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Until You're Mine

Page 5

by Langston, K.

  “I need you,” she panted and my entire world came to a screeching halt.

  Down came the steel gate I’d been fighting to break through. Her eyes told me this would cost her far more than I would ever understand. I was too damn selfish to care. All I wanted was her, and I would do whatever I could to have her.

  Hearts be damned.

  Pulling the towel from my hips, I pushed her to the bed and climbed between her legs. My fingers rubbed her wet pussy. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful.” Her heady breaths and arousal swamped the air between us and my cock lurched forward, begging to be inside her. Dark mocha flashed with heat as her hooded eyes darted to mine. “You sure?” I couldn’t tell you the last time I prayed. I was a small boy- I do know that. But I was silently praying to any God that would listen, to let me have her, just this one fucking time.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you.” The strength and conviction in her voice washed over me like a tsunami, drowning me in pathetic desperate need.

  Regret twisted in my gut. We were both doing this for very different reasons.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered the plea like a prayer from her tongue.

  Make love?

  Fuck that.

  Panic shot through my chest, yanking me away. “No.” Shaking my head, I tried to harness the emotions that kept creeping up every time I thought about doing more than fucking her. Every time I thought about…

  Fuck, my head was a mess.

  Or was it my heart? If the emotions between us didn’t kill me, the internal battle I had raging inside me would. When would I ever find some fucking peace?

  “Fuck!” Running my hands through my hair, I pulled them down my face. Now I had a hard on and a woman that wanted to make love.

  Fear flooded her eyes as her trembling hands found both sides of my face. The intimate contact punched something I refused to identify to the center of my confused fucking chest.

  “Fuck me, Archer. Take me. Do whatever the hell you want. Just do it now, please.”

  Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

  Desire, hot and thick poured over me like molten lava, destroying me from the inside out. Covering her body with mine, I pinned her to the bed. My fingers wrapped around her wrists, holding her in place while I fed from her impatient mouth. Our tongues fought for control, but in the end, I buried her ass. She was a hot fucking mess beneath me and I’d only just begun. When I had her responding to my every touch, and begging for my every kiss, I flipped her over.

  Reaching above her, I shoved the barrage of pillows to the floor.

  “What are you doing?” My cock twitched at her breathy question.

  I pulled her silky black mane from her neck, placing exactly one kiss to her flower covered shoulder just before I found the shell of her ear. “I’m gonna fuck you. Hard. That’s what you said you wanted, right?”

  She looked so beautiful laid out in front of me like a goddamn feast. Ready and willing to give me whatever the hell I wanted. A sliver of guilt sliced through me again, reminding me of what I was about to do.

  Yeah, I was a real motherfucker.

  “Don’t move,” Standing next to the bed, I grabbed a condom from the bedside table. She twisted her head to face me. “You don’t listen very well- do you?”

  A wicked grin curved her swollen lips as she tucked stray hair beneath her chin. “You of all people should know that,”

  She got that shit right. Her defiant spirit and smart ass mouth were always getting her into trouble. At first, it infuriated me, now it just got me hard as fuck.

  “Stop talkin’,” I climbed back onto the bed. Bending at the waist, I slipped my hands beneath her, jerking her heart shaped ass in the air. I dipped my tongue into her sweet, wet pussy, ripping a deep growl from the back of my throat.


  I needed more, so much more. Collecting every drop of her sweet juices, I inched my way back up. Straight to the hidden spot I was secretly aching for. I wanted to be everywhere. I wanted to possess every inch of her, starting right fucking here.

  Spreading her wide, I licked my way back up, drinking and taking from her all along the way. “Archer,” she whispered, her back rising and falling with desperate heavy breaths.

  “Relax, sweetheart. I’m not gonna fuck you there…” My thumb dipped into the one and only place my cock had ever begged to be. “Yet.” I promised.

  With a gasp she wiggled her hips, silently requesting for more.

  Christ almighty.

  “Archer, please…” She was a ravenous heap of hot skin, scalding the tips of my fingers.

  Reaching for the condom, I wrapped it up. What I wouldn’t give to ride this exotic beauty bareback, I thought as I pressed the tip of my cock to her hot pussy. Her throaty cry told me she was just as close to the edge as I was.

  This…would not be pretty.

  I’d waited too long. It would be impossible to hold back once I was inside of her. My patience weakening by the second, I surged forward with a deep hard thrust. Rocking back and forth, I buried myself inside of her sweet heavenly bliss. My dick pulsing with untamable need, I took everything I could. I rode her hard and deep. Every whimper and every cry that fell from her lips fueled the frantic need growing rapidly inside my chest.

  I’ll never get enough.

  Let her go.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I fought. That annoying little tingling feeling I got every time I thought about not keeping her kept overriding everything else. I didn’t want to keep her. Rather, I didn’t want her to keep me.

  I laid my body across hers. The soft curve of her back melted into the hardness of my front, and for one fleeting moment, I could actually feel again. The gaping hole in my chest was filling up with something, something that I hadn’t felt in fucking years.


  “Archer,” Trickled from her lips followed by a ragged breath as I shifted to lay behind her. Sharp nails scratched at the side of my neck, encouraging me while I fucked her from behind.

  “Jesus Christ, I thought your mouth was fuckin’ heaven,” I slowed my punishing pace and pulled her leg over my thigh, losing myself momentarily within the confines of her incredible heat. My hand covered her throat, gently holding her in place while I pumped in and out. Her pulse thumped wildly beneath my palm as she tightened around me, writhing, moaning.


  “Let go,” Two whispered words and her body tensed all over, a deep moan vibrating against my hand. I buried myself as deep as I could go, drawing back and forth slowly when I felt the first burst of pleasure.

  Limp and spent, I gently removed her leg from my thigh and pulled out, immediately locking myself into the bathroom like a little fucking bitch.

  The fuck?

  I’d never had this kind of reaction to another human being. The last woman I loved could never hold a candle to what I felt when I was inside of Katherine.

  Why her?

  My head was telling me to stick to my convictions and play it safe, but my fucked up heart was saying something entirely different. I thought the motherfucker was dead, that was before I lost myself inside a woman that had already found her way beneath my skin.


  I’d learned my lesson once. I wasn’t one of those pathetic fucks that had to be taught the lesson of heartbreak over and over again to understand what it meant, or the devastation loving another could cause. I’d been gutted once and it had cost me dearly. I was pretty sure the damage Katherine was capable of would be far greater than some stress crack to my heart and a dent to my bank account.

  No woman was worth that risk.

  I took care of the condom, pissed then I splashed my face with cold water. Why the fuck did I have such an overwhelming need to go back in there, take her again…and fall asleep with her in my arms? Looking in the mirror, I said out loud what I already knew.

  “You’re fucked.”

  Wherever you go,

  go with all your heart.


  If I loved him before, I had no idea what the hell I was feeling now. Connecting with him on such an intimate level had been exactly what I thought it would be.



  Life changing.

  He didn’t say a word before he got up and went to the bathroom and admittedly it hurt, but Archer was like a wounded animal. He needed to be handled with delicate care and finesse. I knew him well enough to know that it would take more than incredible sex to earn his trust, and his love. My heart gushed with the same heat as his naked body strolled back into the room.

  With the comforter tucked beneath my chin, I admired the magnificent view. His chiseled body was a mass of solid rock wrapped up tightly in tattooed skin. Thick bands of elaborate tribal ink branded him from shoulder to chest, then slithered down his arm, stopping at his wrist. His other arm was a mix of so many things. I didn’t know where to start. I wanted him to tell me the story behind each and every one. I wanted to know everything about this man, every deep dark secret, every truth and flaw.


  The flesh between my thighs tingled and clenched as he stood next to the bed staring down at me.

  Confusion and something else bunched the hard lines of his beautiful face. “What?”

  “I was admiring the dragon,”

  He angled his head, cocking one brow. “Got it when I was 21. Represents power and strength, two of my best traits.”

  “I disagree,”

  He crossed his arms, an arrogant grin playing with the corner of his mouth. “Really?”

  Sitting up, I flipped my hair behind my shoulders. My naked breasts pebbled beneath his sharpening gaze. I placed both hands to his chest, holding his soul searching stare. “This is the best part of you- along with what I see behind your eyes.”

  Archer’s lips parted on a sigh as I watched him peek over the carefully erected wall around his heart.

  Strong fingers clasped my wrists, tugging them from his chest. “The fuck are you doin’, Katherine?”

  Returning his angry glare, I fixed my hands to my hips. “I think we’ve gotten to know each other well enough now you can call me Katy.”

  “You’re Katherine to me,” he grated, irritation heavy in his voice.

  Heat swarmed my face. “You’re the only one who calls me that, and it’s annoying as hell, to be honest.”

  “Well, here’s the thing sweetheart. I don’t give a fuck.” Fire flickered around the edges of those brilliant green eyes before his lips claimed mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down into the softness of my body. Tongues tangled and hands roamed, as he allowed himself to let go just one more time before he pulled away. My desperate arms reached out for him. “I’m going to make coffee. See you downstairs.”

  My empty hands trembled against my naked thighs. Did I make a mistake? Was this all a mistake? I know what I saw. Yet, he seemed so…unaffected. While I was sitting here bathing in the fact that I would never be the same.

  After I grabbed a quick shower, I walked back into the room and found my stuff lying on the bed. I had my bra and panties on when Macklemore started singing from my purse.

  A smile I desperately needed found my lips. “Hey sweetie, how’s married life?”

  “Katy! Holy shit girl, you will never believe where I am. Holden, I finally got her.” she squealed down the line.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, my fluttering belly joined her excitement. “Where?”

  “Wait. Where’ve you been? I’ve been callin’ and callin’. You always answer your phone, even in the dead of night. Oh shit, are you at Archer’s?” Concern replaced her excitement. Dammit, I didn’t want to drag her down my road yet. There was just too much to tell.

  “We’ll talk about it when you get back.”


  “Maddie, where the hell are you?”

  She was my best friend. My sister. Our relationship was no holds barred-never hold back-true ride or die shit. But I didn’t want to weigh her down with my love life woes when hers was at an all-time high.

  “Get this. Are you sitting down right now? Holden owns an island.”

  “Shit.” I breathed.

  “Yeah. That’s what I said. Well, I said a lot more than that. Who knew he had that kind of money. I mean, I knew he was rich…but damn. We own a fuckin’ island, Katy! It still hasn’t sunk in. Anyway, we just got here and the reception is shitty so I’ll talk to you in a few days. And uh, I expect to hear everything when I get back.” she demanded.

  “Same here…love you both.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I finished getting dressed and hot stepped it downstairs. Archer was tapping away furiously on his laptop, a cup of coffee and his cell within reach.

  “There’s coffee if you want it. Just give me a few minutes to wrap up this email, and we’ll roll out.”

  I sat my bags down on top of the counter and fixed myself a cup, taking a seat across from him.

  “So what’s up with you and your ole man,” Archer closed his lap top, his attention now focused solely on me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “One, I wanna know why he spoke to you like he did yesterday. Two, what happened between the two of you to make you hate him so much.”

  “I don’t hate him.” I whispered into my cup.

  “Not the vibe I got. If looks could kill, the man would have been crucified in his own damn church.”

  Taking a sip, I kept my eyes down. “He’s just…he can be difficult sometimes. He has his convictions and I have mine. I do my best to find common ground, but my father is set in his ways. Our relationship has been strained for years. I’ve tried to rectify it best I could, but it was obvious they had no intentions of changing their views on acceptance, or compromise for that matter.

  “And your mother?”

  “She’s the same way.” I shrugged. “My brother Alex and I have always been pretty close, but he lives in LA so I don’t get to see him very much. He’s actually coming home to visit today.”

  I’d almost forgotten he was flying in today, being all wrapped up in the man sitting across from me. Alex was supposed to fly in a week ago so he could attend Maddie’s wedding, but he was offered a job he said couldn’t pass up.

  I leaned forward. “So what about your family?”

  From what I’ve gathered from Maddie, Holden’s parents and sister weren’t very pleasant people. Maddie had met them once on a trip back to Texas. Holden was elated to introduce his family to his soon to be bride, but they weren’t there thirty minutes before his mother began picking apart Maddie’s wardrobe, and then proceeded to emotionally dismantle their son right in front of her. It was pretty bad. Then there were the grandparents, Sylvia and Archie. Holden spoke of them often. Apparently he and Archer had spent a lot of time with them growing up. But that was all I knew.

  Pain flashed in his eyes before he quickly snuffed it out. “My parents died in a car accident when I was five. My grandparents raised me.”

  The chair scraping across the hardwood had me on my feet. “Archer, I’m so…”

  Refusing to meet my eyes, he tagged his cell and keys from the table. “Grab your shit. I’ll take you to your car.”

  My chest ached with sadness.

  He had no one.

  No one to take care of him, love him the way he needed to be loved. The thought chilled me to the bone and strengthened my resolve. It would take a heavy arsenal, but I would tear down those walls. Brick by brick, one by one, they were all coming down.

  Archer pulled into the parking lot of church where my car had stayed parked overnight. My stomach twisted as I reached for the door. “I had a great time last night. I guess I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

  He looked torn between kissing the shit out of me and shoving me out of the door. I let him off the hook easy, sliding out of the Hummer and leaving him with a smile. Realizing it would take a hell of a lot more than what I had
planned to free the broken beast.

  I truly had every intention of being here for service this morning, but then Archer happened. Now I was kicking myself in the ass. Why the hell didn’t I think about my car being here last night? Thankfully church hadn’t let out yet, leaving me plenty of time to prepare for this afternoon’s lecture. With a defeated sigh, I climbed into my Honda and drove myself home, mentally preparing myself for the wrath of my father.

  Growing up in a strict religious home, I’d never really experienced life until I moved out on my own. That day came the day after my 18th birthday. As a child, my parents never allowed me the freedom to make my own choices. Every decision was made for me, resulting in the perfect child. I attended church, sang in the choir. Everything they wanted. So when I was finally able to spread my wings…I went buck wild. Well, that’s what my father calls it anyway. I say, I found myself. It had been easy to suppress my free spirit and curiosity as a child, but as I grew older, it became a necessity to embrace it. I was who I was and the only person I had to answer to was the man upstairs, and we were pretty damn tight.

  I pulled into the driveway and parked, adjusting the mirror to reapply my gloss. I had actually softened my look for dinner in hopes of giving my father one less thing to bitch about. My heart raced like a teenager that had just been caught having sex. “You’re a grown woman,” I said to myself in the mirror. Who the hell was I kidding? I could be sixty years old and my father would still have the ability to make me feel two feet tall. Popping the elastic of my big girl panties, I stepped out of the car. My brother barreled out of the front door and the weight in my stomach lightened.

  Alex and I shared the same hair color but his eyes were crystal blue like our mother’s. He was dressed in a pair of worn jeans, flip flops, and a baby blue polo T that made his eyes sparkle.

  Alex scooped me up and swung me around. “Baby sis, it’s so fuckin’ good to see you!” Planting me on my feet, his hands cupped my cheeks. “I have so much to tell you.” Well, that would explain the shiny gleam in his eyes. He looked so...happy.

  “First,” he frowned. “I had to get a hotel in town.”


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