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A Life of Submission

Page 17

by Argus, JJ

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  As I gained more possession of Mandarin I was able to interact more with those around me, with the other slave girls, first, then with others of the servants in the palace. I learned there was a feeling of awe and universal lust directed towards us by most of the male servants, along with some resentment at being unable to sample our services. Among the female servants was a mixture of jealousy at our beauty and ease of life, disapproval of our sexual exploits - even though these were not of our choice - and some of the same awe the men held.

  Because of this interaction between slaves and servants was limited to idle conversations in areas like the dining hall and occasions when our duties brought us into some slight contact.

  The higher servants, however, the Governor's more important bureaucrats and aids, regarded us as spoils of status, rare symbols of the governor's favour, and so we were, to some extent, the subject of political manoeuvring. This was directed at Master Lei, of course, for we had no choice whatever in who was presented with our persons or in what manner or for what time. Because of my novelty I was the most cherished and sought after favour, and knowing this, Lei, outside of occasional parties, rarely loaned me to anyone.

  As my language skills continued to grow I became quite knowledgeable about the local power struggles and the politics and personalities of anyone close to the seat of power. I can't say it was not a source of pride to be considered a great sign of favour and status, and despite my English upbringing I too felt a certain swaggering superiority over mere ordinary women as I moved about the palace.

  I was, of course, quite demure around those with power, but as to lesser servants, well, they were practically invisible to those with power, while I was a much sought after prize. So it was easy to dismiss their importance. I do not mean to say I treated them badly, though some of the other girls did, but I did feel a certain casual contempt for their unimportance in the scheme of things.

  We slave girls were on the arms and laps, or sometimes the beds, of the men of great power every day, after all, giggling with them and sharing food, while the servants were lucky to catch glimpses of one striding down the halls.

  And yet still we were slaves, and there were limits beyond which we ventured only at great risk. Chyou and Jin did this one day while laying about the "harem", bored and sipping idly at wine while playing cards. One of the servant girls, new and young, ventured into the room with a mop and pail, timid and awed at being in the presence of the governor's notorious and beautiful sex toys.

  She was quite a pretty thing, however, with wide brown eyes and a lovely, lithe young body beneath her awkward, bulky servant's dress. Chyou, always more arrogant than the others due to her large breasts, and how the men lusted after them, noticed the girl and decided to make sport of her.

  As Jin related to us afterwards Chyou called the girl over in an arrogant voice and preceded to taunt her on her alleged unattractiveness. Then, in her temerity, ordered the girl to undress that they could see what value lay beneath her clothes. The girl, despite her humiliation, had not dared to disobey, and had slowly removed her peasant dress and underthings to stand trembling before the two "great ladies" in only her skin.

  Chyou and then Jin had stripped themselves, the better to compare their bodies, and Chyou had made much of the girl's small breasts as compared to her own, taunting and ridiculing her. Then, amused at the girl's mortified appearance, had forced her to lay back and had begun to fondle and stroke her body. The girl, though rigid with humiliation, had not dared to protest as Chyou and Jin had so intimately explored her, as it turned out virginal body.

  Even when Chyou had straddled her head, pinning her arms back with her strong legs, she had not dared to refuse the woman's demand that she perform on her sex, and after much sneering instruction and pulling of hair the girl had managed to bring Chyou to climax with her tongue.

  Even this abuse might have been tolerated, had not Chyou (or so Jin claimed), then wrestled the girl onto her knees and as Jin held her, gleefully used the end of the mop to remove the sign of her virginity. As if this were not sufficient they had bound her in position, bottom raised, legs back, and then sought out nearby male servants to perform on her. Seven or eight male servants were brought back and "ordered" to perform on the sobbing girl (although I have much doubts any had to be asked more than once) before one of Master Lei's senior managers happened by and put a stop to things.

  The result of this was that the next morning, in the dining hall before the assembled servants, both girls were flogged, and spent much of the remainder of the day on their knees on a central table, arranged awkwardly for the appreciation of the servants.

  As the servants had observed the two sobbing girls had been forced to climb atop the table and kneel on all fours facing opposite ends while Gahn Mai, the Governor's senior servant, placed thick wooden shafts at the entrance to Chyou's rectum and Jin's pussy. Each shaft was two feet long, and after each had been slowly driven halfway up into each girl's belly the two were made to back against each other, and the opposite end of each shaft was forced into the second girl.

  They were forced back until their buttocks were flat together, the two thick shafts forced deep into their soft, warm bellies. Their ankles were bound together. Their wrists were pulled straight back along their bodies and bound together, and their long braided hair was pulled tightly up and back and also bound together.

  Though neither girl was pierced as I was thin twine was bound tightly around their nipples, pulled straight down with some force, and then through a ring driven into the table there to meet up with the twine bound to the other. Thus any movement by one pulled against the nipples of the other. A small, two-sided clip then snapped closed around first Chyou's clitoris, and then Jin's, binding them even closer together even as they squirmed and bawled in pain.

  Worse still, from the sense of violated pride, each girl was then left in place with orders to please any man who might approach them with her mouth. With their hair pulled back so tightly their mouths were unable to close without pain in any case, and the palace servants took great pleasure in watching them take even lowly gardeners and labourers into their mouths and throats.

  Lines of men of all ages formed to either side of the table, while female servants lagged back, giggling and snickering at their discomfort. Many of the men took pleasure in jerking them to and fro to hear their cries as their nipples or clitoris' were tugged and stretched, and both girls spent a miserable day from which they were quite some time in recovering. Their voices were raw whispers for many days to come, and it was weeks before their jaws and throats stopped protesting the misuse to which they had been subjected.

  Of course, this put that a considerable distance ahead of the servant girl, who, as I understand it, was soon afterwards disowned by her family and treated with scorn and derision by the other servants. Although she was an attractive girl Master Lei did not choose to make any use of her himself, instead having her driven to the edge of his lands and discarded there.

  I felt this to be quite unfair and even foolish, but of course, did not make protest. I had never reached the level of arrogance some of the other slave girls had towards the lesser servants, but what arrogance I had learned eased considerably after that day. I was always thereafter quite polite to any servant I encountered, and reminded of my own uncertain position and what damage I could do to theirs.

  And yet, my learning, my attempts to understand the Chinese languages and people, were for naught. Like all men of limitless power and reach Lei soon had other women arriving to please him, willing or unwilling. And a few months later he bartered me to another Governor even further to the west, and I was placed aboard a large riverboat making the journey through the immensity of the Jinshu mountains. The scenery was breathtaking in its beauty, distracting me from my unhappiness at being taken from the life I had come to know, the friends I had grown fond of.

  I had done my best to feel as little in the way of maternal aff
ection for my daughter as was possible, knowing that she could be taken from me at Master Lei's whim, but it was still very hard to know I was leaving her behind, even in Kira's dedicated hands.

  But I was a slave, and had no say in such decisions. I had no idea why Master Lei had decided to give me to Governor Chow, nor what price he asked in return, nor was I to ever know. In fact, I never met Governor Chow, for after weeks of floating through the rough country of western China I learned that he had no desire to even look upon me. And certainly had neither need nor desire for my services. In fact, the impression I gained from overhearing the words of his assistant was that the very idea of a sexual slave struck him as particularly disgusting.

  Nevertheless, as a practical man, and one who recognized the weaknesses of others, he had gone to some difficulty to obtain my person so that he could, in turn, gift me to another powerful man even further to the west. As we were almost on the Burmese border this caused me some confusion, but it emerged the governor whom I was destined to serve was an Indian governor.

  I had thought myself entirely resigned to my life as a sexual slave, but it seemed I was mistaken. For when I overheard my ultimate destination I felt a tight clenching of my heart and my pulse began to race with anticipation. India was a free country, with many British and other westerners within its borders. Were I taken there surely the chances of my making my plight known would be greatly increased. Furthermore the authorities would not tolerate this sort of abuse as they did here.

  And so I was in quite good spirits as we continued down the river, and spent much time smiling at the beauty of the lush green mountains which slid past on either side, at the small waves rippling away from the bow of the slow-moving boat, and at the people and animals along the shore.

  The sailors, if one could describe them with such a term (and I could not, being of a proud maritime people) found me of immense curiosity, and whenever I was in sight would stare at me with wide eyes, as if I were a strange and exotic beast.

  In a way, I suppose I was. How many blonde English solicitors-in-training did a provincial Chinese riverboat man encounter during his life? Arrogant in my position as a valued commodity, not to mention British, I hardly deigned notice them, yet was aware of their eyes constantly upon me.

  One evening, after the sun had set, and the boat had tied up to the shore in a cleared space, I removed my robe and, nude, made my way into the water that I might wash myself. I could not honestly say I was unaware of the eyes upon me, nor claim to feel no measure of excitement and pride at their awe. I bathed casually, pretending an aloofness I did not feel, and hiding the quiver of arousal within my loins.

  After all, there I was, alone, a White woman in the deepest mountains and jungles of China, with a dozen sets of hungry male eyes upon my naked flesh. And yet they dared not touch me, for to do so risked worse than death were the governor to discover. And so I was free to tease and taunt them with my beauty and sexuality, free of any fears that they might approach me and force me to satisfy the lusts I raised in them.

  I had little to occupy my time with. The boatmen spoke a dialect which made conversation with us all but hopeless, and were a primitive and unsophisticated group in any case. There was one guard present, but he was an older man who glared at me whenever I approached, sullen, no doubt, at being forced to take himself away from the glories of the palace and endure the long and boring boat ride alongside me. The scenery, while beautiful, became monotonous, and I grew bored without my books to read, or any male to satisfy.

  During the day it was too hot to do very much but sit still. I had attempted to remove my robe on occasion, but the guard had evidently been directed to ensure this did not happen. This was not for reasons of decency, of course, but so that my pale white flesh would not be darkened and thus the governor's gift somehow diminished. I wore the robe at all times while under the sun, as well as a wide-brimmed silk hat to shade my face.

  At night, however, I could do what I wished, and began to strip entirely to do exercises on the shore or the deck of the boat. The eyes of the boatmen would fix upon me as I did so, and their jaws would grow slack as they followed my every movement. I often positioned my body in exaggerated poses simply to amuse myself by teasing them, and drew a measure of excitement from this at the way they shifted and twisted as they sat to hide their erections.

  Even as I did this I tried to make excuses for my behaviour, but insides I realized that it was mere exhibitionism, for I had definitely become an exhibitionist during my time in China. Kira and my other sister slaves had been bemused by my response to public nudity and sex, coming as they did from societies where nudity was more common and less associated with sexuality.

  Yet even as frequent as my public exposure had become - frequent enough that it no longer embarrassed or humiliated me to be seen in the nude by however many people - I still felt an intense rush of wickedness, of the forbidden, my schoolgirl moral teachings all telling me that no good or decent girl ever showed off her privates in public.

  Still, the atmosphere of the palace had been so hedonistic, at least around we slave girls, that there was less arousal because of the casual acceptance of such nudity by all around me. Yet only a few days away from the palace, spent among more common men with more ordinary sensibilities, and I was basking in the forbidden nature of my exposure, revelling in the shock and arousal they so obviously felt at my public display.

  One evening, after my exercises and swim had been completed I positioned myself at the rear of the boat, atop some low crates, and there spread my legs wide, opened my robe fully, and began to pleasure my body. Although I was not within sight of anyone I recognized that one of the boatmen could happen by at any moment, and the wickedness of my behaviour leant excitement to my fingers as they stroked against my sex.

  My nipples were erect, the areolas puffed out behind them, my breasts swelling rapidly as my fingers danced along my soft slit, and I began to breath more quickly as the heat quickly rose within me. I leaned back, looking upwards at the long dark shadow of the mountains behind me, hearing the lapping of water against the boat and feeling its gentle vibrations.

  And then the feel of feet moving on the deck.

  My fingers rubbed more quickly, even as a slow flush rose to my face. I was behaving wickedly, sluttishly. These were not the sophisticated, corrupt, and jaded men of the palace, but simple peasants. To behave in such a manner around them was unconscionable!

  And yet that very fact roused the desire within me, knowing how such nudity, such open display of sexual self-gratification would shock any of these common men. And so as I felt the steps grow closer I arched my back and drew my head back further, panting softly, as I slid two fingers into my body and began to stroke rapidly in and out.

  The vibrations ceased, and I could almost feel the shock of whomever had spotted me. I could see a darker shadow against the side of the wheelhouse, and a powerful thrum of excitement washed over my body. I was so wicked! So terrible! So sluttish! What he must think of me!

  And as the passion flowed through my body I began to writhe there on the top of the case, greeting my approaching orgasm under the eyes of my secret watcher.

  And then his resolve broke, and to my shock the dark shadow was upon me, rough hands grasping my thighs and tearing them apart. Startled but dazed, I looked up into shadow, his back blocking what little light came from the distant fire. A strong hand slapped against my mouth, jamming my head backwards and over the other side of the case, then his cock thrust deeply into my body, easily slicing through the moist folds of my sex as he buried himself within me.

  My legs jerked spastically as I sought balance, but I had no real desire to fight him off. Unfortunately, he did not know this, and was rough as he pinned me down and drove himself into my body. A dirty rag was forced into my mouth, and then my slim wrists were pinned back as he redoubled his efforts. His breaths were harsh and ragged as his cock stabbed into me with pounding strokes, and his hips ground furiou
sly against my thighs and buttocks as he used me with frantic desire.

  The sudden attack had startled and disturbed the flow of my passion, but now as he forced himself into me and took control of my body I felt the heat rising once more, the power of my sexual need redoubling as I groaned under the brutal heat of his lust.

  I writhed helplessly, though with no desire to escape, and he slapped at my face, then clawed at my breasts. I cried out softly, groaning in pain and pleasure, , nearly swooning with the severity of pleasure and passion tearing through my body. He rode me wildly through it, and then even as the pleasure slowly began to fade, was gone, darting back into the shadows.

  I sprawled back, gasping, pawing at the rag in my mouth to pluck it free, then drawing in deep breaths of warm, humid air. I moaned weakly, letting arms and head fall back once again even as my legs drooped down across the sides of the crate. I felt a deeply sated sense of contentment, as if being so roughly used by a stranger was the fulfilment of my passions.

  I pulled my head up, not without difficulty, and twisted my body so that I could prop my back against another crate. I lay still but for my heaving chest, wondering what kind of a woman I had become, what within me responded so powerfully to such raw, animalistic sex, to the savage use of my body.

  I recalled my days at university, and the care I had taken to dress myself attractively without risking condemnation. How bizarre that I had now become a creature aroused by publicly exposing herself, by rousing men to such extent they lost control of themselves and attacked me sexually.

  What would happen if I ever did find myself back home? How would I control this burning need to expose myself, to degrade myself, to be used so violently by men?

  But then I realized this was not a consideration I really needed to devote my thoughts to, for my freedom, even if I did wind up in India, was unlikely.

  I sat up and closed my robe, giving a little shudder at the warmth and sensitivity of my breasts, then slid off the crate and went to my mat to find my sleep.


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