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A Billionaire for Ms Snow

Page 10

by Laura Ann


  The next morning, Snow woke up, feeling slightly disoriented. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before looking around the unfamiliar room. As she remembered the night before, a small smile escaped and she plopped back into the pillows, snuggling in like a burrowing animal. “This is way better than a hospital bed,” she murmured to herself.

  After a few more minutes of relaxing, she began to get antsy and stood up. After heading to the bathroom to take care of her morning routine, she walked back into the room to figure out what she was going to wear.

  A pile of folded clothes on the side of her bed caught her attention. Snow frowned and walked over to investigate. “Oh! These are mine!” She pulled the pile apart, realizing it contained a t-shirt and pants that belonged to her. “How did...?” Her voice trailed off, and she bit her lip. “I guess I’ll just have to ask him.”

  After getting dressed, Snow tentatively poked her head out the door. How the heck do I find the kitchen from here? Her stomach growled, urging her to give it a try, and she walked into the hallway.

  It only took Snow a few minutes to find the stairs and then the kitchen. Aha! Not too shabby! She resisted the urge to rub her nails on her shirt.

  Peeking into the kitchen, she saw Mrs. Peabody’s back as the woman stirred something on the stove. Shoot. Now what? The question was answered for her when Mrs. Peabody turned around and spotted her. “Come in, dear. Have a seat.” The housekeeper indicated a spot at the small table in the kitchen.

  Cautiously, Snow walked in and sat down. “Thank you,” she said politely. Despite Quentin’s claims to the contrary, Snow wasn’t convinced that Mrs. Peabody hadn’t been involved in all the accidents.

  Mrs. Peabody made up a plate of scrambled eggs and pancakes before setting it in front of Snow. “Hungry?” She asked with a smile.

  “Yes, thank you,” Snow replied with a small smile. Maybe I was wrong. She really does seem genuinely kind.

  Mrs. Peabody patted Snow on the shoulder. “Well, eat up. This plate won’t send you to the hospital.”

  Snow stiffened, the fork she held began to cut into her hand as she clenched her fists. “Well, that’s good to hear.”

  The elderly woman nodded and smiled down at Snow. “After all, how am I supposed to send you home if you get sick again? No,” she shook her head, “no extract this morning.”

  Snow put down the fork. “You put the extract in the dessert on purpose last night?”

  Mrs. Peabody eased herself into one of the table chairs with a groan. “Of course, dear. How else am I going to get you away from Quentin?”

  Snow’s eyes widened and her heart began to hammer. How can she sit here and talk so calmly about almost killing me last night? “Wh-why are you trying to keep me away from Quentin?”

  Mrs. Peabody’s eyes were wide and innocent, a small smile played on her lips as if she spoke of pleasant, everyday things. “Why, so I can keep my position! If Quentin marries, there will be no need for me.” She tsked and shook her head as if it should have been obvious. “Someone with your beauty is sure to capture his attention. And I just can’t have that.”

  Snow sat stunned and stiff. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She’s crazy! Oh my goodness, how do you reason with someone who completely mentally unstable?

  “I’m glad we had this little chat,” Mrs. Peabody said as she pushed herself up from the table. “I hadn’t thought you were the type, but maybe I was wrong.” She grabbed a decorative jar off one of the shelves and brought it back to the table. “How much will it take to get you to stay away?”

  “What?” Snow nearly jumped out of her seat.

  “How much will it take? I hadn’t offered you money before because you didn’t really seem like the type to care about Quentin’s money. That’s why I tried other things first, but,” she sat back down. “I’ve been wrong before.”

  Snow slowly shook her head, shock and disbelief running through her. “I don’t want your money.”

  “Come now, everyone has a price. I’ve been saving for years, I can offer you quite a nice nest egg.”

  Snow stood up and backed away from the table. “I said, I don’t want your money.”

  Mrs. Peabody’s face began to darken and Snow felt her fear rise. Sweat began to form at her temples and her hands were clammy. Her chest felt almost as tight as it did during her episode last night and for a moment she thought she was having another reaction. You haven’t eaten anything, Snow. There’s nothing to react to, other than an unstable housekeeper trying to pay you off.

  A sound in the hall had both women jerking in that direction. Quicker than Snow would have thought possible, Mrs. Peabody had recapped the jar and put it back on the shelf, repositioning herself at the stove just as Quentin walked into the room.

  Snow stood with her mouth hanging open as she watched the older woman go right back to normal life as if their few minutes of tension had never happened.

  “Snow!” Quentin’s face lit up as he saw her and he walked across the room to engulf her in a warm hug, “You’re shaking!” Quentin said with a frown. Pulling her in tighter, he began to rub his hands up and down her back. “You should have slept longer, obviously your body is still exhausted.” He turned them both towards the table. “Come on, let’s get you in a chair before you collapse.”

  Snow would have preferred to have stayed in his arms, his strength and warmth were everything she needed at the moment, but she allowed him to lead her to the table. His presence helped her feel safe and less like running out the door screaming. Surely, Mrs. Peabody won’t try anything with him here.

  Quentin scooted his chair closer to hers and wrapped an arm around Snow’s shoulders, nuzzling her hair. “You smell good enough to eat,” Quentin murmured.

  Snow relaxed slightly and leaned into his embrace.

  Picking his head up he looked at Mrs. Peabody. “Something smells wonderful, Mrs. Peabody. Got any for me?”

  Mrs. Peabody bustled over with an overflowing plate, setting it down in front of Quentin. “Always, Quentin,” she said with a kind smile. Walking around, Mrs. Peabody then retrieved the original plate she had set out for Snow. “Are you feeling up to eating now, Ms. White? I can get you a new plate, this food isn’t hot anymore.”

  Snow swallowed, glancing between the housekeeper and a smiling Quentin. “No, no. That plate if fine, thank you.”

  With a nod, Mrs. Peabody set the plate in front of Snow and went back to the stove.

  Quentin squeezed her shoulders and whispered in her ear. “I told you she loves you. It makes me so happy to see the two of you getting along.” Letting go of her, he reached for his utensils, only to pause. “Would you like to say grace?”

  His question caught Snow’s attention, easing her tension even more. “I’d love to.” Outwardly, she prayed for the food, but in her head were different words. Please help me figure out how to get us out of this situation.


  Are you up for a date this weekend?

  Snow smiled as she read Quentin’s text. Despite the fact that they had revealed their feelings for each other, he still seemed so uncertain at times. It probably doesn’t help that we only see each other on the weekends. Between their two schedules, they rarely saw each other during the week.

  I’d love to. What did you have in mind?

  Anything. Everything.

  I promised the crew I would take them to go ice skating on Saturday. Want to join us? Snow bit her lip. She loved ice skating, and the news had said the local pond was finally frozen enough for the activity. Her neighbors loved to skate as well, and she told the children they could go soon.

  Sounds great. What time?


  Perfect. I’ll see you there.

  Snow put the phone to her chest and did a little happy dance. Closing her eyes, she could just imagine skating around the pond with him. He would put his big, strong arms around her waist, their pace would be perfectly in sync with each othe
r. After their noses were red they would sit on one of the side benches and sip hot chocolate while they watched other people skate. Mmm... perfect. And best of all, no Mrs. Peabody.

  Her daydream was broken when Mrs. Merryweather burst into her room. “Hello, dearie!” She said cheerily.

  “Hello, Mrs. Merryweather. How are you today?” Snow had a genuine smile on her face. She adored the perky secretary.

  “Fine, fine...” Mrs. Merryweather’s head bobbed with her response. “Any fun plans for the weekend, dear?”

  “Well, your timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I just made plans to go ice skating.”

  “Oooh!” Mrs. Merryweather grinned, walked over to the desk and rested her palms on the edge. “Going with anyone in particular?”

  Snow laughed lightly. “I’m taking several of my neighbor’s children with me,” she said coyly, knowing it wasn’t what Mrs. Merryweather was looking for.

  “Oh, pish posh, that’s not what I wanted to know. I want to know if you have a hot date going with you.”

  “Well...” Snow looked around then leaned forward as if to impart a secret.

  Mrs. Merryweather’s eyes twinkled, and she leaned in as well.

  “It’s kind of hard to have a romantic date when you have a bunch of kids running around,” Snow whispered.

  Mrs. Merryweather scowled. “Maybe so,” she whispered back. “But there’s never been a better way to find out just a man is made of.”

  Snow raised a brow. “Oh, really?”

  Mrs. Merryweather stood tall and patted her helmet hair. “Really,” she said loftily. “Children have a way of bringing out the true nature of a man.” She scrunched up her face. “Well, that and meeting future mothers-in-law.”

  Snow barked out a laugh.

  “Have a good time, sweetie. He’s totally worth it,” Mrs. Merryweather said with a smile as she bustled out of the room. “Oh!” She peeked her head back in. “And wear red! It’ll knock his socks off.”

  Snow shook her head as the cute secretary disappeared. “I think she has her finger in every single romance going on in this school.” She laughed. “Maybe that’s why our marriage rate is so high lately.”


  Snow took one last look in the mirror. Since their activity was going to be outside today, she was desperately trying to look cute while also being warm. She had on a creamy, chunky crocheted band that still showed most of her hair, but covered her ears, along with a matching scarf and gloves. “Stupid coat,” Snow muttered as she readjusted the waist tie yet again. “How do ladies wear coats and not look like the abominable snowman?” She grumbled. “It probably doesn’t help that the coat is red,” she sighed. She had followed Mrs. Merryweather’s advice, knowing the secretary was correct. Red was a great color on Snow, but she was feeling less than feminine, and it frustrated her.

  “GRRR!” She threw her hand in the air. “Who cares! It’s better to be warm than to be cute. Right?” She glared at herself in the mirror. “If Quentin loves you, he will still love if you wear a coat that doesn’t show off your figure.” With an angry nod, Snow marched out of the bathroom to the couch.

  Before she could sink into its cushions, her front door burst open, causing her heart to race.

  “Ms. Snow! Are you ready?” Pete shouted.

  “Oh, Ms. Snow you look so cute? Why can’t I look cute like that?” Princess folded her arms across her chest and pouted.

  Grumpy rolled his eyes and leaned back against the wall, tucking his hands in his pockets.

  Repeat stood directly behind Pete and bounced on his toes while watching all his siblings.

  “Think we could have a nap first?” Sleepy asked while he strolled to the couch and laid down.

  “No way! Get up!” Pete ran over and began tugging on Sleepy’s arm, who shoved his little brother away. The action brought Repeat to the rescue and soon all three boys were wrestling around Snow’s living room.

  Snow gave a tolerant sigh, grabbed the breakable decorations off the coffee table and set them away from the action. “Grumpy, would you mind closing the door please?”

  Grumpy huffed but did as she asked.

  “GENTLEMEN!” Snow clapped her hands to get the attention of the hooligans. When they had all stopped and were looking at her, she smiled. “If we want to go skating, then I believe we should stop with the wrestling match. Pete, whose hat is that?”

  Pete at the hat in his hand and then around at his brothers, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

  “All right, who doesn’t have a hat on?” After redressing two energetic boys and one half-awake one, they were ready to go.

  Bustling the kids outside, Snow loaded them into Mrs. Meadow’s van, since Snow’s car was too small to hold them all.

  “I thought you said the giant was coming with us?” Pete shouted from the back seat.

  “Yeah!” Repeat echoed.

  “He is, but he’s meeting us at the park. We thought that might be easier,” Snow explained as she drove out of the parking lot and headed towards the park.

  The deep frost was a little late in coming this year, usually, their coldest temperatures came in January, not February, and Snow had been sad to think they might not be able to enjoy a time or two on the lake before the season ended.

  Snow couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her cheeks as she pulled into the public parking and spotted Quentin waiting next to his SUV.

  Pete whistled from the back. “Look at the wheels on that sucker!”

  Snow shook her head. Boys and their toys. After parking, she turned off the engine and went to open her door.

  Quentin came over and offered his hand as she descended, causing Snow’s heart to melt. Keeping a hold of her hand, he pulled her toward him, wrapping his arms around her. “Hi,” he whispered in that deep, rumbling tone that was uniquely his. His breath created a puff of white smoke and brushed over Snow’s face.

  “Hi,” she whispered in return. Good grief. His eyes are like a bottomless pit. So dark and deep.

  “Are you ready for a day on the ice?” Quentin’s eyes twinkled, and it reminded Snow of the look Pete and Repeat got when they were up to some kind of mischief.

  Snow narrowed her eyes at him playfully before saying. “Yes... but you look like you’re knee deep in trouble.”

  Quentin smirked before looking around them. Before Snow could ask what he was looking for, he came in for a firm, swift kiss. After he pulled back, he grinned. “Had to get my fix for the morning.”

  Snow bit her lip and stiffened her knees. Oh. My. Word. This man has reduced me to a puddle! As she lay against his chest, she could feel it shake as he chuckled as if he knew what she was thinking.

  “Come on, sweetheart. We’ve got a bunch of kids waiting for us.”

  Snow’s cheeks burned. “Oh, right.” Shame poured through her as she realized that his kiss had caused her to forget that they were taking the kids with them today. As she straightened up, she stepped back from his arms and turned around. Oops.

  Six faces stared at her and Quentin. One glared, two looked like they were going to throw up, one looked like she wanted to put them both under a microscope, one was swooning and one looked bored... or sleepy, or maybe both.

  Snow cleared her throat. “Right. Who’s ready to skate?”

  Everyone jumped into action. “Me!” Rang through the air as they headed towards the booth that rented skates.

  As they rounded up all the equipment they needed the man running the booth gave them a warning. “The far side of the lake isn’t thick enough,” he wheezed. “There are plenty of signs, just make sure you stay on the right side of the signs and you’ll be fine.”

  Snow paused, momentarily worried. She looked at Quentin. “Do you think it’s okay to take the kids skating if it’s only partially frozen?”

  Quentin shrugged and nodded towards the water. “Nobody else seems to be having any trouble.”

  Snow watched the action on the ice and fe
lt immediately better. Families and groups of teens skated across the ice without any worries. Squinting, she looked down at the far side. The lake was large, so there was plenty of room to skate and the bright yellow signs which indicated where to stop where quite a distance away. “You’re right. We’ll be fine.”

  It took several minutes to get all the kids set and going. Luckily, they all had experience and other than getting started, didn’t need much in the way of help.

  “There. That was the last one,” Snow said with a satisfied sigh. She put her hands on her hips and smiled as Repeat pushed off to catch up with his brother.

  “Not quite,” Quentin rumbled. Putting out his hand, he took Snow and stepped out onto the ice.

  Snow followed, holding tight to Quentin’s hand as they moved onto the slick surface. It didn’t take long before they were skating along, the cold breeze rushing past their faces.

  “I wasn’t sure you would know how to skate,” Snow teased as they circled the area.

  “Used to skate a bunch as a kid,” Quentin said. “My brothers and I all loved to play hockey when we got the chance.”

  “Eh, hockey was always too rough for me. All those grown men breaking out into fights.” Snow mock shivered.

  “Why do you think we liked it?” Quentin laughed.

  Snow rolled her eyes. “I guess that makes sense with three of you.” She glanced coyly at him. “And all of you as big as houses. So tell me, just who would win these icy battles?”

  Quentin’s threw back his shoulders and his chest puffed out. “I don’t mind admitting I was the reigning champion.”

  Snow bit the inside corner of her lips to keep from grinning. “The reigning champ, huh? And yet you’re brought down by a little boy?”

  Quentin frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Snow pointed ahead of him. Only a couple feet away and too close for Quentin to fix was Pete, bent over re-tying his laces.

  “Oof!” Quentin groaned as he slid to the ice. The only way to keep from slamming into the small boy had been to dodge to the side where he skidded on his hip for a few feet.


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