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Aggro: An Emotional Forbidden Romance

Page 20

by CoraLee June

  I didn’t want to compare the two, but Breeze’s kindness was one of the things I loved most about her. She was as devoted and loyal as they came. Hell, she didn’t have a mean bone in her body. Breeze loved passionately. She committed herself to her family and friendships in such a selfless way you couldn’t help but be drawn to her.

  “I am. I should sleep, but I don’t feel comfortable leaving you here. Maybe I’ll grab a nap in the truck,” I offered. Yeah. A nap in my truck would work. It wouldn’t be the first time I slept there.

  “Nonsense. Dad has a bed in his office, and there’s an outdoor shower for surfers. Why don’t you sleep here? I’ll wake you up before your shift or if Lex shows up. Are you hungry? I packed a lunch.”

  Fuck, I was a goner for this girl. My stomach chose to rumble at that exact moment, prohibiting me from lying about just eating. I was concerned she wasn’t eating enough and didn’t want her giving me her food. She looked like she had lost some weight over the last few weeks. But I knew if I lied, she would call me on my bullshit. “Yeah,” I relented. “I could eat.”

  She guided me to a back office. The desk was covered in late bills and overstock supplies. In the corner was a twin-size bed with rumpled sheets. It looked like her Dad had been living here, and if I weren’t so tired, I’d feel weird about sleeping on his bed. I still needed to figure out what his deal was with Lex. If he borrowed money from my brother, shit was going to be bad.

  Breeze pushed me onto the mattress, then dropped to her knees. The sight of her kneeling before me was something I’d imagined plenty of times. My hand was about ready to pull my cock out and jerk off from muscle memory alone. Oh fuck yeah. A little good night blow job was just what the doctor ordered. But instead of tying her hair up and wrapping her lips around my now hard-as-fuck cock, she pulled my shoes off and put them to the side. “I’ll go get you food.”

  She disappeared for a minute and came back carrying a plastic sack full of food, handing it to me. God, I could seriously fall in love with this girl. Hell, I already was. I loved Breeze. I was completely gone for her. That thought should have scared me, but it didn’t. It felt as true and genuine as surfing. Inevitable. It was in my bones. My soul. But I wouldn’t scare her with those words just yet. There was still so much to work through.

  “Thank you,” I croaked, a surprising amount of emotion rolling over my words.

  “Of course. Take a nap. I’m here for you. I promise to scream if Lex shows up.”

  She started to go, but I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me, no longer caring that I needed a toothbrush and a shower. I kissed her like a starving man. I sunk my teeth into the plush pillows of her bottom lip until her moans filled the small space. And when I pulled away, her eyes were half open and filled with lust. If she wasn’t working, I would have made her come over and over and over again.

  “Have a good day at work,” I whispered, pleased with the effect I was having on her. Every time I touched her was a precious gift. After longing for so long, I almost couldn’t believe she was mine.

  “Get some rest,” she replied huskily.

  I watched her swaying hips as she left the office, and after devouring the ham sandwich she packed, I passed out with the memory of her cherry Chapstick on my lips.

  Dear Diary,

  I have to tell you something. I didn’t start writing this diary to be liked. I started writing so there would be something in my life that felt real. Everything is just a jumble of secrets now. You’re the only one that knows the truth. The only one that knows how wrong I am.

  Which is why I have to tell you this.

  I saw something. Something I never told you about, Diary. Something I promised to take to the grave. Something bad. Really bad. I think that something is coming back to haunt me. I guess all secrets come to light in the end.




  It had been a couple of weeks since Kai had been taken in for questioning and our morning in bed together afterward. We had settled into our new normal and were together every second that we weren’t at work or school. Kai even introduced me as his girlfriend to his boss on a day that I met him at the restaurant. I was so shocked I could only mumble and grab his hand. The word girlfriend had sent butterflies dancing through my belly.

  I had never been a girlfriend before and had no idea if I was doing it right. But damn, Kai was good to me. He was sweet, caring, and there for me, however I needed him to be. It was hard to think of Kai as Violet’s boyfriend. Not because of the guilt, although that was something I was still working through, but because he was like a completely different person with me than he was with Violet.

  At first, we mostly spent our time at Kai’s house, both in and out of the bedroom. We worried that Lex would show up unannounced again, but Kai assured me nothing would happen as long as he was around. We hadn’t had sex yet, but we’d explored one another’s bodies enough that I knew every freckle, every flex of his muscles. As a little time passed, we felt more comfortable holding hands around town and confirming the rumors that we were together. People talked, but that just came with life on a small island. Everybody knows everybody else’s business. But we did hear one particularly nasty rumor one day at the ice cream shop.

  There were two middle-aged women sitting in the booth in front of us, each eating their way through a towering sundae. They must not have realized that Kai and I were sitting behind them. They talked about what a terrible tragedy it was that Violet’s killer hadn’t been found yet. Then, the first woman, whose name I couldn’t quite remember, lowered her voice and said barely above a whisper, “I heard that Kai and Breeze worked together to kill Violet so that they could be a couple.”

  “You know, Brenda, I heard that too. The way those kids are carrying on, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right,” the second woman, Cathy, said. I used to babysit Cathy’s kids during the summer. I taught them how to surf, and they still came by the shop every now and then to say hi. I was hurt that she would say such awful things about me.

  I watched darkness cloud over Kai’s eyes at their words. He stood up forcefully and walked over to their table. I was too shocked to even move, I just watched from my seat.

  “How dare you,” Kai growled. “How dare you say that. Violet was Breeze’s best friend. Breeze grew up with her! We had nothing to do with her death, and we are not going to apologize for finding each other after Violet was taken from us.”

  Cathy looked stunned. I briefly wondered if anybody had ever called her out like that before. Kai stalked back over to our table. But he didn’t sit down, instead he extended his hand and helped me stand up.

  “If any of your friends think the same way, you can feel free to tell them that I said to fuck right off,” Kai barked as we left the shop. I glanced in Brenda’s direction—if she had been wearing pearls, she definitely would have been clutching them.

  Another cloud over our relationship was that Lex was demanding more and more. Kai was now doing runs weekly and updating the police on Lex’s whereabouts twice as much. Lex could have easily been locked up for drugs, but we wanted more, and if he was going to be convicted for Violet’s murder, then we had to find enough evidence for the jury. He was a smarmy motherfucker. Giving clues without quite admitting to anything. Every time Kai got a call, every time he had to disappear for the night, I worried something would happen.

  “Any plans for this evening?” I asked Kai. This was code for is Lex going to make you deliver product tonight? I liked knowing if I was going to lie awake an anxious ball of worry at night or if I needed to go to Chase’s house. Mom was working more and more to save the surf shop, and Dad was...well...I didn’t know where Dad was most of the time. Kai’s investigative work was twofold. He was looking for evidence that Lex killed Violet while also trying to figure out why the hell my father knew him. And considering all the late bills getting mailed to the house, I was starting to doubt if Lex had lent
him money. We were close to losing the shop.

  “Nope,” Kai replied while running a hand down my back. We were lying in his bed, staring out the open window at the stormy ocean. There was a thunderstorm rolling in. “I have an entire night to myself. No shift at the restaurant. No Lex. I wonder what I could possibly do with all that free time?”

  I rolled over and playfully slapped at his chest. “I have an idea,” I offered while running my finger down his torso.

  “Oh?” Kai replied with a smirk.

  “I think I’m in the mood for a hard...wild...ride,” I rasped while grabbing the band of his boxers.

  “You want to catch some waves before the storm hits,” Kai replied, deadpan. God, he knew me so well.

  I pointed at the window. “Can you see those swells?” I asked in a giddy voice.

  Kai tipped his head back and laughed. “Fuck, I’m so glad you said something. I’m dying to ride a few.”

  We both quickly got out of bed and threw on our swimsuits before running outside. I could see the gray, billowing clouds in the distance, looking ominous and thrilling all at once.

  Grabbing our boards, we paddled out to the rocking waves. Adrenaline coursed through me as my arms burned to work against the hard current. I loved weather like this. The ocean was unforgiving and wild. You had to work for the ride, but it made it that much more worth it. Kind of like Kai and me.

  He beat me to the first wave, and he cut the water like a skilled artist. He predicted every curve of the barrel. He leaned just enough to make it out without the water crashing around him. The perfect ride.

  I cheered, then positioned myself for the next wave. It looked even bigger than the one he’d just mastered. I positioned myself, waiting. This was my favorite part. The thrilling seconds before the rush of the ride. Inhale. Exhale. I mounted my board and leaned into every move. My thighs flexed as water curled around my body. I had to crouch, maintaining my center of gravity while running a hand through the wall of water. At the end of the wave, I stood up and searched for Kai. He was sitting on his board, clapping and cheering for me.

  We both took turns tackling waves, and when the ocean grew choppier, we headed back to the shore. Fat droplets of rain started landing on my skin. My muscles burned from exertion, and my chest heaved. These were days I loved most. And even more so, I loved having someone to share this with.

  I tilted my head up to the sky and let the rain wash my face. “I love the way you let go,” Kai said. I snapped my eyes to him. It wasn’t exactly a declaration of love, but the four-letter word was still embedded in that sentence. “I treasure you, Little Whisper.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. I felt stuck in his adoration, soaking it up like the sand absorbed the fat droplets of rain. The storm was getting louder, each drop was punishing on my skin.

  Kai rushed for me, crushing me to his body with a demanding jerk. Our lips collided, and our bodies moved like waves as we fought to pour as much passion and meaning into every kiss, every touch, every heart-pounding shudder. He gripped my ass. I threaded my hands through his wet hair and tugged. Harder. We couldn’t get close enough.

  “I want you,” I whispered. “All of you.” We left our boards sitting in the sand, and he carried me to the bus. I normally wouldn’t be so careless with my gear, but I couldn’t waste even a second. I kept my legs around his waist as our mouths devoured one another. He carried me toward the bus, but we were covered in sand, salt water and passion. “Right here,” I begged. I didn’t care where we were. I just wanted him.

  Kai pressed me up against the bus, lavishing me with kisses as he pulled at the strings of my bikini. Thunder rolled as the thin triangles covering my breasts fell to the ground. My sopping wet hair clung to my neck as he held me up.

  “Keep going,” I moaned as he palmed my body. I could feel his hard cock through his board shorts. The gritty sand and salt water clinging to our skin made the friction almost painful. The hard metal of the bus pressed against my back as my legs shook around his waist. A flash of lightning struck in the distance.

  “I love how your breath hitches when I touch your pussy,” Kai said while reaching lower to cup my sex. I felt slick with needy heat. He slid my bikini bottom to the side and rubbed my clit. Zaps of bliss made every nerve in my body ignite. I jerked in his strong arms while clenching him with my own. I couldn’t get close enough.

  He pinched my clit, sending me into a spasm of moans and pleasure. I felt every muscle in my body clench and release with an orgasm that had me grinding against him. Kai was an expert at commanding my body. He knew just how to touch me—just how to coax an orgasm out of me.

  I was coming down from my peak when Kai pulled his cock out. The moment he rubbed it against me, my eyes rolled back. “Yes. Please.”

  “Fuck, let’s go inside. I need a condom,” he gritted before setting me down. My legs were like jelly as I sprinted to the door. We were soaked to the bone with rainwater, but I didn’t care. What was left of our clothes was ripped from our bodies. I stood trembling in the kitchen as Kai sprinted to the bedroom for a condom.

  When he returned, Kai paused at the sight of me holding myself. The cool air from the air conditioner brushed against my skin, making me shiver. “This can wait,” Kai said with a smile.

  “No!” I yelped before walking over to him. Kai playfully smiled at me before guiding me toward his small shower.

  “Let’s warm up first, okay? I want to take my time with you.” He turned on the steamy spray, and I stepped under it greedily. The small space wasn’t big enough for the both of us, but Kai watched me with hungry eyes as I washed my hair and lathered my body up with soap.

  “Touch yourself,” Kai demanded. “I want to see you make yourself come.”

  I blushed at his hot words but quickly obeyed him, slipping my fingers between my folds. I teased my clit with my fingers while bracing my other hand against the tile wall of his shower, letting the hot spray of water heat my body. I massaged myself, putting on a sexy show for Kai. His eyes were hooded, and he tugged at his large, veiny cock while staring at me. I came with a scream, just as the last of the soap suds washed down the drain.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. I just...I can’t even think when you’re around.”

  I stepped out of the water, and Kai wrapped me in a fluffy towel. He jumped in the shower and washed off in no more than thirty seconds. I almost giggled at how quickly he cleaned himself and heated up. I dried off and went to his bed, slipping under the warm covers to wait for him.

  When Kai reappeared with a towel wrapped around his hips, I drank in the sight of him. His expression was serious, making me pause. “What’s wrong?”

  “Are you sure? We can wait. I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  I warmed at his sweet concern for me, but I was ready for this. I wanted to be filled with Kai, I wanted to feel consumed by him. Our love story might not have been conventional, but it was perfectly ours. “I still want this,” I promise. “I still want you. Now come here.”

  Kai dropped his towel and opened a foil package before slowly rolling the condom onto his shaft. I licked my lips as he climbed on the bed, then squealed in excitement as he playfully settled under the covers on top of me. “You warm?” he asked.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and parted my thighs. “Yes.”

  “Are you comfortable?” he asked before pressing at my entrance. My breath hitched, and I could barely get out my answer.


  “I’ll go slow,” he promised before tenderly, slowly, delicately entering me. I winced at the invasion. I felt completely full. My body adjusted to his slowly, and there was a stretching sensation that felt uncomfortable but satisfying.

  “You okay?” he asked. I nodded, encouraging him to move. Kai was slow at first, surging in and out of me with intentional strides. I bucked with every thrust, and soon he grew more powerful with his movements. Harder. Faster. Our bodies moved together in tandem.

>   “You feel so good. I want to do this forever,” Kai said.

  “Keep going. Don’t ever stop,” I pleaded through moans, making him chuckle. Kai had a massive cock, and every thrust had him bumping a sweet spot within me, and soon I could feel another orgasm building.

  The heat between us was tangible. Kai kicked off his black comforter and pinched my nipple. I yanked him closer for a passionate kiss as he continued to fuck me. “I’m so close,” I whispered in his ear, encouraging him to turn frantic. I gripped the sheets as he moved in and out. And when I came, my entire body convulsed from the rush.

  He watched in awe as I fell apart, then pumped a few more times before his own release. “Breeze,” he groaned as his entire body stiffened. I watched his mouth part as his muscles flexed. And when he collapsed on top of me, I giggled.

  After a few steadying breaths, Kai rolled over and disappeared in the bathroom again. I found myself pouting at the cuddle session cut short, but then realized he probably wanted to get rid of the condom. When he returned with a warm washcloth, I bloomed with love for him. He cleaned me with gentle moves, lavishing me with compliments as he cared for me.

  “You’re so beautiful, Little Whisper.”

  “Your body is a gift I treasure.”

  “Thank you for trusting me.”

  We both held each other for a long while. I relished in the feel of our skin on skin. The comfort I had in his embrace. The peace in my soul.

  But then something occurred to me at that moment. It was a dark thought that whispered through the haze of my happiness. I didn’t deserve this. I’d finally lost my virginity. It was a milestone I’d imagined often—one that Violet would tease me about. This wasn’t how I thought it would be, and all I wanted to do was tell my best friend about it, but I couldn’t.

  I woke up before Kai did and snuggled deeper into the arm he had protectively wrapped around me. It was still raining, and I listened to the calming sound of the water droplets plunking off of the top of the bus. I smiled as I pressed my body against Kai’s hard body and found the rhythm of his slow, steady breathing. I was completely in love with this man, and for the first time in months, I was truly happy.


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