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The Swede

Page 49

by Maureen Smith

But it wasn’t Cara. Frowning at the unfamiliar number on the screen, she pressed the answer button and said tentatively, “Hello?”

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  Her blood ran cold and she nearly dropped the phone. “How did you get my number?”

  Myles chuckled softly. “I have my ways. You know that.”

  Anger welled up inside her. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I want to talk.”

  “We have nothing to say to each other.” She looked up to see Viggo coming toward her, his eyes lasering into hers.

  Myles cajoled, “C’mon, baby girl—”

  “Don’t call me that,” she hissed. “I don’t know how you got my number, but don’t ever call me again.”

  She hung up as Viggo stopped before her, towering over her with a muscle thumping in his hard jaw.

  “Was that him?” His voice was low and deadly.

  Scarlett nodded, trembling with anger.

  “What’s his number?”

  “What?” She stared up at Viggo. He looked so fucking big and scary, her throat went dry and her stomach knotted with nerves. “I don’t know his number.”

  He held out his hand. “Give me your phone.”


  “Just give me the phone, Scarlett.”

  She licked her dry lips. “You don’t need to call him. I told him to fuck off.”

  Viggo sank to a crouch before her, bringing himself to her eye level. His gray eyes were hard as steel, blazing with lethal fury. Holy shit. She actually feared for Myles’s worthless life right now.

  “I need to call him and have a talk, man to man—”

  “A talk? Viggo, you look like you’re ready to rip his intestines out and shove them down his throat!”

  He stroked his hands up her arms and over her long locs, brushing them back before he took her face in his hands and pinned her with an intensely fierce gaze. “What did that motherfucker do to you?”

  She tried to swallow past the dryness in her throat. “Can we just talk about this later?”

  “No. Not this time.”

  She sighed. “C’mon, Viggo—”

  “I don’t think you understand.” Rage vibrated through every word. “I’m imagining the fucking worst, Scarlett. Did he put his hands on you? Did he…did he rape you?”

  “No! God, no, nothing like that.”

  “Then tell me what the fuck happened.”

  She held his searing gaze. He wasn’t going to let this go, she could see that now. So there was nothing left for her to do but share the whole sordid story and get it over with.

  She looked at him a moment longer, then pushed out a deep breath and patted the sofa cushion beside her. “Get off the floor before you pull a hamstring or something. I don’t want an angry mob of Rebels fans running me out of town for causing you to have a freak injury.”

  He gave her a dark look. “You worry too damn much about what fans will think.”

  She didn’t deny it. When he sat beside her on the sofa, she turned her body so she could face him, tucking a loc behind her ear.

  “I’m a different person today than I was back then,” she began quietly. “I’d like to think that I’ve grown and matured a lot over the past four years. Before I went off to Berklee, I considered myself pretty street smart and savvy. But growing up the way I did, with such an overprotective father, I guess I was more sheltered than I realized. I was young and naive, and Myles totally exploited that.”

  Viggo listened intently, that same muscle ticking in his jaw.

  “We couldn’t believe our luck when he became our manager,” she went on. “He knew the music business inside out, he had connections, he was older and wiser, and he had a dynamic personality that was hard to resist. I was in awe of him. We all were. He told us everything we wanted to hear, how talented and unique we were, how he was going to make us rich and famous. We bought everything he was selling, and it wasn’t long before I developed a crush on him.”

  Viggo looked grim, every line of his body tense.

  Scarlett lifted her gaze to the ceiling and shook her head. “Looking back now, I realize that he’d been grooming me from the start. He gave me special attention, spent more time with me, complimented me all the time.” She swallowed. “I knew what was coming, and I guess I wanted it to happen.”

  Viggo shifted on the sofa, clearly unhappy with the direction of the conversation.

  “Late one night after a show, he took me out to dinner. The guys had gone clubbing, so it was just the two of us. There was wine and candlelight and lots of flirting. One thing led to another and…we ended up in bed.”

  Viggo’s expression turned dark and brooding, but he remained silent.

  Scarlett sighed. “He didn’t rock my world or anything. I’d had better, to be honest. But being with an older man was different, and he made me feel special. So we started dating and sleeping together. I knew it was wrong to be having an affair with our manager, but Myles had a way of reassuring me that we were good for each other, that we belonged together. He was making all these promises and planning our future, and he convinced me that I wanted the same things.”

  She frowned at the memory. “After a while, he started acting really possessive. He would show up at my school to make sure I wasn’t talking to any guys. One time when I was walking across campus with my percussion professor, Myles followed us until I was alone, and then he confronted me and accused me of sleeping with my professor because I had a thing for older men. He was jealous of any male attention I received at our shows, at parties or just walking down the damn street. It got even worse when he became obsessed with me having his baby.”

  Viggo’s eyes narrowed to icy slits. “He tried to get you pregnant?”

  She nodded. “It was crazy. Like, on one hand he was trying to make me a big rock star, the next Sheila E. But on the other hand, he wanted me to give up everything to start a family with him. He would talk about the McMansion he planned to buy me, and he’d show me pictures of all these beautifully decorated nurseries. I don’t even think I wanted those things until he got in my head. He never once told me that he loved me, never talked about marrying me. Yet he expected me to bear him children.” She shook her head, lips twisting bitterly. “I think it was his way of trying to control me. If I gave up my ambitions to play house with him, that would prove my loyalty and devotion. It was all just one big mindfuck.”

  “Jesus,” Viggo growled in disgust. “What a twisted motherfucker.”

  “It gets worse,” Scarlett said grimly. “When my period was late one month, I took a home pregnancy test. It was positive. I was stunned, but Myles was ecstatic. He started making plans for me to move in with him. I didn’t know what to do or how to feel. My emotions were all over the place. One minute I was scared and depressed, the next minute I was hopeful and optimistic. I didn’t want to drop out of school. I loved Berklee, and I knew my parents would be devastated if they found out I was pregnant. But then I started thinking maybe this was God’s plan. Maybe I was carrying the next great rock ’n’ roll drummer. Maybe Myles was right and we did belong together. The more I told myself those things, the more I started wanting the baby.”

  She swallowed tightly before continuing. “Three days later, my period came. Turns out I’d gotten a false positive test result. I remember going to the bathroom, sitting on the toilet and just bawling my eyes out. I was sad and disappointed, but I also felt an overwhelming sense of relief. When I broke the news to Myles, he wasn’t just disappointed. He was furious. He called me completely useless and said I was probably barren.

  “God, those words cut deep,” she recalled in a thick voice. “He couldn’t have hurt me more if he’d kicked me in the stomach. Oh, but he wasn’t done with me just yet. Two nights later, he brought a woman to our show. But not just any woman. His fiancée.”

  Viggo gave her a look of enraged incredulity. “Are you serious? That son of a bitch was engaged?”

  Bitter fury twisted Scarl
ett’s mouth. “All that time he’d been screwing me and trying to get me pregnant, he was engaged to another woman. Words cannot describe how devastated I was. Devastated. Shocked. Humiliated. At our afterparty, his fiancée pulled me aside and told me she knew about my affair with Myles. She said I wasn’t the first wide-eyed starlet he’d slept with, and I wouldn’t be the last. She stayed with him because she loved him, and someday when he finished whoring around with his slutty ingénues, she’d be the one standing at his side.” Scarlett shook her head. “I was so fucking hurt and disgusted. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.”

  “Jesus, Scarlett.” Viggo reached over and caressed her cheek. “I’m so fucking sorry he did that to you. It kills me to think of him hurting you like that.”

  Scarlett swallowed the lump of old pain, shaking her head again. “You know what’s even sadder? At the time, I didn’t realize I was in an emotionally abusive relationship. I just thought Myles really cared about me and wanted what was best for me. I didn’t tell the guys everything about our relationship, but what they knew and observed didn’t raise any red flags—”

  “Then they’re fucking idiots,” Viggo growled harshly. “That guy was a goddamn predator. Even if you were too blind to see it, your bandmates should have recognized the warning signs and gotten you the hell away from him.”

  “Maybe,” Scarlett conceded sadly. “But we were all so young and naive, we didn’t know any better. And in their defense, the guys have always been protective of me. But they had blinders on when it came to Myles. We all did.”

  Viggo stared at her, his lips compressed into a pale line.

  “Anyway,” she said fervently, “after the whole ordeal with that son of a bitch, I swore I’d never let another man dictate what I did with my body.”

  Viggo gave her a long, searching look. “So that’s why you don’t want children.”

  She hesitated and then nodded, her throat clogged with raw emotion.

  “Come here,” he said gruffly.

  She crawled into his lap like a child and clung to him. His arms wrapped tight around her, holding her close as he stroked her hair. She buried her face in his hard chest and closed her eyes, letting her tears fall.

  It was over. She’d bared her soul to him, and he hadn’t judged her or deserted her. He was still here. At least for the moment.

  “Can I ask you a question?” he whispered into her hair, his hands rubbing her back.

  She nodded against his chest.

  “Does that motherfucker still live in Boston?”

  “No, he—” She broke off and tilted her head back to stare into his narrowed eyes. “You can’t kill him, Viggo.”

  He smirked darkly. “Then I’ll just rip his intestines out. If he survives, maybe I’ll let him live.”

  Chapter 32



  * * *

  Scarlett was in hockey heaven.

  Since arriving in Nashville for All-Star Weekend, she’d been sporting the biggest shit-eating grin. Not only did she get to spend a fun weekend with her hockey star boyfriend, she also looked forward to hanging out with Reid, Logan and Hunter and mingling with other NHL superstars.

  The fellas had rented a Mercedes-Benz G-Class XXL. The SUV was roomy enough to accommodate four strapping hockey players plus Scarlett and Nadia. After piling into the luxury wagon and cranking up the stereo, they set off for the hotel, laughing and singing along with the Foo Fighters.

  Twenty minutes later, Scarlett stared excitedly out the window as they drove through downtown Nashville. Live music spilled onto the streets from the honky-tonks and dive bars that lined Broadway. She could feel the electricity in the air as thousands of hockey fans converged on Music City to participate in the All-Star festivities.

  The players were staying at the Hilton Nashville Downtown. When they walked into the posh lobby and saw Kris Letang signing autographs, it was all Scarlett could do not to squeal. When she turned her head and saw Jaromír Jágr and his entourage striding in their direction, she had to bite the inside of her cheek to stifle her excitement. She almost hyperventilated when Jaromír stopped to exchange greetings with Viggo, Reid, Logan and Hunter. When she and Nadia were introduced to him, he smiled charmingly and shook their hands. By the time he moved on, Scarlett was grinning so hard the others laughed at her.

  She’d been a hockey fan all her life, so getting to meet some of the league’s best players and legends was like a dream come true. But she didn’t want to totally embarrass herself or Viggo. So she’d have to keep her fangirling to a serious minimum.

  But she was far from being the only starstruck fan. The lobby was full of them, and the fellas quickly found themselves swarmed by an excited crowd. After signing a ton of autographs, posing for selfies and talking to reporters, they managed to slip away and head upstairs with Scarlett and Nadia.

  Their suites were all on the same floor. Viggo and Scarlett were right across the hall from Reid and Nadia. Their executive suite boasted a plush king-size bed, separate parlor and stunning city view.

  Not surprisingly, they only cared about the bed, which they tumbled into and didn’t leave until it was time to get ready for dinner.

  * * *

  Saturday was packed with family-friendly events and activities at the Bridgestone Arena, which was right next to the hotel.

  The Fan Fair featured live music, mascots, trophy and memorabilia displays, and an ice rink where fans of all ages could test their hockey skills. The players were on hand to meet and greet attendees, sign autographs and participate in Q&A sessions.

  At one point during the day, Scarlett returned from the bathroom to find Viggo surrounded by a group of giggling children from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He was laughing and joking around with them—tugging down the bill of one kid’s baseball cap so it covered his eyes, giving a fist bump to a beaming girl in a wheelchair.

  The way he was with kids totally melted Scarlett’s heart. They adored him, and he adored them right back.

  As she stood there watching him, an image floated into her mind of him walking toward her with two small children. One was a cherub-faced girl with moon-round eyes, chubby cheeks and sweet pink lips. The other was an achingly adorable boy with gray eyes and a halo of sandy-brown curls. He looked like a pint-size version of Viggo in his miniature hockey jersey, blue jeans and Timbs. Viggo was carrying the little girl on his hip and holding the boy’s hand. When the girl cooed and pointed to something, Viggo affectionately kissed the top of her head and grinned down at the boy.

  Scarlett smiled as a stream of longing curled through her body and wrapped around her aching heart.

  “You look like your ovaries are exploding right now.”

  The sound of Nadia’s voice interrupted Scarlett’s daydream, snapping her back to the present.

  She turned to blink at her cousin. “Um, what?”

  Nadia’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “The way you were watching Viggo just now? I know that look. It’s the same look I get every time I see Reid kissing babies and interacting with his young fans. There’s just something irresistible about a hot guy who loves kids.”

  Scarlett sighed. “I know.”

  Nadia grinned. “Coming here this weekend might have been a mistake.”

  “Why? Aren’t you having fun?”

  “Absolutely,” Nadia said with a laugh. “But you know Reid’s been dropping hints about wanting to start our family sooner than we agreed. A lot of players brought their wives and children this weekend. Being around them is giving Reid even more ideas.”

  Scarlett laughed.

  The man himself appeared just then, grinning and apologizing to Scarlett before he grabbed Nadia’s hand and tugged her away to meet one of his old hockey mentors.

  After they left, Scarlett went over to join Viggo. He introduced her to the children and their parents. Her girlfriend status won her instant approval. Being in a rock band made her the epitome of supercool. As she laughed and
humorously answered all sorts of questions, Viggo watched her with a look of such fierce adoration, she could definitely feel her ovaries detonating.

  The highlight of the day was the All-Star Skills Competition, where the players showcased their talents through a series of team events. Scarlett and Nadia had a blast cheering on the fellas. All four of them had an impressive showing that night, and it was fun watching them interact with other players around the league. There was nothing serious at stake, so everyone was relaxed and laughing and having a good time.

  Scarlett got a kick out of seeing Viggo and Erik Karlsson joking around. The two Swedes were besties when they weren’t competing against each other. They’d played together on the Swedish Olympic team and hung out sometimes during the offseason. Erik was an amazing defenseman and sexy as hell. When Viggo introduced him to Scarlett earlier that day, it was all she could do to keep her fangirling in check.

  Their group had made plans to go clubbing later that evening, so after leaving the arena, they returned to the hotel to get ready. Viggo and Reid were dressed in no time, of course. So they hung out in one suite while Scarlett and Nadia finished primping in the other suite.

  Nadia sported a super-sleek blowout while Scarlett was still rocking her goddess locs. Her edges were sculpted with styling gel, and several locs were decorated with small bronze jewelry coils.

  With their hair and makeup done, they changed into Herve Leger crisscross bandage dresses that hugged their curves like a second skin. Their freshly pedicured feet were adorned with strappy black sandals that laced up their calves.

  Once they were ready, Scarlett grinned at Nadia. “Let’s go get our boys.”

  They left the suite and strolled across the hall, brown skin popping, plump lips slicked with gloss.

  Viggo and Reid were sitting on the parlor sofa drinking whiskey and watching ESPN. When Scarlett and Nadia came strutting through the door, the two men glanced up.

  And did a double take.

  Slowly they rose from the sofa, staring at Scarlett and Nadia with completely awestruck expressions.


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