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Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3

Page 15

by Janelle Peel

  Squeezing my eyes closed, I prayed to the Goddess for my family to live.

  Her bell like voice whispered through my thoughts, ‘Trust in who you are, Daughter.’

  Her words firmed my resolve as I faced our group, “We have less than an hour left. If anyone wants to leave, now is the time. The majority of you have families, loved ones.”

  Almost a hundred hard glares met my seeking gaze. I jerked a nod, “Mason, is the wire ready?”

  His bright blue eyes squinted, “Yes, Mistress. Whenever you’re ready.” He held up an earpiece.

  Taking the tiny bud, I snugged it into my ear and gritted my teeth, “Let’s do it, then.”

  His lips pressed into a line while I held up my tank. Cooper held out pieces of tape while Mason secured the electronic device to my waistband and began running it along my ribs. His severe cheeks pinked, “Apologies, but it needs to go between your, um...”

  I giggled at his reaction, “Just don’t cop a feel, Mason, and you’ll be alright.”

  He snorted good-naturedly, “Never.”

  The mike was cold against my skin as he maneuvered it underneath my bra and looped the wire around the strap just above my left breast. Adding one final piece of tape, he stepped back to inspect his work.

  I quipped, “Now you’re just staring at the goods, Mason.”

  Chuckles ran through our ragtag group, immediately dispelling the tension in the air.

  Mason’s blush deepened as he touched the device inside his ear, “Check, one, two,” he nodded for me to speak.

  I said the first thing that popped into my mind, “Let’s paint it, paint it, paint it black, yeah.” Musing internally, I snorted a laugh at my twisted mind and recalled the very first time I’d seen Blaze. I had played this song, “Paint it Black”, by the Rolling Stones. Odd that it would come back to me in this moment.

  Some people shook their heads while others bobbed theirs to an imaginary beat.

  “We’re good,” Mason said, flashing me a thumbs up. Turning on his heel, he addressed the crowd, “The com’s sole purpose is to hear what is happening with Sora and communicate with her. If you run into trouble, use your walkie. Everybody got that?”

  In unison, they replied, “Yes, Sir!”

  I snagged his shoulder, “Remember, Mason. Maintain the perimeter at all costs. We cannot let this spill out into the human world.”

  His face shone with a steely determination, “Yes, Mistress.”

  Not wanting to say any goodbyes, I nodded to my family and began making my way solo down Main Street.

  Twenty minutes later, the sensation of ants marched along my skin.

  I mumbled into the mic, “I’ve just hit their ward.”

  Mason’s tiny voice replied from the speaker in my ear, “How big is it?”

  Looking up at the massive building, I answered, “At least a block in all directions, judging by the absence of pedestrians.”


  The feeling intensified for a moment as I bit my lip and barely resisted the temptation to claw at my bare arms. Gross, I shivered when it finally dissipated.

  Absolute silence reigned as the bubble they had cast muted all sound; even my own footsteps. Opening my mouth wide as the pressure increased, I popped my ears. Sound came rushing back and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “They have a sound bubble,” I whispered.

  A crackle met my ears.



  Worried, I broke protocol, “Nat?”

  Broken words filtered through the silence at last, “No… choice… leave her…”

  Panicked, I pressed on the bud inside my ear, “Mason?!?”


  Indecision split my thoughts and I stopped walking. Go back or stay? Giselle couldn’t wait, she didn’t have the training my Clutch did. As it was, I had minutes to get my ass inside.

  I looked to the sky, searching for the Moon. The edge of her orangish red face had just begun to clear the horizon.

  My time was up.

  Trusting that my Clutch could handle whatever came their way, I stepped up to the door.

  Chapter 14


  The sun kissed his skin like a long-lost lover. Tipping his face to the sky, he closed his eyes and savored the moment.

  Reality came rushing back with a vengeance. He had to get to Sora.

  Turning on his heel, he strode back into the house. “CLUTCHMATES!” His deep voice boomed; carrying to every room inside the mansion.

  Within seconds, every single member of his Clutch assembled. They pressed tightly into the foyer while hissing at the open door. Others took up real estate along the staircase and further back into the hall.

  Releasing his compulsion, he rumbled, “Viv, Jackson!”

  Half a second later, they flashed before him, just outside the sun’s deadly rays.

  “We go to WAR!” He shouted to those gathered. “My Mate has given us a gift!” Slowly, he took four steps backward; out into the light. “Walk in the sun with me!”

  Shocked gasps and curses met his ears.

  “Will you be afraid?” He rumbled, lifting his thick arms. “Or join me in destroying the evil that has plagued our kind for centuries? Will you abandon your Mistress in her hour of need?”

  Viv stepped forward as Jackson snagged her shoulder. Shrugging him off, she snarked, “Pussy,” and joined Blaze beneath the sun.

  Jackson watched, completely bewildered as her skin did not burn. Placing one boot in front of the other, he stepped into the light. “It is true!” He shouted.

  A cry began in the back of the hall and was slowly picked up by the entire Clutch, “Chosen! Chosen! Chosen!” Every member scrambled through the door, hungry to feel the sun’s kiss.


  Satisfied, Blaze boomed once more, “Move out!”

  He drove along the freeway with his Clutch packed into the remains of their armored vans like sardines.

  Jackson and Viv patrolled ahead in a red convertible, searching for the Pack and Felidae’s scents. Their tires screeched on the asphalt as their car fishtailed.

  They’d found something.

  Honks sounded behind him from agitated drivers as he too, abruptly slowed his heavy vehicle.

  Viv stood up in the passenger seat and waived a hand at the exit. Without waiting for her to sit, Jackson flipped a u turn and sped off with her clutching the windshield for dear life.

  Blaze followed, keeping a close eye on the other vans behind him. He needed everyone if this was going to work.

  For the hundredth time, he cursed Sora and her decision. Why couldn’t any of them have left their dammed phones on?

  Another squeal of tires sounded as a black cloud of rubber littered the air. Turning, they pulled into a vacant lot.

  Stepping on the gas, the van tipped precariously onto two wheels as Blaze made the turn. Flashing from the vehicle, he found Mason. In his fury, he tossed the Protector against a chain link fence and roared, “Where is she?!”

  Mason slid down the fence and onto all fours with a wheeze, “Master, Sora left us with no choice.” He coughed and spat a mouthful of blood, “We couldn’t leave her to do this on her own. She would have gone anyway.” He grimaced, “She instructed us to hold the perimeter.”

  Blaze looked up to the slowly rising harvest Moon and tried to calm the angry beast within. Thunder rolled overhead as clouds quickly covered the sky. He knew Mason was right, she would have found a way. Even if he’d chained her to their bed, she still would have come. Now, she was out there, all alone. With a frustrated growl, he rumbled, “Where?”

  Mason lifted his hand to his ear, “Sora?” He paused, “Sora? Do you read me? Come in.” Confusion drew his dark brows low as he pulled bits of a broken receiver from his pocket.

  Comprehension dawned on Blaze. Mason had been in contact with her all along, and he’d ruined it with his emotional outburst.

  Daisy tentatively appro
ached, “She’s at Pico House, about a mile down Main Street.”

  His shitkickers hit the ground before she’d finished speaking.

  He prayed that he wasn’t too late.


  Before I could knock, a black robed figure pulled the door open.

  With a low bow, he said, “We’ve been expecting you, Chosen.”

  Walking over the threshold, I sneered, “Didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, did I?”

  Once he straightened, I looked into the shadowy recesses of his hood. Even with my enhanced eyesight, I could make out nothing but darkness.

  Seeming to float on air, he turned and said, “This way.”

  Left with no other choice, I followed his strangely quiet form further into the hotel.

  Trying to contain my worry, I kept my thoughts focused on Giselle. Her soft smile, the way the light reflected from her gray hair. The crinkled lines marking her blue eyes as they sparkled when she chided me. Her generous curves that every male at the diner appreciated.

  Before I knew it, I was being led into a rectangular, brick courtyard.

  With another bow, the servant floated back the way we had come without a sound and closed the door with a click behind him.

  Inspecting my surroundings, I noted the six chairs set in a semi-circle. It could be worse, I thought. There could be a cauldron and an altar.

  Damn, I cursed my own stupidity. I should have at least brought a knife.

  The opposite door opened as six figures in scarlet robes came in. As if choreographed, they sat in their chairs at the exact same time.

  “Chosen,” a loud male voice boomed.

  Squaring my shoulders, I asked, “Where is Giselle?”

  Soft feminine laughter met my ears, “She is, indisposed, at the moment.”

  Gritting my teeth, I ground out, “Bring her, now.”

  “Kneel,” one Councilmember said in a high tenor.


  Every Councilmember froze in shock at my refusal.

  A cackle sounded, “Don’t think for a moment we won’t kill the old woman. Kneel.”

  “Show me Giselle,” I countered.

  After a moment, the first male said, “Bring out the human.”

  The door behind me opened. Torn between looking and not placing my back to the Council, I held my ground.

  “Sora?” Giselle asked in a hoarse voice.

  “Giselle,” I said with relief. “Please come here, beside me.”

  The shuffle of footsteps met my ears. A hand touched my shoulder and I almost lost control of my magic. Slowly, her palm slid down my arm to my wrist; another step put her by my side.

  I tipped my head a fraction, keeping the Councilmembers in sight and looked.

  Her eyes were closed and blood marked the weathered lines of her cheeks. The normal tint of her gray hair was stained orange and had been shorn within an inch of her scalp. I gripped her hand fiercely, “What have they done to you?”

  She shuddered a relieved sob, “It is you. Oh God, Sora. Leave. Please, run!”

  A deep chuckle sounded from the Council.

  Giselle froze in terror as her face jerked toward the sound.

  Why wasn’t she opening her eyes? I needed to see her eyes.

  “She can’t see, Chosen.” A female voice snickered, “That was the price she paid for attacking one of our members with a kitchen knife. Such a foolish act.”

  Rage lit my veins. Without a second thought, I erected a bright shield of pure light, encasing Giselle and myself inside its shell.

  Startled shouts sounded as red fire crackled against the walls of my sphere.

  Slowly, I tugged Giselle down to kneel on the ground and prayed that I could fix this. “Hold still. Let me see what I can do.”

  Her sniffle shattered the remains of my heart. The numbness spread throughout my chest as I lifted my hand and covered her eyes. Calling to my well, heat spilled from my palm. Giselle shuddered a relieved sigh as the pain lessened. When the warmth cut off, I said a prayer to the All Mother and removed my hand.

  Her brow creased, “What did you do?”

  More red lights lit up my shield as the Council tried to penetrate the sphere.

  “Please, open your eyes,” I begged.

  Her lids fluttered. With a deep breath, she opened her gorgeous blue orbs as confusion littered her face, “Sora?”

  I smiled in relief, “Yes.”

  “What did you do?”

  Lifting a hand, I pointed at my sphere, “Magic.”

  More red flames licked up my bubble as the Council tried to find any weakness they could exploit.

  Giselle’s mouth formed an O.

  I touched her shoulder, “Trust me?”

  Woodenly, she bobbed her head.

  Standing, I took a step away and whispered, “Stay inside the sphere… Mom.”

  Her blue eyes filled with tears just before I passed through the bright light.

  I blinked, disoriented, as I sunk in the soft sand of Empyrean. Confused, I looked for the Goddess.

  Her form shimmered further down the beach and I ran toward Her, “Send me back! I can’t leave her there!”

  Lifting Her pink lips, the pale blue of Her eyes twinkled in amusement, “She is safe, I promise.”

  I slowed my pace, “Why did you take me?”

  She shook Her head somberly as Her face continuously merged into different shapes, “To tell you things are not as they seem with the Council.”

  My brow furrowed in confusion.

  Her eyes softened in understanding, “You will know when it is time.”

  Frustration boiled from my core and I screamed in vain at the unfairness.

  A blink later, I was back in the courtyard, stepping out of my bubble. “ENOUGH!” My voice boomed as clouds rolled across the previously clear sky and thunder rumbled overhead.

  Time stilled for one moment as the Council seemed to pause.

  My rage boiled to a fever pitch, igniting a sonic wave of pure light as it slammed their robed forms against the wall.

  Righting themselves, they stood. Linking hands, their sinister red light lit. Scarlett magic began to cycle between them, faster and faster.

  Just as I wondered what the hell they were doing, their flames coalesced into one large ball. I lifted my hands to defend myself as five Councilmembers dropped unceremoniously to the ground.

  Uncertainty fluttered through my veins, what the fuck?

  The one that remained standing cackled manically as she threw back her hood and absorbed their ruby magic with the palms of her hands. “Chosen, I have waited so long for this moment.” Tipping her head, she inspected her comrade’s lifeless bodies. “Do you know what it’s like to wait centuries for you to walk this earth? I was close, once,” she shrugged one shoulder, lifting the strands of her ebony hair. “It was then that I realized I would need to be in a better position to receive you.” Noticing my confusion, she dropped into a curtsy and sneered, “Allow me to introduce myself. Mage Thais, at your service.” Disappointment flickered across her face when I failed to react. She straightened, “I am the first, the original.”

  Stunned, I simply stood there as she flashed within an inch of my chest.

  Her solid black eyes met mine, “Pity, I had expected more.” Lifting one hand, her fingernails lengthened into claws just before she tore a deep gash into my exposed shoulder.

  I cried out, clutching the wound as I watched her bring the bloodied nail to her mouth. The point of her tongue slipped past her lips as she licked at the ruby liquid. Moaning in delight, her eyes fluttered closed.

  “H-how?” I sputtered, as my body took its time to overcome the shock.

  Darkness stared back at me as she lowered her claw, “Infiltrating the Council was easy; holding so many in thrall, not so much.” She growled, “You taste delicious, though. And so full of life.” Her dark brow lowered as she snickered, “I shall enjoy every last drop. Once I’m finished, I’ll carve the whelp fr
om your cooling corpse. Once I take her magic, I will complete the process. Then, I will be granted the life of a God.” Her canines descended into inch, long spikes. Mockingly, she smiled, “Not even the sun shall stop me, Chosen.”

  My mind stuttered, whelp?

  Satisfaction transformed her cruel face into something almost human. “Oh, you didn’t know?” She laughed, rolling her midnight hair haughtily, “The babe in your belly will kindle my magic to heights even I had never before imagined.”

  My mind connected the dots before I could inhale. Nausea, hunger, disdain for alcohol, sleepless nights… Instinctively, my hand clutched at my stomach, protecting the life inside. A slight tickle buzzed against my palm in response. The hum of her magic, my unborn child.

  My fangs dropped before the revelation could fully process. “No!” I hissed. Silver flames pulsed from my body in response to my anger. No one, would take her away from me. Lifting my hand, I pushed with a pure beam of silver light; tossing her body twenty feet through the air and against the brick wall.

  Rain began to pour as I stalked toward her crumpled form.

  Her black gaze lit with glee as she looked up at me, “I do so love a challenge.”

  Before my next step could land, she flashed behind me; sucker punching me in the kidney.

  Dropping to my knees, I sucked in a pained breath.

  “Now you kneel,” she snickered, leisurely moving back into my line of sight. With a motion too quick to follow, she ripped her soaked scarlet robe aside.

  Water poured down my face as I looked up, taking in her simple black dress shirt and slacks. Her bony hips stuck out from the emaciated line of her waist as the rain slicked her clothing against her skin. I grinned at the ridiculousness of her casual business attire.

  Lifting one black brow, she glanced down at her ensemble, “You will still die.” Quicker than I could track, she grabbed my throat with her thin fingers and leveraged my body against the wall. Grinning, she whispered, “Once I’m finished with you and your child, I will take the old woman. Then, I will come for your Mate.”

  Pure fury rolled through my chest. Lifting my arm, I gripped her hand as it tightened around my throat. My flames shied away at the foulness of her magic. Left with no other choice, I pulled.


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