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The Swede

Page 51

by Maureen Smith

  She gave a throaty little laugh, running her finger up his chest to circle his nipple. Watching it harden, she licked her lips and purred, “I want you to fuck me in the ass.”

  His eyes flared in surprise. She’d clearly caught him off guard. “You wanna have anal sex?”

  She met his gaze. “I do.”

  A hopeful gleam lit his eyes. Like he was hoping he hadn’t misheard her. “Have you ever done it before?”

  She nodded.

  A spark of jealousy narrowed his eyes. “With who?”

  She bit back a sigh. “Does it matter?”

  “Was it Myles?”


  Relief flickered over his face.

  She bit her lip, staring at him. “So do you want to or—”

  “Hell yeah.” He cupped her cheek, crushing her mouth in a rough kiss that left her throbbing and aching and more than ready.

  When he released her, she opened her nightstand drawer to retrieve the lube she’d brought for this specific purpose. She squeezed some onto her fingers and lubed up her anus while Viggo watched her. His eyes were dark with lust, his cock at full mast.

  She squeezed a generous amount of lube onto his erection and spread it slowly, feeling him pulse and thicken between her palms.

  As soon as she finished, he flipped her onto her belly. Her breathy laugh broke off into a moan when he ran a long finger down the cleft of her ass and slowly pressed through the puckered ring of her anus.

  She groaned and arched off the bed, shivering as he added a second finger.

  “You’re so tight,” he growled.

  “But I’m ready.” Every nerve ending in her body was wired, primed for penetration.

  He leaned down and brushed his lips over the swell of her ass while his skilled fingers stretched and massaged her anus. She whimpered at the sensation, her hips twisting with raw pleasure and need. So much need. So much want.

  “Viggo,” she breathed. “Now…please.”

  He withdrew his fingers and pulled her up on all fours, his body hot and hard behind her. She looked over her shoulder as he stroked his cock between her slippery buttocks, pausing at her puckered asshole.

  She couldn’t breathe. Her heart was drumming erratically, her stomach quivering with anticipation.

  As he eased just the tip of his cock inside her, she sucked in a breath.

  “You okay?” His voice was rough. “Should I stop?”

  “Hell no,” she panted. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  “I don’t want to hurt—”

  “You won’t,” she assured him. “I know you’re really big, but I can handle it. I want you to fuck my ass, baby. Fuck it hard.”

  “Goddamn.” His voice was raspy as he pushed deeper, pressing through her tightness.

  She shivered and lowered her face to the bed, caught somewhere between pleasure and pain. As the tight ring of muscle loosened and succumbed to his girth, he slid deep inside her.

  Her scream was muffled by the thick bedding.

  “God.” Viggo’s groan was raw as his dick throbbed inside her, almost unbearably huge. “You feel—” He pulled out slightly, then slowly pushed back in “—so fucking good.”

  “So do you,” she mewled, pressing back against his cock as he withdrew and filled her again, stretching her deliciously. “Fuck me, Viggo.”

  A shudder rocked him. “Just let me know if I’m hurting you.”

  His concern was touching, but right now all she wanted was a good, hard pounding. What part of that did he not understand?

  She snarled, “If you don’t blow my fucking back out—”

  He unleashed a dark growl and began thrusting into her.

  “Yesss!” she screamed, savage pleasure spiraling through her blood. “Just like that!”

  “God, Scarlett.” He let go of his restraint and pounded into her, fucking her deeply in the ass.

  Her body reeled, all of her senses heightened to the point of sensory overload. “Viggo, it feels so—oh my God—”

  “You like it?” he whispered fiercely. “Does it feel good?”

  “Hell yes!” she sobbed.

  “This what you wanted?”

  “All damn day!”

  His rough hands grabbed her ass and pulled her tighter against him, making her keen in ecstasy. Her nipples were throbbing mercilessly, her breasts bouncing with every thrust of his hips.

  “So good,” she groaned lustfully. “So fucking good, Viggo.”

  His hand curved around her hip to brush over her stomach, toying with the diamond barbell that dangled from her navel. When his fingers slicked through the cream coating her pussy lips, she gasped and thrust her ass against him.

  “Shit, baby.” He rubbed her hard clit while his cock plundered her asshole, swollen balls slapping against her flesh.

  “Yes,” she moaned, dripping with arousal. “Yes, yes, yesss!”

  Viggo grabbed a fistful of her locs and pulled her head back to growl in her ear, “This hot, tight ass belongs to me. You understand? You’re never doing this again with anyone else. Only me.”

  His words made her pussy spasm. “So damn possessive,” she panted.

  “That’s right.” He bit her neck and smacked her ass cheek, making her cry out as sensation sizzled across her skin.

  She fisted the sheets as he pounded relentlessly into her, the bed rocking beneath them. Despite the cool air conditioning, sweat drenched them both and soaked the sheets.

  She closed her eyes, her spine bowing as he thrust harder and faster, his pelvis slapping her buttocks with growing fervor.

  “Veeee-go!” she screamed as ecstasy exploded through her, lights and colors bursting inside her head in an erotic kaleidoscope.

  He came seconds later with a primal groan, his body shuddering violently against her. He held her tight to him, fucking her through his orgasm.

  Spent and boneless, she face planted onto the bed. He collapsed on top of her, gasping her name. His body was so hot it felt like a furnace.

  Pulse roaring in her ears, she puffed out a long breath and sluggishly turned her head toward the window to watch the twinkling city lights.

  Viggo brushed her locs away from her face, spreading them out on the pillow. Then he kissed the damp skin between her shoulder blades and slowly pulled out of her on a groan.

  She shivered, feeling empty without the hard heat of his cock. She was totally addicted to him.

  “You okay?” he whispered against her neck.

  She smiled dreamily. “Never been better.”

  His low chuckle seeped into her, tingling along her veins.

  She watched him slide off the bed and head to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. She sighed softly, admiring the view of his flexing ass as he walked away.

  He returned with a warm washcloth, lowered himself beside her and wiped between her legs and buttocks. His touch was so tender and gentle, it made her want to cry. No lover had ever tended to her after sex. This man was truly one in a million.

  “Are you sore?” he murmured.

  She shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  His lips brushed her shoulder. “You’re incredible.”

  “So are you,” she purred appreciatively.

  He flashed her a quick grin before he got up to return the washcloth to the bathroom. He came right back and removed her strappy heels, then climbed into bed and tugged the covers up over them. The sheets were perfumed with the musky scents of sweat and sex.

  As he gathered her into his arms, she sighed and curled against him, snaking one leg between his hard-muscled thighs. She was in absolute heaven.

  His fingers played in her hair. “Thanks for coming with me this weekend.”

  She grinned. “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

  “I know.” There was a teasing note in his voice. “It’s becoming pretty clear to me that you’re just using me to meet other hockey players.”

  She snapped her fingers. “Busted

  When he slapped her ass cheek, she pealed with laughter. “Just kidding!”

  “Uh-huh. You’d better be.”

  She grinned, snuggling closer to him and sighing. “There’s only one hockey player in the world for me. And I’m lying right here in his arms, the only place I could ever want to be.”

  Viggo kissed the top of her head. “Good answer.”

  “And oh so true.”

  * * *

  The all-star Game took place on Sunday evening.

  Although it wasn’t as competitive as regular season games, there were some great offensive plays that made the tournament highly entertaining. The raucous crowd enjoyed every moment.

  The Central Division ended up winning the tournament to receive the one million dollar prize. As team captain, Viggo scored three goals in two games and was voted MVP. His prize was a brand new Honda Pilot. He’d asked Scarlett in advance if he could give her the SUV if he won it. She’d adamantly refused. He’d already given her more than enough.

  As he skated to center ice to accept the million-dollar check for his team, he pointed at her and winked. She winked back and blew him a kiss, then sat there beaming like a complete idiot.

  She wanted to hold on to this warm glow for as long as she possibly could.

  Because somehow she knew it wouldn’t last.

  Chapter 33


  Same Ol’ Mistakes

  * * *

  Four days later, Scarlett was waiting in line at a café around the corner from her bandmates’ house. After three hours of rehearsing, she’d run out to get them some coffee.

  While she waited to place her order, she exchanged a series of flirty texts with Viggo, who was just leaving practice and heading home to pack. He was hitting the road for another stretch of away games. He’d be gone for eight days, and she was trying really hard not to think about it. She’d just spent an amazing weekend with him, so she had no right to feel cheated because he was leaving again. She’d known what she was signing up for when she started dating a pro athlete. Frequent separations were part of the deal.

  After getting her coffee order, she turned and headed toward the door.

  “Hello, Scarlett.”

  She looked to her left, tensing when she saw Audrey standing in line. She nodded to her and kept walking.

  To her annoyance, Audrey stepped out of line and followed her outside to her car. She was so not in the mood for this shit.

  “I’m sorry to hear that you and Viggo are having problems,” Audrey said smugly.

  Scarlett turned around, her eyes narrowed. “What are you talking about?”

  “Oops.” Audrey put her hand over her mouth. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m not supposed to know.”

  Scarlett’s stomach tightened on a kick of nerves. “Know what?”

  Audrey smirked. “Weren’t you at the last two home games? Viggo didn’t exactly play his best, did he?”

  Scarlett frowned. “The whole team struggled this week, not just Viggo. They’re a little rusty from the All-Star break, that’s all.”

  “Oh, c’mon, Scarlett,” Audrey chided. “Don’t make excuses. We both know your man has been playing erratically lately. Being the All-Star MVP doesn’t change the fact that he’s been inconsistent in games that actually matter. It’s become a concern to management, and rightfully so. There’s a lot at stake this season—”

  “I’m aware of that,” Scarlett said stiffly. The Rebels had slipped to second place in the Central Division. They couldn’t afford to lose too much ground if they hoped to make a deep run in the playoffs. Which they absolutely had to. It wasn’t even debatable. This was their year.

  “Viggo is one of the best players in the league,” she said vehemently. “People need to stop panicking over a few bad games.”

  “Management disagrees with you,” Audrey said with a smirk. “My uncle and Coach Bohler met with Viggo this morning to address his inconsistent production before it becomes a bigger problem.”

  Scarlett frowned, shaking her head. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Audrey sighed, pretending to study her flawless manicure. “I probably shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “But you did,” Scarlett gritted through clenched teeth. “You were so determined to say something that you got out of line and followed me outside. So stop being coy and just tell me what you’re obviously dying for me to know.”

  There was a vicious gleam in Audrey’s eyes. “During the meeting this morning, Viggo basically told my uncle and Coach Bohler that your relationship has become a major distraction.”

  Scarlett went cold all over. “I don’t believe you.”

  “It’s true,” Audrey gloated. “I met my uncle for breakfast right after the meeting and he told me everything that was said, verbatim. He said it took some prodding, but they finally got Viggo to admit that your relationship has been throwing him off his game. He knew it was becoming a problem, but he said you’d recently gone through some family drama and he wanted to be there for you.”

  Her words sent a dagger through Scarlett’s heart, nearly causing her to drop the drink carrier she was holding.

  No way, her mind rebelled. No fucking way would he betray me like this. And definitely not after the weekend we just spent together!

  Audrey looked at her with fake sympathy. “I can only imagine how hard this must be for you to hear—”

  “Receipts,” Scarlett croaked.

  “Receipts?” Audrey shot her a confused look. “I’m not familiar with—”

  “Proof,” Scarlett bit out. “You claim Viggo threw me under the fucking bus? I need proof.”

  Audrey gave her a condescending smile. “How am I supposed to give you proof? The conversation wasn’t recorded, and my uncle asked me to keep it confidential. Like I said, I wasn’t supposed to say anything. But then I saw you and I just thought you should know how your boyfriend really feels, since he obviously doesn’t have the heart to tell you himself.”

  Scarlett was reeling with hurt and anger.

  “If I were in your shoes I’d want to know the truth, no matter who was the messenger.” Audrey pursed her lips, looking thoughtful. “I have to say, Scarlett. I’ve definitely noticed an unsettling trend with Viggo. He doesn’t seem to play his best hockey after he’s spent a lot of time in your company.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes. “So now you’re saying that I’m bringing him bad luck?”

  “I’m not saying it. But that’s obviously the way Viggo feels. And can you really blame him? I mean, let’s look at the evidence. He didn’t play well against the Maple Leafs after he spent Christmas with you. And he didn’t play well this week after spending All-Star Weekend with you.”

  Scarlett smirked. “He played pretty damn well against Chicago when I was right there in the stands. I believe that was the night you and I met, wasn’t it?”

  Audrey lifted her chin. “There are always exceptions, of course. But didn’t you fly into town for one night? So you hadn’t been with him for days before that game. And when he scored his hat trick way back in December, were you guys even a couple? Like, weren’t you on tour at the time?”

  Scarlett narrowed her eyes. “You seem to know a whole helluva lot about our relationship. Do you have spies or something? Are you a fucking stalker?”

  “Of course not,” Audrey said with a light laugh. “I guess I pay closer attention to gossip blogs than I probably should. And you and Viggo seem to be turning into an ‘It’ couple whose every move makes headlines.” She barely contained her smirk. “All I’m trying to say is that for whatever reason, your boyfriend is having a hard time balancing a serious relationship and hockey. I mean, I don’t know, Scarlett. Even Superman has his kryptonite. Maybe you’re Viggo’s.”

  Scarlett didn’t want to hear that, didn’t even want to consider it.

  Audrey’s voice became unnervingly gentle. “We both know that as amazing as the Rebels are, th
ey won’t go all the way without Viggo. My uncle says all the key players have to be on top of their game for them to win the Cup. If you really care about the team as much as you say you do, consider putting their needs above your own.” She smiled. “Just a friendly suggestion.”

  Friendly suggestion, my ass.

  “I have to go,” Scarlett muttered darkly.

  “Just think about what I said,” Audrey urged. “Be a hero, Scarlett. Take one for the team.”

  * * *

  Scarlett went back to rehearsal and beat the living shit out of her drums, hitting the skins so hard she broke one of her sticks.

  “Fuck!” she shouted in the middle of the song.

  Abruptly the music stopped, guitars whining. As she hurled the broken stick across the basement, her bandmates turned to stare at her.

  “What the hell just happened?” Ryu asked.

  “Sorry,” she grumbled. “I broke my stick.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Gage said irritably. “You’ve been out of sync with the rest of us for the past hour. What the hell is going on with you?”

  “Nothing,” she mumbled. “Let’s take a break so I can get another stick.”

  “We just took a break,” Traeger reminded her. “When you went on your little coffee run and came back all pissed off and raging. What the hell happened out there?”

  “Yeah,” Zander chimed in. “Did you start your period or something?”

  She flipped him the bird. “Fuck you!”

  Shaking his head, Traeger put down his bass and unplugged from his amp. Then he went to the refrigerator and grabbed a cold beer.

  Scarlett frowned at him. “Can you wait until we finish rehearsing? You know how you get when you start drinking—”

  Gage snorted harshly. “That’s rich coming from you.”

  She shot him a narrow-eyed look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re lecturing Traeger about getting wasted, but he’s not the one who’s distracted right now. You are.”

  Resentment stiffened her spine. “How am I distracted?”


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