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A Billionaire for Ms Snow

Page 6

by Laura Ann

  Quentin raised a brow. “And here you were just complaining about men not being tall enough.”

  Snow laughed lightly, then sucked in a shallow breath. “Boy, is it hot in here?” They slowed down as the music stopped and Snow began to fan herself.

  Quentin looked around. “Not really. But if you need some air, we could always head to one of the doorways.”

  Snow nodded, still fanning her cheeks. “I think that would be good,” she gasped.

  Quentin put an arm around her waist and began steering her toward a balcony.


  “Hmm?” He answered without looking down as he worked to steer them through the crowded room.

  “I’m not going to make it.”

  “Wha-” Quentin shot his gaze down just in time to see Snow start to slump. Quickly, he grabbed her around the waist and held her to him. What in this world? Being as discreet as possible, he held her as he slipped onto the dark balcony.

  Making sure they were alone, Quentin looked down at the unconscious woman in his arms. “Snow? Sweetheart, wake up.” Quentin’s breath became shallow and ragged as he studied to make sure she was still breathing. When he could recognize the slight fall and rise of her chest, he took in a fortifying breath. Putting a trembling hand to Snow’s cheek he caressed her silky, white skin. “Come on, Snow. This is not how I wanted to get you in my arms. Wake up, sweetheart.”

  Snow’s eyes started to flutter, and she blinked them rapidly as she came out of her faint. “What happened?”

  “My dancing skills knocked you out cold,” Quentin said with a small smile.

  Snow narrowed her eyes. “That’s not funny.” Snow was still breathing rapidly, and she looked around, widening her eyes as she realized she was in Quentin’s arms on a deserted balcony. When her open gaze met his, Quentin groaned internally. You’re killing me!

  He rubbed the back of his fingers down her cheek again, sliding them along her jawline. “Not here,” he whispered roughly.

  Snow’s eyebrows shot up, and she struggled out of his arms to stand on her own two feet. After getting free, she began panting again. “I can’t-” she gulped air. “I can’t breathe! Corset!”

  When her eyes began to roll again, Quentin quickly grabbed her, swinging her up into his arms. Spotting some stairs to the yard, he ran down them and hurried to the front of the house. Staying out of sight, he called his chauffeur and arranged a pickup.

  Once he was inside the car with a semi-conscious Snow, he lay her down on her stomach. “Snow, I’m going to have to undo your dress and corset. I promise to be a gentleman, but it’s the only way you’re going to get enough air. Do you understand me?”

  Snow nodded slightly, her head still lolling as if she had had too much to drink.

  Trying to stay calm when all he wanted to do was tear the blasted thing off, Quentin worked his way down the buttons on her back until he could find the strings of her prison. He cursed under his breath when he noted the large knot at the bottom. There is no way my thick fingers can get through that. Quickly his gaze shot around the limo. Spotting a letter opener by his in-car workstation, he grabbed it and slit the strings.

  Immediately, Snow sucked in a large breath, her whole body moving as she gulped in the life saving oxygen. Quentin sat down next to the bench she was lying on and his whole body slumped. Suddenly, a soft hand pressed against his cheek.

  “Thank you,” Snow whispered.

  Quentin grinned. “Next time don’t go to such great lengths to impress me.” He leaned in rubbing his nose against hers. “I already like you the way you are.”

  Snow’s breathing sped back up, but this time it wasn’t as labored. Blast, you idiot! Why do you always create these moments in the worse places? Quentin wanted to kiss Snow, had regretted not doing it before, but he knew they’d be arriving at his house at any moment. And when I kiss her, I don’t want there to be any interruptions.

  “Not here,” he whispered once again as he tucked a free strand of hair behind her ear.

  Snow rolled her eyes and turned her head the other way, muttering as she went. “Men, can’t make up their ridiculous minds.”

  Quentin’s shoulders shook, but he held in the chuckle that wanted to escape. No point in making her angrier.

  They arrived at his house only moments later and Quentin helped Snow out of the car so she could keep her modesty intact.

  Kissing her on the cheek, he led her into the bedroom where her clothes were. “Get dressed in something comfortable and meet me downstairs.”

  Snow gave him a coy look over her shoulder. “Just what did you have in mind?”

  Quentin smirked. “Guess you’ll just have to join me to find out.”

  Snow pursed her lips, narrowed her eyes and studied him. Finally, she nodded her head and closed the door. Quentin let out the breath he didn’t know he had been holding and hurried to his own room to change.


  Snow shimmied out of the dress and threw it and the corset disgustingly on the bed. “Stupid stuff,” she grumbled. “Ruining my childhood dreams.” With a huff, she grabbed her jeans and t-shirt and put them on, then glanced at herself in the mirror.

  Her hair was still piled on top of her head and her makeup in place. Guess that will have to do. She shrugged and walked into the hall and down the stairs.

  When Snow spotted Quentin, her eyes and smile grew wider with every step. He stood at the bottom of the stairs with athletic pants and a t-shirt on, that showed off every muscle of his gigantic frame.

  Quentin looked down at himself and then frowned at her. “What? Is something inside out?”

  Snow shook her head, her smile still in place. “I’ve just never seen you so casual.”

  Vulnerability shot through his eyes. “Is it okay?”

  Snow bravely put her hands on his chest. “I love it,” she said softly.

  One of Quentin’s hotter-than-July smiles broke out on his face. Grabbing her hand, he walked quickly to a sitting room just of the foyer. Good thing I have long legs, or I would never be able to keep up with him. Snow mused as they walked.

  Quentin led them a couch that sat opposite a glowing fireplace, with a huge television mounted on the wall above the cheery flame.

  “Why are we in such a hurry?” Snow said with a laugh as Quentin pulled her to the couch.

  “Because,” he rumbled. Sitting down, he pulled a surprised Snow into his lap.

  She braced herself on his shoulders. “What are you doing?” She asked in a breathy voice.

  “What I’ve wanted to do for a long time, now.” He reached out and cupped her face.

  Snow felt her heart speed up and warm tingles ran through her whole body. His hands were warm and large against her cheeks. She felt safe, warm and feminine in his arms and never wanted it to end.

  She stared into his dark eyes, looking for a sign he felt the same way. “Here?” She finally whispered.

  Quentin’s eyes crinkled at the edges as he leaned in. “Here,” he replied as he closed the distance between them.

  Oh my... His lips were soft and light at first as he tested the waters. But Snow didn’t want slow. I’ve waited longer than any woman should wait. She reached up and put her hands on either side of his head and pulled him in tighter, increasing the pressure of their kiss.

  A groan rumbled through Quentin’s chest and sent shock-waves through Snow as she leaned into him. But Quentin wasn’t about to be a bystander and he quickly took over the situation. One of his hands slid around and held to the back of her head, allowing him to lead her where he wanted her, and providing an opportunity to deepen the kiss. The other arm slid down her back and wrapped around her waist, pulling her in as close as they could get as she sat across his lap.

  A bomb could have exploded in the house and neither would have noticed the intrusion as they lost themselves in each other. After what felt like an eternity and yet, still not long enough, Quentin pulled himself away with a deep groan.
r />   “I have to stop,” his voice was deeper than normal and husky with attraction.

  “I know,” Snow panted as she stared into his eyes. Slowly, she reached out and rubbed her fingertips over his brow and down his jawline. Quentin closed his eyes and leaned his forehead into hers.

  “You’re not helping,” he muttered.

  Snow giggled lightly. “That was a kiss worth waiting for,” she whispered.

  Quentin’s eyes stayed closed as he smiled. “Do you want to stay and watch a movie?”

  Snow’s shoulders fell as she was reminded of what they should have been doing tonight. “I’m sorry I ruined your evening. I’m sure a movie isn’t what you wanted to be doing right now.”

  Quentin straightened. “You didn’t ruin anything! I’m sorry that that blasted corset hurt you. If I had had any idea what it did to a woman, I would never have suggested we go. I mean, my mom wore them every year, so I never thought anything of it.”

  Snow put her finger to his lips to stop his rant. “I must have had it tied too tight, that’s all there is to it. But I’m truly sorry to have taken you away from the ball.”

  Quentin shook his head and kissed her forehead. “I’d rather watch a movie than be at one of those things, anyway.”

  “Really?” Snow was so shocked she jerked back.

  Quentin’s brows furrowed. “Really. Why is that such a surprise?”

  “Well,” Snow chewed her lip. “You’re always so formal, I was starting to think you were born in a suit.” She shrugged. “So I supposed you liked those type of parties and such.”

  Quentin barked out a laugh. “Born in a suit? Really?”

  Snow grinned.

  “Truth is, I prefer what we’re doing right now. Comfy clothes, a warm fire, and a good action flick.” He leaned in as if to impart a secret. “But, I have a reputation to maintain, not to mention most women like the strong, businessman persona I have. I assumed you would feel the same way.”

  “I’m afraid I’m too simple for that. Your strong businessman look is very attractive, but truth be told, I prefer comfy and laid back any day of the week. Wearing a fancy gown once in a while is fun, but not what I want to do all the time.”

  Quentin shook his head. “Then why have you continued to go out with me?”

  Snow fought the smile trying to break free. “Well, Princess said there was no way I could give up until I’d at least gotten a kiss. According to her, it might be a once in a lifetime chance.”

  Quentin stiffened and Snow worried she’d gone too far with her teasing. “And how do you feel now that you’ve gotten it?” He asked.

  Snow debated. Keep teasing? Or tell him the truth? Something I said really bothers him. But what? She stomped down the nerves in her stomach and reached a trembling hand up to run her fingers through his glorious hair. Bringing her hand around to his jaw she brought her mouth to his. “Now, I’d say the kisses alone are a good reason to stay.” She kissed him lightly before pulling back, hoping he could tell what she wasn’t saying.

  “That’ll do for now,” he mumbled before grabbing her and bringing her back in for more.

  QUENTIN HAD NEVER FELT such contentment. Here he was, slouched back into the couch cushions with his feet on the coffee table. Snow was snuggled into his side with her head resting on his chest. He loved the ambiance the fire gave to the room, but tonight, it was almost too warm with Snow’s occasional kisses heating him from the inside out. On the large screen in front of him, explosions and gunfire ricocheted around the hero as he worked to stop the bad guys. A man could get used to this.

  Snow shifted slightly and Quentin looked down, realizing she had fallen asleep. He studied her stunning features as she slept, fighting the temptation to trace her rosebud lips.

  Why the heck is she still here? Since we’ve started dating she’s been almost mugged, fainted from a tight corset and has now officially been kissed. He shook his head. And she acts like she still wants more. Whatever this curse is, it’s gunning right at her, but she won’t back down. He blew out a breath. Will it ever stop? If she rides it out, will it eventually leave us alone?

  Quentin sat and pondered his conundrum while Snow dreamed, but he found himself no closer to an answer than he had originally been.

  He turned his head when the grandfather clock in the foyer chimed the hour. “Midnight? Really?” He muttered. With a sigh, he reached down and ran his finger over Snow’s face.

  “Snow?” He whispered.

  “Hmmm?” She stirred, turning toward his finger as it outlined her features.

  Quentin worked to hold in a chuckle. She’s like a cuddly, little kitten. “Snow, sweetheart, it’s midnight. I should probably get you home.”

  Snow’s eyes fluttered and eventually blinked open. She stared straight at him and Quentin felt his breath catch as he imagined seeing those deep eyes every morning.

  “Hi,” Snow said softly with a smile.

  “Hi, yourself,” Quentin rumbled. “Are you ready to go?”

  Snow sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Sure, let me grab my bag.”

  Quentin felt the loss of her warmth keenly as she stood and padded toward the doorway. Quickly, he stood and followed her. To his surprise, Mrs. Peabody waited in the foyer with Snow’s bag.

  “Oh, thank you, Mrs. Peabody,” he said as he took the bag from her. “I didn’t expect you to wait up for us.”

  Mrs. Peabody glared at Quentin with her hands on her hips, then shot her eyes toward Snow. “Someone had to play chaperone.”

  Quentin raised a brow. “Oh, well thank you. But I’m pretty sure we’re old enough to be okay.”

  Mrs. Peabody rolled her eyes, threw up her hands and stomped toward her room at the back of the house.

  Quentin felt his cheeks heat as he looked at Snow. “Sorry,” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sometimes I think she hasn’t ever changed from looking at me as the same teenage boy I was when my parents died.”

  Snow smiled sweetly. “I think it’s great that she looks out for you.”

  Quentin stepped in close. “Even if she plays chaperone?”

  Snow tilted back her head to look him in the eye. “Especially then.”

  Quentin made a dramatic showing of looking around the room. “Well, our chaperone appears to have disappeared. What should we do?”

  Snow bit her lips between her teeth as she worked to hold in a giggle. “Probably should take me home before we get in trouble.”

  Quentin leaned down. “Oh, you’re trouble all right.” He pressed his lips to her in a sweet kiss. It took more effort than it should to hold back from pulling her into his arms and taking this back to the couch. But once I get started, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.

  Straightening, he took her hand and after they slipped on their shoes, he walked her to her car.

  After opening her door, he helped her sit down, then put her bag in the back. “When can I see you again?” He asked as he closed the back door.

  Snow smiled. “Outside of work, my schedule is fairly open. When did you have in mind?”

  Quentin grinned. “Tomorrow?”


  Quentin nodded.

  Snow shrugged. “I need some beauty sleep, but then I’ll be free.”

  Quentin ran a knuckle down her cheek. “I think you’ve already had plenty of beauty-rest.” He watched, resisting the urge to puff out his chest, as her cheeks heated at his words. “Can I call you around lunchtime?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Snow’s voice was quiet and breathy.

  Reluctantly, Quentin forced himself to back away from her door. “Good night, Snow.”

  “Good night, Quentin.”

  Quentin closed the door and stepped back even further. The cold, night air nipped at him as he stood watching her drive away. He stood rooted to the spot until he began to shiver, then with one last huff of white air, he headed inside, already knowing he would have trouble calming his mind enough to sleep.


  Snow puttered around her apartment, doing her best to waste time the next morning. With a frustrated huff she threw herself down on the couch “Should have told him to call earlier,” she grumbled to herself.

  Try as she might, Snow could not get her mind off of Quentin and the time they spent together last night. “It’s amazing he still wants to see me, after that stupid corset fiasco.” She shook her head. “How did women live in those things? Scarlett O’Hara must have learned how to not breathe.” Snow let her mind wander to after the dance. “Good thing Quentin knew how to kiss it better.” She giggled like a schoolgirl, reveling in the remembered sensations of their time together.

  Sheesh. I’m acting like Princess.

  Snow jumped when there was a bang on her door. “Who is that?” She stood and tried to slow the speed of her heart at the thought that Quentin had come instead of called.

  Opening the door, she did her best to act pleased to see her neighbors. “Hello, Pete. Repeat. What are you two up to today?”

  Pete looked slyly as his twin before he answered. “Nothing. Just thought maybe we would come to keep you company.”

  Snow narrowed her eyes, immediately suspicious. “Keep me company, huh? What makes you think I need company?”

  Pete and Repeat’s eyes got wide. “You live by yourself. Of course, you need company,” Pete stated matter-of-factly.

  Snow chuckled. “True enough.” She opened the door wider. “Come on in, boys.” I’ll probably regret this.

  An hour later she was definitely regretting it as the boys finished putting the first batch of cookies in the oven. “Whew,” she said, looking around at her disaster of a kitchen. “So,” she glanced down at the boys as they watched the oven like hawks. “Who’s going to help me clean up this mess?”

  The boys looked at each other with panic in their eyes. “Uh, I don’t think we should do that,” Pete said.

  “Yeah. We shouldn’t do that,” Repeat stated.

  Snow put her hands on her hips. “Why not? You helped make the mess, you should help clean it up.”


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