dipping toward hers.

  She closed her eyes as cool lips brushed over hers, making her shiver at the contact. The stubble on his cheek was wet with melted snow. But his breath was warm and his tongue was hot, parting her lips and sliding into her mouth. She moaned as he kissed her deep and slow, heating her blood and turning her insides to mush.

  All too soon he pulled away, chuckling as she chased his mouth with her own.

  She dragged her eyes open just in time to catch his evil grin before he smashed a wad of snow in her face.

  She shrieked at the shock of the cold as Viggo erupted into laughter and climbed off her. Coughing and swearing, she grabbed a double handful of snow and took off after him. More laughter and shrieks rang out as they chased each other around the park, ducking behind trees and pelting each other with snowballs.

  Scarlett couldn’t believe how much fun she was having. Viggo made her feel positively alive and happy in ways she’d never dreamed possible. But she knew it was dangerous to let her guard down like this. She could feel herself sinking deeper and deeper, caught in a rushing avalanche of emotion with no hope of being rescued.

  When Viggo tackled her to the snowy ground and pulled her on top of him, she stared into his laughing eyes and thought for the second time that day: I am so fucked.

  * * *

  After frolicking in the snow, they raced back up to the room to take a hot shower. After two days of showering with Viggo, Scarlett never wanted to bathe alone again.

  They emerged from the steamy bathroom and leisurely toweled each other off. When Scarlett started lotioning herself up, Viggo watched her fixedly, his hooded eyes roaming over every inch of her bare skin.

  She smiled when he snagged the bottle from her and took over the task of moisturizing her body. The rough slide of his palms over her damp flesh had her shivering and arching into his heated touch. When he had her pliant and primed, he dropped to his knees on the floor and hooked her leg over his shoulder. Then he put his mouth between her thighs, speared his tongue inside her and licked her like she was his favorite flavor of candy.

  She came hard and fast, gasping and shaking against the wall, her hands bunched in his wet hair. He kept licking and sucking, tonguing her clit until she cried out loud enough for people outside the room to hear.

  Weak-kneed and trembling from both orgasms, she managed to banish Viggo from the bathroom area so she could get dressed in peace. They had dinner reservations for six o’clock at the hotel restaurant. It would be their first date at an actual restaurant, so she was pretty excited.

  After styling her hair, she slipped on a clingy knit dress in holiday red. The long-sleeved, off-the-shoulder dress fit like a glove and clung to her body in all the right places. She donned a pair of strappy red stilettos, slicked on some lip gloss and dusted her bare shoulders with a shimmering powder.

  After giving her reflection a satisfied nod, she spritzed herself with perfume and left the bathroom area.

  Viggo stood at the window laughing and speaking Swedish on his phone. He was already dressed, one hand tucked casually into the pants pocket of an expensively cut navy suit. His handsome virility never failed to steal Scarlett’s breath.

  As if sensing her presence, he looked over his shoulder and did a double take.

  His reaction made her heart soar with satisfaction. Smiling, she watched his devouring gaze take in her formfitting dress and strappy high heels.

  He said something into the phone and hung up without taking his eyes off her. “Wow,” he whispered.

  She struck a sexy pinup pose. “You like?”

  “Hell fucking yes.” He prowled toward her, staring the entire time. Prowled was the perfect descriptor for the predatory way he was approaching her, an animalistic gleam in his eyes.

  Her heart sped up as he got closer. Licking her glossy lips, she ran an appreciative eye up and down his frame. “You don’t clean up too bad yourself, Mr. GQ.”

  He grinned as he circled her slowly, his eyes traveling over her body. “Let’s stay in and order room service.”

  She laughed. “Nice try, but something tells me we wouldn’t be doing much eating.”

  “Says who?” he said with a wolfish grin. “I intend to do plenty of eating.”

  The raunchy innuendo had her cheeks heating and her thighs clenching together. “I think you’ve done enough ‘eating’ for one day.”

  “Nonsense,” he rumbled. “I can never eat enough.”

  His warm breath on her nape made her knees weak. When he put his hand on the curve of her waist and bent to kiss her bare shoulder, a shiver ran through her and goosebumps pebbled her skin. It was all she could do not to lean back against his hard body, spread her legs and let him have his way with her.

  “Viggo,” she whispered.

  He kissed her just below her ear. “What, beautiful?”

  “We’re not staying in. But you get an A for effort.” Grinning, she grabbed her Prada clutch and started toward the
door, feeling the intense heat of his gaze on her ass. She put an extra swing to her hips and heard him growl behind her. That made her laugh.

  In the elevator, she stood against the wall and swept her gaze over the elegant length of him. With or without his custom suit, the man put the F in fine. Seriously. It was ridiculous.

  “Why are Swedes such good dressers?” she mused.

  His eyes glinted with humor. “Are we?”

  “Uh, yeah. You and Henrik Lundqvist are considered two of the best dressed players in the league.”

  Viggo chuckled. “I don’t know about Henrik, but I wouldn’t say I was a good dresser before I signed an NHL contract.”

  Scarlett grinned and sang, “Money, money, money.”

  He half smiled. “Yeah.”

  When the doors opened, he took her hand in his. Together they stepped off the elevator and crossed the elegant lobby to the restaurant. It was already packed, filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation and holiday music.

  As the smiling hostess escorted them to a table, Scarlett saw people staring at them and whispering.

  “Holy shit,” one guy exclaimed to his date. “That’s Viggo Sandström!”

  “The hockey player?”


  “Wow, how cool that he’s here.”

  “I’m getting his autograph.”

  “Let him eat first.”

  Scarlett smiled to herself. She knew it was only a matter of time before someone recognized Viggo.

  The hostess led them to a table by a large window overlooking the snowy harbor. Viggo pulled out a chair for Scarlett.

  “Thank you,” she purred, sitting down.

  He pushed her chair in and whispered in her ear, “Men are staring at you. I hope I won’t have to kick too many asses tonight.”

  She laughed as he took his seat across the table, never taking his eyes off her.

  The hostess handed them menus and smiled, mostly at Viggo. “Your waiter will be with you shortly. Enjoy your dinner.”


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