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A Billionaire for Ms Snow

Page 12

by Laura Ann

  Quentin jumped out of his chair and grabbed a plastic cup and straw, putting it to her lips. “Thank you,” she murmured after she had had a nice long drink. “I don’t understand why she would go to such extremes. I knew she wanted me out of the way, but I didn’t realize she was this desperate.”

  Quentin stiffened. “What do you mean you knew she wanted you out of the way?”

  Snow fell back against the pillows. “The other day when I came downstairs before you, she told me I had to go. For some reason, she’s got it stuck in her head that if you marry, she will lose her position.”

  Quentin dropped her hand and jerked backward. “Why wouldn’t you tell me something like that?”

  “Because you were so upset when I brought it up the first time. You didn’t believe me that she might be involved. I know you love her and I figured as long as we did activities away from the house we’d be fine.”

  Quentin collapsed back into his seat and ran both hands through his hair. “I can’t believe this. How long has this been going on?”

  “She tried to buy me off. I think she might have done something similar with most of the women you dated.”

  Quentin groaned and put his face in his hands. “How did I never see this?”

  “How do you know she had anything to do with me falling through the ice?” Snow finally asked.

  Quentin picked up his head to look at her. “Do you remember Jett saying he needed to speak with me?”

  Snow nodded.

  “Well, he was trying to warn me. You know he’s been working at the house in the afternoons and weekends, right?”

  Again, Snow nodded.

  “What I didn’t know was that he refused to come into the house. Not even to get a drink.” Quentin ran his hand through his hair. “Apparently, he didn’t want Mrs. Peabody to see him, since she was the one who had hired him to steal from you.”

  Snow gasped. “How did she find him?”

  Quentin shrugged. “Walking around the streets, I guess. But that’s not the worst part. While he was working, he overheard her talking to a teenager about bothering you on the ice today.” Quentin’s eyes bore directly into Snow’s. “She told the kid she would pay him to ‘rough you up’ on the ice today.”

  Snow’s jaw dropped, but she didn’t speak.

  “Jett got worried and snuck away from his work. He ran the whole way across town to the pond to find and tell us what was going on.” Quentin’s head fell again. “Unfortunately, that kid got to you while I was talking with Jett, and you know the rest.”

  Quentin’s breathing became labored and Snow could see tears in his eyes. “This whole time, all of this has been my fault, I didn’t see it! I didn’t see—”

  “No, no, no! Quentin, you can’t think that way.” Snow struggled to sit up, her body was stiff and sore and didn’t want to move but she finally got herself out of bed.

  “What are you doing? You’ve been hurt, sit back down.” Quentin’s deep voice demanded.

  Snow maneuvered the IV and other chords hanging on her and continued to stand up.

  “Snow...” Quentin growled.

  “Oh, hush.” Snow scolded. “The man I love is hurting and I will comfort him and you will have no say in the matter.” She gingerly sat herself in his lap. “Got it?” She asked, her voice was breathy making it obvious it had been difficult for her to move.

  Quentin’s mouth twitched. “Even if it involves me?”

  “Especially since it involves you.” Snow wrapped her arms around his neck, careful not to strangle him and hugged him to her. “Mrs. Peabody is sick, Quentin. That has nothing to do with you. Truth is, it’s a good thing she bought all those other women off.”

  With a heavy breath, Quentin finally gave in and wrapped his arms around her as well. Pulling her into his body, he buried his head in her neck. “How could that possibly be a good thing?” He muttered into her skin.

  “Because if she hadn’t, you might have married someone else before I met you. And any woman who would take money over being with you doesn’t deserve you,” Snow stated emphatically.

  Snow felt Quentin relax even more. “Thank you,” he mumbled.

  Snow kissed the side of his head. “Anytime. Now grab that blanket, I’m getting cold again.”

  Quentin pulled his head up. “Maybe we should tuck you back in bed.” His worried expression spoke straight to her heart.

  Snow huffed. “Being with you warms me up faster than anything else. Just grab that blanket and I’ll be fine.”

  Quentin smirked as he grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her. “Apparently, near-death experiences make you bossy.”

  Snow had closed her eyes and settled her head on his shoulder. “Don’t mess with me right now. My mama bear is pushing through,” she slurred as she drifted off.

  Quentin chuckled and shifted his weight more comfortably in the seat. “Sleep, love.” He kissed her head. “Sleep.”


  Snow came up behind Quentin, slipped her hand into his and squeezed. “It’s going to be okay,” she said soothingly. “They’ll take good care of her.”

  Quentin nodded. “I know, but I still feel guilty.”

  The large building in front of them was impressive. The stone structure should have been intimidating but the warm colors and lush landscaping made it look welcoming instead. “She will be happier here where she’s getting the help she needs. You have given her the best possible care.” Snow squeezed again. “You’re not allowed to feel guilty.”

  “Yes, Mama Bear.”

  Snow stuck her tongue out at him, then giggled when he pulled her into his arms.

  “You do realize what it means when you stick your tongue out at someone, don’t you?”

  “No, what?”

  Quentin leaned down until his mouth was just above hers. “It means you want a kiss.”

  “Really? I’ll have to do it more often, then.”

  Quentin’s mouth spread into a wide smile as he chuckled. “Sounds good to me,” he said as he closed the small gap between them.

  Snow let her hands slide up into Quentin’s hair, loving the silky strands as they slipped through her fingers. When he framed her face and deepened the kiss, Snow thought she’d died and gone to heaven. Electricity shot through her and she thought she might burst from the intensity of it.

  QUENTIN FELT A GROAN rumble low in his throat as he took Snow’s lips for his own. She tastes like sugar and fits so perfectly in my arms. As sad as he was at having to put Mrs. Peabody under the care of a medical professional, he was so grateful to still have Snow in his life. He couldn’t imagine life without her and almost losing her had nearly done him in.

  The kiss was abruptly brought to a stop when a large hand clapped him on the shoulder. “Take it easy, big brother, or we’ll have to throw a bucket of cold water on you,” Finley’s gravelly voice had a playful nature to it but Quentin knew his brother would make good on his threat if not put in check.

  Folding his arms further around Snow, who had ducked her head into his chest to hide her embarrassment, he scowled at his younger brother. “Just you wait, Fin. One day I’ll take great pleasure in interrupting the best moments of your life as well.”

  Finley raised a skeptical brow. “Best moments of your life, huh?” His eyes drifted down to Snow’s who was peeking out from her cocoon. “Must be doing something right there, Ms. Willow. Perhaps you could teach me a few things?” He winked at her.

  Quentin growled and turned Snow away from Finley even as Snow giggled in his arms.

  Snow patted his chest, drawing his attention. “Down, Gruffman. He’s only teasing.”

  Quentin leaned down and whispered against her ear, “never underestimate him. He’s a manipulative charmer.”

  “Hey!” Finley yelled from behind Quentin.

  Turning back towards his brother, Quentin gave a sad smile as he watched Brody and Tia walk up hand in hand. “Glad you two could make it.”

  Brody nodd
ed and slapped Quentin on the shoulder. “She already settled inside?” He asked, nodding his head towards the building.

  “Yes. I made sure she had everything she needed before I left, but I’m sure she’ll be excited to see each of you.”

  The other two brothers nodded sagely, both eyeing the building.

  “Well, come on then,” Finley said as he started toward the building.

  Snow waved at Tia as she and Brody followed Finley’s footsteps. It took only moments before they disappeared inside the building.

  Snow still had her arms around Quentin’s middle and she leaned her head down on his sternum. “I’m glad they came.”

  Quentin’s had rubbed up and down her back. “Me too. Mrs. Peabody was with our family for too long to just be stuffed away and forgotten. She’s the whole reason we survived after my parent’s deaths.”

  Snow nodded. “I remember. She deserves to be taken care of.”

  “Thank you,” Quentin said softly.

  Snow looked up. “For what?”

  Quentin stared into her dark eyes, letting his gaze drift to her red, plush lips and back. “For not getting upset at the whole situation. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had insisted she be arrested instead.

  Snow’s face softened. “It was easy to tell she wasn’t in her right mind. No normal person would wish to incarcerate someone who isn’t mentally healthy.”

  “Still, thank you.” Quentin kissed her forehead.

  “Always,” Snow answered.

  “You ready to go?” Quentin asked after a moment of silence passed between them.

  “Sure, if you are,” Snow responded.

  “Yeah. I’m ready. Besides, I have a surprise for you.” Quentin led them to the car.

  “A surprise?” Snow’s eyebrows shot up, and a smile crossed her face. “What for?”

  Quentin shrugged as he held open her door. “Because I wanted to.” And because almost losing you made me not want to wait any longer.

  Quentin pulled into a parking space at Snow’s apartment and she eyed him skeptically. “The surprise is at my apartment?”

  “Nope,” Quentin pumped his eyebrows and smirked while he got out and came around to get her door.

  Snow frowned as he led her up the stairs and paused in front of the Meadow’s door. “Oh! The kids are in on it?” Her face brightened, and she smiled at Quentin.

  Quentin smiled back but didn’t answer. It only took a couple of moments for the door to open.

  “Come on!” Princess grabbed Snow’s arm and pulled her into the apartment.

  Snow laughed and went with the excited young woman. “I’m coming, I’m coming. What is this all about?”

  “You’ll see!” Princess practically shoved Snow onto their couch, then darted out of the room.

  Quentin joined Snow, his pulse hammering in his chest and sweat starting to form at his hairline. It took a great deal of control to appear unaffected as he sat down to watch the kid’s presentation.

  The first one to come around the couch was Messy. He was being coaxed by Pete and Repeat, who were shoo-ing him in the direction of Snow and Quentin. Messy had a wide smile on his face as he walked toward Snow’s open arms with a rose in his hands.

  “Messy! Look how clean you are!” Snow tried to pick him up, but he giggled and ducked away from her.

  “Give her the rose!” Pete whisper-yelled from the side of the couch.

  Snow bit her lip and held out her hand. “Messy, is that rose for me?”

  “No. Mine.” Messy promptly put the rose in his mouth and walked past the couch, heading towards the kitchen.

  Quentin closed his eyes and shook his head as he heard the other kids try to get the rose from Messy. He was grateful when he heard Marge step in and send the other kids to finish what they were doing.

  “My lady,” Pete said with a smile as he held out another rose for her.

  Snow giggled, and the sound warmed Quentin’s heart.

  “My lady,” Repeat copied his brother’s actions exactly, handing Snow another rose before moving to the far end of the room.

  “Here you go!” Doc handed Snow another rose with a pretty smile before standing next to her brothers.

  “Heads up, Ms. Snow!” Sleep tossed the rose at her while he walked by yawning. Once at the group, he folded his arms, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

  “Isn’t it romantic?” Princess’s eyes were shining bright as she handed several more roses to Snow before glancing shyly at Quentin.

  Quentin felt his cheeks grow warm as Snow gave him a teasing look out of the corner of her eye.

  “Humph,” Grumpy handed Snow the last of the dozen roses before standing behind his siblings.

  “Thank you, these are so lovely!” Snow buried her face in the petals as she took a large sniff.

  Quentin quickly nodded to the kids, who scrambled to grab some pieces of paper they had hidden in the corner.

  “Oh!” Snow’s mouth dropped open when she looked up at the message the children were holding. Her hand raised to cover her mouth as she held in a smile.


  “Ahem...” Marge cleared her throat from behind the couch, causing everyone to look at her. She held Messy on her hip as he chewed on flower petals. She gave a pointed look at the children and then at the words.

  The kids looked at their words, taking a moment to figure out what was wrong.

  “Geez, stupid,” Grumpy bumped Pete’s head. “Can’t you get it right?”

  “Hey!” Repeat jumped on Grumpy in defense of his brother.

  “You’re ruining the romance!” Princess screamed over the wrestling match.

  “Romance, schomance!” Pete leapt into the fray.

  “Boys! Stop that right now!” Mrs. Meadows called out.

  Doc rolled her eyes and walked away, grabbing a textbook that had been sitting on the coffee table.

  Sleepy never budged, but his mouth had dropped open and a sound that suspiciously sounded like snoring came from his mouth.

  “QUIET!” Quentin’s loud voice boomed over the racket, causing everyone to stop and look at him, even Sleepy startled awake.

  Snow’s eyes were filled with tears and her bottom lip trembled as she looked at Quentin. Not willing to wonder whether that was good or bad, he slipped to one knee, grabbing the velvet-covered box that had been burning a hole in his pocket.

  “Willow White.” He gulped. “Snow. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You saw behind my facade to the real me and helped me learn how to relax and enjoy life. You are kind and generous and loving in a way I don’t yet understand, but I want to. I want to spend the rest of my days getting to know every last little thing about you. Will you make me the happiest man alive and say you’ll be my wife so I can do just that?”

  “Oh, Quentin.” Snow was full on crying now. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at him adoringly. Reaching out one hand, she cupped his cheek. “I would be the happiest woman alive to be your wife. Yes! Yes!”

  Euphoria shot through Quentin as he rocketed to his feet, pulling her with him. Wrapping her in his arms, he immediately sought out her lips.

  It only lasted a moment before they became surrounded by a chorus of shouts.

  “Ewww! That’s so gross!”

  “How romantic!”

  “Get a room!”

  “Caden Meadows!”

  “He’s gonna eat her alive!”

  “You guys are such dorks!”

  Quentin pulled back after a kiss that was much too short. “Perhaps, we should take our celebration elsewhere.”

  Snow laughed as she rested her forehead on his. “That sounds like a good idea.”

  Quentin took her hand and began edging his way toward the door. “Thank you for your help! But I think I’ll take it from here.”

  Snow’s cheeks were as red as Quentin had ever seen them as he pulled her out the door and away from the chaos of the Meadows’ apartment.

p; “Come on,” he said as he tugged her toward his car.

  Snow turned her head back, “we could just go to my apartment.”

  “Nope, I don’t trust those kids to leave us in peace.”

  Snow laughed but willingly went with him as they drove away towards Quentin’s house.

  Snow picked up his hand as he drove and kissed the back of it before sighing.

  Quentin glanced sideways. “Are you happy?”

  Her smile lit up the evening. “Happier than I’ve ever been.” She studied the ring on her finger, turning her hand to watch the large diamond catch the light.

  “If you don’t like it, we can always exchange it for another one.” Quentin cleared his throat.

  “Not a chance! This ring came from you! Even if I didn’t already love it, which I do, the fact that you picked it out makes it even more wonderful.” She tucked her hand into her chest. “No taking back, mister.”

  Quentin laughed. “You sound like one of your second graders.”

  Snow smiled and shrugged. “Maybe we’ll have a second grader of our own someday.”

  Quentin raised a brow and glanced at her sideways. “Only one?”

  “Hopefully, only one at a time, anyway.”

  “And just how many second graders do you plan to have over all?”

  Snow pursed her lips and tapped them with her finger. “Well, I figure we already know how to handle seven children, we might as well up our game and have at least eight.”

  Quentin choked on air and caused the car to swerve a little before he got back under control. “Are you serious?” He rasped out.

  “Don’t you think we’d can do it?” Her eyes were extra wide, and she batted her eyelashes at him.

  “Oh, you’re going to get it now. You just wait until we get home,” he playfully growled at her.

  Snow laughed, breaking her innocent facade before grabbing his hand again. “I can’t wait,” she said.


  “Where have you been, woman?” Quentin said as he grabbed Snow around the waist and pulled her into his side.


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