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Inevitable Page 11

by Nicola Haken

  “Ooo telly… TV yeah?”

  “Sorry. Yes I meant TV.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I love how you talk. And its fun trying to guess what you mean sometimes.” I let out a small laugh and he leaned in and kissed my nose. “Anyway, who needs a ‘telly’?” he said, trying to mimic my accent but only succeeded in sounding like a pissed up Scotsman. “I’m sure we can make our own entertainment.” He winked at me and my internal organs melted into mush.

  “I guess I’ll see you tonight then,” I said with a beaming smile. “I’ll call you when we’re back home.”

  I had a feeling the day was going to drag impossibly slowly from that point on. I didn’t want to go to my next class. I didn’t want to go shopping with mum and Lori. I just wanted to be curled up on my sofa with Blaine’s body wrapped around me like a blanket.

  Chapter Seven


  If only I’d have got a picture of Maddie’s face last night when I walked in with a forty-two inch TV and set it down on the floor across from her couch.

  “What the hell is that?” she asked.

  “Well, I was going to cook us up some dinner on it but if that doesn’t work we can use it to watch some of the DVD’s I’ve got in my trunk,” I replied with as much seriousness as I could muster.

  It was only a spare one from the garage. No one would miss it. After a lengthy speech about not being able to accept it and me telling her she either keeps it or throws it in the trash, Maddie finally uttered a reluctant thank you.

  “I don’t know how you can live without TV,” I said, popping my ‘Taken’ DVD into the side of it. “What do you do with yourself on a night? Wait, let me guess… you read, don’t you?” Perplexity washed over her face.

  “Um, no. I study, clean, and talk to you and Lori on the phone. I can’t say I’ve ever got through a full book in my life.”

  “Really? I thought all girls read books, and then spent their days bitching about why these fantastic book guys don’t exist in real life.”

  “Well, I’m not most girls,” she answered with a shy smile. I’d give her that. Maddie was most definitely not most girls. In fact, Maddie was undeniably one of a kind.

  The evening passed too quickly. She ran through her shopping trip and her relief that her mom acted ‘normal’ throughout. Then she whined for a good half hour about our ‘shit American food’, complaining that she couldn’t find some kind of chocolate called a Malteser anywhere at the grocery store. She huffed as she told me she settled for some Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups but then after tasting them decided they tasted like vomit.

  She was so adorable. I made a mental note to Google British candy and get her as many as I could find. Hell I’d have them shipped over if I had to.

  She then went on to tell me she’d bought two new t-shirts which she tried on for me - naturally this lead to me pulling them straight off again so I could tease those perky, sweet tasting little nipples with my mouth. She’d also picked up a couple of applications for jobs – one at a coffee house and one for a fried chicken joint. I didn’t like the idea of her working some place cheap like that. But she insisted she needed the money and it wasn’t my place to stop her anyways.

  Pausing from a pretty spectacular make out session she traced the lines of my tattoo with her fingers.

  “Are you even old enough for a tattoo?” she asked inquisitively.

  “You’re old enough for anything for the right price,” I replied, winking at her. She rolled those familiar big brown eyes at me. “What?”

  “You’re just…”

  “Amazing? Sexy? Smart? Damn near godlike?”

  She punched my shoulder and I let out a fake cry.

  I hadn’t planned to stay the whole night but before I knew it we were being woken up on the couch by her mom. Maddie was curled in my lap and I bolted upright, expecting to be thrown out. I was surprised when Annie simply smiled at me and said ‘good morning’, completely unaffected by the fact I had been draped over her daughter all night. Still, I suppose I should’ve suspected morals weren’t very high up on her list of priorities.

  After breakfast I got Maddie to text Lori to tell her she didn’t need a ride today and then I dropped her off at school before going home to change and making sure the house looked presentable for my dad and Trudy’s return today. I knew I was going to be in the shit. I tried my best to talk him out of it but Coach told me yesterday he had no choice but to inform my dad that I skipped practice last week.

  My dad was all set for a successful career in football when he was younger. But then, fresh from completing his scholarship he got injured and would never play professionally again. So now he kept his hand in by subsidising various school teams around the country and making sure I was ‘the best’, whether I wanted to be or not.

  I hated him.

  It was lunchtime before I made it back to school. I gave Mrs Jenkins on reception some phoney excuse about a doctor’s appointment and headed straight to the cafeteria to see my girl. I met Jason’s eyes first when I pushed through the glass doors and he put his finger over his lips and motioned for me to join him. When I reached him he discreetly pointed behind him where Maddie and Sky were stood talking.

  Instinctively I stepped towards Maddie, knowing she’d want me to wrench her away from the prized bitch standing next to her, put Jason tugged me back by the arm.

  “No, man, it’s just getting interesting,” he whispered. I was about to tell him to get fucked when I heard my name being tossed around.

  “He clearly likes you, which makes me think I may have misjudged you. And Lori obviously sees something in you too… but then Lori is a little slow on the uptake sometimes. So anyway, what I’m saying is… I think we should start over. I think you and I could be great friends. What do you say, Maddie?”

  What the fuck? There was no way Maddie would fall for this bullshit, surely.

  I watched from the corner of my eye, trying to remain hidden behind the rest of the student body going about getting their lunch, as Maddie leaned across so her mouth was level with Sky’s ear. For a second I thought she was going to hug her. But then she whispered, loud enough to make sure everyone heard…

  “What I say, Sky, is that I would rather suck shit out of my own arse with a straw, than ever be friends with you,” then she stood back up straight and smiled before continuing, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with people who aren’t pond scum.” Maddie turned away from her prey, whose jaw practically slammed onto the toes of her shoes.

  I swear she amazed me a little more every day.

  “There’s my girl!” I said, proud and enthusiastic when she bumped into me. She offered me a shrug before a gratified smile took over her lips. She was pleased with herself and so she should be. Sky is a bitch of the highest order. Hell, she’s even too much of a slut for Jason to fuck with a barge pole and that’s saying something coming from the man whose life motto is ‘any hole’s a goal’.

  “You need to find a new friend,” Sky seethed in the background. Maddie and I both spun around and saw Lori looking confused and… guilty? She didn’t get to respond before Sky stormed off, signalling her clones to follow with a click of her fingers.

  “What was that about?” Lori asked Maddie.

  “I’ll tell you later. Maybe you could give me a ride home?”

  “But I drive you home,” I interrupted like a pathetic and desperate idiot.

  “Aww, you jealous, baby?” she teased, rising on her tiptoes to plant a quick but erection inducing kiss on my lips. When she pulled away I traced her swollen lip with my thumb. Man, she landed that bench hard yesterday. “It’s just one day, and it’ll give you longer to catch up with your family.” My body tensed automatically at the thought of seeing my dad, but I nodded, resisting the urge to drop to my knees and beg her. I wouldn’t be that guy - the hopeless moron who couldn’t live without his girl for just a few hours.

  Who was I kidding? I was so that fucking guy.

p; When I got home I flipped the switch for the garage and eased my car inside once the shutters had rolled open fully. I sighed when I saw my dad’s car.

  They were home.

  In the kitchen, Kara greeted me first with a sharp nod. Gone were the days when she would bound over to me and jump into my arms. If it wasn’t for the fact she was almost a teenager I would have thought something was bothering her.

  “Missed me then?” I asked Kara sarcastically.

  “Like a hole in the head,” she fired back with a smile so warm it could’ve only belonged to my baby sister.

  “Blaine?” I looked behind me at the sound of my name and Trudy was stood in the doorway. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” she asked ominously. What the hell had I done now? I’d only been home two minutes.

  “Sure.” Trudy cocked her head towards the hallway and I followed her out of the kitchen and into the living room. After peering down the length of the hallway she closed the door gently behind her. I was clearly in the shit.

  “What’s up?” I asked, frustrated.

  “Annie tells me you’ve been getting rather close to Maddie while we’ve been away?” This was entirely not the conversation I was expecting and I was adamant we weren’t about to have it.


  “So, I don’t like it.” Okay, so it turned out we were having this conversation and I was about to become a very vocal part of it.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck if you like it, Trudy. It’s got nothing to do with you!”

  “It has everything to with me. Maddie’s-” she abruptly cut herself off as if she was about to say something she shouldn’t. Then she dragged in a long exasperated breath. “I’ve known that girl since before she was born. Annie is my best friend and I won’t have either of them getting hurt.”

  “Some best friend you are. Have you got any idea the kind of shit Maddie’s had to put up with growing up? Her mum is a fucking fruit cake and she’s had no one to help her deal with that. She’s done it all on her own since you decided to fuck off with the first man – wait, should that be ‘client’ – who flashed you some serious cash.”

  The blood visibly drained from Trudy’s face, pooling around her neck. She looked like she was about to pass out and rightly or wrongly, I enjoyed watching the patronising bitch squirm.

  “She told you…” she muttered solemnly under her breath, refusing eye contact with me. “What are you going to do?”

  “What do you mean ‘what am I going to do?’” I repeated.

  “Will you tell Kara?”

  Her eyes fell to the floor and as much as I believed she deserved to feel like shit for abandoning Maddie, for moving in so soon after my mom died and for being an all round money-grabbing whore – I actually felt a little sorry for her.

  “Of course I won’t.” I meant it. I didn’t want my baby sister knowing what a slut her mother was any more than Trudy did. “Look, Trudy, I don’t give a crap what you used to be, or how you met my dad. I shouldn’t have even brought it up. It’s just… Maddie and me… I’d never hurt her.”

  Her woeful gaze met mine again and she looked me up and down as if she was assessing my worthiness.

  “I’ve seen you with girls, Blaine. I know how you treat them. Word gets around you know?” She continued to eyeball me. It felt like a test. Like I was expected to say something poignant and insightful.

  “She’s not like other girls.” I found myself grinning like an idiot as I thought about Maddie. “In fact she’s like nobody I’ve ever met before. She doesn’t feel the need to impress me, impress anyone for that matter. She’s sweet and funny. Strong and…” I trailed off, balling my hands into fists by my side as I became irritated. “I don’t need to justify myself to you.”

  “I’m sorry, Blaine,” she uttered, making me choke on the bile rippling up the back of my throat.

  “What?” I asked in disbelief.

  “I don’t expect you to understand, but Maddie is very important to me. I thought you were just using her, but I can tell from your eyes that she’s important to you too. So, I’m sorry for judging you.” That had to be the biggest backtrack in history. I was at a loss knowing how to respond. Just seconds ago I wanted to rip her throat out, but then she started looking at me all puppy-eyed and regretfully and I just felt insanely sorry for her.

  “Yeah, well…” I shrugged, desperate for an excuse to escape the mortifying awkwardness.

  “Your dad wants you by the way.” That wasn’t the excuse I was hoping for. “He’s waiting for you in the gym.” Immediately I felt like I was going to hurl all over the cream shag-pile but I swallowed the painful lump in my throat and nodded before hesitantly making my way to the gym. I knew what was coming so I might as well get it over with.

  “Bolt the door,” were my dad’s first words to me as I entered the gym. I made an effort to steady my erratic breathing and did as I was told. “Sit.” He gestured his hand towards the red and steel bench press and as I made my way towards it I slipped my trembling hands into my pockets, refusing to let him see how weak I was.

  “Four strikes, Blaine,” Four? “Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me?” I swallowed forcefully.

  “No, sir.”

  “You know I don’t like punishing you, Blaine, but sometimes you leave me with no choice. I want the best for you - you know this. But when you behave irresponsibly the only future you’re heading for is a failed one. You need reminding what is expected of you, Blaine. Do you understand?”

  I had to fight to keep my eyes open, willing it to be over with but knowing if I looked away from him I’d earn another strike.

  “Yes, sir.” My voice was hoarse like I was about to cry. But I wasn’t… I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “Good. Now hang your shirt on the bars and lie down.” I did as I was told and lay face down on the bench press. My stomach twisted when I heard the flick of his utility knife and I swallowed back a lump of vomit.

  “One…” he said in a callously cold, composed tone. “You skipped practice last week. That shows a lack of commitment I am not prepared to tolerate, Blaine. Showing such a blatant disregard for football is not going to earn you a scholarship. Do you understand?” I felt his flattened palm on my back and it felt like my skin was trying to crawl away from it. I didn’t even need a scholarship. But apparently I wouldn’t work as hard if I knew I could simply ‘pay’ for it.

  “Yes, sir.” I winced as the first strike tore through my flesh. The blade was ice-cold from being stored in the garage but it did nothing to numb the pain.

  “Two. You missed half of today’s classes for a doctor’s appointment I know you didn’t have. Obtaining a scholarship requires commitment in all areas of study, Blaine. Again, skipping school shows a lack of commitment, a lack of desire and determination to succeed. Do you understand?” I squeezed my eyes closed so tightly my eyeballs felt like they might burst.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The second strike stung like fuck as the blade hit my now sensitised skin. He raked it through with malicious slowness and I heard him sigh as if he was enjoying it.

  “Three. You’ve been having an inappropriate relationship with Madonna Davis. I’m sure you would agree that her mother is what can only be described as cheap trash and whilst regretfully she may be an old… acquaintance of Trudy’s, I will not tolerate my son bringing shame on this family by willingly involving himself with people like that. We are better than that, Blaine. Do you understand?”

  Was he being fucking serious! How much more involved can you get than bringing a cheap hooker you’ve known for a few days home with you and then marrying her?

  That was definitely the hardest strike I was ever about to take. I wanted to bolt upright and punch the sadistic fucker until his skull caved for speaking so viciously, so untruthfully about Maddie like that. But it turned out, I just didn’t have the balls.

  I was pathetic.



>   “Yes, sir.”

  I barely felt the third strike. The pain was dull, bearable as I imagined Maddie’s beautiful face, her flawless pale skin, her button nose, the dark freckle behind her ear…

  “And four. You have necessitated three strikes in one day, Blaine. It would appear from the total amount of strikes I am looking at here, that I do not remind you how I expect you to behave often enough, or perhaps you lack incentive? Is that what it is, Blaine? Do you need further… encouragement?”

  “No, sir,” I barked firmly, wincing as the fresh cuts felt like they were setting alight.

  “Three strikes is not acceptable, Blaine. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” My voice cracked and I almost felt like I deserved the next strike for allowing myself to sound so weak.

  The raging heat spread throughout my back as he ripped into me for the last time. It burned like hell and I could feel trickles of hot blood seeping down my back and then pooling in the dip between my hips. I sighed heavily when I heard the blade flip closed.

  It was over.

  For today…

  “Now, clean this place up. Trudy and I are taking Kara out for dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Almost immediately I heard the bolt protest as he yanked it open and then the door squealed before being slammed behind him. I rose cautiously off the bench press, perching on the edge for a moment until the disorientating dizziness subsided. Then I used the towel which was draped over the cross trainer to pat my back as far up as I could reach, before wiping the trail of blood off the floor behind me and slipping my black button-down shirt back on.

  When I got back to my room I lay down gingerly on my bed, grimacing as I rolled onto my side. Anger boiled in my blood. I was disgusted with myself. As usual I just lay there and took it. I didn’t fight back, again. I didn’t try and reason with him or put up any kind of struggle. I took it because I was scared. I was weak and pathetic. I hated myself.


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