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The Swede

Page 50

by Maureen Smith

  Viggo breathed, “Holy—”

  “—fuck,” Reid finished.

  Scarlett and Nadia looked at each other and giggled.

  Viggo and Reid came forward, eyeing them up and down with blatant masculine appreciation.

  Scarlett and Nadia did a slow turn for them, modeling their sexy outfits. They knew the clingy dresses showed off their round asses to delectable advantage.

  “Wow,” Reid exclaimed in a husky voice. “You both look incredible.”

  “Hell yeah,” Viggo uttered.

  “Why, thank you, boys,” Scarlett and Nadia cooed, batting their eyelashes.

  Viggo and Reid grinned broadly at each other. They looked pretty damn good themselves in button-down dress shirts with tailored dark slacks. Neatly trimmed stubble accentuated their square jaws, and they both oozed rugged masculinity.

  They left the suite and headed down the hallway to the elevator. Logan and Hunter had already left for the club, so they would meet them there.

  On the elevator ride down to the lobby, Viggo stood close behind Scarlett, molding his body to the contours of hers. The warmth of his breath sent shivers down her spine as he nuzzled the scented nape of her neck. Reid was doing the same thing to Nadia.

  When they got off the elevator, there were several reporters camped out in the lobby. As soon as they spotted Viggo and Reid, they rushed toward them, shouting questions as cameras flashed and clicked.

  Viggo and Reid went into protection mode, each wrapping an arm around his woman’s waist and guiding her through the buzzing crowd. Scarlett didn’t miss the envious female stares directed at her and Nadia.

  When they emerged from the hotel, there was a chauffeured Maybach limo waiting for them at the curb. Scarlett and Nadia squealed delightedly as Viggo and Reid grinned. Once they were all comfortably settled in the luxurious backseat, they popped champagne and began feasting on shrimp cocktail, crab tempura and teriyaki beef skewers.

  The limo driver took them on a joyride around town, letting them enjoy the sights and sounds of Music City. After two glasses of champagne and a vodka shooter, Scarlett and Nadia were standing through the large open sunroof, their hair blowing in the night breeze as they belted out country songs. Viggo and Reid joined them, laughing and nuzzling their necks as passersby waved at them.

  When they finally arrived at the swanky nightclub, there was a long line of people waiting behind the red velvet rope. Apparently Viggo and Reid were on the VIP list, because the bouncer greeted them like old friends and gave Scarlett and Nadia an appreciative perusal before waving them all through.

  They entered the dark, pulsing club and were escorted upstairs to a posh VIP section that overlooked the bar and dance floor. Several other hockey players stood around laughing and drinking. Of course, where there were hockey players, there were bunnies.

  A bunch of them had gathered around Hunter, who was lounging on a black velvet sofa by the balcony. Drink in hand, long legs stretched out in front of him, he smiled indulgently at the half-naked women fawning over him. But there was a hint of boredom behind his lazy smile, and his green eyes kept drifting around the room as if he were looking for a challenge.

  Watching him, Scarlett was once again struck by his animal magnetism and quiet intensity.

  As if she’d read her mind, Nadia leaned close to her and whispered, “Doesn’t Hunter give off the sexiest Dom vibe?”

  “Yes!” Scarlett said with a breathy laugh. “I noticed it at your engagement party. He’s so intense and mysterious!”

  “I know.” Nadia glanced over her shoulder at Reid and Viggo, who had stopped to talk to some other hockey players. “He’s multilingual and he reads all those deep books, so you know he’s super intelligent. Reid says he’s always strategizing.”

  “I can tell,” Scarlett said, talking behind her hand. “Sometimes when he gets really quiet, I can’t help wondering what he’s thinking about. But then I’m almost afraid to find out!”

  “I know, right?” Nadia grinned wickedly. “I’m a blissfully engaged woman, but I have this mental picture of Hunter quoting Nietzsche while spanking his sub, and it’s weirdly hot and sexy.”

  When she and Scarlett burst into naughty giggles, Viggo and Reid glanced over at them with raised eyebrows.

  “Uh-oh,” Scarlett joked. “We’d better stop before we get in trouble.”

  “I know.” Nadia grinned.

  Three attractive guys walked by and smiled at them, craning their necks to stare at their asses. Scarlett and Nadia chuckled.

  Just as they were about to sit down and order drinks, Viggo and Reid came over, took their hands and growled, “Let’s dance.”

  They led the way back downstairs, threading a path through the mob. The music was loud, the bass pumping. Logan was already on the dance floor, sandwiched between two women who were grinding seductively against him. He looked around and grinned when he saw Viggo, Reid, Scarlett and Nadia.

  They hit the dance floor, smiling and laughing as the music pulsated through their bodies. Viggo, Reid and Logan were hella good dancers, their moves confident and sexy smooth.

  Scarlett loved to dance, both onstage and off. It was totally exhilarating, and even more enjoyable when your partner could keep up. As she rocked her body to the heavy bass beats, Viggo gobbled her up with his hypnotic eyes. It made her belly clench and flip with excitement.

  When a country song came on, the crowd cheered and began line dancing.

  Scarlett grinned at Viggo. “Guess no trip to Nashville would be complete without some line dancing.”

  He laughed. “Ever done it?”

  “A few times.” She got the surprise of her life when Viggo, Reid and Logan fell into step with the crowd, shuffling and sliding and boot scootin’ across the floor. She and Nadia squealed with delight before joining them, trying to keep up with the synchronized moves.

  There was nothing hotter than a gorgeous, strapping white boy with rhythm. Three of them together? Holy hell. They had every woman on that dance floor watching them and drooling.

  Scarlett matched Viggo step for step, laughing as he grinned approvingly and winked at her.

  She was having the time of her life. When the song ended, the crowd clapped and hooted. Several women sent lascivious smiles at Viggo, Reid and Logan.

  When the music changed to a slow song, the dance floor became a sea of gently swaying bodies.

  Scarlett hooked her hands behind Viggo’s neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his powerful body. They were both a little hot and sweaty.

  She smiled into his eyes, her skin buzzing with electric awareness. “Damn, boy,” she teased. “I knew you had some moves, but wow.”

  He grinned down at her, the club lights playing across his face. “I’ve been wanting to dance with you ever since the night of the engagement party.”

  Her smile widened. “Better late than never. Where’d you guys learn to line dance?”

  “Logan roped us into going with him more times than I care to admit.” His eyes glinted. “It was a great way to meet women.”

  Scarlett laughed. “As if you guys needed any help with that.”

  He grinned and winked at her.

  The gentle pressure of his hands on her hips felt deliciously intimate, sending shivers through her body. When he moved closer, she tightened her arms around his neck. Her breasts were flush against his hard chest, her nipples puckered and stinging from the contact.

  As they swayed slowly together, his hard cock rubbed against her belly. She almost moaned at the resulting friction. Maybe she did moan, the sound lost in the softly throbbing music.

  He gazed deeply into her eyes. “This was definitely worth the wait.”

  “Definitely.” She smiled dreamily and laid her head on his broad shoulder, breathing him in.

  His lips nuzzled her hair as his hands slid down her back and possessively palmed her ass.

  Liquid heat shot through her, and this time she definitely
did moan. She couldn’t help it. The man was making her body sizzle with lust.

  She melted deeper into him as he fondled her ass, raising the hem of her dress a little. She didn’t even care.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Reid and Nadia slow dancing nearby. They looked just as turned on by each other as she and Viggo were.

  As she sensually ground her hips against his, he lowered his mouth to the side of her neck and groaned. “God, baby, what you do to me.”

  His words and the heat of his breath made her shiver and smile. When his lips left her skin, she lifted her head off his shoulder, her eyes locking with his.

  Her heart rate kicked higher as he leaned down and slanted his mouth over hers. She trembled hard and kissed him back, burying her fingers in his hair and parting her lips beneath his. They kissed hotly, their bodies swaying together under the flashing lights.

  Sliding his mouth from her lips to her ear, Viggo murmured, “What do you say we get out of here and go back to the hotel?”

  “Yes,” she breathed without hesitation.

  As he took her hand and began leading her off the dance floor, Reid and Nadia were right behind them. They apparently had the same idea.

  * * *

  Viggo backed scarlett into their suite, his hot tongue fucking her mouth.

  Shivering with need, she broke the panty-soaking kiss and backed away as the door closed behind them. As he prowled toward her unbuttoning his shirt, she pulled off her bandage dress to reveal a sheer black Bordelle bra and matching thong. Dangling from her belly button was the diamond barbell he’d given her for Christmas. She’d worn the navel ring before, but the lingerie was new—also a gift from him.

  He slowly looked her up and down, his eyes glittering with raw lust. “Is that the lingerie you just bought?” he rasped, voice rough with arousal.

  “Umm-hmm.” She licked her lips into a coy smile. “Thank you for the generous gift card. I got lots of goodies. Do you approve so far?”

  “Absolutely.” The word rumbled from his chest as he came to a stop before her, his shirt halfway unbuttoned.

  She stared up at him, shivering when he cupped the swells of her breasts through the expensive silk. His touch burned like a white-hot brand, stealing her breath and making her arch into him.

  “So fucking sexy.” His thumbs grazed her nipples, sending streaks of arousal lashing from her breasts to her spasming womb. As her knees wobbled, he lowered his head and wrapped his lips around a tight nipple, sucking her through the sheer fabric.

  She gasped as her body contracted, pulsing deep at the V of her thighs. “Viggo…”

  He unhooked the front clasp of the strapless bra and let it fall away. Then he stared down at her, his eyes blazing with a fierce hunger that scorched every nerve in her body.

  “Take off your panties.” The deep timbre of his voice filled the room and made her heart pound.

  Without breaking eye contact with him, she slowly peeled the silky thong down her legs and over her strappy heels.

  His eyes ate her up, devouring every dip and curve as his behemoth erection tented the front of his pants. An answering gush of arousal dampened her folds.

  “What about my shoes?” she breathed kittenishly. “Should I take them off, too?”

  “No,” he growled. “Leave them on.”

  She gave him a slow, sensual smile.

  He palmed her face and leaned down, kissing her mouth with delicious slowness as he began walking her backward. Heat sizzled through her veins, electrifying her senses and turning hunger into desperate need. Deepening the kiss with tongue, she wrapped her arms around his neck and rocked her pelvis, grinding against his erection.

  When he stopped and lifted his head, there was a feral gleam in his eyes. His hands ran down her sides to cradle her waist, searing her with his touch as he slowly turned her away from him.

  “Hands flat against the wall,” he commanded.

  She shivered as she obeyed.

  He moved behind her, brushing her hair out of the way so he could kiss her bare shoulder. Her breath rushed out from between her lips and her pulse careened.

  Slowly he began kissing his way down her back, the heat of his lips setting off little detonations of pleasure.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured against her flushed skin. “So fucking exquisite.”

  She moaned as he kissed the curves of her ass before squatting behind her, his wide palms grasping her hips to pull her away from the wall.

  “Spread your legs and bend forward for me.”

  She did as he told her, stretching her arms to brace her hands against the wall. The position made her feel vulnerable and exposed, yet desperately turned on and excited.

  He nuzzled her butt cheeks, making her belly quiver as he rumbled, “You have the hottest fucking ass, baby. I can’t get enough.”

  When he leaned in and tongued her slick cleft, she cried out and arched her back. Burying his face in her ass, he licked his way between her swollen lips to find the hard knot of her clit. When he sucked the sensitive bundle of nerves into his mouth, raw need zigzagged through her, electrifying her nerve endings.

  “Oh God,” she whimpered, her legs shaking in her high heels. She could already tell she wasn’t going to last long.

  Lifting her hips, Viggo gave her pussy a thorough licking before spearing her with his tongue. She shattered apart with a high-pitched cry, pressing down hard on his mouth as she rode the crashing waves of her orgasm. He was murmuring things in Swedish, his voice humming darkly against her flesh as she spilled into his mouth.

  He bathed her slit with his tongue and lovingly sucked her clit. When her knees gave out, he caught her and picked her up in his arms, then swung around and carried her to the bedroom. He deposited her in the center, then stepped back and made quick work of undressing himself, his hooded eyes never leaving hers.

  When he stood naked before her, her mouth watered at his physical perfection, all rock-hard muscle and gleaming golden skin.

  She licked her lips, her eyes dropping to his beautiful cock. It stretched toward her, audaciously long and thick, precum dripping from the slit in the crown.

  Lifting her gaze to his, she crooked her finger at him.

  His gaze burned hotter.

  When he crawled onto the bed, she pushed him onto his back and straddled him above his knees. As she leaned over him, her locs hung down one side of her face.

  He stared up at her with fiercely glittering eyes. “God, you’re beau— ah, fuck!” he hissed out when she bent and licked the glistening head of his cock.

  “Mmm,” she moaned as his clean, musky taste exploded across her tongue. She curled her fingers around the thick base and pumped him slowly, watching rivulets of precum dribble out. She lapped at the leaking slit, wringing a groan from deep in his chest.

  Flicking her eyes back up to his face, she found him watching intently as she wrapped her lips around his jutting prick.

  “Fuck, Scarlett,” he rasped, his abs clenching as his hips bucked.

  She lowered her mouth onto his cock, sucking in slow pulses as she took him deeper. He swelled even thicker and groaned.

  She sucked and pumped him with one hand while using her other to cup and squeeze his tight balls. That made him shudder and growl with satisfaction, his hand fisting in her hair.

  “Mmmm.” She swirled her tongue around his crown in teasing circles and licked the pulsing vein that ran the length of him. “I love your cock. I love the way it looks, the way it feels, the way it tastes. So damn good.”

  “Jesus, baby,” he groaned.

  Staring into his half-closed eyes, she bobbed her head up and down his cock, doing her best to deep-throat as much of him as she could.

  “Scarlett.” Her name was a guttural moan of pleasure. “That mouth. God.”

  She deepened the suction until her cheeks hollowed, increasing the pressure on his shaft.

  He groaned and jammed both hands into her hair as his hips pi
tched upward, fucking her mouth.

  She whimpered with approval, her body quaking and her pussy creaming.

  “Ah Scarlett,” he breathed, slamming his head back against the pillow as he pounded his cock between her lips. “Fuck, baby. Fuuuuck.”

  As the first jet of cum shot down her throat, she swallowed and moaned, “Gimme more.”

  He groaned and thrust harder as spurt after spurt of hot semen flooded her mouth. She swallowed it all, drinking him dry until he collapsed back onto the bed, gasping and shuddering.

  She slowly pulled her mouth off his cock, swirling her tongue around the head to catch any last drops. Then she sat back on his muscular thighs, licking the corners of her lips. “Did I mention how much I love the way you taste?”

  He stared up at her from under heavy lids. “You’re fucking amazing.”

  She gave him a sexy smile. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

  He sat up with a husky laugh, chest muscles flexing as he pulled her onto his lap. She gazed at him as he framed her face in his hands and took her mouth. His kiss was slow and sizzling, spiking her temperature and swelling the folds of her pussy.

  She wound her arms around his neck, loving the feel of her breasts crushed against his chest. Every inch of her body tingled and burned for him. When his tongue stroked the roof of her mouth, she almost melted into a puddle of shivery need.

  She could feel his cock hardening beneath her ass as he trailed kisses along her jaw and down the curve of her neck. “I need to fuck you,” he whispered.

  She quivered at his raw words. “Yes, please.”

  He lifted her off his lap, setting her at his side. Then he rolled away from her to open the nightstand drawer and take out the box of condoms he’d stashed there. He grabbed a handful, tossing all but one on top of the nightstand. After he tore open the foil packet, Scarlett took the condom from his hand and moved between his legs.

  He watched through hooded eyes as she pinched the tip of the condom and rolled it ever so slowly down his cock, which jumped and swelled in her hand.

  “Shit, woman,” he growled. “You’re gonna make me come again before I even get inside you.”


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