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Dark Divide: The Vampire Prophecy Book 2

Page 15

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Kaige, we need to talk.”

  He tucked a loose strand behind my ear and brushed my cheek with his thumb. “I know, but can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

  Could it? Fear and guilt had been eating away at my insides for days, but I’d managed to shove it far down. What difference would a few more hours make?

  I nodded and he took my hand, leading me to an empty table.

  “Have I told you how stunning you look?” He leaned toward me, his breath warm against my lips.

  “Only about a dozen times, but don’t let that stop you.” My head was inching forward without my approval, his lips calling to mine. “Wait a second.” I shook my head, clearing the Kaige-filled haze. “What do I look like to you?”

  He chuckled. “That potion really is amazing. I’m assuming it’s the one the alchemists developed for our covert operations. That Garridan has more tricks up his sleeve than I’d ever given him credit for.”

  His fingers ran over my knee, making it hard for me to concentrate.

  “You look like you, Solaris.”

  “But I thought this was supposed to mask my appearance?”

  “It didn’t look like you at first, but somehow I knew. Maybe it was the blood bond or maybe it was something else, but once I realized, your true form appeared to me.”

  “That’s just crazy.”

  A young girl with mischievous eyes and auburn braids snuck up behind Kaige. I steeled my expression and kept my gaze on him so not to give her away.

  “I got you!” she cried out as she wrapped her hands around Kaige’s eyes.

  He spun around and lifted the little girl into his lap, digging his fingers into her sides as she giggled. Once he stopped, she straightened and pierced me with big brown eyes.

  “I’m Zabrina. Who are you?”

  “Zabrina, that’s no way to talk to someone you’ve just met,” Kaige scolded.

  “Sorry.” Her bright eyes looked up at her brother. “Is she the one? The one that was in trouble and had to go away?”

  Kaige’s cheeks flushed deep crimson, and a big grin split the little girl’s lips.

  “So— Sofia, I’d like to introduce my sister, Zabrina, the terror.”

  She slid off Kaige’s lap and curtseyed, and my heart nearly melted. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zabrina. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “You have?” She jumped back up on Kaige’s lap and got comfortable. “I haven’t heard nearly anything about you. Where should we start?”

  “And that’s enough for now, Zabrina.” He lifted his little sister off his lap and tugged on a pigtail. “Go torture Xander for once and let me catch up with my friend.”

  “Sure, you’re friend...” She puckered her lips and made kissing noises and then raced off into the crowd.

  I couldn’t help but laugh as Kaige rolled his eyes. “I told you she was a terror.”

  The band began to play and the soft music twirled around us, enveloping me in its spell. Kaige held out his hand, a sensuous smile pulling at his lips. “Now, where were we?”

  I placed my hand into his palm, and his strong fingers threaded through mine as he led us back to the dance floor.

  Tomorrow would come, but for now, being in Kaige’s arms was enough.

  Chapter 27


  My father’s harsh words rebounded against the cold marble walls of his study and slammed into my skull. Not long ago, I would have rejoiced at them. I would have smiled from ear to ear thinking it was the best news in the world.

  Now? I knew better. And I needed his title to keep Solaris safe.

  “What do you mean you’re not relinquishing the crown now? That was the whole point of the trials.” My clipped tone was unusual for me in his presence.

  He crossed his arms against his chest, the firelight from the hearth dancing over his hard features. “I’m still the king, and I’ve decided it’s not the right time to deliver the crown to you. You’re not ready.”

  He really meant I wasn’t worthy.

  It was a strange thing, this feeling of inadequacy. I’d always been the best in my father’s eyes, and now he could hardly stand the sight of me.

  All because of one little human. My human.

  My nostril’s flared. “Don’t pretend this is anything but your way of punishing me for my transgressions with Solaris. I never knew you to be dishonest.”

  “Kaige,” he snapped, “don’t forget I could kill you for this.”

  “So do it.” We both knew he wouldn’t.

  Anders slithered in before my father could counter my threat. A silver tray of synth was balanced in his hand. “Hello, sir.” He bowed dramatically before my father. He may as well have kissed his damn feet. “I’ve brought the synth you requested.”

  “Thank you, Anders.” He nodded at his weaselly servant and took a bottle of scarlet liquid.

  Anders’ beady gaze landed on me, a smirk twitching his lips. He knew my father wasn’t handing over the crown, and he was all too happy about it. “Prince Kaige.” He emphasized prince as he slid the tray toward me.

  “No thanks,” I ground out.

  “Take the synth.” My father brushed by, marching toward his desk. “You’re on edge.”

  I was on edge all right. I’d worked my ass off to please him my entire life. Unlike Xander, I’d given up every ounce of fun in exchange for lessons on diplomacy, combat, and everything required of a king. And now it was being thrown away because I did something my father didn’t approve of.

  For once, I was more than a robot programmed to be his perfect son.

  I snatched the bottle from Anders and hurled it against the wall. Crimson splattered the cold gray marble. “I said I don’t want any damn synth!”

  My father spun around, his eyes widening at my outburst. Silver quickly eclipsed the navy and his fangs dropped, a rare sight for the king. “That was so far out of line, Kaige, especially for you.” His gaze slid toward Anders, and he jerked his chin toward the door. “Leave us. Now.”

  His servant scurried out the door as fast as his little feet could carry him.

  Tremors rippled through my body, and it felt as if the cold ice that used to encompass every cell had melted into liquid fire. “I said I don’t want any synth. Why don’t we break out the human stuff?”

  He blinked, a tiny line forming between his brows. “What are you talking about?”

  “Do you even know how I happened upon Solaris in the first place?” I spat. “You didn’t bother asking, but I’ll tell you.” It was my sense of duty to Draconis, to my father that had set me on this path in the first place. “I saw a Collective plane crash in the Shadow Lands, but I bet you can imagine my surprise when I found a bunch of crates marked with the Draconis symbol.”

  Color drained from his face, and he placed the bottle of synth on his desk. The tremor in his hand gave me my answer.

  He knew about the blood.

  “I thought the plane was going to be destroyed so I saved the one person who might be able to tell me what was in those crates.” I dragged my fingers through my hair thinking of the restraint it took not to drink Solaris’s blood when I’d pulled her out of that burning plane. “I thought someone could be plotting against you. As prince and future king, it was my responsibility to find out.”

  “The girl knew what was in those boxes?” His lips were paler than I’d ever seen.

  “No, but thanks to human technology, the plane wasn’t as destroyed as I thought.” My fangs pulsed as images of scarlet-filled bags flashed through my mind. “I opened the boxes.”

  The king swallowed hard and rubbed his face, his fingers shaking. “Kaige, it’s not what you think.”

  Did my father really take me for such a fool? If so, why did he ever want me to be king in the first place? “You’re buying human blood,” I blurted. “For what? To quench a thirst?” I should have known he was involved. He was the king of Draconis. Something this big could never happen without his knowledge.

  Deep down, I had hoped he wasn’t behind that sick, twisted lab in Imera. For all I knew, it was his idea.

  “Who else knows? Other nobles must be involved because that’s too much blood just for you.”

  He took a deep breath and began pacing in front of his desk, his steps as uneven as his breathing. Tension flowed from his body in thick, suffocating waves.

  A sinking feeling hit my gut. Maybe I really didn’t want the truth.

  Too bad because I was about to get it.

  My father suddenly stopped. When his head lifted to mine, the devastated expression he wore sent waves of trepidation through my insides. “We’re all drinking it.”

  I blinked. “Who? Our family?”

  “You don’t understand.” He marched toward me, his heavy hands lying on my shoulders. “Everyone in Draconis is drinking it.”

  “We have synth. Why would you give human blood to everyone?” None of this made sense. Synth was created to replace our need for human blood.

  “The synth.” He licked his pale lips. “There was no way to mimic the properties of human blood with the aevitas berries—not until real blood is added.”

  Every drop of warmth drained from my body, and I stumbled back, hitting a table. The iron legs slammed to the ground and the glass top shattered into a million pieces. His words were like a fist to my gut.

  “You’re telling me we can’t survive without human blood?” Pictures of that horrific lab sped through my mind. I hadn’t just seen it. I’d been there through Solaris. My throat convulsed at the choking scent of human waste and rot. My stomach heaved, threatening to empty its contents right next to the splintered glass.

  My father slowly nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. That’s why we can’t make endless supplies of synth to feed everyone. We don’t have endless supplies of human blood.”

  That was why there were so many starving taranoi.

  The room spun. I wiped the cold sheen of sweat from my forehead. “Who else knows?”

  “Only a few alchemists and me. And now you.” He gripped my shoulders, his eyes wild. “You can’t tell anyone, Kaige. If this were to get out, nocturnes would begin to hunt humans in Imera no matter the laws or any prophecy. Nothing would stop our race from fighting for survival.”

  I yanked out of his grasp, anger flaring through my body. What he said was true, but what they were doing to humans now wasn’t any better. “Do you know how they get the blood?” I hissed.

  “It’s not my concern.” His one-shouldered shrug sent fire through my belly.

  “The Collective has cages and cages full of emaciated humans!” My fingers curled into the collar of his shirt, tugging him closer. “They’ve been there for years, wasting away while their blood is stolen. They’re slaves. Nothing more than a means to an end.”

  He swallowed hard. “I didn’t know.”

  My fangs tore from my gums, and a deep growl slithered out. “They almost did that to Solaris.”

  The mention of my human snapped my father from his trembling state. He pulled out of my grasp, pushing my hands back to my sides. “I’m sorry for what’s happening to these humans, but they’re not my concern. Nocturnes are my concern, and this is the only way I know how to keep us alive.”

  I rubbed my hands over my face and then through my hair. I never wanted to be king, but now it was the only thing that would save both our worlds. Humans couldn’t continue enslaving their own for us, and we couldn’t continue starving half our population. Things had to change.

  And I was going to be the one to do it.

  My shoulders drew back, and I pierced my father with a hard glare. “The coronation goes as planned. I will be crowned, and that’s final.”

  He blinked. “Kaige, you can’t—”

  “I will be crowned on time or I will tell every single nocturne where their synth comes from.”

  My body hummed the closer I got to Solaris. For a few moments, it drowned out the anguish tearing through my chest. Nocturnes couldn’t survive without humans. How was I going to tell Solaris there was no way to stop receiving blood from Imera?

  No matter how much I cared for her, I wouldn’t doom our entire race. I also had no intention of telling anyone in Draconis about the origin of synth, despite what I told my father. That would throw all of New Isos into chaos.

  I opened the door and was instantly bombarded by my little human.

  “Where have you been?” Solaris jumped off the couch and sprinted toward me, anxiety rippling through the bond. “I was annoyed when you didn’t show up this morning like you promised, but then I felt something weird from you.” Her fingers grazed my jaw as she tilted my face down. “What’s wrong?”

  I swallowed hard and pressed her fingers into my face as I laid my hands over hers. “A lot.” I leaned forward, brushing my lips against hers. Her honey and jasmine scent flooded over me, numbing the dread coursing through my veins. All I wanted to do was carry my little human to that bed and kiss her until she fell asleep in my arms.

  “I have to tell you something, Solaris,” I whispered against her lips, shattering any chance of that happening.

  She pulled back, lines creasing her forehead. “You’re starting to scare me, Kaige.”

  “You should be scared.” I pulled her hands away and led her to the couch, sitting close. “I asked my father about the human blood we found.”

  Her green eyes widened. “What did he say?”

  My gaze averted to the fireplace, watching the flames flicker in the hearth. I couldn’t look at her. I couldn’t stand to see the sadness my words would cause in her stunning face. Feeling it through the bond was torture enough.

  “He knew about it,” I licked my lips, my mouth as dry as sand, “and we need it to survive.”

  Her body flinched, and she pulled away from me, putting too much distance between us. “Go on.”

  I told Solaris what my father said, feeling the crashing of her emotions zipping through the bond. Each word was like a physical blow to her, and it tore through my heart every time.

  A thick, heavy silence stretched between us. When she finally spoke, it took me a moment to realize she wasn’t cursing me and my whole race to hell.

  “We have to stop The Collective.”

  My gaze slowly shifted, her jaw set and eyes burning brighter than the fire.

  “We can’t let them do this to human beings,” she gritted out. “I won’t let them.”

  I tilted her face toward me, my hand gently cupping her cheek. “As king, I’ll stop them from enslaving people, I promise. But you do understand that I have to get blood from Imera one way or another. Nocturnes will die without it.”

  She chewed on her lip as my words sank in. “We’ll figure something out.” She leaned forward, kissing me.

  The massive fist in my chest evaporated, allowing me to breathe again. Solaris didn’t hate me.

  Her lips brushed mine again before she spoke. “Is the plane ready?”

  Ice sank through my veins. “What plane?” I knew what plane. I just wanted to pretend not to.

  Her brows dipped. “The one to take me back to Imera. I have to find my father.”

  I cleared my throat and tried to ignore the way her gaze was making me feel about two feet tall. How could one human make me, a powerful nocturne, feel insignificant? “I’ve decided not to take you back until after the coronation.”

  “You’ve decided?” A humorless laugh slipped out. “And when is that?”

  “In three days.”

  A shot of anger hit the bond, and her lips thinned. “No.”

  “What do you mean, no? It’s my decision.”

  She hopped off the couch. “Take me back now, Kaige. I have to find my father. Anything can happen to him in three days. Turstan could already have him caged in that lab for all I know.” Her voice had gone shrill, and a wall of anxiety slammed into me.

  My jaw clenched, and I stood. “It’s not safe for you there, and I won’t put you in danger.” />
  Her hands shot out, and she shoved me in the chest. Well, she tried anyway. I didn’t budge. “I swear, Kaige, if you don’t get a plane to take me back right now, I’ll sneak out and do it myself.”

  A growl slithered between my teeth. “You won’t.”

  She stepped closer, her head tilting back to look up at me. Twin green fires burned me. “Try me. I dare you.”

  I spun around and stormed out, Solaris cursing my name. She wasn’t going anywhere. I couldn’t risk her safety. And that was final.

  Chapter 28


  Son of a—! Stupid, overprotective, nocturne.

  Kaige had absolutely lost his mind if he thought I was just going to sit here and do nothing for three days while he waited for that golden crown to be placed on his pompous head.

  I stomped back and forth in front of the smoldering fireplace, my foul temper fanning the flames. I was going back to Imera today even if that meant stealing a jet from the royal fleet.

  I dashed into my room to collect my belongings and then remembered I had none. I searched through a pile of clothes for the ratty ones I’d worn the day Kaige rescued me from the AirComm base. Nothing.

  Garridan must have thrown them out. Compared to the fineries found in Draconis, they had probably looked like trash to him. I glanced down at the silky green top and dark jeans and shrugged. Well, I guess you’re coming with me.

  Darting back through the living room, I heaved the thick wooden door open. I had no idea where the royal planes were kept, but hopefully with any luck I’d find them before someone found me.

  I took one step into the dark corridor, and a hand wrapped around my wrist. I gasped, my heart nearly jumping out of my chest. “Garridan!” I choked out as his wiry shape took form in the dim light. “You scared the heck out of me.”

  The old nocturne moved into the light of the antique sconces that lined the stone walls. The flame highlighted his sallow cheeks. I exhaled sharply. “I’m sorry, my dear. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”


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