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A Billionaire for Ms Snow

Page 7

by Laura Ann

  Pete stood up straight and slung his arm around his brother. “Well, yes, see. We aren’t very good with breakable things.”

  “Right,” Repeat said.

  “We’d probably break your dishes if we tried to help.”

  “Right,” Repeat said again.

  Snow pursed her lips and pretended to think about it. “Well, you make a good point, but I think I’m willing to take the risk.”

  Pete and Repeat groaned loudly but didn’t say much else when she directed them toward the sink of dirty dishes.

  After a couple of minutes, Snow felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Quickly, she grabbed it and looked to see who had texted. Her grin was wide as she saw a message from Quentin.

  Did you get that beauty-rest you wanted?

  I don’t know. You might have to come to see for yourself.

  Oh, I already know without seeing. I told you last night you didn’t need any beauty rest.

  You say that now, but if you saw me with black bags under my eyes, you might think differently.

  You’d still be beautiful.

  Snow put her hand to her cheek and sucked in a breath.

  I wish I was there to see your pink cheeks.

  Snow bit her lip at his flirtatious comment, then decided to be bold back.

  No one is stopping you from coming over.

  No one, huh? Is that an invitation?

  I’m just about to take chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. Is that enough incentive?

  Just see you was enough, but I’d never turn down warm chocolate. Be there in a few.

  I look forward to it.

  “Ahh!” Snow cried out when she got hit in the face with a splash of soapy water. “Pete! Repeat! What are you doing?”

  “Sorry, Ms. Snow! It got away from us,” Pete yelled.

  “The water got away from you?”

  “Yeah.” Pete’s face was deadly serious.

  “Yeah,” Repeat said, living up to his nickname.

  Snow shook her head and forced a stern look on her face. “No horsing around gentlemen, get those dishes done. We’ve got company coming.”

  Pete looked at her sideways as he handed another dish to his brother. “Who?”

  “Mr. Gruffman.”

  The boys’ eyes got wide. “The giant?” They said in unison.

  Snow pointed a finger at them. “Yes. The giant. And just remember, if you don’t behave, giants eat little boys.”

  The boys looked at each other and then jumped back to the dishes with renewed vigor.

  Snow bit her lip to keep from laughing and then grabbed a towel to help dry while she waited for Quentin to arrive.

  QUENTIN RUBBED HIS sweaty palms on his jeans as he walked up to Snow’s apartment. His brows furrowed as he heard yelling and realized it was coming from her door, not the neighbor's like he would have suspected.


  Too worried now to be nervous, he hurriedly checked the door and stormed inside. “What’s going on? Snow? Are you alright?”

  Snow was nowhere to be seen, but two small, blond heads peeked over the sofa at him. “Ahh! It’s the giant!” One of the boys yelled before ducking back down. His sidekick yelled and followed.

  Snow came rushing from the direction of the bathroom. “What is going on out here?”

  Quentin caught her eye and put his fingers to his lips, then pointed to the couch.

  Snow winked and leaned against the wall with her arms folded, ready to watch the fun.

  Quentin walked quietly up to the front of the sofa. With a rush, he leaned down so he could see behind the couch and growled loudly.

  “AHHHH!” Two little boys screamed at the top of their lungs and darted down the hall, slamming the bathroom door behind them.

  “I probably shouldn’t find that funny,” Snow said between laughter, “but not much startles those two. They are usually the ones creating the mischief, not getting burned by it.”

  Quentin chuckled. “Hopefully, I didn’t scare them too badly, but I’ll admit I couldn’t quite help myself when they called me a giant.” He walked over to where Snow still leaned against the wall.

  She tilted her head back to look at him. “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hi,” he rumbled back. Watching her eyes to make sure she was okay with it, he slowly leaned down and then pressed his lips to hers in a light kiss.

  Snow’s eyes were still closed when he pulled back. “I could get used to that kind of greeting,” she said, her voice still soft as she opened her eyes to look at him.

  He stayed close to her, not ready to give up the warmth after missing her all night. “I would have given you a better greeting, but figured I shouldn’t push it with the littles just around the corner.”

  Snow’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “Might be fun to see their reactions, but you’re probably right. Best not to push it.”

  Quentin growled playfully and rubbed his nose along her cheek. “Don’t tempt me, woman. I didn’t realize a second-grade teacher could be so naughty.”

  Snow laughed lightly, then pushed him away and walked towards the kitchen. “Come on, let’s get you some cookies and maybe the smell will draw out the trouble-makers.”

  Feeling like a smitten puppy, Quentin followed her to the table where a plate of warm cookies sat.

  While Quentin sat down, Snow went to the cupboard and got him a glass, which she proceeded to fill with milk, then seated herself across the table from him. “Go ahead,” she pushed the plate in his direction. “Help yourself.”

  When was the last time anyone took the time to bake you fresh cookies, just because? Someone other than your elderly housekeeper? When Quentin couldn’t answer the question, he put it out of his head, determined to enjoy the gift. “Mmm... these are delicious!” He moaned as his swallowed his first bite.

  Snow smiled, clearly enjoying his reaction. “They better be. Those two boys used just about every dish in my kitchen to make them.”

  Quentin’s brows shot up. “Those two helped make these? Huh. I’m impressed.”

  Snow shrugged. “Helped might be a bit strong, but they were definitely involved.”

  Quentin chuckled as a movement in the hallway caught his eye. He looked at Snow and tilted his head toward the twins.

  Snow turned. “Hey, kiddos. Ready to have a cookie?”

  They peered warily around the corner.

  “Better hurry before the giant eats them all, he has a pretty good appetite.”

  Two sets of eyes got wide before the boys darted into the kitchen and grabbed the plate. “See ya!” Pete yelled as they dashed out the door and into their own apartment.

  “Well!” Snow crossed her arms. “That’s gratitude for you.”

  Quentin smiled. “At least I got one down before they left. I sure hope they plan to share that plate.”

  “I’m sure they don’t if I know those two.” Snow grinned and stood up as an oven timer went off. “But don’t worry. They didn't get them all.”

  It took no time at all for Snow to have a fresh plate in front of Quentin. “I could get used to this,” he said in between bites. He held in a smile as he watched a delicious blush creep up Snow’s neck and cheeks. “Did you have any plans for the day?” He asked. “Would you like to go get lunch? Or maybe have it at my house?”

  Snow quirked an eyebrow. “You’re still hungry after eating a bunch of cookies?” She pointed to the plate. “I think you’ve taken down almost a dozen.”

  Quentin rested his arms on the table and leaned in. “I’m a giant, remember? I can always eat.”

  Snow giggled. “Well, at least you’re a friendly giant.” She stood up. “Your house would be lovely. I’d rather have a quiet day if that’s all right.”

  Quentin stood and extended his hand. “That sounds wonderful.”

  It took no time at all for them to arrive at Quentin’s house and after parking the car, he hurried around to open Snow’s door. He took her hand, enjoying the soft feel of her delicate fi
ngers encased in his. Maybe I’m not cursed after all.

  He led the two of them into the kitchen. Looking back over his shoulder he asked, “Are you okay with us just grabbing our own food? I didn’t tell Mrs. Peabody you were coming over, so she’s not really prepared for guests.”

  Snow laughed lightly. “It’s stranger to me to have someone else fix it,” she said with a smile. “Believe it or not, I’ve been getting my own lunch for years.”

  Quentin chuckled and opened the fridge door. “Looks like we have some meat and cheese. How about a sandwich?”

  “Perfect. What can I help with?”

  Quentin directed her over to the cabinets to grab bread and chips while he pulled out all the cold ingredients.

  They stood at the counter, their shoulders brushing as they worked to create a small meal. Quentin found himself itching to wrap his arm around her or touch her soft, pale skin. She is so unlike any woman I have ever met.

  Snow finished piling the last of the food on the china plates and beamed up at Quentin. “Ready?” She asked.

  Quentin nodded and the two of them headed towards the bar seating.

  He startled when Snow reached over and touched his forearm. “Do you mind if we say grace, first?”

  I haven’t prayed since I was a kid. Quentin shook his head and watched Snow fold her arms. Quickly, he shut his eyes as she softly spoke, before popping them open again when she finished.

  “Mmm... this is good. Thank you,” Snow said around a mouthful of food.

  Quentin smiled. “Anytime.”

  Lunch was a fairly quiet affair, but after they finished and pushed away their plates, the conversation picked up.

  “How are your kids treating you?” Quentin asked.

  “Oh, they’re fine. I love teaching and second graders are such fun. It’s usually about this time that their reading really starts to pick up.” She took a sip of her water. “It’s wonderful to watch them start reading real stories and then have them share what they read.”

  Quentin grinned. “Your students must love you, it’s obvious you really want to be there. It isn’t just a paycheck for you.”

  Snow quirked a brow. “If it was just a paycheck, there were many ways to make more money for less work.”

  Quentin huffed. “True.” He couldn’t help himself. Reaching out one finger, he traced it along the back of her hand, slowly drawing patterns on her arm and wrist.

  Looking up, he noticed Snow’s cheeks were bright pink, again. He chuckled then ran his finger along the blush. “Have you always blushed so easily?”

  Snow scrunched up her face. “With skin this white, there was no choice. I’m only red for two reasons. Sunburn or blush. I work hard to stay out of the sun so that leaves blushing.” She sighed. “Oh well, it’s just who I am, I suppose.”

  Quentin leaned in. “I think you have beautiful skin.” His eyes followed his finger as it slid back down her arm.

  “T-thank you,” Snow said hoarsely, then cleared her throat.

  His eyes shot up to hers at the husky tone in her voice. Once locked, he was unable to look away. She was like a tractor beam and he was helpless to pull away.

  He slowly leaned in, savoring the tension between them.

  “Quentin! Where—” Mrs. Peabody shouted as she banged into the kitchen. “Oh!” She cried as Quentin and Snow jumped apart, both of their faces sporting red cheeks now.

  Quentin felt a shot of guilt hit him before he straightened in his chair. We are two adults, we weren’t doing anything wrong. “Yes, Mrs. Peabody? Did you need something?” He rested his hand on Snow’s arm, worried she might pull away at being caught by his housekeeper.

  Mrs. Peabody narrowed her eyes for a moment before pasting a smile on her face that didn’t meet her eyes. What is that? He shook off his thoughts. We must have just surprised her.

  “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. The Mayor is on line two and is waiting to speak to you.” Mrs. Peabody explained as she straightened the wrinkles out of her dress.

  Quentin frowned. “On a Sunday?”

  The housekeeper shrugged. “Maybe it’s the only time he has to talk?” She looked down and mumbled under her breath. “Never did like that man.”

  Quentin held back the laugh that wanted to escape. Sometimes Mrs. Peabody fulfilled the role of ‘crotchety old woman’ a little too well.

  “Please tell him I will be there momentarily,” Quentin requested before turning back to Snow. “Sorry,” he whispered softly while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “It’s fine,” she whispered back, her eyes never leaving his. “I’ll just have your driver take me home so you can work as you need to.” She paused and looked backed, slightly panicked. “I mean if that’s okay? I wasn’t trying to take advantage of your staff or things.”

  Quentin smiled. “It’s absolutely fine. You are welcome to the use any of my staff or things. Although, I wish you didn’t have to go. Can I make it up to you next weekend?”

  “I’d like that,” Snow said with a smile.

  Quentin stood and walked her to the door where he discovered his driver already waiting. Mrs. Peabody is always one step ahead.

  After seeing Snow off, he walked to his office where Mrs. Peabody was waiting. Before taking the phone he spoke to his housekeeper. “I’d like to send Ms. White a gift this week. Would you arrange that, please?”

  Mrs. Peabody put her arms behind her back. “What did you have in mind, sir?”

  Quentin quirked a brow at the ‘sir’. “I don’t know, some little luxury that women like. You’d probably know better than I would.”

  Mrs. Peabody nodded curtly, then stomped out of the room. Quentin shook his head as she went, trying not to laugh at her antics. Then pulled in a deep breath as he braced himself for the mayor.


  “Oh!” Snow’s hands shot up to cover her mouth. Excitement and pleasure rolled through her chest as she stood in the doorway of her apartment. “Really? It’s for me?”

  The delivery man’s eyebrows shot up. “Uh, yeah. You’re Willow White, right?”

  Snow nodded vigorously. “Yes. Yes, I am. Oh, my goodness.” She reached out and took the large basket from the young man. “Thank you, so much. I’ve never gotten a gift like this before.”

  The delivery guy, who looked to be in his late teens pursed his lips and nodded slowly. “Great. Well, have fun.” He spun on his heel and rushed down the stairs of the apartment complex before Snow could say anything else.

  Snow bit her lips between her teeth in an effort to reign in her excitement. It must be from Quentin. No one else would send me something like this.

  Setting the basket down, she searched through the decorative plastic to find a card.

  “Dear Ms. White,

  I hope you enjoy the gift.

  Mr. Quentin Gruffman.”

  Snow snorted. “Sheesh. That was romantic.” She rolled her eyes and set the card down. “But who cares!” She squealed as she opened it up. Inside, she found an array of luxury goods. “Oh wow, fancy chocolate...” She set them down. “Don’t let Tia see those. Ooh, a loofa... bath salts... oh! A bath bomb!” She picked it up and smelled it. Heavenly! “I’ve always wanted to try one of those,” she murmured as she set it down and continued to look through the gift package. After several minutes, she sat down at and admired the bounty. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever been so spoiled.”

  Snow glanced at the time on her phone, pursed her lips and bobbed her head from side to side. “It’s not too late, is it?” She smiled. “Nah.” Grabbing the bath bomb, she darted into the bathroom and began filling the tub.

  Waiting until the tub was soaking depth, Snow unwrapped the sweet smelling ball. The wrapping slid off easily in her hands. “Nice! Usually, this kind of stuff is almost impossible to open.” She dropped it in the water where it immediately began fizzing and sending out dark waves of green and black through the water. “Whoa, that’s crazy.” Excited, she dipped her to
e in and slowly slid her body into the warm, effervescent water.

  “Ah... so this is what all the fuss is about.” Snow bent her knees and nestled down to her chin, enjoying the silky, bubbly feel the bath bomb was creating.

  Snow lost track of time as she soaked. The fizzing had stopped a while ago and now the water was starting to cool off. She sighed. “Time to get up and rinse off, I suppose,” she muttered.

  Snow leaned up and pulled the plug, waiting in the tub while the water drained. Wait, a second. Her eyes widened as the water went down and Snow realized her skin was a mottled stain of green and black. Her brow puckered. “Surely, this will come off with a good scrub. Right?” She rubbed a finger across her arm but the stain remained.

  Panicked, Snow jumped up and turned on the shower, barely holding back a scream as cold water shot out of the faucet head. Huddling in a corner of the shower, she waited until the water was warm, then stood in the middle and began scrubbing for all she was worth.

  A half hour later, Snow emerged from the shower, her skin stinging and raw but still green and black.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She plopped down on top of the toilet, wrapped in her towel. “How does something like this happen? There’s no way it was supposed to do that. People wouldn’t use them if they dyed your skin.” Snow bit her lip, trying to hold tears at bay. Every part of her, other than her face was colored by the water. Her normally white skin seemed to be the perfect canvas of what looked like a kindergartner's art project.

  Tears blurred her vision as she stumbled out of the bathroom and grabbed her phone from the table in her kitchen. Hitting one of the speed dial numbers, she held the phone to her ear and waited.

  “Hello?” Came the perky voice on the other end.


  “Snow! Hey girlie, how are you?” Goldie’s voice picked up as she recognized her caller.

  “Not so good.”

  Goldie gasped.

  “I think I need your help.”

  “Spell it out, Snow. What’s wrong. I can hop in my car right now.”

  “Wait, I might need you to bring some supplies.” Snow went on to explain the situation to Goldie, who was the Art Department head at Middleton Prep. If she can get paint off her hands on a daily basis, hopefully, she can get this color off my skin.


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