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A Billionaire for Ms Snow

Page 9

by Laura Ann

  “Snow... Willow,” he said softly.

  Her eyes shot up to his, a peculiar look on her face.

  Quentin paused, noticing Snow’s face was turning a deep shade of red. “Are you all right?” He reached out an arm to her.

  Snow grabbed him with one arm and her throat with the other. Her eyes widened and Quentin could see her begin to panic. “Allergy!” She said hoarsely. Her breath was becoming labored and Quentin jumped from his seat.

  “Snow!” He yelled. “WATSON!” He bellowed at the top of his lungs.

  The elderly butler burst through the diningroom door.

  “She’s having some kind of reaction. Get an ambulance here, now!” Quentin pulled Snow in to his arms and gently laid her on the floor as she continued to struggle for breath. He gently brushed his palm over her head while gripping one of her hands. “It’s going to be okay, sweetheart. It’s going to be okay. Help is on the way.” Fear and panic fought for a grip in him, but he ruthlessly pushed them away. Pulling on his years of experience in the boardroom, he kept a confident, strong mask on his face, even while his insides were shredding.

  Quentin heard the door open behind him again but when Watson didn’t approach, he looked over his shoulder. No one was there. Shoot. Where is everyone?

  “Watson!” Quentin yelled again.

  “They’ll be here any minute, sir,” Watson said quickly as he darted into the room.

  Please, hurry. Please, hurry. Don’t let her be die.

  Looking back down at Snow again, he noticed her face was starting to swell and her breathing even more shallow. “Hang on, sweetheart. Help is on its way.” He nearly threw his fist into something when her eyes began to roll back into her head, but before he lost control, EMT’s burst into the room.

  “Stand aside, we need room, please,” one of the men pushed Quentin out of the way.

  After Quentin explained the situation, the men put Snow on the gurney and shot out of the room and house, turning on the siren as they headed toward the hospital.

  Quentin stood in the doorway, feeling lost as he watched them drive away.

  “Come Quentin,” Mrs. Peabody said kindly from behind him. “Let’s get you settled for bed.”

  Her voice shocked Quentin out of his stupor. “No,” he said firmly, while spinning on his heel. “I’m going to the hospital.”

  If he hadn’t been looking right at her, Quentin would have missed the flash of emotion that ran through Mrs. Peabody’s eyes. It had looked suspiciously like anger. I’m seeing things. I’m sure she’s just as concerned as I am.

  “I doubt you’ll be much help as the hospital, Quentin. Lots of waiting and crowds. Best to let the doctors handle it. It’s not as if you were serious about her, anyway.” She tried to take his arm, but he pulled it back.

  “Mrs. Peabody, you’ve been like a mother to me and my brothers and I greatly appreciate that and your caring concern. But Snow is the woman I plan to marry and I have every intention of being there for her at the hospital while she recovers.” If she will let me anywhere near her after this.

  Without bothering to grab a coat, Quentin left Mrs. Peabody and Watson standing in the foyer and ran to the garage, grabbing the first set of keys he could find and spinning out of the driveway at a reckless speed.

  This whole drive his mind rehashed the events of the evening. “She said allergy. Was she allergic to something in the crème brûlée? I know she’s allergic to almonds. But there aren’t any in crème brûlée. Are there?” He skidded for a moment and his already racing heart seemed to stop completely while he regained control.

  “Steady, Gruffman. You won’t do her any good if you arrive on the next gurney.” He forced himself to slow down just enough to stay in control of his vehicle. That blasted curse just won’t leave me alone. Will Snow even want to see me?

  He had meant the words he said to Mrs. Peabody, but he also loved Snow too much to force himself on her. If she wanted him to stay away-which she should for her own safety- then he would stay away. For the first time on his own, Quentin prayed.


  Snow put her hand to her chest and joyed in the fact that each breath was getting easier and deeper. The doctors had shot her full of epinephrine and even though her reaction was clearing quickly, it still felt like it had been a long time since she had filled her lungs.

  “Snow!” Quentin’s deep voice rumbled from the hallway and her heart skipped a beat.

  He came! “I’m in here, Quentin,” she couldn’t help the large smile that spread across her face as a very rumpled Quentin burst into the open doorway.

  Quentin’s eyes shot around the room, gauging everything before coming to rest on her. The relief in his eyes was clearly evident as his stern expression melted off his face. Snow reached out her hand to him and Quentin quickly stepped next to her, gripping her like a lifeline. His eyes roamed over her whole body and though Snow knew he was assessing any damage, she couldn’t help but feel warm and tingly at his perusal.

  “I’m fine, Quentin,” she said, drawing his eyes back to her face.

  Quentin cleared his throat, his eyes dropping as well as his hands. “I’m so sorry, Snow. I don’t even know what exactly happened.”

  Snow huffed. “There must have been some kind of almond extract in that dessert.” She clenched her fist. “That’s the only thing I’m allergic to that would have sent me into anaphylactic shock.” She tucked her head down to try to catch Quentin’s eyes, but he refused to look at her. With a frown, she reached out and put her hand on his cheek, raising his face. “Accidents happen, Quentin. I should have had my epipen on me, but I was so flustered at how handsome you looked when you picked me up that I left it at home.” She smiled, trying to pull him out of his melancholy.

  Quentin’s depressed expression never changed. “My curse has followed me for years, Snow,” he rumbled. “You’ve lasted the longest, but I can’t keep asking you to put yourself in danger.”

  Snow jerked back and scowled. “What curse? What are you talking about?”

  Quentin deflated even more and rubbed his hand over his face several times. “I seem to be cursed in love.” He closed his eyes and shook his head. “For years, every time I have attempted to date a woman, weird things have happened. Little things. A waiter spilling wine on her brand new dress. Her tripping at my house and hurting her ankle. Stuff like that. I just never seemed to be able to get through a date without something going wrong.” He paused and seemed to steel himself. “But even if the lady stuck around, there was always the final blow.” His dark eyes looked up and bore into Snow’s.

  She couldn’t help the jealousy that ran through her as she thought about Quentin with other women. She knew he had a life before they met, but it wasn’t necessarily something she wanted to discuss with him. He doesn’t usually open up so much. He deserves you to hear him out even if it does hurt. She gripped the bedrail hard to keep from trembling as he continued to talk.

  “Whenever I...” He cleared his throat. “Whenever I got to the point where I kissed a woman, she always broke up with me the next day.”

  Snow’s eyebrows shot up. “What?”

  Quentin slowly nodded. “Without fail. At least the last half dozen relationships have ended that way.”

  Snow tilted her head and furrowed her brows. “But why? That makes no sense. You’re a wonderful man and...” She cleared her throat and looked away, her cheeks flaming. “I, uh, certainly don’t find anything lacking in your kisses,” she said lightly, picking at the blanket that had been set over her.

  Glancing sideways at Quentin, she almost grinned as she watched him straighten in his chair at her comment. It only took a moment for him to crumple again.

  “As kind as your words are, the story is true. Not one woman has stuck around.” He looked at her again. “Except you.”

  Snow felt her cheeks heat again and she couldn’t help but reach out and put her palm to his cheek.

  Quentin put his large hand over
hers, holding her in place. “But it seems the curse is escalating. Tonight it nearly took your life.” He shook his head. “I’ll understand if you feel you need to back out.”

  Snow stilled, panic shooting through her. “Is that what you want? For me to back out?” How do I tell him I’ve fallen in love with him? Is he trying to give me an out? Or himself?

  Quentin slowly shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers. “It doesn’t matter what I want. You hold the power here, Snow.”

  Stinkin’ man. Why can’t he say what’s on his mind? I’m not going to force myself on him if he doesn’t want me, regardless of how I feel. Another voice sounded in her head. It’s not like you’re being very open with your feelings either... or your suspicions. Snow sighed. Right. Maybe I’m the one who needs to man up.

  Looking back up at Quentin, she realized he had gone quiet and stiff. Her silence had obviously scared him and that thought gave her hope. Maybe he feels something for me after all.

  “Quentin, I have something I need to tell you. But before I get into it, you need to know that I have no plans of leaving. Not unless you want me to.” Her nerves got the best of her and her eyes fell to her lap. “I’m not sure I’d survive at this point. I mean... I won’t force myself on you, but—”

  Snow was interrupted by Quentin’s mouth as it crashed into hers. Quickly, she sighed and melted into his touch, loving the warmth and affection he spread through her.

  Pulling back just enough to look her in the eye, Quentin spoke. “I love you, Willow White. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I’ve struggled with what to do about it. I don’t know why these accidents plague me or my love life, but I love you and don’t want you to go. If you’re willing to stick it out with me, I’ll do my best to protect you.”

  Tears pricked Snow’s eyes and she couldn’t help the few that trickled down her cheeks. “I love you too, Quentin Gruffman.” She let out a watery giggle. “And I don’t believe in curses. Sometimes life is crazy and sometimes it’s dull.” She shrugged. “But I love you too much to run just because of a couple of accidents.”

  A smirked crossed Quentin’s face as he leaned his mouth down next to hers. “Are you sure my kisses aren’t going to drive you away?”

  His warm breath washed over her and Snow felt a delicious shiver run down her spine. “You’re not going to forget I said that, are you?” She teased.

  “Not in a million years,” Quentin whispered before closing the small gap between them.

  They were interrupted only moments later when the attending doctor entered the room. Quentin and Snow reluctantly pulled apart from each other, but Quentin stayed by her side, holding her hand as they looked toward the red-faced doctor.

  The physician flipped through a couple of pages on his tablet before looking up. “I see you’re feeling better,” he said with a small grin.

  Snow nearly rolled her eyes as Quentin puffed up like a proud peacock, instead, she tried to control the blush that was creeping up her neck at having been caught making out with her boyfriend.

  “Yes, thank you,” she murmured.

  “I’m glad to hear it. Your reaction seems to be under control. Do you know what you ate that caused it?”

  “I’m allergic to almonds,” Snow answered.

  “Ah. That’ll do it. If you were aware of this why did you eat them?”

  Snow shook her head. “I was eating a dessert that shouldn’t have contained almonds. There had to have been some kind of extract in it that I was unaware of.” She saw Quentin frown, and she squeezed his hand, hoping he didn’t blame himself.

  The doctor nodded. “It happens, I suppose. Try to be more careful in the future.” He glanced at his computer again and back up at her. “I think you’re fine to go home. If you start to feel ill again, please come straight back, but otherwise, I’ll have them work on your discharge papers.”

  “That would be great, thank you,” Snow said with a smile.

  The doctor nodded and turned to leave the room.

  “Huh,” Quentin huffed as the doctor left. “I thought for sure they would keep you overnight.” He studied her. “I would feel better if you weren’t alone tonight. You can sleep at the house.”

  Snow frowned as her cheeks turned red. “Once it’s under control, I’m fine. Usually, I don’t even come in when I have a reaction, just give myself a shot and wait for a bit.”

  Quentin growled. “You weren’t able to breathe, Snow. You talk about it like it’s no big deal. What if you have some kind of delayed reaction?” He took her hands. “Look, Watson and Mrs. Peabody both sleep at the house. We’ll have chaperones on site, so no funny business.” He put one hand in the air. “But it would make me feel much better if you were there.”

  Snow smiled reassuringly. “It’s always scary when I react, but they really don’t happen all that often. I’m usually pretty careful. I’m sorry I was caught off guard tonight. I’ll be more diligent in the future.”

  “I know, but please just allow me this.”

  Snow finally nodded. “Fine. But I’m trusting you to keep my reputation safe.”

  Quentin’s mouth twitched, but he nodded solemnly. “Absolutely.”

  QUENTIN GROANED AND grabbed a nearby chair, dragging it next to the bed as close as he could get. Once settled he looked at Snow again. “You said earlier there was something you wanted to talk to me about. Ready to do that now? It usually takes them a while to do the paperwork.”

  He saw Snow swallow hard and his heart began to hammer. Easy. She’s already told you she loves you. It’s not like she’s going to take it back. It has to be something else.

  He worked to regulate his breathing as his imagination ran wild with possibilities.

  Snow kept her eyes on the blanket in her lap, pulling at a loose thread as she softly spoke. “You’ve, uh, told me before that Mrs. Peabody is like a mother to you.”

  Quentin nodded when she paused, unsure where she was going with this.

  “Will you tell me a bit about her?”

  Quentin felt a smile drift across his face and he settled back into his chair. She’s just curious about your childhood, no big deal. Relief passed through him as he spoke. “My parents died when I was a teenager, just barely eighteen. Car crash. Mrs. Peabody had already been working for us at that point. But the boys and I were left adrift. Although I was a legal adult, I barely knew how to take care of myself and wasn’t prepared to handle two other grieving teenage boys.” Quentin stretched his neck before he continued. “The court assigned me as legal guardian. Obviously, we had enough money for me to take care of my brothers and even if I had no idea how to be a parent, I didn’t want us split up. As we struggled to find our equilibrium, Mrs. Peabody became more than just a housekeeper. She stepped into a mothering role. Helped guide and teach us boys through each stage of life we hit in her care. I was taking college classes, grieving my parents, learning the ins and outs of my father’s company and trying to be a parent all at the same time.” Quentin grinned and shook his head. “It was impossible for me to handle it all. Mrs. Peabody was a godsend. I honestly couldn’t have survived, all three of us couldn’t have survived, without her.”

  Snow chewed her lip and Quentin fought the desire to nibble on it himself. He could see she was struggling with something and he wanted to afford her the opportunity to speak her mind.

  “Did.” Snow cleared her throat. “Did Mrs. Peabody dress your mother when she used to go to the Mayor’s Ball?”

  “Yes,” Quentin felt his brows scrunch. That’s an odd question.

  Snow nodded. “And she was the one who ordered the gift basket?”

  “Yes,” Quentin spoke slower this time, not liking where his thoughts were taking him.

  Snow pinched her lips until they were white before she spoke. “Did she make the dessert tonight?”

  Quentin pulled his hand out of hers and crossed his arms. “Yes. But you’re wrong.”

  Snow mimicked his stance. “You don’t fi
nd it odd that she’s been involved in every ‘accident’,” Snow used her fingers to make quotation marks, “we’ve had?”

  Quentin shook his head. “No. I think she’s been just as much of a victim as us. She would never hurt me. Plus, she couldn’t have had anything to do with Jett trying to steal from you.”

  Snow mumbled under her breath but Quentin couldn’t understand it. “Just say it, Snow. Let’s get this out in the open.” His voice had gone dark, and he worked to hold in his frustration.

  Snow’s shoulders slumped, and she put up her hands. “Maybe it’s not you that she’s trying to hurt,” she said softly.

  Quentin felt his back stiffen, and he slowly shook his head. “I know you’ve had a rough night, Snow, but Mrs. Peabody was just as concerned as I was when I left to come to the hospital. She’s not responsible for any of this.” Even if she did try to get me to stay home. She was just worried about me.

  Snow’s bottom lip began to tremble. “I’m sorry. You’re right. It has been a long evening and I suppose my brain isn’t functioning quite right.” Snow’s glassy eyes looked at Quentin and she gave an almost grin. “Too little oxygen, perhaps?”

  Quentin scowled.

  “Too soon?” Snow asked with a watery grin.

  “Too soon,” Quentin grumbled.

  “I’m sorry.” The tears that had been sitting in her eyes began to fall down her cheeks and Quentin just about died inside.

  “Ah, Snow, don’t do that.” He stood up and perched himself on the side of her bed. Wrapping his arms around her. “After a good night’s rest, you’ll see more clearly. Mrs. Peabody loves you and is excited we are together. She’s a sweet, older woman who would never do anything to hurt me or the people I love.”

  “Okay,” Snow sniffled as she burrowed in his arms.

  Quentin gave her a squeeze. “It’s going to be okay, just hang in there, sweetheart.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, then continued to rest his lips in her hair as he soothed her tears.


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