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A Billionaire for Ms Snow

Page 11

by Laura Ann

  Pete’s eyes were wide and his face had gone white.

  Snow put her hand on the boy’s shoulder and whispered a couple of words into his ear. With a small, quick nod he sped off, catching up to his brother. Stepping carefully, Snow picked her way over to Quentin. “Are you alright?” She asked. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh.

  Quentin glared at her. Sitting up, he rested his arms on his knees. “You couldn’t have pointed him out earlier?”

  Snow put on her innocent eyes and batted her eyelashes. “I didn’t realize I needed to! You were just telling me how you were the champion of the ice. Shouldn’t you have been more aware of your surroundings?”

  Quentin raised an eyebrow before standing up and brushing the ice off the seat of his jeans.

  Jeans which fit him perfectly ... Sheesh, who knew denim could be so attractive? Snow hoped her pink cheeks could be attributed to the cold air instead of her wayward thoughts.

  After grabbing her hand and taking off again, Quentin leaned towards her ear. “I think you owe me a massage for the nasty bruise that’s going to be decorating my hip for the next couple of weeks.”

  Snow laughed. “We’ll see,” she said lightly.

  Quentin’s eyes bore into hers and Snow found herself holding her breath and feeling warm all over. Who needs a bulky coat when Quentin Gruffman is looking at you?

  “Perhaps you had better watch the front, or you might run into another little boy,” Snow’s voice was husky and she immediately cleared her throat. You are in PUBLIC Snow. Get it together.

  Quentin smirked and faced front as they continued to skate around the area. Every once in a while, Snow would look around and count heads so she knew where all the children were. Contentment filled her as she and Quentin moved around. All the children, including Grumpy were laughing and having a good time, the scenery was beautiful and Snow could feel the warmth from Quentin’s large hand holding hers.

  After another half an hour, the Quentin’s warmth was proving to be not quite enough. She bit her lip as another shiver ran through her.

  “Cold?” Quentin’s voice rumbled from her right.

  Snow scrunched up her face and looked up at him. “A bit.”

  “Would you like some hot chocolate?” He nodded towards a vendor on the other side of the lake.

  Snow’s relieved sigh brought a large puff of white air in front of her face. “I would love that.”

  Quentin let loose his sexy smile and turned their direction, so they were crossing the lake in a direct line rather than following the circling traffic.

  By the time they stood in line, Snow was shaking so hard her teeth were rattling.

  Quentin looked down and frowned. “How did you get so cold? And why didn’t you say anything?” He growled. Shifting her in front of him, he wrapped his arms around her and tucked her under his chin.

  Snow sighed at the contact and said a quick prayer of gratitude for how big he was. He made her feel so small and for her height that was a marvelous thing. “How are you always so warm?” She snuggled back, burrowing like a little kitten. She shook a little as he laughed.

  “I think it’s a man versus woman thing.”

  Snow huffed. “Sexist,” she grumbled.

  “Truthful,” he whispered in her ear before nuzzling her jawline with his nose.

  “Ooh!” She squealed and squirmed. “Your nose is cold!”

  Quentin laughed. “I guess my theory was wrong.”

  Snow laughed as well. This time with him was everything she had ever dreamed. After they gathered their hot chocolate, they sat on a bench that overlooked the lake. Quentin’s arm was around her shoulders and she snuggled into his side as she sipped the hot drink in her hands.

  One, two, three, four... She looked around, but couldn’t seem to spot Pete and Repeat. She frowned. “Quentin, have you seen Pete and Repeat? I can’t find them.”

  Quentin sat up straight and began looking around. “Could they have gone to the bathroom?”

  Snow chewed her lip. “Maybe.” She kept her eyes moving. If the boys were in the restroom, they would be out soon. After several more minutes, Snow stood up and began to pace. “They should have been out by now if they were in there.”

  “Agreed,” Quentin said as he followed her, his eyes scanning the area again.

  Two small heads at the farthest point of the lake caught Snow’s eye. She squinted, trying to get a clearer picture. “Can you tell if that’s them?” Snow pointed at the two children. Her heart stuttered a bit as she tried to see clearly. The two children appeared to be at the very edge of what was marked as “safe” for skating.

  “I can’t tell, but it’s worth checking out,” Quentin said as he bent over to put on his skates.

  “Mr. Gruffman, sir?” A tentative voice called.

  Snow and Quentin both spun around to see who was speaking.

  “Jett! What are you doing here?” Snow asked with a smile.

  Jett’s face was pale and serious. “I need...” He looked around cautiously as if afraid someone would overhear him. “I need to speak to you in private, please.”

  Quentin frowned then looked at Snow.

  “Go ahead,” she said with a small push. “I’ll skate out and see if I can find the boys. I’m sure my imagination is running away from me. They’re probably having a snowball fight somewhere.”

  Quentin’s fathomless eyes searched hers for a few breathtaking moments before he nodded sternly. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. “Please be careful by that edge,” he said against her skin before pulling back.

  Snow smiled, enjoying the warmth shooting through her. That worked better than the hot chocolate. She mused.

  When Quentin disappeared around the corner, she quickly slipped her skates back on and stepped onto the ice. “Whoa!” Her arms flailed as she tried to keep her balance when a large boy dressed all in black sped past her, bumping her shoulder. “Need to be more careful,” Snow grumbled at the young man’s fleeing back. With a shake of her head, she gave a firm push off and headed towards the two boys she had seen.

  It took a couple minutes of solid skating to get close enough to see who was at the edge of the ice. Snow’s heart fell. It’s not them. Shoot. She skidded to a stop. Where the heck could they be? Before she could turn around, however, she glanced at the two boys arguing a little way in front of her. Looking around she saw no parents or other siblings that might be in charge of the two boys.

  She finished skating the rest of the way. “Boys, you really shouldn’t play at the edge of the ice,” she said as she got closer. “It’s dangerous over there, that’s why they have the flags,” she explained.

  The children scrunched up their faces and looked at her like she was crazy.

  “Where are your parents? You really shouldn’t be this close to the edge.”

  The older of the boys scowled. “Whatever, come on.” He waved at the smaller boy and took off, the little one tagging behind him.

  Snow rolled her eyes and started to turn around. “Ahh!” Someone ran into her from behind, hard enough that she was knocked onto her hands and knees. The momentum of falling caused her to skid several feet on the ice.

  Snow felt frozen to the ground. In her slide, she had slid past the safe zone markers. Underneath her hands and knees, she could see very small lines in the ice that sent warning signals through her whole body.

  Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what do I do? Black spots began to dance in her vision and she realized she was holding her breath. Straining every muscle in order to not shift her weight, Snow forced in enough air to keep from passing out. “Is anyone there?” Snow called tentatively over her shoulder. She was too scared to turn around, afraid the movement would cause more cracking. Where is the person who hit me?

  “SNOW! WILLOW!” A voice boomed across the ice, but she didn’t dare turn to answer.

  Quentin! Snow felt her shoulders sag in relief, only to re-tighten when the ice cracks widened under her hands. Her breathing became shallow
and fast, the puffs of white air made it difficult to see what was in front of her, but at this point, Snow had no control over her breathing.

  “Please, hurry, please hurry,” Snow chanted as she closed her eyes. When she felt the ice shift again, her eyes shot open, and she looked in horror below her.

  The shouts behind her became background noise as she watched the white lines creep from her hands and create an erratic pattern in the frozen water. For one moment, the world seem to stand still. Snow registered a fleeting thought of how the ice looked like shards of diamonds before time rushed at her along with a face full of water.

  Instinctually, she gasped as she hit the cold water, causing her to take in a large mouthful. Flailing her way to the surface, she choked and coughed even as she felt the icy water travel through her core. Oh my gosh, I’m going to die!

  NOOO!!! Quentin’s brain screamed at him as he watched Snow crash through the ice. He had skated as fast as he could after his little talk with Jett, but he hadn’t been quick enough. Ice and water shot from the blades on his feet as he cut a sharp stop at the edge of the ice. His breath came out in harsh pants as he dropped himself to his belly. Ignoring the splash of ice cold water on his face, he tore off his gloves and reached out for Snow as her head surfaced.

  She was gasping and choking for air, her arms flailing, struggling to keep her head up as the water soaked into her many layers and worked to weigh her down.

  “Snow! Grab my hand!” Quentin ignored the shouts behind him as people on the ice began to notice what was happening. He was too busy trying to stay calm and reach for the woman he loved. His arm was reached out as far as he could manage. If Snow could see him, she should be able to reach him.

  Her dark eyes bore into his and his panic ratcheted up a notch. That is NOT a goodbye I see in her eyes. I won’t allow it.

  He stretched his fingers even further, only to freeze when he heard some noises below his body.

  “Dude! You’re too big! Back up!” Grumpy shouted from his left.

  “No! I won’t leave her,” Quentin growled with a scowl.

  “I’m serious, Mr. Gruffman, you can’t help if you fall in yourself. Back up, I’m smaller. You can use me.”

  Quentin shouted when Snow’s head went back under the water but before he could do anything, he heard the creaking beneath him again.

  “Hurry!” Princess shouted with tears in her voice.

  “Pull me back,” Quentin finally shouted, realizing they were right. If he broke through the ice, he wouldn’t be of any help to Snow or anyone else.

  As soon as Quentin was out of the way, Grumpy laid down. “Grab my feet and slide me towards her,” he shouted.

  Staying on his knees for leverage, Quentin grabbed Grumpy’s feet, ignoring the slice he got when he gripped the end of the skates. Looking back out towards Snow, Quentin’s heart nearly stopped when he noticed she had stopped moving. From his angle, the ice looked like it was covering her. It’s as if she is in a glass coffin. “No!” He scolded himself. You’re not allowed to think like that.

  He put all his focus into getting Grumpy where he could reach Snow. Carefully, the teenager reached out and gripped Snow’s coat. Getting a good grip, he called over his shoulder. “Pull me back, I’ve got her!”

  Quentin fought with the slick ice to pull them both out of danger. He wasn’t gaining ground as fast as he wanted to, but he didn’t give up. Suddenly he felt several sets of small hands on his back, pulling on his coat. Glancing back, he realized all the Meadows children were grabbing him and doing their best to pull him as he pulled Grumpy and Snow.

  With renewed determination, Quentin worked himself backward on his knees, slowly gaining inch by inch. Finally, Snow’s body was out of the water and it moved much faster after that. WIth a hard yank, Quentin pulled Snow and Grumpy back onto the safe ice. Scrambling over to Snow’s prone body, Quentin pulled her into his arms. Her lips and skin were an eerie shade of blue and he realized with a jolt that she wasn’t breathing.

  Instinct kicked in and he lay her down flat. Pinching her nose, he puffed into her mouth, praying that he wasn’t doing things correctly. Screams erupted from the crowd when Snow began to cough. Quentin quickly turned her onto her side as she coughed up all the water she had swallowed.

  He barely registered the sound of sirens in the distance as he watched Snow take a couple of deep breaths. As soon as she stopped coughing, he pulled her into his arms. “Breath, sweetheart. It’s going to be okay, just breathe.” He could feel her body trembling and he knew she was probably hypothermic. Glancing up, he was startled to see a crowd of tear-stained faces and worried looks. He couldn’t even begin to figure out what to say to everyone.

  “Could someone let the EMT’s know where we are?” Quentin finally rasped out.

  A couple of adults nodded and turned, speeding back across the ice.

  Snow’s shaking got harder, and it was difficult to hold her. Tightening his grip, he willed his strength and heat into her. “Hang on, honey. They’re almost here. Hang on.”

  Moments later, a group of emergency technicians skidded across the ice and took control. As they strapped Snow into the gurney, one of them addressed Quentin. “You’ll have to come with us, sir.”

  Quentin began to walk with them before he remembered the kids. Turning around, the whole group of them were huddled together, holding each other as the little ones cried and the big ones tried to be brave.

  Quentin’s heart cried out for him to follow Snow, but he knew she would be livid if he didn’t take care of the kids. Turning to the EMT he said, “I need to get these kids home first.”

  “Sir, the cuts on your hands need stitches, we need to get you in and get them cleaned up immediately.”

  Quentin looked down. His hands were so cold he had forgotten about the slices from Grumpy’s skates. Shoot. He shook his head. “I have to take care of the kids. When they are home, I’ll come in and get my hands taken care of.”

  The EMT looked over at the children then back at Quentin. “Fine, but don’t wait too long. They really need to be taken care of before infection sets in.”

  Quentin nodded his understanding, then turned and began ushering the kids toward the van. When they reached solid ground and were walking, Pete and Repeat held onto his legs, while Princess wrapped herself around his arm. Even Doc and Sleepy held onto some part of his person. Glancing over, Quentin noticed Grumpy looking pale.

  “Are you okay?” Quentin asked.

  Caden nodded. “Yeah. I think so.”

  Quentin put a hand on the teen’s shoulders. “You did good, boy. You should be proud of yourself.”

  Grumpy’s eyes widened before he settled back into his usual bored display. “Thanks,” he muttered, picking up his speed to his SUV.

  After everyone was buckled, Quentin started to drive. It took every ounce of muscle control he had not to floor it and turn towards the hospital. The ride back to their apartment was silent and awkward, but Quentin didn’t know how to change that.

  “Is Ms. Snow going to be okay?” Doc sniffled.

  A brick hit Quentin’s stomach. I sure hope so. “Yeah, she’s going to be fine, they’ll take great care of her.” No thanks to me.

  No more words were spoken and Quentin got them settled at home as quickly as he could. Mrs. Meadows was understandably upset and worried but he told her the kids could answer her questions and promised to have her van sent back soon. His patience was gone. He had to get to the hospital now.


  The first thing Snow registered as she finally worked her way back to consciousness was the warmth engulfing her. After she had been pulled from the pond and had started to shiver, she had had a few conscious moments where she thought she would never be warm again.

  After getting to the hospital and being treated for hypothermia, her exhausted body had taken over and she had fallen into a deep sleep.

  Now she lay in a hospital bed, covered in warm blankets, but it was her l
eft hand that was the greatest source of heat. Not only did it seem to be attached to a heater, but that warmth spread up her arm and into her core, warming her from the inside out.

  It took more effort than it should have to roll her head towards the heat source. “Quentin,” she rasped, a small smile on her face.

  Quentin’s head shot up at the words. His eyes were bloodshot and if Snow didn’t know better, she would have guessed he had been crying. “Willow! You’re awake!” He stood up, still cradling her hand and stepped closer to the bed. Reaching out with his other hand, he smooth her hair out of her face. “How are you feeling?”

  Snow took a quiet inventory. “Achy. Tired. Like I have the flu.”

  Quentin nodded solemnly. “That’s to be expected.”

  “You look like you could use a good nap,” Snow smiled as her eyes wandered over his person. “Quentin! What happened to your hands?” Snow’s eyes widened, and she tried to sit up as she noticed the bandages on both hands.

  “Shhh...” He gently pushed her back down. “I got a couple of small cuts while getting you out of the water. It’s no big deal.”

  Snow frowned. “Don’t sit there and tell me it isn’t a big deal. When the man I love is hurt, I want to know about it.”

  Quentin’s face scrunched up and Snow thought he might cry again. “Snow, I’m so sorry.” He plopped back in his seat and put the hand he still held against his forehead. He shook his head before he spoke again. “This is all my fault, I truly am cursed.”

  “Hey... what are you talking about? You had nothing to do with my falling through the ice and everything to do with saving my life.” Snow pulled on her hand, but he refused to look up. “Quentin, please. Look at me.”

  “It is my fault,” he reiterated as he finally pulled his eyes to hers. “This whole thing was orchestrated by Mrs. Peabody.”

  Snow felt like she’d been slapped. “How... I mean, what... ‘Her mind couldn’t even finish the sentence. She swallowed convulsively, trying to get some moisture, but her mouth was as dry as the Sahara.


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