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Dark Divide: The Vampire Prophecy Book 2

Page 14

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Yes, dear, that’s right.”

  “Did they say anything else?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. That’s all the information I received.”

  My heart ached. This was all my fault. Turstan had warned me what would happen if I slipped up. What if Malcolm was dead? Or worse, strung up in one of those cages in the lab because of me?

  I couldn’t stay here and pretend everything was fine. I needed to get back to Imera as soon as possible.

  Kaige’s hold tightened on my hand. Damn blood bond. I couldn’t keep anything from him.

  We reached the narrow corridor that led down to the human quarters, and the queen released my arm. She glanced at Kaige then back at me, and a ghost of a smile stretched across her thin lips. “I’ll go and fetch Garridan. That will give you time to say your goodbyes.”

  “Mother—” Kaige began.

  “I’ve never seen you like this, son.” She squeezed his shoulder. “So full of life and passion. I wish things were different, I truly do.” She moved down the corridor with the grace of a prima ballerina, her long purple skirts flowing behind her. Before reaching the end of the passageway, she turned around. “You know, as of late your father has been snoring like an old buzz saw. We’ve both had to start sleeping with earplugs to drown out the noise. I don’t think we’d ever hear a single thing going on in the castle with those in.” She shrugged and shot us a wink before disappearing around the corner.

  I was starting to like the queen more and more.

  The minute she disappeared, I sunk into Kaige’s chest. “What are we going to do?”

  “I’ll figure something out, I promise.” He leaned his chin on my head, and his warm breath blew over my hair. “We just escaped a certain death sentence so when you look at it that way, things are looking up for us.”

  “Sure, for us—but how about my dad?” My entire body shuddered. “What if Turstan killed him?”

  “Don’t say that, Solaris. Don’t even think it. The final trial is tomorrow, and if all goes well, I’ll be king soon after. Turstan will release your father and all of the blood slaves if I have to go into Imera myself to make it happen.” He pressed me into his chest, and I inhaled his musky scent. For a second, I believed him. His familiar odor and warmth enveloped me in a protective barrier where Turstan, blood trafficking, and dark prophecies ceased to exist.

  Chapter 25


  This was it. The final trial. It was worth two points instead of the standard one because it combined everything the princes had trained for into one main event. From the way Kaige explained it, it was a full mock battle. Unlike the other trials, it didn’t take place in the arena; instead it covered a few acres of land outside the castle walls. They would be tested on their battle strategy, use of offensive and defensive potions, and of course, physical prowess.

  If Xander won, their scores would be even and they would have to compete in a tiebreaker. But if Kaige succeeded, it would all be over and I could be back in Imera as early as tomorrow.

  My palms were slick with sweat as I paced back and forth in my room. Not being able to watch the final trial was killing me. I peered out into the sitting room. From the looks of it, it was killing Garridan too.

  The old nocturne flitted about the room, dusting and polishing wood that was already so shiny I could see my reflection in it.

  I wrung my hands together and walked into the living room. I needed a distraction or else I was going to go insane with worry. Between Kaige and Malcolm, it was just too much. I couldn’t get the horrible images of my dad hooked up to an IV draining him of every ounce of blood out of my mind.

  I slunk down on the couch and watched Garridan’s surprisingly nimble form dart around the room. I still didn’t fully trust the guy even though Kaige had assured me hundreds of times that I had nothing to worry about. But I had to talk to someone or else I was going to explode.


  The old silver-haired man looked up from his manic cleaning. “Yes?”

  “How do you know so much about nocturne-human blood bonds?” Kaige suspected he’d been bonded with a human, but Garridan had never come out and admitted it. This was my chance to find out more. “Did you have one?”

  His lips turned down and his expression darkened, the creases at the corners of his eyes deepening. “It was so long ago, and it’s not something I enjoy remembering.”


  After a few more half-hearted flicks of the duster, he dropped it and the rag and sat on the couch across from me. His gray eyes regarded me for a moment, and then he inhaled slowly. “What is it you’d like to know?”

  “Was your bond permanent too?”

  He nodded, a sad smile crossing his wrinkled lips. “It wasn’t uncommon for nocturnes and humans to create bonds back then, but few were as strong as the one we had—or yours, for that matter.”

  “And there really is no way to break it?”

  “Only death, my dear.”

  “Is that what happened to your human?” I couldn’t believe the words came out of my mouth. I really did sound like Kaige now.

  “Yes.” His eyes glossed over. After a long silence he continued. “We were bonded when the prophecy was foretold. All humans were forced to leave Draconis, and that was when Imera was formed.” His eyes were vacant, like he’d gone to a faraway place. “Jacinda, that was her name, refused to leave me.” His sad eyes regarded me for a moment. “She reminds me a bit of you from what Kaige has told me. She was strong, but as stubborn and rash as they come.”

  I gave him a smile. They really must think all humans are crazy.

  “After the evacuation deadline passed, any humans caught in Draconis were executed.” He sucked in a breath, squeezing his hands together in his lap.

  I didn’t ask him to finish; the haunted look in his eye told me all I needed to know.

  “Did you love her?” I lowered my gaze, not wanting to intimidate him with such a personal question. “It’s just, with the bond, it’s kind of hard to tell what’s real and what’s the result of the blood,” I stammered.

  He glanced up at me, a sad smile cracking his lips. “I did love her.” He rose, picking up his duster. “And I’m certain that you and Kaige will sort out your feelings as well. Believe it or not, love is stronger than any blood bond.”

  Garridan’s words echoed in my mind as he disappeared into my bedroom to undoubtedly do more cleaning. What would happen when I returned to Imera? Even if we succeeded in saving Malcolm and all those prisoners along with taking Turstan down, Kaige and I could never be together.

  We were doomed from the start.

  Kaige burst into the room, and I jolted awake, nearly falling off the couch. Somehow I’d fallen asleep with all the thoughts churning in my mind. He leapt over the sofa and pulled me into his arms. Sweat, dirt, and grime covered every inch of him. And blood… My eyes zoned in on the crimson stains as fear bubbled up in my chest.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine now that I’m holding you.”

  He pressed me up against his chest, and I wrinkled my nose. He smelled awful. “Kaige, I’m really glad you’re okay, but you stink! Can you move back a little?”

  He laughed and released me, taking a step back.

  “So what happened?”

  He paced in front of me with a sexy little swagger. “Oh, you know, there was some underhanded plotting, some hand-to-hand combat, a duel—”

  “Kaige! Stop stalling and just spit it out. Did you win or what?”

  He yanked me into his arms and spun me in a circle. I couldn’t help the laugh that tumbled out as wisps of hair flew across my face. “Of course I did. You’re looking at the future king of Draconis.”

  Relief exploded in my chest, and all the pent-up tension from the past few days seeped out. “You did it!” I wrapped my arms more tightly around his neck and pressed my lips against his.

  Fiery heat ignited in my gut and rushed throug
h the bond. Ignoring the sweat and grime, my fingers dug into the soft hair at the back of his neck. His tongue darted inside my mouth, and a small groan escaped my lips. I couldn’t believe I was kissing the future king of Draconis.

  The sound of a throat clearing jerked us out of the heated moment. Kaige spun us around, and my cheeks warmed at the sight of Garridan awkwardly leaning against the doorjamb. I’d completely forgotten he was there.

  “I believe congratulations are in order, sir.” Garridan’s gray eyes lit up as he approached Kaige. The old nocturne held out his hand, but Kaige pulled him into a hug. Garridan patted his back as a big smile crossed his face. “I knew you could do it, Kaige. You are going to make an excellent king.”

  “I hope so.” A flash of uncertainty crossed Kaige’s eyes—a look I’d seldom seen in my prince of darkness. He was always so calm and secure.

  “Come now. You must prepare for the festivities. All of the nobles will surely be standing in line to congratulate their new king.”

  “And all the noblewomen,” I blurted. I clapped my hand over my mouth, but it was too late. Sometimes I just had no control over what came out.

  Kaige took my hand and gave it a squeeze. “What noblewomen?” He smirked. “There’s only one girl I’m concerned with, and there’s nothing noble about her.” He shot me a playful wink, and I jabbed my elbow into his stomach.

  Garridan shuffled toward the door, holding it open.

  “Do I really have to go?”

  I wanted to ask the same thing, but I bit my tongue this time. I hadn’t had much alone time alone with Kaige since arriving in Draconis, and we needed to discuss the details of the Imera re-entry plan.

  Garridan furrowed his brow and gave Kaige a stern look. “You thought you had a lot of responsibilities as prince? They are nothing compared to the ones you will have to endure as the king.”

  Kaige gulped, and a hint of trepidation crept through the bond. He turned to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

  I nodded, pressing my lips together. “I know.”

  “I’ll come see you first thing in the morning, I promise.”

  “And then we’ll leave for Imera?”

  Kaige frowned, and the bond pulsed with a jumble of intense emotions too difficult to decipher. He schooled his face back to normal and gave me a smile. “We’ll talk it about tomorrow.”

  The door slammed shut behind them, and my heart sank. Now what was I supposed to do? I slunk over to the couch and pulled out the tablet Garridan had lent me, thankful for small mercies. I flipped through some game apps, but I couldn’t concentrate.

  Now that we were out of immediate danger in Draconis, I couldn’t help but think about the smuggled blood. We weren’t any closer to discovering who was behind it. If Kaige could put a stop to it as king, then Turstan would have no reason to keep all those people prisoner. The blood was the key to all my problems. But I couldn’t just hang around here until Kaige’s coronation. I needed to get back to Imera and find Malcolm.

  I dropped the tablet and paced in front of the grand fireplace, my mind churning. Kaige wasn’t going to like it, but I would have to return to Imera without him. He needed to stay here, to figure all of this out, and to become king.

  A soft knock at the door tore me away from my plotting. The lock clicked and a tuft of silver hair on a balding head poked through. “Excuse me, Miss, but may we speak for a moment?”

  “Sure. Come on in.”

  Garridan shuffled in carrying a handful of garment bags. I eyed him curiously as he laid them out on the couch.

  “I thought you had to help Kaige get ready for the big victory party.”

  “Ball,” he said as he began to unzip the black sacks.

  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s a victory ball.”

  “Oh.” Well, excuse me. We don’t have those in Imera.

  “The future king is showering, and I haven’t had to help him with that for many years now.” His lips curled into a smile.

  Wow, Garridan made a joke!

  I finally looked down at the couch, and my mouth curved into a capital O. A gold sequined gown emerged from a garment bag, then a deep emerald green lace one, and finally a crimson silk one. “What is all this?” I breathed out.

  “You make the prince happy, and tonight of all nights, he deserves that.”

  My eyes widened, my brows almost reaching my hairline. “You want me to go to the ball?”

  “Kaige does, of course, but he wouldn’t know how to slip you past his parents.” His gray eyes sparkled to life. “Lucky for you, my dear, I do.”

  Chapter 26


  I stared at the stranger looking back at me in the mirror and tucked a lock of golden hair behind my ear. Who was I? Certainly not Solaris Levant, reckless daredevil and sworn enemy of the state. I looked like a princess—one straight out of a fairytale. The strapless emerald dress hugged every curve of my body as if it were made for me. The soft lace embroidery was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I ran my hand over the intricate details of the floor length gown and sucked in a breath.

  What would Kaige think when he saw me?

  “Are you ready?” Garridan’s voice seeped through the door.

  I took one last look and tore myself away from the mirror. “Coming!”

  His weary eyes widened as I stepped through the doorway into the living room. “You look beautiful,” he whispered, a hint of melancholy in his voice. He hurried over to me and placed a small vial in my palm. “Drink it now. It will only take a few moments to take effect.”

  I stared at the thick mud brown liquid. “You’re sure this will work?”

  “Yes. The head of the royal alchemists created it for our soldiers. It provides a temporary cloak, distorting your features so no one will recognize you.”

  “So who will I look like?”

  “You’ll look different to everyone you come across. That’s the beauty of it.”

  “Okay. Here goes nothing.” I lifted the tube to my lips and downed the thick potion. It slithered down my throat, leaving a trail of fire. I coughed and spluttered but forced the nasty stuff down.

  “I apologize. I should have mentioned it doesn’t have the most pleasant flavor.”

  Now he tells me.

  He held out his arm, and I weaved my hand through it. “Come, Solaris. Your prince awaits.”

  After what seemed like the longest walk ever, Garridan stopped in front of a thick wooden door. “Are you ready?”

  I swallowed to chase away the overwhelming dryness in my mouth and rubbed my sweaty palms against my sides. I hated to ruin the fine lace, but what else could I do? “Okay, I’m ready.”

  He heaved the door open, and I stepped into a ball straight out of a fairytale. Dazzling chandeliers sparkled over the immense hall, casting flickering lights over the most elegantly dressed crowd I’d ever seen. Figures in black tuxedos and full-length ball gowns glided across the dance floor in perfect time to the twelve-piece orchestra.

  Women wore tiaras, their arms and necks dripping in diamonds and gold as they flitted across the space. There must have been at least five hundred people in the tremendous ballroom.

  “Close your mouth, dear,” whispered Garridan.

  I was frozen in place, my eyes too busy with the sumptuous surroundings to form a clear thought in my mind.

  And then I saw him.

  Dressed in all black from head to toe, Kaige stood out in the crowd. He looked every bit the commanding king he was about to become. His unruly curls were slicked back and he stood tall, his chest puffed out. A group of noblemen surrounded him, clapping him on the back and hanging on his every word.

  “Follow me.” Garridan released my arm, walking a few steps in front of me and headed straight toward Kaige.

  Butterflies flapped furiously in my stomach as we approached the future king. Would he recognize me?

  Just before we reached the outer circle gathered ar
ound him, a tall blonde pushed her way through the noblemen and straight for my prince.

  That little… I immediately recognized the porcelain face and blonde curls. Tessamia. The one who’d had her paws all over Kaige in the castle’s lower levels.

  She took her place by his side, running her hand over his shoulder. She giggled and whispered something in his ear.

  A pang of jealousy seared hot and intense in my chest. Kaige’s smoky navy eyes widened, and he rubbed a spot just under his collarbone as if he’d felt it too. He lifted his gaze, scanning the room before finally settling on me.

  Kaige’s dark brows furrowed as he regarded me. The blood bond pulsed, and my heart rate accelerated. He said something to Tessamia and brushed her off, parting the crowd hovered around him.

  He marched straight up to me and stopped, his breath ragged. “It can’t be,” he whispered.

  I stepped forward, my heart threatening to explode out of my chest. “It’s me.”

  Kaige turned to Garridan and arched a brow. “How?”

  “Just enjoy the evening, sir. You can thank me later.” Garridan winked and disappeared into the throng.

  Kaige’s arms snaked around my waist, and my breath hitched as he pulled me close. His woodsy scent swirled around me with hints of sandalwood and cinnamon. “Kaige, everyone’s watching!”

  “So let them. They’re watching the future king dance with a breathtaking nocturne noblewoman.” His eyes seared into mine, the silver mesmerizing. “Just follow me and try not to step on my toes.”

  “I’ll try.” I laughed. “You know I’ve never had any ballroom dancing lessons. We don’t do that sort of thing in Imera.”

  “Well then, you don’t know what you’ve been missing.” A devious grin split his sexy lips, and he dipped me to the floor.

  Kaige twirled me around the dance floor for hours, but it passed in the blink of an eye. In his arms, it was easy to forget about everything else. The music abruptly came to a stop and reality smacked me in the face.


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