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Until You're Mine

Page 4

by Langston, K.

  “I wanna come in your mouth.”

  She nodded once, and then closed her eyes, renewing her efforts. I came hard, fisting her hair as she swallowed every last drop. Well, how about that…there really is heaven on earth.

  Right here, in a good girl’s mouth.

  You can never control who you fall in love with,

  even when you’re in the most sad,

  confused time of your life.

  ~Kristen Dunst

  Sitting up, I wiped my mouth while Archer put himself back inside his shorts. I wasn’t sure how to explain what had come over me. I could feel his hardness pressing into my belly. The swirl of desire that made me dizzy, gathered between my legs, and was impossible to ignore. I wanted him inside me or my mouth. He seemed to be pleased with my decision. If the grin on his face was any indication, he seemed downright…thrilled.

  Pushing me down to the sofa, his body covered mine. “Where the hell did that come from?” His grin was as wicked as the look in his eyes.

  Shrugging, I had no intentions of discussing any of my fantasies. They all involved him.

  “So you wanna play it like that huh?” Grinding his hips into the warmth between my legs, I pushed against him.

  “Please,” I begged.

  “Please what? You want my tongue or my dick inside you?” That was a good question. Was I ready to go there with him? It would be so easy to say yes right now.

  “Tongue.” I settled for the one that could cause the least amount of damage. Either way, I was pretty much screwed.

  “Fuck woman, when will you give in to me?” His warm lips pressed against mine while his hands roamed my body. Pulling my shirt over my head, he tugged both of the straps of my cami off my shoulder. “Put your hands above your head and leave them there.” A surge of heat rushed through me as I raised my hands to rest above my head. My breasts fully exposed to him, Archer pinned me with his promising stare. “By the time I’m finished with you, you won’t even know your name, but that perfect fuckin’ mouth will be screamin’ mine.” His husky voice informed me as he moved his lips from my mouth to my nipple.

  Oh God!

  His gasp whispered across my flesh. “The fuck is this?”

  Additional heat spread to my face as he stared down in amazement. “Nipple ring?”

  “How the hell did I miss this?”


  “You only managed to get your mouth around one before you...”

  His rough fingers wrapped around each breast, bringing the angel winged nipple close to his mouth. My back curved up, offering more of myself to him while he held both of my breasts firmly in place. “Goddamn, I’m one lucky son of a bitch. You’ve got the wings of an angel, and a body made for fuckin’ sin,” Sharp breaths filtered from my lips as he licked, bit, and sucked each of my nipples, giving way more attention to the pierced one. “Trust me?” His deep voice strained with need. Nodding, I dipped my chin to my chest. He moved further down my body, bunching my cami beneath my breast in hot pursuit. Then he placed a wet kiss just above my belly button. “Fuck baby, you smell good enough to eat,” Archer scraped his teeth across the skin of my stomach, then the swells of my breasts as he pushed the cami up my arms.

  “What are you doing?” My heart raced and warmth flooded my pussy as he weaved my wrists through the twisted fabric of my camisole, binding me.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he lips and eyes promised mine. “Not unless you want me to,”

  His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of my tights, dragging my panties down with them. Lying there completely naked and bound beneath the heat of his stare, I felt something unfurl and release deep inside of me. A knot that had been tied tight for so long had finally come undone, setting me free. “Just say the fuckin’ word so I can put us both out of our misery,”

  I wanted that. God knows, I wanted that more than anything right now, but I was afraid, scared if I went through with it- then what? He’d already stolen my heart. And I knew if he possessed the rest of me, it would be even more devastating when he decided not to keep me. Archer was still a wild card, and no matter how many times I told myself it was something my love could fix, I knew deep down there was a chance it wouldn’t. All I had was faith that he could love me, but that wasn’t enough to ease my worrisome heart. Spreading my legs wider, I shook my head from side to side.

  “I’m gonna make you regret that decision.” Skilled lips kissed and licked me everywhere…my neck, my face, my breasts.

  Then he licked his bottom lip shamelessly before his tongue made a long deep swipe against my needy flesh. Raising his eyes to mine, he pulled back and hovered just above my aching pussy. My hips lifted from the sofa, seeking his mouth. “Easy baby, I’m just gettin’ started.”

  Pressing my hips back down, he moved his hands to grip the back of my knees and pushed my legs up, opening me wider. His deliberate tongue moved back and forth against me while he hummed in appreciation. Like it was a meal, and he wouldn’t stop until he ate his fill.

  Holy shit!

  Releasing my legs, he slipped one finger inside me. “Look at me,” he demanded, slowly moving in and out. Opening my eyes, I looked down at him. “This pussy,” Archer inserted another finger. “Is mine.” He used the forefinger and thumb of his other hand to fully expose my clit while he continued to finger fuck me with the other. His teeth pinched the sensitive nub, gifting me with the bite of pain.

  A deep moan started in my chest, rising up to settle in the base of my throat. Something unique and unlike anything I’d ever heard before. At first I wasn’t even sure if it was me. Sparks of light flashed before my eyes, and my vision seemed to darken around the edges as Archer slipped a third finger inside of me, licking and sucking harder than before. His name paired with several other pleading words flowed from my trembling lips.

  Then it happened.

  Washing over me hard and fast, it robbed my very breath. I flew. Catapulted across the sky to land on a big white puffy cloud of bliss. My body was limp and weak and once again…his.

  Archer removed his fingers and released my hands. Then he covered the two of us with a blanket tucking me in close.

  The sound of his strong heartbeat was a steady cadence in my ear…it was a song only my heart could hear. Like a lullaby, it calmed my mind and lulled me into a deep, deep sleep.

  When I awoke, I was alone. Memories rolled in like thunder, rumbling through my mind loud and clear. Lying on the sofa, I rubbed my face and took a long ragged breath. We’d definitely moved past the point of no return. I still wasn’t convinced Archer would commit to anything more than a physical relationship, but he’d proved time and time again he was indeed capable of much more. Just being with him had become second nature and I knew he felt it too. Without realizing it, he’d become someone I depended on and trusted. Last night was no exception. I let him into places of my soul that I’d never allowed anyone else to see. The dark side of me that yearned to be set free for so long had finally been released.

  The only two men I’d ever been with hadn’t even come close to unlocking that door, or giving me the attention and pleasure that Archer had shown me last night. They took far more than they ever gave. I’d been a fool to fall for either of them, but that’s not something I could prevent. A crazy heart is something I was quite familiar with.

  Ben had been my first love. I’d met him right out of high school, and the fall was nearly instant. He was four years older than me and the embodiment of bad boy. I was 19 the night he took my virginity, and it had been the single most romantic and awkward experience of my life. He did everything he could to make it special for me, but there is absolutely nothing sexy about your first time.

  The first year had been a blur. As with any new relationship, I was blind to everything going on around me. My young foolish heart just wanted to be with him and be loved by him, I wasn’t too concerned about what that would consist of.

  We ended up moving in together after only seven months, and i
t pretty much fell apart from there. He was gone most of the time, playing gigs across town. I was waitressing and taking night classes at the community college. Maintaining our relationship had been a constant battle. I think I held on a lot longer than I should have, but I’ve never been one to give up easily. Exhausting every effort to make it work had taken its toll on me, and by the end of year three, I’d had enough sleepless nights and coming in second. I packed my shit and left him with his music. It was something I could never compete with. I vowed then to never fall for a musician ever again, no matter how incredibly hot he was.

  My naïve heart thought it would never get over the loss of Ben, until Luke came along. He was everything I’d ever wanted in a man- charming, sweet, and turns out, the biggest piece of shit to ever walk the earth. The day I found him fucking Alexis Davis, in my bed no less, had been a life changing moment for me. My blood ran cold as the images that were burned into my memory forever began to flash through my mind. When you find the man you love in bed with another woman, it does something to you. I knew trusting again would be difficult if not impossible after what he did to me. Yet, I trusted Archer completely.

  Faith, and the unwavering belief that there’s a reason for everything, has gotten me through some pretty shitty times in my life. It took a lot of soul searching and I had to dig deep, but I eventually forgave Luke and that…evil bitch for what they’d done. It was the only way I could move on. Revenge was not the sweetest fruit on life’s tree of lessons, fate was. Karma would find them both eventually, and I’ve always been a firm believer in getting what you give.

  When I returned to work after the Luke incident, I was a mess. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. I damn sure didn’t want to talk to anyone. All I could do was think- and I was sick to death of fucking thinking. I was on edge, refusing to let the hurt really sink in. Hell, I hadn’t even cried yet. That was the day I let Archer in.

  The pain in my chest had become a gruesome ache, making it impossible to concentrate on anything else. I thought for sure work would help block it out, but the images of him fucking her continued on a constant reel inside my mind, making it impossible to concentrate on anything else.

  “I need one Corona, two Stellas, and three Jaeger bombs.” Cora shouted over the thrumming music, pulling me from the painful memories.

  Popping the top on each bottle, I sat them down on the counter and made quick work of the shots, grateful for the momentary distraction. As if I could feel the evil vibes flowing all around me, I looked down at the end of the bar and sure as shit, there she was.

  Alexis fucking Davis

  The drinks I’d just prepared slipped from my shaking hands before I could place them on Cora’s tray. Shattered glass and liquor went everywhere as they hit the metal coolers in front of me.


  Angry and flustered, I began picking up the shards in haste, slicing open the palm of my hand. The bleeding gash hurt like hell, but only acted as a temporary buffer to the permanent wound in my chest. Holding back the tears, I welcomed the pain.

  “Shit, Katy are you ok?” Cora shouted, walking behind the bar.

  “I’m fine.” I wrapped a clean white towel around my hand, applying pressure.

  “The fuck happened here?” Archer bellowed from behind us, moving Cora aside.

  “I’m fine. I’ll clean it up, just give me a sec.”

  Archer’s eyes shot to the blood soaked towel covering my hand. “My office now,”

  “Archer, I just need a band aid and...”

  “Goddamn it, don’t argue with me. Just fuckin’ go.” he said, irritation layering his concern. Looking over my shoulder, I saw him point to the mess as he spoke to Jesse.

  “Cora, have Rene’ pick up your tables and you give Jesse a hand back here.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I told you to do something, Katherine. Now, move your ass.”

  With his hand to the small of my back, he guided me toward the back of the bar. When we made it to the well-lit hallway that led to his office, he stopped.

  “Let me see.” he ordered, reaching for my hand.

  Gritting my teeth, I jerked my hand away. “I just need the first aid kit.”

  “Give me your hand,” Archer bit out every word and the commanding tone of his voice sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Fine,” I shoved my hand in front of him. Carefully, he unwound the saturated towel from around my hand, closely examining the sliced flesh of my palm. How the hell did that small cut produce so much blood? Maybe my heart was bleeding out once and for all.


  I never wanted to love anyone else again.

  Archer held my hand closer. “It’s not deep enough for stitches but you cut it pretty good. I’ll grab the kit.”

  “I can take care of it myself.” I said, trying to pull my hand form his grip.

  His green eyes flickered beneath the florescent lights with amusement, warming the cold lifeless organ in my chest.

  “Stubborn ass woman,” Shaking his head, he released my hand. “I can either carry you, or you can walk. Your choice,”

  Realizing there was no way he was letting me leave without accepting his care…I spun on my heel and stomped to his office.

  Ten minutes later, his strong hand cradled mine as he brought my palm to his mouth. Cool air blew from his lips, alleviating the burn of the antiseptic while his peppermint breath penetrated my nose.

  Oh God, that smell.

  I’d caught it a few times in passing and savored it then, but it was more prominent now. He was sitting close. Too close. So damn close my thighs clenched in protest. Then I began to notice everything about him. From the way his strong hands provided comfort each time they touched mine, to the way his muscles bunched and rippled beneath his shirt.

  “Talk,” He began placing everything back inside the kit. I found myself admiring his mouth, immediately drawn to his bottom lip. It was slightly bigger than the top and I had a sudden urge to suck on it. Looking away, I blushed furiously. I’d gone from heartache to horny in minutes.

  God, help me…I was losing my damn mind.

  “Luke cheated on me.”

  Archer scoffed. “Not a surprise,” His smug grin mocked me from the corner of his mouth.

  Tears welled in my eyes and I swallowed hard to keep them from falling. “Why? Because I’m not a road whore like Alexis Davis?”

  The tears fell without my permission. I needed to get the hell out of here before the dam burst. I’d yet to cry over Luke, I’ll be damned if I was doing it in front of Archer. I moved to get up but his fingers gripped my forearm, pulling me closer.

  “No, because he doesn’t deserve you,”

  That was all it took. I broke. Big ugly tears I’d kept bottled up for the last few days flowed like the Mississippi. Archer pulled me in and wrapped his arms around me. One hand stroked my back while the other stroked the hair on top of my head.

  “It hurts…it hurts so fuckin’ bad,”

  “I know it does. I know.”

  Fear had kept me from giving into him all this time. Fear of being hurt again, of being used. Fear had also kept me from giving into my hidden desires, the ones that only came to life when I was with him. Archer had owned a part of me since that night. Day by day, little by little, he had managed to weave his way into my heart.

  Every kiss.

  Every word.

  Every touch.

  It had all led to this. There was no turning back, and my heart

  was of no consequence. Last night had proven once again, he saw what no one else did. It was time. Time to set fear aside and fight harder for what I wanted, time to show him what we could be together…what we already were. Leaving my clothes behind, I climbed the stairs to the kitchen.

  Whether he liked it or not, he was already mine and I had no intentions of ever letting him go.

  Love does not begin and

  end the way we seem to think it does.

  Love is a battle, lov
e is a war;

  love is growing up.

  ~James Baldwin

  Hot water pounded my back as I braced myself against the wall, watching as the steaming liquid swirled down the drain. How could she have such an effect on me? For years, I’d been able to avoid the one thing that terrified me the most.


  Yet, somehow Katherine gave me hope. Could I love again? I never thought it would be possible after what I’d been through? But the way she felt wrapped in my arms, and the peace she seemed to give me had my mind instigating a war with my heart.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  I roared, slapping the tiled wall. My hand tingled and burned as I continued my assault. My chest was on fucking fire.

  “Archer,” My heart stumbled and my breath faltered as I pulled in gasps of air, trying to focus on her through the steamy glass.

  “Gimme’ a minute,”

  Fuck, I need to get my shit together.

  I watched her figure fade then I closed my eyes, praying for the strength I needed to let her go. Strength I knew did not exist. She’d become a powerful presence in my life and deep down, I knew it would take more than getting between her legs to quell this constant ache.

  Shutting off the water, I wrapped a towel around my waist and scrubbed both hands down my wet face. After collecting a few calming breaths, I walked out of the bathroom.


  Her caramel colored eyes were laced with desire as she scooted further back onto the bed. She was completely fucking naked, and by the look in her eye, ready to give in to what we’d both been wanting for months.

  Each other.

  My cock rose in appreciation of the angel waiting for me. I walked to the edge of the bed, crooking my finger. “C’mere,” Her cheeks flushed pink as she scooted across the comforter on bended knees. Draping her arms around me, her sweet breath tickled my lips while her gorgeous tits pillowed against my damp chest.


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