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Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3

Page 14

by Janelle Peel

  Her cry sounded through the bird’s beak before a wet gurgle announced what I already knew.

  Their magic had been ripped from them.

  They were dead.

  Ice spread throughout my body with the revelation.

  “Your procrastination has cost you your parents’ lives. We assume by now that you’ve made your choice. Chosen, if you’re listening, Mage Montgomery knows our location. You have until dusk tomorrow to arrive, alone, or the human dies.” His words cut off then began to repeat.

  “Dhampir,” I said once more and swayed, suddenly dizzy. My head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. Gravel crunched as familiar strong arms scooped me into a firm embrace.

  The world slowly dimmed.

  Blaze rumbled, “Sora, we’ve found two bodies.”

  Darkness took me.


  As Daisy’s lids fluttered closed and her body went limp, he met Sora’s swirling, sapphire eyes.

  “Take an SUV, get her back to the mansion,” she said.

  His brow furrowed, “Whose bodies?”

  She shook her head once, then bit her lip. After a moment, she answered, “Her parents.”

  He froze. That was the only reason he could think of for her hesitance to speak. She was trying to protect her parents.

  His emotions boiled, igniting his flames. How dare the Council use her parents as leverage. They were loyal Mages for fucks sake!

  “Cooper!” Sora barked. “That won’t help. Take her home. I will personally see to it that we bring her parents’ bod-” she choked, “parents back for a proper burial.”

  Blaze clapped him on the back and placed a set of keys onto Daisy’s belly, “She needs you now. Go.”

  Knowing they were right, he extinguished his flames. Retribution would come, Goddess willing. But now, he needed to be there for her.


  After Cooper had left, he reached for his Mate.

  Her agitated growl met his ears and he lowered his hand.

  “I can’t,” she cried, stepping away. Her starlit eyes shimmered with unshed tears, “Look at what they’ve done!” Her hand jerked toward the circled, bloody bodies.

  Mel approached in Wolf form from the side of the house. Shifting, he inspected the dead Mages. With a snort, he straightened as Sora averted her eyes at his nude state. Grimly, he said, “It’s the same way we found Sara. Same scent, everything. Their magic was ripped from them while they were alive.”

  Pain briefly lanced his heart before he could cut off the emotion, he missed his last living relative dearly. Lowering his massive frame to the ground, he inhaled. With a sneeze, he recoiled as rot, death, and decay met his nose.

  Sora’s hand touched his shoulder in comfort. It seemed she shouldered the blame for this atrocity. He rubbed his face with a meaty palm, “Sora, could you break the circle, please?”

  She sucked in a deep breath. Her hands lit as a loud crack rent the air. Silence reined as the lines of blood slowly absorbed into the soft soil. Her shimmering gaze met Mel’s, “Bring them back with respect. No one,” her voice softened, “no matter how misguided, deserves this.” Her expression hardened, “And kill that fucking raven.”

  He nodded, “It will be done.”

  Blaze stood and followed his Mate’s wobbly footsteps back to a different SUV. She leaned against its matte black finish before sinking to the ground on her rear.

  “It’s my fault, Blaze,” she hiccuped. “I didn’t truly believe the Council was so corrupted. I could have done more, should have done more!”

  His heart ached at the lost sound of her voice. He crouched to the ground and lifted her chin as tears slowly trickled down her high cheekbones. “No,” he growled. “This is not your fault. What did the Goddess say?”

  She sniffled, “That is was Her fault. But if I had made a different deci-”

  Pressing a finger against her lip, he cut off her reply, “No, I’ll not hear it. You are Her Chosen; as such, you are the only one that can destroy the Council.”

  A sob escaped her clenched teeth, “I’m to report to their location tomorrow in LA.”

  His fangs snapped down and he ground out, “When?”

  Her eyes pulsed once as she met his gaze, “Dusk. Alone, or Giselle dies.”

  A loud screech sounded near the garage as the raven was put out of its misery.

  Chapter 13


  Being left behind sucked big time. I understood that someone capable of magic needed to stay at the mansion, but I really didn’t like it.

  Settling onto the stoop, I dipped into my well as I watched Bex run through the short grass. Chasing a sleepy cicada, her antics usually brought a smile to my lips. But not this night. Reaching to my center, I closed my eyes and found the cord for mine and Sora’s ward. A pleasant hum lit with a silvered glow as it echoed back.

  Satisfied, my lids fluttered open just as a lone SUV swerved up the paved lane and into the garage.

  “Bex,” I barked. “Inside, now.”

  Wrinkling her nose, she chuffed.

  “No,” I shook my head sternly. “You can’t come. I need to check it out first. Go find Julian.”

  Her tail lowered in disappointment as she dragged her feet into the house.

  Closing the door, I ran around the house to the garage’s underground entrance just as Cooper was pulling a very limp Daisy from the SUV.

  “Hey,” I called out as I approached.

  His hazel eyes met mine and a relieved breath escaped his down turned lips, “A little help here?”

  I nodded and took her unconscious body over one shoulder with ease.

  His brow lowered, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”

  With a shrug, I asked, “What happened?”

  His face closed down. “They killed her parents; ripped their magic from their bodies and recorded it like some sick joke.” He tipped his head to Daisy, “She heard the whole thing before she passed out.”

  I shuddered. Goddess, how awful. I’d lose my shit too if anything happened to my family. Just the thought of Sora’s death caused my jaw to crack as my instinct to protect what was mine began the shift to my fusion form. I wheezed a breath and tried to push away the terrifying thought.

  Cooper’s large hand touched my arm in comfort, centering me in the moment. I sighed, dispelling the last of the change.

  He quipped with a strained smile, “Don’t go all beast on me, I still need your help. Daisy doesn’t look like much, but she is a little heavy.”

  Jerking a nod, I followed him into the house.

  Once we’d settled her on the couch in the rec room, Allie and Sasha began speaking at once. Both clamoring to figure out what was happening.

  I clapped loudly, “Wait. Sasha, get him a whiskey. Allie, hush. Let him breathe.”

  Allie’s mouth snapped closed with a click as Sasha maneuvered behind the bar. Deftly, she poured 3 full glasses and waited.

  Cooper settled onto a bar stool and downed the amber liquid in one go. With a deep breath, he began, “Sora’s ward failed on route, so we went straight there. The house was engulfed in flames. The Council left behind a raven to deliver their message. They drained Daisy’s parents’ magic, killing them, and took Giselle. Sora has until dusk tomorrow to deliver herself, alone, to them in LA.”

  Sasha refilled his glass while we all digested the news.

  “Did Sora say anything?” I asked.

  “No,” he replied. “They’re going to bring the bodies back here. If she goes, it will have to be with the Pack, Protectors, and Felidae.”

  I shook my head, “Blaze won’t allow it.”

  Cooper’s face soured, “I don’t think he’ll have a choice. If Sora decides to go, he won’t be able to stop her.”

  It was true. Sora’s love could very well get her killed. The wheels in my head began turning. “Cooper, grab the bottle. We’re going to the library. There has to be something we can do.”


  It was well after midnight by the time we made it home. Who knew how hard and draining it was to clean up a crime scene. Righting the house to its former glory was difficult enough, but doing that, and keeping the humans from seeing the area, was exhausting. I hadn’t felt this depleted since I’d first come into my magic. I knew I needed to eat, but the thought of food soured my stomach. The scent of death still lingered inside my sinuses.

  “Try this,” Julian said softly, placing a cup of tea in front of me on the bar.

  I mustered a smile, “Thanks, Jules.”

  He nodded once before moving away and leaving me to my thoughts. I hoped Blaze was doing better than I was. He’d gone to discuss strategy with Jackson, Mel, and Mason. I honestly didn’t see the point. He couldn’t travel in daylight, which is why the Council had chosen that time.

  Sighing, I lifted the cup to my nose and inhaled. Mint met my nose, replacing the stench of rot. Thank the Goddess for Julian, I thought, and took a sip.

  The swinging door opened as Nat walked in with a somber expression. She shook her head, “We searched every magical book in the library. Allie and Sasha even helped. There is no spell that can protect the Vampires from the sun,” her shoulders slumped in defeat.

  “It’s okay, Nat.” I touched her cheek, “You’ve done enough. Go get some rest.”

  Her brow creased, “What are you going to do?”

  Rolling a shoulder, I whispered, “I will speak with you later.”

  My stomach rolled as I settled into bed for the day. Julian wouldn’t let me leave until I’d eaten, but the soup was sitting like a rock inside my belly.

  Blaze opened the door and softly closed it. Noticing I was awake, he prowled to the wingback and unlaced his shitkickers. “You’re not going,” he said to the floor.

  He knew I would, so I didn’t bother to reply.

  “I mean it, Sora. It’s too dangerous.” Shaking his head, he popped the button of his fatigues and slid them down his muscular thighs. Kicking them aside, he lifted the hem of his tee and pulled it over his head in one smooth motion. Tossing it to the floor, his black gaze caught mine in the darkness. He sighed, “Did you eat at least?”

  I nodded, “Julian wouldn’t let me leave his sight otherwise.”

  His lip twitched in response.

  The bed dipped as he knelt onto the mattress. “You need blood,” he rumbled.

  “I can’t. I feel like I’m going to vomit as it is.”

  The tendons of his neck flexed for a moment in frustration. “Please,” he begged.

  His soft plea undid me. Nodding, I sat up with a snick of my fangs.

  The tense lines of his shoulders softened. Laying down, he pulled me across his chest.

  I inhaled in short bursts across his neck, savoring his scent. Mmm, masculine, salty, and absolutely amazing. I licked a line from his jaw to his collarbone and he trembled in anticipation. Smirking, I pushed all thoughts aside and sank my teeth into his jugular.

  I awoke near one in the afternoon and instantly froze. Today was the day. The day I died, or the day I wiped the Council from the face of the Earth. Looking up, I took in the smooth lines of my Mate’s face. It broke my heart, but I knew he wouldn’t let me go.

  Slowly, I rolled out of bed and padded into the bathroom. Sore in all the right places, I wiped a dried spot of blood from my neck and dressed in a black tank, fatigues, and low-heeled boots. Plating my silver hair into a tight braid down my back, I gave my reflection a cursory glance. My oceanic eyes swirled as grim determination lined my pink lips.

  Turning away from the vanity, I ran straight into Blaze’s sculpted chest. He rumbled, “You’re not going.”

  I looked up into his darkening cobalt eyes and told a half truth, “I have to lay Daisy’s parents to rest, Blaze.”

  His face softened a fraction in understanding. With a short nod, he conceded.

  Standing on my tiptoes, I kissed his cheek and whispered, “I’ll be back,” and prayed that it wasn’t a lie.

  He clenched me to his chest, “I will meet the sun with open arms if anything ever happens to you.”

  My heart shattered as I soothed the hard lines of his back with my palms. I quipped, “You will do no such thing, old man.”

  His answering smile shifted the hair at my temple before he released me.

  The Shifters, Protectors, and Felidae had all gathered on the lawn.

  Taking my post near Daisy, Nat, and Cooper, I called to my center.

  My voice carried to all those gathered, “We lay to rest Gordon and Emma! No one deserved such a fate. May the Goddess welcome them with open arms!” Silver lit my hands in a bright flame. Directing it to their cloth wrapped forms, my fire shot out in a wide arc, alighting their bodies in a bright glow.

  Thunder sounded through the clear sky, announcing Her presence as bells chimed and a breeze flickered through the flames. Two apparitions rose from the fire.

  ‘It is done, Daughter,’ a voice whispered through my thoughts.

  Between one blink and the next, they were gone, leaving nothing behind.

  Daisy met my gaze with teary eyes, “Thank you,” she whispered.

  I jerked a nod and extinguished my flames.

  Everyone watched, waiting to see what I had decided. Using my diaphragm, I pitched my voice once more, “As your Mistress, I offer you a choice. Join me in defeating the Council, or stay here with your loved ones. The decision is yours.”

  Turning on my heel, I made my way to the garage for the SUV that Nat had prepared for our departure. A multitude of footsteps whispered across the grass in my wake. Daring to hope, I peeked over my shoulder. Every single member that had gathered, followed.

  My heart swelled as tears pricked my eyes. My Clutch was coming to help. Not because I’d ordered it, but because they cared.


  To my astonishment, a plethora of vehicles were ready to go inside the garage. They’d known all along.

  Without further fanfare, I hopped into the passenger seat of one while Daisy got behind the wheel.

  Nat, Cooper, Jonas, Syn, Mason, and Mel all piled in with us. Their faces shone with steely determination.

  We were going to war.


  The sound of his door bursting open immediately put him on high alert. He hopped into a nude crouch with his fangs bared into a hiss.

  “Master!” Julian screeched. “They’re gone!” He dropped to his knees in supplication.

  Confused, he rumbled, “Who, Julian? Who’s gone?”

  Julian’s voice cracked, “The Mistress has taken the Protectors, Felidae and Pack, Sire.”

  “FUCK!” He roared. Flashing to the wardrobe, he quickly dressed. Zipping back to the wingback, he jerkily laced his boots.

  “It’s only 4PM, Master,” Julian whispered to the floor.

  Jackson and Viv zipped into his room.

  “What happened?” Viv looked at Julian’s kneeled form. “Where’s Sora?” Understanding slowly dawned on her face, “She went, didn’t she?”

  Jackson looked to his Brother as his eyes darkened to black, “What are you doing? You can’t go after her.”

  He growled, “I can, and I am.”

  Jackson’s fangs dropped, “What good are you if you’re dead, Blaze?!”

  He refused to answer. Finished with his boots, he stood and walked out of the room.

  Jackson zipped in front of him, “I won’t let you!”

  Viv flashed behind her Mate, “You’re not going! Sora would never forgive you if you kill yourself!”

  Blaze bared his teeth. For the first time since he’d picked up the mantle of Master, he pushed his will, “Stand aside.”

  The compulsion settled into place as they both robotically moved to the outside of the hall. Viv’s eyes flashed in outrage as she realized what he’d done. Applying more force, he rumbled, “Jackson, if I don’t come back, you will lead this Clutch as Master. Viv, you will back him as Mistress. Are we clear?”

heads moved like marionette dolls as they nodded in tandem.

  Julian rushed down the hall, “You cannot leave us, Master. Please!”

  Blaze softened his tone, “Open the front door, my friend. If I’m right, gather the entire Clutch.”

  Something had occurred to him after Rowe had discovered the second Prophecy. If Sora was the key to bringing the dammed into the light, could that possibly mean that through their joining, he could once again walk beneath the sun?

  He couldn’t live without her; had told her that very simple fact. Something in her blood had changed, a change that’d he’d previously suspected, but hadn’t quite made sense of until last night. Regardless, the failsafe’s he’d placed on Viv and Jackson was necessary in case he was very, very wrong.

  Tears pooled in Julian’s brown eyes as he rushed to the door. With a deep breath, he threw the lock and pulled it open.

  Sunlight poured into the foyer, stinging his sensitive eyes with its brightness. It’d been so long since he’d seen it, felt it’s glorious rays kiss his skin…

  Pulled by the longing in his heart, his footsteps echoed on the hard-tiled entryway and through the door.


  It was just after 6 when we exited the freeway. The plan was to meet in an abandoned lot about a mile away from the Pico House. I marveled at the city of LA; anything to keep my mind from the battle ahead… and the pain pinching my heart.

  We pulled into a vacant lot faster than I’d have liked. Our large group assembled to make preparations for the battle ahead.

  Thankfully, Mason took charge and began barking orders to form a perimeter.

  Who knew what would happen if we failed. Nat approached, interrupting my frayed thoughts.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  “No, but I don’t have a choice.” I swallowed the bile pooling in my throat. Fuck, I’d been so nauseous lately. I just wanted this whole thing to be over. One way or another, tonight, that would happen. I met her worried eyes, “Nat, you can go back. Be with Bex, make a good life for yourself. There’s no shame in leaving.”

  Her green eyes flashed, “You are my family.” She growled, “I’m not leaving you.”


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