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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

Page 14


  I trembled as I tried to hold the garment together. “This was expensive. You’re scarin’ me.”

  His eyes registered my words as his arms circled me. “I’ll buy you another. Please don’t be afraid of me. I know after this morning, you have every right, but I swear to God, Daisy, I would never hurt you. I love you more than I thought possible, because until you, I believed I was destined to the chains of my past. You broke me free.”

  I stood on my toes and bent his head down to mine, pressing my lips to his. His tongue forced its way into my mouth. I could feel his urgency as he claimed me in an act of possessiveness.

  He stopped abruptly. “Tell me you love me.”

  “I love you, Jasper. I have for a bit, but I hesitated to say anything because I thought you’d hightail it and run off.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll never run away from you, little country. You have this,” he said, pressing my hand to his heart. “Now, will you take off that scrap of material?”

  I stepped out of what was left of my lingerie. “It was supposed to be sexy.”

  “Don’t be upset with me. This is sexy.” Jasper brushed his hand between my breasts and down my stomach, ending at my pussy. “Nothing will ever be as sensual as you naked.”

  Jasper pulled off his tie, then his jacket. I quickly laid waste to the buttons on his shirt as he undid his pants. Finally, he removed his shoes and socks, leaving him as naked as me. He raked me with a stare as I probed his cock, dripping with pre-cum and so erect it made my mouth water.

  “Can I tie you up?” he asked, bending to retrieve his tie.

  My heart began to pound at his question. I wrestled with the request. I knew Jasper had given up many things he enjoyed because of me. I wasn’t scared, just worried, but the look on his face was more of a plea, and I could tell he needed this. I held out both wrists to him.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I trust you, and I know you would never hurt me. Do what you will. I want you,” I said as I offered my hands to him again.

  “Put them behind your back,” he demanded.

  I reluctantly placed my arms behind me, and he bound his tie around my wrists securely. I was now at his mercy. I suddenly felt vulnerable, but relief blanketed me as Jasper swept his hands on my neck, then down my back. Heat enveloped my core, and my nipples puckered as his dick pressed against me. I leaned into him, my legs becoming wobbly.

  “Jasper,” I whispered.

  “I’m going to bend you over the Italian leather chair,” he announced, steering me toward the living room.

  I stiffened, feeling exposed and hoping Jasper wouldn’t force anal on me. I could tell he wasn’t himself, at least with me. I was sure the other women had satisfied his odd desires. I wanted to make him happy, especially after today. I could hear the fatigue in his voice. I padded over to the chair and allowed him to put me in the position he wanted.

  “I’m going to fuck you from behind, Daisy. It’s going to be hard and fast, but I think you’re going to like it.” He skimmed my hair and laced my ear with warmth. “I know I will.”

  His length feathered my tied hands. I acknowledged his hardness without seeing it as he nudged my entrance. He paused, and I felt two fingers enter me as he kissed my neck.

  “You’re soaked. Being bound excites you. I feel your arousal on my fingers, and Christ, it tastes good.” His lips smacked, and I knew he was licking his hand. He had done it before as I watched.

  Jasper’s hand went immediately to my lower back and began making circles. I took in a deep breath, knowing this angle would make sex rough. He had been gentle with me since I’d told him that anal wasn’t my thing, but I knew in my heart Jasper needed this time to be harsh and unrelenting.

  He’d said that sex and women had been his coping mechanism. I wanted to be the woman helping him through this. Admitting what he had done must have been the hardest thing he’d ever confessed. Loving him would never be enough. Jasper would always struggle with his urges and what had happened to him as a boy. If I wanted to be part of his life, I would have to learn to meet him halfway.

  I anticipated the thrust as he plunged his cock into me. Jasper gripped the back of my neck tightly.

  “Good God, inside you is where I belong. You’re so tight, and Christ, every inch of my dick is filling you.”

  He was right. As painful as this position was, the sex felt amazing. He was inside me so deep it sent a quiver up my spine. With both hands on my hips, he began to pound into me, his balls slapping. I reveled in the feel of him.

  Since my hands were tied behind my back, the edge of the chair was cutting into my skin. I tried shifting, writhing in his arms. A throbbing began in my pussy as I rocked back into his shaft. My muscles clamped down on him as I entered my release phase.

  He untied my hands, and I grabbed the top of the chair as I rotated my lower half, swiveling my hips. Jasper began to breathe loudly with short sweeps of air. Every nerve in my body tingled as my orgasm built. He began to pump quickly as he swelled. I arched backward, a sweltering rush of heat taking over me, and a wave of pleasure surged onto his length. Jasper bit back a deafening cry as he emptied inside me at the same time, continuing to pummel me until my legs crumbled beneath me.

  He captured my collapsing body with one arm. “Thank you. I don’t deserve to be loved by you, but know that you make my past easier to endure.”

  I spun around and pressed my tear-stained face into his tattooed chest. “You earned every bit of my love. If I do make your life easier, I’m happy to do so. Being with you is effortless, and loving you is simple. I never knew what the real deal was until you. And you never have to thank me for something that came so naturally. And speaking of natural… Wondering why it felt so good?”

  A look of uncertainty painted his appearance as he realized his mistake. “I don’t know what to say. I’ve always had the forethought to make smart decisions prior to sex.”

  “Look, I’ve been on the pill for years, and Dr. Stillwater said he could refill my prescription when I need it.” I shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I probably should have told you before that we could have sex without condoms.”

  “I’ll be right back. I need to put on a pair of shorts. Fuck,” he uttered as he picked up his clothes from the floor, then headed to the bedroom. He returned several minutes later, dressed.

  He handed me a robe. “Sorry about your outfit,” he said, offering me the scraps from the floor. “I’ll purchase you another. I got carried away, which is also my excuse for why I didn’t wear a condom.”

  Jasper sat in the chair he’d just bent me over.

  I took a seat on the ottoman in front of him.

  “I’ve been having sex since I was seventeen. I’ve always been careful, not only because I feared being tied down with an accidental pregnancy and that the amount of money I have dictates I do the right thing.” He bristled at the comment. “But because of the revolving door I’ve had regarding women. Responsibility is a must when you’ve spent years having the most deviant sex there is. I didn’t know if you and I would become a thing or if we were just fucking. I conditioned myself to the latter. When I fell in love with you, I knew at some point decisions would have to be made. I promised you honesty above all. Well, here it is. I don’t want kids—ever. I never have. If that’s a deal breaker for you, I get it.”

  “I started taking the pill behind Maynard’s back because I knew a baby would bind us forever. I never wanted children, and now I’m thinkin’ I’m too old. But my mama, she wanted to be a grandma at some point. She was always hopin’ I’d change my mind. We could always adopt. I mean, if you really don’t want kids of your own. And what if, somewhere along the line, you change your mind? Hell, you might want someone younger eventually.”

  Jasper pulled the footstool closer. “I’ll never want anyone but you. I need you to believe that. As for this birth control dilemma, I can only see one conclusion. I’ll get a vasectomy. That will ensure no possible errors on both our part
s. Plus, I’m not sure I like knowing you’ve been on your current birth control method so long. And what if you forget or need to take antibiotics? The pill isn’t foolproof. Being inside you bareback is a sensation I can’t describe, other than it leaves me wanting more of the same. We can’t take the chance of an accident occurring, and frankly, it’s ridiculous to have you take anything or me wear a condom when there’s a more permanent option.”

  “It’s your choice of course, but you need to be certain of it. You’re only twenty-nine. I’d hate that, sometime later, you might want children. You need to really be positive it’s what you truly want. I’ve read they can sometimes be reversed, but it’s no guarantee. I need you to make the decision for yourself, not for me, because I have no issue with staying on the pill,” I said worriedly.

  “Don’t look so concerned, because I’m not. It truly is the best plan. I have no desire to be with anyone else, and I want nothing between us—including condoms. My choice is made. I’ll talk to Dr. Stillwater about a referral to a urologist on the mainland.”

  I felt he was rushing the decision. Being snipped was a lifelong commitment. “Do you really need to do this right now?”

  He grinned as his shorts began to tent. He pushed them down and kicked them to one side. “Oh, Daisy, everything has been decided. I need to fuck you again, without a condom… I mean, just to make sure.”

  I placed my hands on my hips as I let the robe fall open. “Can we do it in our bed? That chair hurt, and my back’s sore from being bent over. But aside from those meager issues, I sure would enjoy that ginormous dick again. Though, I’ll have to reheat our dinner.” I stopped when Jasper gripped the lapels of the robe.

  “Enough talk of dinner. If you’re hungry, I can think of something you can eat… or rather, suck. Let’s go before I spread you out between the candles and china and have my way with you.”

  I dropped my robe to the floor and followed him to our bedroom.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  After two hours of fucking, including a romantic shower, dinner was served. I was sexually satiated and was now faced with a decision that was most likely permanent. As much as I adored my niece and Kai’s daughter, parenthood wasn’t something I craved. At seventeen, after what I’d done, I knew fatherhood wasn’t meant for me. I’d tried to love my own father because it was expected of me, when in reality, I blamed him for everything that happened, including what I had become. Because of his businesses and careless denial of danger, he had put his family in peril. His lack of responsibility had cost precious lives. Though Rumour hadn’t witnessed the murders, I knew she suffered trauma and had been seeing a therapist for years. When speaking with her or anyone else, I’d edited many of the details, until I revealed the truth today.

  Being inside Daisy had been much more carnal than all the times before. And it was solely because we had no barrier between us. Probably unwise on my part, it cemented my need for a permanent birth control fix. I enjoyed having this sexual freedom with the woman I loved. While eating dinner, we had talked openly about our sexual history. I was floored to find out that I was truly only her fourth lover. I felt apologetic because I couldn’t even give her a number; most of them meant nothing to me. I’d never bothered to count, but I’d always practiced safe sex. As kind as she always was, she patted my hand, explaining she was already aware of my vast sexual encounters and that she trusted me.

  I really didn’t deserve her, yet she had given me so much. I wondered if this was what Reese longed for and how Kai had felt about Tegan. I had a much clearer picture of what it truly meant to love another and how lucky I was to have Daisy in my life. Every day, fear coursed through my bones because I wasn’t sure I’d survive without this woman. I was afraid today might be the day she realized she really didn’t love me, and I would believe her decision was a consequence of my past. Or when the FBI caught her husband, she might wish to move back to Tennessee. There were times I would catch her just staring out of her office window, and I knew she was thinking about her mum. Other instances, she displayed melancholy, a sentiment I would never know because I’d buried my losses years ago, so deeply they were unobtainable. Daisy was lonely; she missed her mum. She had given me a life I never thought I’d have, and I wanted to repay her.

  Once I’d gotten into my office the next morning, I spoke with Kai and we decided Reese was the best candidate to handle everything.

  Reese was ecstatic at the plan. “You know how much I love surprises and intrigue. I’ve never been to Tennessee. How we getting past the Feds?”

  I chuckled. “You seem to forget how much money I have. Just shove those locks under a hat. Someone else will take you to the main island. I hired a private plane to fly you to Tennessee and another for the return. I’m sure you can explain politely the need for secrecy. Put an extra disguise in your bag. Let’s make this a twenty-four-hour round trip. I’m relying on the FBI to be as sodding lazy as Scotland Yard, but in case, let’s make sure we have everything in place. I’m counting on you, Reese.”

  “I’m shocked you chose me for this venture.”

  I shrugged. “Kai has family, and I couldn’t see myself getting past the detail the Feds have set up to protect Daisy. You’re less conspicuous.”

  “Thanks, I think,” Reese said with a smile.

  “I just think her mum will respond better to your appearance than mine.”

  “You plan to hide the entire time she’s here?” Reese asked sarcastically.

  “No, I just feel it’s better if Verna sees her daughter before she meets me. Maybe Daisy can soften the blow. I mean, she is still married. I’m not sure how she’s going to receive me, considering we’re together.”

  Reese nodded. “Oh, I get it. You’re sending the ‘nice one’ so she’ll think you’re that way, too.”

  “Very funny, douchebag,” I said in jest.

  * * *

  The following day, I had housekeeping come and ready one of the spare rooms. The two weeks that Daisy’s mum would be staying here would more or less squash any ideas we had for sex. True, we would be at opposite ends of the home, but Verna’s daughter was loud. I chuckled because Daisy would say I was the noisy one. At any rate, unless we could both be quiet as a mouse, it would be a dry period for us.

  This was the perfect time for me to get the vasectomy. I’d already known Dr. Stillwater wasn’t comfortable performing the operation, so he had a colleague come over from St. John’s Island while Reese was gone to Tennessee. After a few tests, the procedure was completed in less than thirty minutes. Recovery time was one to two weeks. Daisy wasn’t happy with me when she found out after the fact. Not being able to have sex for a couple weeks angered her, but I knew all would be forgiven once her mum was here. What I didn’t reveal was we would have to continue birth control for at least three months until I was confirmed sterile. Dr. Stillwater said he would be checking my sperm in ten weeks. I laughed when he said I needed to ejaculate at least twenty times within a three-month period.

  Considering we wouldn’t be having sex for two weeks, I had no doubts that Daisy and I would pick right up, settling back into a routine of several times a day. Fourteen days would be the longest stretch for me since I was a teen. I thrived on sex. Having Verna staying with us was comparable to a bucket of cold water on my genitals. Though, I figured I could still go down on Daisy, and after a time, she could do the same for me.

  “I can’t believe you went behind my back and did this,” Daisy complained as she slammed her purse down on the table.

  “We talked about it, a rather in-depth conversation if I recall. It was the right time to do it. Better now than later. I thought it would be good to get it over with,” I said, sitting gingerly in a chair.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Well, it’s not pleasant. Can you hand me some frozen peas?” I asked.

  She retrieved a large bag out of the freezer and walked over to me. “I guess sittin’ on your lap is a no-no.”
  “As much as I love your arse snuggled up against my balls, it pains me to even think about it.”

  “I guess that explains you wearin’ sweat shorts. I’ve never seen you in cut-offs.”

  I mildly snorted. “They were pants, but it’s too damn hot so I took the scissors to them. The looser the better.”

  Daisy smiled. “That’s what you get for wearin’ such tight pants all the time.”

  “I have a big cock,” I muttered as I pressed the peas against my crotch.

  “So I read the aftercare instructions, and I am wondering why you went through all this torture. Yup, I know you like pain, but I’m thinkin’ this isn’t what you had in mind. And it says we can fuck after two weeks, but we still have to use condoms as a backup for three months even though I’m on the pill. What the hell, Jasper?”

  “Daisy, please don’t say the word fuck. Can we talk about this later? I’m going to go lie down. Call me when it’s time for dinner. You don’t need these vegetables, do you?”

  She grinned. “I’m sorry you’re hurtin’,” Daisy said as she stretched up to kiss me. “And no, we have another bag. I’m making chicken pot pie.”

  “I love you,” I said, getting out of the chair slowly, holding my frozen peas. I walked like an aged man down the hall and lay on the bed. This hurt worse than I’d imagined. As much as I enjoyed tinkering with pleasurable pain, this was bone-crushing, as if my balls were being tangled in the spokes of a bike. Ugh! This was beyond miserable. And to top it off, Daisy was mad at me.

  Of course, once she saw her surprise, I’d be forgiven.

  I didn’t want Verna to know about this. Us sharing a house would be bad enough, let alone explaining the children I didn’t want. I’d brought her mum here because I wanted to please the woman I loved. But it was more than that. I needed Verna to approve of me, to know I could provide her daughter with a safe life and that I loved Daisy with all my heart.

  It was dark when Daisy woke me. “What time is it?” I asked, handling the thawed bag.


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