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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

Page 15


  She took it and smiled. “I’ll just write dick on these and refreeze them. I let you sleep, but I’ll bet you’re hungry.”

  I yawned as I sat up. “Christ, this fucking hurts like hell, and yeah, I better eat if I want to take the meds the doctor gave me. I’m not that hungry, though.”

  “Come on, cry baby. My Uncle Fectus had his jewels snipped, and he was out plowin’ the back forty the next day. So suck it up. You kinda deserve this for not tellin’ me.”

  I grasped her arm. “Baby, we talked about this. Maybe I did it before you expected, but I thought it was better to get it over with. Be nice to me. I did it for both of us.”

  “I know you did, and it makes me love you more, knowing you’d go through so much pain.”

  I followed her down the hall. My stomach growled louder the closer I got to the dining room. It smelled good. I sat carefully as Daisy put the liquefied bag of peas back into the freezer.

  “Hand me that bag of frozen Brussel sprouts. I’ll never eat them anyway. They’re gross; they look like green skull cavities.”

  “You’re a weirdo, Jasper. I actually bought them for a recipe. Guess I won’t be makin’ that.” She frowned, handing me the bag.

  “I’d laugh, but the vibration goes all the way down to my scrotum. I don’t eat many cooked vegetables. The ones I do enjoy, I like eating raw.”

  She served me a large slice of pot pie. I’d never eaten it before, but now I was so hungry it didn’t matter. I forked a bite into my mouth.

  “Damn, another outstanding meal,” I commented as I shoveled in the next serving.

  “I’m glad you like it. I made biscuits, too,” she said as she buttered one and handed it to me.

  “You’re too good to me, Daisy Jones, but not for my waistline.”

  She snickered. “You’ll be fine. Crap, you’re a big boy. I seriously doubt a hearty meal will endanger that stunning physique.”

  “At this point, I don’t care. You’re the first woman who’s ever cooked for me. I always took them out to dinner, or we ate expensive takeaway. It’s not about the money, but none of them ever offered to make me a meal. I suppose fucking was the main purpose of the evening. I never thought of it being anything more until I met you. You cooked for me even before we had sex.”

  “I’ll always take care of you, Jasper. That’s my job—my purpose—because I love you.”

  “And I you, always and forever. I’m going into work early tomorrow so I can leave by noon. I figure three or four hours is all my cock can tolerate. I’ll come home to nap and rest. I’m counting on tomorrow being worse than now. Dr. Stillwater said the second day will be the hardest, no pun intended.”

  Daisy placed her fork down as she reached over and took my hand. “If you want, I can stay home and take care of you.”

  “That’s all right. There’s no need for you to be here. I’m hoping between the medication and exhaustion, I’ll be out like a light. I just wanted you to know so you’d take the company car instead of us going in together.”

  We talked for another hour before I took the prescription ibuprofen Dr. Stillwater gave me.

  “I made apple pie. I even used Stevia. If you’re interested in dessert,” she said as she cleared the plates from the table.

  I tilted my chair back as I patted my stomach gently. “I’m stuffed. No pie for me. That dinner was really good. My compliments to the chef.”

  “Compliments accepted,” she responded with a kiss.

  “I’m going back to bed. Throw everything in the dishwasher, then join me.” I sighed with a chuckle. “But wear clothes. Evidently, I can still get a hard-on, but it will be uncomfortable as hell. I’d rather that happened after I’ve healed for a few days. I am not looking forward to my morning wood.”

  “You poor thing. You get into bed, and I’ll be in after I dig up some long johns or a floor-length nightgown.”

  “Not amusing, Daisy.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  As expected, Jasper was gone when I got up in the morning. I felt bad because he did have a rough night, rocked with pain on and off. Every time he woke up, so had I. I knew he said today was going to be worse, but for his sake, I hoped not.

  I showered quickly and dressed, then went into the office. I knew what he said about me not leaving early to care for him, but I planned to anyway. I wanted to make sure he had a hearty dinner ready by the time he woke from his nap.

  I had given him a hard time when, truly, the man had gotten this procedure for both of us. I honestly thought it was only talk, but when he came home obviously in physical discomfort and told me what he had done, I suppressed my concern with levity. That single act was something he had done because he wanted to be with me in the most intimate way. My anxiety would always be Jasper leaving me for someone younger, but here he had done something so monumental that it proved he was serious about us long term.

  I tapped on his door lightly, then walked in. “How you feelin’ this morning?”

  Jasper looked up from a mountain of paperwork. His face read anguish, as well as his body language. “Dr. Stillwater was correct. So far, today is a sodding nightmare, and it’s only nine.”

  “You’re wearing a suit,” I questioned.

  “I couldn’t very well come into work wearing a pair of torn sweat shorts and a T-shirt. I did bring the peas, but the little fuckers aren’t frozen anymore.”

  “Then I bet you’re happy you’ve got such a fantastic girlfriend who had the foresight to get another bag from the kitchen,” I remarked as I handed him the peas.

  “This is just another reason I am so in love with you.” He tossed the thawed bag on the floor and pressed the frozen one to his crotch. “Shite, that feels much better. Thank you. Now bend down here so I can properly kiss you.”

  I tilted toward Jasper, allowing his one hand to cup the nape of my neck. He began to lick the seam of my lips before brushing his mouth against mine, our tongues lazily dancing.

  “We need to stop before this pulsing pain turns straight into a hard-on. Just know when I’m healed, we’ll be taking a week off, because you, Ms. Jones, will not be able to walk when I’m through with you.”

  “I look forward to it. Not the not walking part, but the fucking part.”

  “I fear I’ve been a bad influence on you. Now stop saying the F-word,” he complained, sounding tired.

  “You’re being all authoritative now, kind of bossy. I’m guessin’ it has to do with your balls. Just remember who owns them, and it ain’t you,” I countered as I closed his door behind me.

  * * *

  Jasper called me an hour later and told me he’d forgotten he had two meetings so he wouldn’t be leaving at noon, but closer to three. I’d already planned to go home at one so I could take care of him and figure out a menu. I knew he didn’t like it when I fussed, but he was keeping me safe, so the least I could do was care for him.

  He’s not your husband.

  I knew I already had a husband. I knew Jasper and I weren’t married and probably never would be, but we loved each other, and that was enough.

  I arrived home a little after one, quickly changing into my jean shorts and a VIP logo tank top. I clicked on the central air, grabbed my laptop, then walked into the kitchen to see what country recipes I could find online before deciding what to make for dinner.

  The dishwasher was emptied, and the kitchen sparkled. Damn, the housekeepers. It was actually Jasper’s fault for having them come. I guess he was used to maids. Well, I wasn’t, and though it was nice coming home to a clean house, I’d prefer to do some things myself. Maynard was a stickler for me doing all the housework and cooking. Well, on top of fudging his books. Rotten bastard.

  There was a knock on the door, and I opened it to find Reese.

  “The oddest thing, Daisy… I found this woman lurking around your office.”

  My mouth dropped as my eyes got teary. “Mama, what are you doin’ here?” I croaked as I pulled her i
nto a hug.

  “This handsome man came all the way to Sweet Birch Holler to git me. I rode on a plane and then on the biggest boat I’ve ever seen, disguised like some highfalutin’ lady and drinking fancy champagne. I can’t believe you work in a place so purty. I saw your office, and oh my Lord, this house… You livin’ here?” She could hardly catch her breath in excitement.

  “I don’t understand, Reese. Did you do this?” I asked, still holding on to my mama.

  He laughed. “I’d love to take credit, but it was all Jasper. He thought it would make you happy. I’ll go and let you two catch up.”

  Reese dropped two suitcases inside the doorway and left.

  “I talked to Jasper on the phone. He has a funny accent. Is he your beau?”

  “Mama, sit down. Yes, he’s my beau. I love him, and he loves me. Don’t be mad. I live with him,” I said as I sat next to her.

  “I suppose if he did all this just for you, he must be a good man.”

  I lit up enthusiastically. “The absolute best.”

  I proceeded to tell my mama about my job and how I met Jasper and what happened after he found out about Maynard.

  “Your husband is a mean and ornery man. You sure your new fella can handle him?”

  I chuckled. “Yes, Mama, you bet. I’m sure you’ll understand after you meet him.”

  We talked another hour. Then I showed her around until she got tired. I snorted when I realized Jasper had one of the spare bedrooms cleaned.

  “Mama, this is your room, and it has its own bathroom.”

  “Sweet Lord, this room’s almost as big as our whole house, and this bed… Your man must be richer than Maynard. Be careful. That’s what got you in trouble last time. I know you wanted a better life, but now you’re runnin’ from that life.”

  I sat on the bed with her. “Jasper’s nothing like Maynard, and even though he’s got way more money, I’d never need a dime because lovin’ him is enough.”

  Mama patted my hand. “It tickles me that you found yourself a decent man. You deserve it, Daisy August.”

  “You rest some before dinner. Jasper will be home in a few hours.”

  “I can sleep when I’m dead. You git me an apron. Then you and I can cook up somethin’ special for supper.”

  I smiled from ear to ear because we hadn’t cooked together in a long time. “Follow me, Mama. Wait ‘til you see the kitchen. Makes Maynard’s look dinky.”

  * * *

  Three hours later, I heard the Hummer pull into the driveway. I knew between the meetings and his aching dick, Jasper would be exhausted. I’d called Reese and asked him if he could get someone go to the mainland and buy me some groceries, bribing him with cookies as usual for the favor. The table was set with black-embossed porcelain and blanketed with some of Mama’s best: dry ribs, corn on the cob, fried green tomatoes, and buttermilk biscuits. I’d made banana pudding for dessert. Mama and I made up our own rub for the ribs so we wouldn’t have to wait overnight for them. The smell made me homesick for Tennessee.

  I’d changed into a summer dress before meeting Jasper at the door. “I love you so much,” I exclaimed as I greeted him. “I’d be jumpin’ your bones right now,” I said softly, “if it weren’t for your cock n’ balls and, of course, my mama.”

  “Quiet, little country. I can’t afford a hard-on right now. Besides being painful as fuck, I certainly can’t meet your mum like that,” he said, bending to kiss me. “It smells amazing. What have you been cooking?”

  “It was mostly my mama, but the dessert was all me.”

  He laughed. “How did I not know? You won’t be happy until my scale explodes. You do understand that no one will choose to come to VIP to lose weight when the spokesmodel is as big as a house?”

  “I’ll love you no matter what. Besides, for all your complainin’, I don’t see any difference.”

  “Oh my heavens,” I heard my mama announce.

  “I’m so happy to finally meet you in person, Verna. Daisy has talked nonstop about you. Welcome to our home and to St. Willis. I’m going to go get changed before dinner,” Jasper said as he placed a kiss to my head.

  “Mama, are you okay?” I asked because she appeared in muted shock.

  “He’s a big one, ain’t he? I wasn’t expectin’ someone so large. He didn’t sound like a giant on the phone.”

  I grinned because, truly, Mama had no idea that he was big all over. “Yup, he’s a big one, and I like that because I know he can protect me if Maynard shows up. And, Mama, I don’t want you to be shocked again, so I will tell you Jasper has tattoos. A lot.”

  “Oh, child, those don’t bother me. Your daddy had a few, but he kept them hid from you because he thought you might git ideas. I just want you to be safe after what Maynard done to you.”

  “I helped him, Mama, but I thought it was just laundering cash, not killin’ people.” I sobbed. “I know the money thing was illegal. I don’t know why I did it. Maybe I was afraid of what he’d do if I said no.” I knew exactly why. Maynard had threatened to hurt my mama if I left him. I didn’t care about myself, but I couldn’t have her paying for my sins.

  “No use cryin’ about what’s already done. You got someone who cares for you, and my thinkin’ is that if you had to find him ‘cause of what you did, that’s okay in my book. He seems to be a mighty fine man.”

  “He is. I love him so much I almost can’t breathe sometimes.”

  “Then that’s all that matters. You can’t ask for more than that. I think your daddy would have approved.”

  Just then, Jasper appeared, wearing black shorts and a gray T-shirt. Most of his ink was covered, except from the elbows down. He pulled out the dining room chair for Mama, then me. She blushed from the attention.

  “I can see where Daisy gets her beauty,” he complimented as he buttered a biscuit.

  She slapped his arm lightly. “Now hush, I’m just an old lady. It was Daisy’s paw. That man was good-lookin’.”

  “I’m sure it was a combination. Regardless, your daughter is beautiful, with a heart of gold.”

  “I’m thinkin’ you two are good together because you’re both chock full of kindness. You brought me here because my baby missed me so much. Truth be, I’ve missed her plenty, and I’ve been worried. But now that I met you, I know she’s in good hands and I feel better.”

  All three of us ate and talked for hours. Jasper even had banana pudding.

  “Two weeks of food like this and I’ll be more spoiled than I already am. Your daughter takes very good care of me, and now I know where she got her cooking skills,” he said as he patted his stomach. “It was wonderful to meet you, Verna. I’m headed off to bed. I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow. Can I talk to you, Daisy?”

  I excused myself and followed Jasper to our bedroom.

  “Jesus, I’m dying.” He squirmed as he unzipped his shorts.

  “You could have worn those cutoffs again,” I responded as I pushed him on the bed and helped him.

  He finally got them off and kicked them to the floor. “I wasn’t going to wear ripped sweats to meet your mum.”

  I poured him a glass of water and handed him the pills the doctor had prescribed.

  “Your mum is sweet,” he said, swallowing the medication. “She’s here for two weeks, and you’re off for that time.”

  “Wait a minute. I haven’t worked long enough to earn vacation time.”

  “I didn’t fly your mum out here so she could hang out alone while you work. We all agreed that you need this time with her. It was a unanimous vote. Well, we didn’t tell Harriet because she doesn’t need to know. The shrew would overreact, so fuck her.”

  “I guess it’s okay for you to say fuck, but not me,” I whispered.

  “I was worried you’d slip and say it in front of your mum and she’d blame me.”

  “Oh please, I’ve been saying that word forever. She’s just never heard me since I was too afraid of the soap bar she’d be washin’ my mouth out with.”
  He grinned. “Good to know. I need you to stay put on St. Willis. I think we have enough to keep you both occupied with entertainment and sightseeing. I wish you could go to the mainland, but we can’t take the chance that the FBI or possibly Maynard sees you.”

  I kissed Jasper as I tucked him in. “I’ll sneak you some frozen vegetables after my mama goes to her room, which will be soon. It’s past her bedtime. Thank you so much for all of this.”

  “I’d do anything for you. Remember that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I was fast asleep when I felt something cold press softly to my genitals.

  “Sorry I woke you,” Daisy murmured as she slid beside me.

  I lifted my arm so I could cradle her head. “Feels good,” I said, shifting the frozen bag so it sat directly on the part that hurt worst. “I hope your mum likes me.”

  “Are you kidding? She loves you. I mean, I guess she was surprised to see you in person because you’re bigger than a barn door, and I mentioned your ink.”

  “You told her about my tattoos? Anything else?”

  “Well, I was gonna mention how big your dick was, but I thought I’d better keep that to myself.”

  I scooted up against the headboard and squished a pillow behind my head. “Well, I guess I should be grateful you kept that tidbit a secret. This is the reason I chose to get my vasectomy now, because frankly, there was no way I’d be able to have sex with you when your mum is in the house.”

  I sensed her looking up at me. “Mama’s hearin’ isn’t that good. I wish you’d have asked me before you went and done it.”

  “Nothing I can do to change it now. By the time your mum leaves, we’ll be able to fuck.” I whispered the word fuck. “In every room of the house.”

  “Maybe I won’t want to have sex with you,” she threatened.

  “Um, yes, you will. You’ll be so horny by then I doubt it will take much effort on my part.”

  She slapped me on the chest.

  “Hey, watch those hands. I don’t want you forgetting and accidently coming in contact with my lower half. Be nice to me, and in a couple days, maybe I’ll be able to lick your pussy.”


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