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Code of Honor

Page 19

by Missy Johnson

  He walks into his office with me right behind him. I want to be angry with him, but I can’t. He loves her as much as I do, and I know everything he does is with her in mind.

  Inside his office, I sit down on one of the chairs facing his desk. He closes the door, then walks over to his oversize leather recliner, sinking into the fabric. His hands at his mouth, he watches me for a moment, his expression intense.

  “Today you proved to me that you are willing and able to put your feelings aside for the good of my daughter. I want to reward that behavior.”

  “It’s really not necessary—”

  He holds his hand up and I stop.

  “I want you to work for me. Full-time. You’ll learn the business and who knows? One day all of this might end up being yours.”

  I wonder if I’m hearing him correctly. He wants me to learn the business? I’ve been dreaming of this day since I was fifteen and first set foot through that front door. How could he still want this for me after I had a relationship with his daughter? I have no idea what I want anymore, or who to trust. I’m sure he’s hiding something. Maybe staying on his good side is the best way to find out what that is. If he’s going to play me, maybe I need to play him.

  “I’m shocked,” I say. It’s all I can manage.

  He laughs, rubbing his beard.

  “We all give in to temptations, Pietro. It’s how we learn and grow from them that makes us who we are.” He pauses, placing both hands flat down on his desk. “There is one thing, though.”

  Ah. A catch. Of course. Why hadn’t I seen this coming?

  “I’m listening.”

  “You are not to have any contact with Lucia while she is overseas. I think that is a fair request, considering how big this opportunity is, yes?”

  When I don’t answer, he continues.

  “She needs to focus, Pietro. Having you in her life will only lead to distraction.”

  He’s right, but I don’t let him know that right away. I want to make him sweat, so I pretend to think it over. If I’m going to continue to search for my parents’ killer, I need to push her away. As much as it fucking kills me to do so.

  I have to let her go. I have to forget about her, for both our sakes.

  “Okay.” I sigh. “But I need something from you in return.”

  “What’s that?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.

  “A ticket home. I want to go back to Sicily. Just for a few weeks.”

  “Why?” Giovanni asks, his brow furrowing. “Your life is here. Your family is here.”

  But the answers, I’m convinced, are over there. I can’t do this from Chicago. Hell, I still haven’t heard back from Lucca. I’m running in circles and my only option is to go to the source and sort this out once and for all.

  “Call it reminiscing.” I shrug, a wry smile on my lips. “You tell me not to question you, so now I ask for the same. Just do this for me and I’ll stay out of Lucy’s life.”

  Giovanni is silent for a moment. He stares at me, deep in thought.

  “Okay.” He shrugs. “Let me know when you want to fly out, and I’ll arrange it.”

  Chapter 31


  I’m exhausted after my eight-hour flight, but the excitement kicks in as soon as I step off the plane. I can’t believe I’m here. After going through customs, I collect my bags and head outside. I spot an older man holding a sign with my name on it. Smiling, I walk over to him.

  “Hello. I’m Lucia?” I say, hoping he can understand English. He nods and reaches for my bags, tossing them in the back of a black sedan. Opening the rear car door, he motions for me to get in.

  “Where are you going?” he says. I have no idea what he just asked me, but I take a guess and hand him the map I have with my new home marked on it. “Ah, oui.” He nods.

  Settling back into my seat, I take in the sights as we drive through the city. I’ve been to Paris before, but this feels different. This will be my new home for who knows how long.

  We arrive at the academy. I get out of the car and stare up at the building, my heart racing. My father had offered to get me an apartment of my own but I had said no. I wanted the experience of living on campus. I couldn’t do this on my own. New York had been hard enough and I had Pietro there—even if I hadn’t known it for a long time.

  My heart breaks a little as I think about him. God, I miss him. It’s only been fifteen hours and I feel like we’ve been apart for weeks. In the back of my mind I keep asking myself if I’ve made the right decision. What if this whole thing is a mistake? What if I can never be happier than I was with Pietro?

  Don’t think like that. You’re here because you deserve this. You owe it to yourself to do your best.

  The driver unloads my bags, leaving me standing there alone on the sidewalk. Picking up my two suitcases, I take a deep breath and walk toward the entrance.

  The doors swing open just as I reach them. An attractive young guy—about my age—stares at me, shocked.

  “Sorry.” He grins, stepping aside. His French accent is thick, but his English is pretty good. “Here, let me help you with those. You’re new here, I take it?”

  I nod, handing him my bags gratefully. He leads me over to what I’m guessing is the administration. I hand over my papers to the older, serious-looking woman sitting behind the desk.

  “You’re up on the second floor, room 201,” she fires at me. I glance at my new friend for help. He laughs.

  “She just told you your room assignment. I’ll show you if you like.”

  “What brings you over to France?” he adds as we walk over to the elevator. “We don’t often see new dancers come in mid-year.”

  “I’d just started with the New York Ballet Company when this opportunity came up.” I don’t mention my father’s connections because I figure it’s none of his business.

  We exit the elevator. I follow him down the hallway until we reach my room.

  “You might be lucky enough to have your own room, but most are shared. You’ll have your own bathroom, and there’s a communal laundry at the end of each floor.”

  “Thanks. I don’t really know anyone here, so I’m kind of happy if I have to share.”

  “You might not be saying that when you meet some of the other dancers,” he says, and then chuckles. Noticing my alarmed expression he pats my arm. “Truly, they’re not that bad. It’s just very competitive. Some people will do whatever it takes to get ahead.”

  Like leave the love of their life.

  “Anyway, I have to go, but it was nice to meet you, Lucia Spontagio. Maybe I’ll see you around.” He waves, then wanders back down the hall, leaving me alone to face what apparently might be my disaster of a roommate.

  Turning the lock, I hold my breath and open the door. I see only one bed and sigh with relief. He is right. Being in the same building as two hundred dancers will be close enough.

  I glance back at my new friend, realizing I didn’t get his name. In an odd way, he reminds me of Pietro. They have the same dark mop of hair and the same penetrating eyes.

  I throw my bags down on my bed and I wander around my room, examining everything. It’s much more modern than I was expecting. And smaller. My whole room, bathroom included, could fit into my closet back in Chicago.

  I hope I’m not expected to practice in here.

  I send my father a text and tuck that phone into my drawer. Next, I group text Ana, Bella, and Jacob.

  Me: Arrived, so beautiful here, I miss you all xoxo

  I set my phone down on the night table and peel off my clothes. After the long flight, I desperately need a shower. I’m about to try out my new shower when I realize I haven’t heard from Pietro. Grabbing my phone, I see a reply from Ana and Bella, both telling me to call them when I can. I smile and quickly type out a text for Pietro.

  Me: I arrived safe and sound. Call me later? XO

  I press SEND, and then remember the time difference. Hopefully it’s not some ridiculous hour like three
a.m. over there.

  After my shower, I put on a fresh change of clothes. All I want to do is crawl into bed, but I know I’ll regret it if I do. The sooner I get used to the time difference, the better.

  Running a brush through my thick hair, I tie it back in a bun, and then grab my purse. I have no idea where I’m going, but I’m determined to make the most of my time off. My first rehearsal is Monday morning at seven a.m. for a production of Swan Lake that is running for the entire summer.

  Taking a deep breath, I check my messages again. My heart plummets. Nothing from Pietro. I tell myself it’s the time difference, that he hasn’t woken up yet, but in my heart I know it’s more than that. Something has changed. I’m not sure what, but I can feel things are different.

  I can’t be angry. I left him for this. This was my choice.

  This is my career. It’s what I’ve worked my whole life to achieve and I’m living a life most dancers are scared to even dream of. That needs to be my focus. Love and romance is too distracting.

  With one last glance in the mirror I smile, thinking of how far I’ve come. I’m going into this with more confidence and self-belief than I’ve ever had in my life. I know a big part of that is Pietro’s faith in me.

  I can do this. I will do this.

  I’m just outside my room when I hear my phone ring. My heart leaps, hoping it’s him. Picking it up, I see that it’s Bell. A moment of disappointment is quickly replaced with excitement when I remember how much I already miss her voice.

  “Luce, it’s me,” she says, her voice stricken.

  “What is it?” I press, frowning. Something’s happened. I can hear it in her voice.

  “It’s Pietro. He’s in the hospital. He’s pretty messed up.”

  “What?” I gasp, reaching for the chair behind me. I sink into the seat, my heart pounding. “What happened? Is he okay?”

  “I went to visit Ryan at work and I saw your dad there. I got worried and asked him what was wrong. He broke down, Luce. I’ve never seen your father cry before.” She pauses for a moment. “I’m so sorry, but I thought you’d want to know. I know how much you care for him.”

  “He’s going to be okay, right?” I ask, wiping tears from my eyes. I can’t imagine losing Pietro. “He has to be.”

  She hesitates. “I don’t know, Luce.”

  Hanging up, I’m a mess. I try to call my father, but I get no answer. Frustrated, I call a cab. There’s no way I can be over here and not know what’s going on. I need to see him. I need to make sure he’s okay.

  While I wait for the cab I jump on my phone and book the next available flight back to Chicago. For the privilege of being able to leave in two hours on a direct flight, I’m paying triple the cost of a ticket, but I don’t care. Thank God I have enough cash to cover my ticket.

  My hands shake as I wheel my suitcase out of the room. My head is a mess. Should I notify the academy that I’m leaving? My training doesn’t start until next week. I can sort it out when I know more.

  The whole way to the airport I call my father on redial, each time getting nowhere. Just answer your fucking phone. I even try Pietro’s number on the off chance someone will answer, but nobody does.

  The cab pulls into the airport and after paying my fare I get out, juggling my baggage. I race over to check in with minutes to spare. I’m a total wreck and it’s earning me a lot of attention from security.

  I take a seat and try to focus on my breathing. Getting myself worked up is not going to help anyone. I glance at my watch. One more hour until the plane leaves, which means nine hours and I’ll be with him. The thought comforts me.

  Nine more hours until I see him.

  Everything is going to be okay.

  He has to be okay. He can’t leave me.

  Like I left him.


  Breaking Noah (with Ashley Suzanne)

  Spontagio Family

  Code of Honor

  Code of Love (coming soon)

  About the Author

  MISSY JOHNSON is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in a small town in Victoria, Australia, with her husband and her confused pets (a dog who thinks that she is a cat, a cat who thinks he is a dog…you get the picture). When she’s not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read.


  The Editor’s Corner

  As the seasonal colors change with the leaves on the trees, so does our lineup of new Loveswept romances…and we’re sure you’ll love them all!

  Adore MC romances? You’ll love Rachael Johns’s, Fire Me Up. Sports fans won’t want to miss New York Times bestselling author Sawyer Bennett’s Cold Fury Hockey series continuing with Ryker and debut author Sophia Henry introduces her Pilot’s Hockey series with Delayed Penalty. Then it’s off the ice with Samantha Kane’s new NFL title, Broken Play. Baseball fans everywhere will want the next in the Boys of Summer series by Katie Rose, The Heat of the Moment, while readers who devour MMA stories will go for Loveswept debut author Sarah Robinson’s Breaking a Legend. And if your taste for fighters is not squelched just yet, Raven by Suzanne Ashley has a twist that will shock you and yet melt your heart—prepare yourself for an emotional ride.

  For those sports enthusiasts who take to the slopes, Extreme Risk’s next installment, Slashed, by New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff is here! Fabulously fun and flirty author Cassie Mae begins a new series, All About Love, that will have you laughing out loud, then sniffling, maybe both at the same time with the first book, Doing It for Love. Lastly, a sexy regency historical novella from Lavinia Kent, part of her Bound and Determined series, Sarah’s Surrender.

  All affordably priced and found wherever eBooks are sold, Loveswepts are stories you’ll always remember and that can be easily stored on your digital shelves to be read over and over again. Until next time…

  Happy Romance!

  Gina Wachtel

  Associate Publisher

  Read on for an excerpt from

  Breaking Noah

  by Missy Johnson

  and Ashley Suzanne

  Available from Loveswept



  How is this all going to work? Nobody’s going to understand.

  I’ve talked to my cousin Zara, but not about this. She’s my best friend, but she wouldn’t be able to get this. How could she, though? She might be mature enough to date a college guy, but to handle something like this? I know I’ve laid too much on her.

  “Zar, it’s okay. I’m going to be okay. Just finish your associate’s and get up here next year. We’ll have a blast,” I tell her, lying through my teeth. She’s going to come to Northwestern in the fall, but I won’t be there. I won’t be anywhere.

  With my luck, I’ll be gone. Just a distant memory.

  “Karly, something’s wrong. I know it. Please tell me what happened. Please,” she begs. I want to let her in, but I’ve already given her too much. To divulge more would do more harm than good. I’m protecting her from what a cruel world this is. That’s my job as her older cousin.

  “Really, I’m fine. I’ve gotta get off the phone, though. I have a paper due in Denali’s class bright and early, and I’m only a few pages in. I’ll call you tomorrow night, okay?”

  “Yeah. Okay,” she responds, not wanting to let me go but knowing she has no choice.

  “I love you,” I say, emphasizing every word. I don’t want her to remember this conversation, except that small phrase. I need her to know that I love her like she was my own sister.

  “I love you, too. Call me after classes. Maybe Mom will drive me up this weekend.”

  “Sounds good, lady. Bye.”

  I hang up the phone and take a look in the mirror. My long, dark hair is perfectly parted down the middle, my lips are painted red as blood, and the classiest dress that I own hangs off my slender frame. Taking a f
ew deep breaths, I stand on the small stool I carried to the basement. Even though I want to cry, I can’t. My eyes, too swollen from crying through the night, have no more tears to shed. I rub the small knot in my stomach, say a silent prayer, and place the rope around my neck.

  “At least this way I’m the only one to get hurt. Nobody else has to suffer,” I whisper to myself as I kick the stool out from under me.

  It’s only seconds before my head starts to get cloudy and I immediately regret my decision. I panic, because I don’t want to die. But then I remember why…and I finally have the peace I’ve been searching for since I found out I was pregnant.

  He can’t hurt me. Hurt the baby. Hurt Zara. She’ll go on with her life and do amazing things. When she reads the letter she’ll know I was pregnant. I’m keeping her safe from a pain she should never have to experience.

  A small smile appears across my lips just before the world goes black.

  I’m free.

  Chapter 1



  I’m standing outside room 203 in the English building of Northwestern University, clutching my schedule in my shaking hand. It’s my first day and I’m late—but that’s the plan, right? To walk in there with all eyes on me? I’ve been through this moment so many times in my head that I shouldn’t be nervous, but I am. Being the center of attention isn’t my thing. That was more Karly’s forte.

  Think about her. Remember she is why you’re doing all this.

  The reassurance helps a bit, and I take a deep breath as I force the thick wooden door open. My heart catches in my throat as twenty pairs of eyes turn to stare at me. Well, twenty-one, if you include his.

  He’s the entire reason I’m here.

  He puts down the stack of papers he’s shuffling through, stands from the desk, and walks over to me. There’s kindness in his light blue eyes and I see nothing of the monster that I know he is. I force myself to focus. I straighten my posture and wordlessly hand him my registration form.


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