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A Life of Submission

Page 16

by Argus, JJ

  They stroked my hair and hugged me, and insisted on opening my robe that they could caress and massage my sore body. Although I was quite sure this was not their real desire I acquiesced, and was soon laying back under Kira's amused eyes as the two, soon joined by An stroked and licked my pale body.

  In a sense I felt as I had the previous evening, yet these girls were gentle and kind, and had only my pleasure in their hearts. Jin and Chyou each took one of my breasts, fingers gently kneading and massaging as their mouths and tongues lapped at and suckled my nipples, and An knelt between my legs, doing wonderful things with her tongue even while teasing me by twisting and gently tugging on my ring.

  It was not the overwhelming, carnal enthusiasm of the men, but rather a soft, slow, gentle lovemaking which soon had me moaning amid the languor of sexual heat, ignoring my bruises and soreness as desire flowed through my veins.

  Lee joined An between my legs, bored, no doubt, and their tongues fought for space as they moved over my sex. Then Kira abandoned her aloofness to strip off her robe and straddle my head, lowering her sex to my mouth.

  Long, long minutes passed, for all of us were slow and casual about our sport. The girls continued to chat idly, removing their mouths from various parts of my body to speak to each other, then returning. I, of course, being unable to speak, simply gripped Kira's thighs and did my best to please her.

  I was the first to climax, of course. And soon after my body had eased its writhing and thrashing I felt the others begin to work with new energy. They had, it seems, found my responsiveness amusing, and had set about exploring its limits. And so, giggling and laughing, they forced me to climax after climax, holding me down when, aching, sore and drained, i would have pushed them back, continuing to stimulate my body in such a way I had no choice but to roll through churning, aching, exhausting orgasms, one following upon the heels of another until I thought I must surely die.

  Even so, even in the midst of my climaxing, I continued to lick dazedly at whomever straddled my head. I was vaguely aware Kira had been replaced by another, and that another girl had followed her, but before long I stopped knowing or caring, licking until my jaw and tongue were too sore, and the girls finally abandoned me to fall into slumber.

  Chapter Nine

  "You feel pain too much."

  "I'm sorry, Master," I gasped, struggling to hold myself still.

  I lay in bed with Lei, or rather, sat astride him as he sat back against a massive wooden headboard topped by a carved star. He held my nipple between thumb and forefinger and pinched quite hard, twisting and pulling at it as I trembled and winced.

  "You must learn to conquer your body's weaknesses. What is pain but heat? Is pleasure not heat, as well?"

  "Yes, master," I panted, automatically agreeing.

  He snorted disdainfully and released my throbbing nipple, then pushed me aside and stood up. Naked, he walked to a large armour type of chest and withdrew a thin crop, then returned to bed and thrust it at me handle first.

  I took it uncertainly and he climbed into bed, then held out his open hand.

  "Strike me as hard as you can," he ordered.

  I stared at him in disbelief, afraid to, yet knowing I could not disobey.

  "Now," he ordered curtly.

  I licked my lips uncertainly, then raised the crop and brought it down lightly across his hand.

  "I said as hard as you can," he barked.

  Fearful, I took a deep breath, then drew the crop back and whipped it down quite hard. It struck the centre of his unmoving hand, yet he did not even wince.

  "Harder," he ordered.

  He was sitting calmly back as I knelt, showing no concern whatever as I drew the crop back further, rising on my knees. I swung it down quite hard, and again the crop struck with a soft meaty sound, raising a red welt across his unmoving palm.

  "You can conquer pain if you have the strength of mind," he said. "I have seen you do this, but in a woman's way."

  "A woman's way, master?" I asked fearfully.

  His hand slipped between my thighs and cupped my sex.

  "You turn to this to shield you from the pain. You take the pain and use it to bake the fires of passion inside your loins. This is not a man's way, but women are weak, and so it serves."

  He took the crop from me, and stood, then gestured me out of bed. Swallowing nervously, I obeyed, kneeling before him, sitting back on my heels.

  "Back," he ordered. "Bend your body back."

  I had been his slave for some weeks now, and my body had grown somewhat firmer with exercise, but also looser and more supple. I put my hands behind my head and leaned back until my elbows, and then the top of my head touched the floor behind me. My knees were still firmly on the floor, and my feet in the same position they had as I had sat upon them. Yet my body was firm and straining up and back, quite vulnerable to any discipline Lei chose for it.

  Head upside down, I stared at the far wall as I felt the crop slip between my legs and gently stroke back and forth along my pubic lips.

  "You are easily aroused," he said.

  And I was, for my inhibitions had been torn away, and the enjoyment of sexual pleasure was one of the few delights permitted me.

  The crop was thin and rounded, made of some soft, oiled wood which stroked like a feather along my skin. The tip gave my clitoris a tiny slap and I gasped at the sharp sensations which rippled through me. Then it slid up my taut belly , flicked lightly along my already erect nipples, and rolled beneath to follow the contours of my spine.

  A fat finger pushed into me, gained moisture, then moved over my clitoris in such a way that I was soon breathless with excitement. It drew back and the tip of the crop slapped gently against my clitoris, then again, in a series of fast, light blows which had sharp-edged flickers of pain rolling through my groin. He paused, sliding the tip of the crop through the ring and then pulling back, tugging lightly but repeatedly at my throbbing clitoris.

  I moaned lightly, but felt the pain and pleasure warring within for custody of my body. I could see nothing, and so the sensations felt redoubled as his fingers stroked against at my sex, then began to gently massage my clitoris.

  A hand slid lightly up my rounded, arched body, up along my abdomen and over my belly, then downwards to caress my straining breasts and pluck lightly at the nipples. A moment later the crop followed, circling and prodding at my nipples and pulling at the rings. It drew back, and I felt long seconds of anticipation before the tip slapped down against one fat, rigid nipple. It was a light slap, yet the shock flashed through my breast and into my body in an instant, and I moaned anew.

  The crop slapped repeatedly at the nipple, lightly but stingingly, then moved to the other as I fought to keep my body positioned properly despite the ache now rising in my spine.

  Again he halted, and I waited breathlessly. I could not see him at all, though he knelt beside me, for my head was jammed firmly into the rug and my upside down vision allowed me t view only the room straight ahead.

  I yelped as the crop slapped against my clitoris again, then against each nipple in turn. The stings were not enough to fight off the rising haze of sexual need within me, and were instead swallowed by it, sparkling like firecrackers in the dark as heat enveloped my mind and body. My nipples and clitoris were soon sore and throbbing, yet still the heat rose, and each new slap sent a new surge of energy through my veins.

  Now he drew back and I sensed, rather than saw the crop rising higher. I cried out as the full length of it slapped across my abdomen, the stinging pain briefly cutting through the sexual mist laying over my mind. Several small slaps with the tip followed, against my clitoris and nipples, then another harsher blow, this against my left breast, bathing it in the fire of pain.

  He moved away, and I saw a brief vision of him - upside down, of course - as he moved across the room. He returned with a handful of rope, and knelt beside me, out of my view. I felt him sliding lengths of rope around my right wrist, laying each loop do
wn neatly alongside the next. Then he pulled my wrist back slightly, placing it against my right ankle where it lay on the floor, and then binding the two together.

  He moved around me and bound my left wrist to my left ankle, as well, and while my aching back felt a sense of resignation at this indication it was to remain uncomfortably and unnaturally bent that dark side of my sexual mind sent a gush of masochistic excitement through my flushed body. He pressed a hand against my forehead, pushing my head even further back, then gathered my hair together behind me and bound it into a rough braid. He pulled it back behind me and I felt something thrust into my anus, something curved, which hooked against my tail bone and pulled backwards. It took only a moment to realize he had bound my hair to this object, and that my body would most surely remain tightly arched until such time as he decided to release it.

  He knelt again and more slaps against my clitoris and nipples had me gasping and moaning. They grew harsher, the crop moving in longer arcs and with more force, and the flashes of pain rattled through my mind and body like raindrops on a tin roof. Yet through it all echoed the rolling thunder of a deep and pervasive sexual passion which easily dwarfed the pain, and even absorbed that pain into its own crackling stormwave of pleasure.

  I cried out as another harsh blow struck my chest just below my breasts. Lei was kneeling back now, and bringing the crop down strongly, if slowly, striking me from breasts to thighs.

  "Spread your legs," he ordered, as I heaved and moaned and trembled with pain and pleasure.

  Half dazed, I obeyed, and the crop lashed at my inner thighs, then struck down with deliberate aim on my vulnerable cleft with force sufficient to send the slender rod sinking deep between my swollen public lips. The pain rose and caught me in a roar of fire, yet the howl of pleasure was greater still.

  And then the harsh blows halted, and I felt the tip of the crop rubbing against my aching clitoris. Pleasure and pain screamed through my mind, and then as I began to come the tip snapped down against my clitoris in a fast, sharp spanking motion.

  I came with a scream, my voice rising and falling in animalistic passion and ecstasy as my body was racked by convulsions. I have no idea how I held my position, yet somehow I did even as my mind writhed under the power of the explosive orgasmic storm.

  As it ended, so ended the spanking of the crop, and Lei rose, moving away once more. He returned to clip wires to both nipple rings, running them up and out at an angle which would force me to maintain my arched position. A similar wire was attached to the ring piercing my clitoris, pulling it out and up in the opposite direction.

  Then, with my legs spread, Lei knelt between my thighs and entered me. After the sharpness of the pain, the soft, stretching of my sex and the feel of his slow piercing was luxurious and I sighed and closed my eyes that I might focus more of my attention on the movement of his erection through the soft folds of my pussy.

  He was soon deep within me, and his hands moved over my bowed frame as he thrust in and out with a long, slow stroke. His hips pushed against my thighs with a force which grew with his pleasure, and my body was soon jarred and jerking repeatedly against the biting pull of the wires pinning my nipples and clitoris in place. Still, despite the rippling pains which washed over me his thrusting penis soon brought me to another climax, and the repeated stinging pains were like flashes in the darkness as I writhed under his touch.

  As he finished he stood up, and then left me there on the floor. I heard him talking, but as it was in Mandarin I could not know of what he spoke. Minutes later there was a soft tapping at the door and Lei's barked order opened it to admit Lan, the young Vietnamese slave with the pert round breasts, and Chyou and her large bouncing breasts.

  They giggled as they dropped their robes, and Master Lei gathered them into his arms as all three moved past me and into the attached bathroom. I could hear the water being run, and more giggles as the aching in my back continued to slowly gain ground on what remained of the passion my orgasms had left behind. I could relax a small portion of the effort required to remain in my unnatural position, but only by allowing it to be taken up by the pull of my hair against my tailbone. Yet such was the aching in my spine that I slowly allowed myself to do this, ignoring the rising sting in my scalp.

  My nipples and clitoris were all straining and stretched out from my body, and each time I eased the tautness of my bow the stinging grew hotter and sharper so that I must again force my chest or loins up and outward.

  After a time which seemed like hours the three returned, walking past me as if I did not exist, and the two girls scrambled into Lei's enormous bed beside him. There was more giggling and talk among them, but if it concerned me I could not, of course, tell. Nor could I see them from where I was, or at least, where my head was.

  I could tell from the sound of the groans and sighs, however, that either they were pleasuring each other, or Master Lei was using one. I felt dismayed at this, for it dashed my hopes of quick release, and also made me oddly jealous.

  It seemed forever before the moans and groans reached their peak and subsided, and then another eternity before the two girls, giggling, slipped off the bed and onto the floor around me, then began to tickle and stroke my body. Chyou licked at my stretched out clitoris while Lan began to tongue my nipples and roll the swollen areolas in her fingers.

  I endured this rather than being pleasured by it, for the discomfort and ache had risen too high to be overtaken, and I felt enormous relief as the two finally unclipped the lines from my rings, untied my wrists and ankles, and then tugged the donut shaped hook from my rectum. I let out a long ecstatic groan as I was finally permitted to relax my rigid position. I made my way back to my room, bent like an ancient crone, as the two girls remained behind with Master Lei, and stretched out on my bed for some time before falling asleep.

  In the morning my back still ached, and I was surprised, and even, to some degree, proud to see the long thin welts which covered the front of my body from thigh to throat, criss-crossing my belly, abdomen and breasts in many places. The pain was not great, at least as compared to the feel of receiving them, so I had no difficulty in controlling it as I massaged a soft, healing balm against my skin.

  Each day held lessons in behaviour and language, as well as various duties related to Master Lei and his guests. But I was not worked beyond my means. I had time for long baths, for walks in the garden, and then after a time, for visits into the town below. These visits were always accompanied, of course, usually by Kira and often by one of the Governor's guards. We would walk among the shops in the marketplace and Kira would explain the products I examined as the shopkeepers and their customers stared at me in frank amazement.

  The people considered me a sort of courtesan, rather than a slave. They, after all, had no more freedom than I, and considerably less pleasant surroundings in which to live out their lives. They could not leave their cities, towns, villages and farms, nor contact anyone else outside the province even should they know of such a person. They could work only at what they had been assigned, and their lives hung on the whims of the governor as surely as did my own.

  So while they seemed to realize that I was not present of my own free will, the very nature of their society meant this did not serve as any great distinction to their cultural norm. They did, of course, think of me as a woman of sex, but the concept of this is simply not translatable for western minds. They had not been exposed to centuries of puritan Christian teachings on the nature of sex and sexuality, so there was little condemnation in that respect. On the other hand the Asians value virginity in unmarried women to such an extent that a girl known to have been violated had little, if any prospects for marriage.

  There was, moreover, a strange fixation and fascination with western women, and blondes in particular, for their rumoured high level of sexuality. This came from their gleanings of western culture, in particular old American movies, and gave them, and indeed, all Asians, the belief that blonde women were insatiabl
e sexual animals who were in an unending state of heat, constantly longing for their next coupling.

  So each time I went down into the town I was the subject of intense attention from townspeople in the area, and would often be followed by giggling groups of children, or hot-eyed young men imagining me out of my robe.

  Kira would speak to and for me during these early visits, for a few daring people would invariably ask questions about me. She would also communicate with those in the markets and shops when we desired some article or service of them. Both of us were, of course, slaves, but the townspeople regarded us as far above them in station, simply due to our association with the Governor, and we could take any object we chose on a whim without causing resentment.

  The city outside the palace was bleak, most of the newer buildings built by the government were cheap, ugly and of low quality, and the lives of the people that of what I as a westerner would term extreme poverty. Yet they seemed no less happy for their lack of such basic possessions as electricity and running water. And the country in which they lived was immensely beautiful, with lush green forests rising high along the mountains which rose on all sides. Some of those forests had been cut down to make room for farming, often poppy farming, and on one whole side of the valley the mountainsides were terraced halfway up their lengths.

  On hearing of poppy growing I realized the connection between Lei and the drug people of New York, and was amazed anew at how such a thing could lead me from my home and schooling to a life as a sexual slave in a Chinese palace. Surely, I thought, the authorities in Peking did not permit such things. Surely someone would find out and sweep down to arrest the man. And yet he obviously had no such fears.


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