Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars

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Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars Page 119

by Matthew Opdyke

  Casimir Effect – In the story, this is used by Pathway and Eliza in the most robust, fantastical, and hypothetical of ways, especially in relation to control of attractive and repulsive forces. According to established sciences, in 1948, Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir predicted that physical forces arise from a quantized field. He described this effect suggesting that the existence of conducting metals and dielectrics of one field revises the vacuum expectation value of the energy of a second quantized electromagnetic field. This plays a significant role in the chiral bag model and is used in cutting-edge microtechnologies and nanotechnologies.

  CERN – The French acronym translated into American English as, The European Organization for Nuclear Research, is known as CERN, and is a European research group that operates the largest particle physics laboratory, globally. In 2016, CERN generated forty-nine petabytes of data. The most significant purpose behind this and any other similar system is to understand more when it comes to the most essential parts of our physical Universe and beyond. Systems such as these help the realms of theoretical physics graduate to the reality of applied physics and can be used to increase the quality of life, as a whole.

  Cold Fusion – In the story, this is the ability to separate electrons, protons, and neutrons into leptons, up quarks, down quarks, and their antimatter equivalents, store them in a safe and stabilized state, to later recompose them into atoms and molecules without nuclear decay. Doing this assists a high quality of life free of danger to a life-friendly environment. Eliza and Yesha discover and use this process at micro and macro levels, in December of 2007.

  Commerce Matrix – Developed by Eliza and Pathway, allowing anyone an opportunity to create a business that provides products and services that assist humanity in the quest to preserve life, increase joy, and perpetuate love and an honorable legacy throughout the cosmos.

  Correctional Matrix - Developed by Eliza and Pathway, improved upon by Joanne Gallant and other high-profile scientists, and designed to provide the experiences necessary to bring into application the virtues inherent in Universal Ethics. Law enforcement personnel in this particular model of governance will now be critical participants in the Correctional Matrix as simulant characters and act as counselors, coaches, mentors, and trainers while helping those who have caused harm others to develop the higher virtues of compassion, empathy, kindness, and love.

  Cosmic Microwave Background - The limit of our ability to see the furthest distance relative to our location, due to the speed of light, where the light source or information received comes from radiation known as microwaves. Currently, that location lays at approximately forty-eight-billion light years from us, using math that includes the speed of light, the Doppler Effect, and the speed of the expansion as well as the time since the Big Bang.

  CRISPR-Cas-9 – CRISPR, broken out as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat, or paired up as CRISPR-Cas9, is frequently used to refer to a modern genome editing technology that facilitates efficient and precise genomic modifications in a wide variety of organisms and tissues. CRISPR are segments of genetic code comprising of short repetitions of base sequences followed by spacer DNA sections. In the story, this technology is used in a diverse spectrum and paired with more advanced tech that optimizes physiology and neurology.

  Dark Energy – According to established cosmological and astronomical scientists, this is an as-yet very-little understood matter that comprises approximately sixty-eight percent of the volume of energy in space. In the book, Vesha and Eliza discover the necessary properties that allow us to harness its power as well as the power of dark matter, jump through space, and control the expansion, such that the Universe expands and contracts gently, like the lungs during the breathing of a sleeping baby. As this occurs, the Universe will become eternal and provide the energy necessary for the immortality of benevolent, sentient, and living beings.

  Dark Matter – This was a subject talked about by numerous theoretical physicists, and astronomer Vera Cooper Rubin brought this to the foray through her diligence, studies, dedication to her understanding of her Universe, and her will to share this information until true substance was brought to the idea of what it was precisely that bound galaxies, superclusters, and the most massive structures in the Universe together. Dark matter comprises approximately 85% of the matter in the Universe and about 23% of its density. The majority of dark matter is composed of mostly non-baryonic matter.

  Database Moon Archive - All information from Pathway and in all of recorded human history is stored here both in raw form as well as through abridged narratives created to expand clarity on any subject studied in as full of manner as possible. This archive also has multiple backups of genetic sequences for every species of land, air, or water creature. Furthermore, all who choose to have their information backed up will be able to return to life in an optimized body similar to that of Vesha Celeste or Sky Taylor, upon their return from the dead. This is also where the Virtual Paradise exists for those who wish to take a break from reality and live in an imaginative reality but still connected with all other people who read-in, living or deceased.

  DLO - Datalink Operator - There are four DLOs per UAS Presidential or IMC Command Spacecraft, and their responsibility is to ensure positive communication and data transceiving channels between all other assets, communicating to Earth, the Database Moons, other IMC Zonal Assets, and associated leadership, while also diving into theoretical capabilities to improve existing ones.

  Education Matrix - This matrix is available via the Virtual Universe as interfaced through a biopod, or if an individual is sufficiently advanced in their training and upgrades, through Neural Link to Moon Database access, while simultaneously carrying out other personally-willed objectives and abiding by the principles of Universal Ethics. All levels of education from preschool, kindergarten, through high school, college, university, and so on are available here with opportunities for validated and associated programs.

  Entertainment Matrix - This matrix is available via the Virtual Universe as interfaced through a biopod and is intended solely as an interface between those two mediums. This is a place where individuals can allow their wild side, their ultra-creative expressions, development of movies, television shows, video games, news, and more to take place where the threshold for observers and participants is consent. Any situation here will allow an individual to acquire a diverse set of knowledge sets from a varied collection of circumstances and upon exit will provide neural identification recognition, positive cognitive frameworking, and experiential updates, upgrades, and optimizations. These experiences can be compartmentalized for reawakening and privacy purposes, or they can be shared with others by using Neural Links to comb the Moon Databases and deliver neural packages as needed.

  ESO - Environmental Science Officer - Aside from IMC Zonal Commander, this is one of the most critical and highest-ranking assignments on board any UAS Presidential or IMC Command Spacecraft, since it deals directly with the full scope of environmental controls and upgrades impacting both life and the mission.

  EWO - Electronic Warfare Officer - There are four EWOs on board each Presidential and IMC Command Spacecraft with a mission ensuring we can bridge communications with any potential hostile entity and thwart their effect on any UAS Spacecraft.

  F-Core - Fusion Core - The second type of core or the fusion core functions similar to the fusion drive and is a system provided to power every internal aspect of any spacecraft. Onboard every UAS Presidential and IMC Command Spacecraft there are thirty-two fusion cores, each capable of running every function on board and at least two are on board all support spacecraft. On UAS Presidential and IMC Command Spacecraft, there are sixteen available to power all infrastructure and sixteen available to control each of the sixteen turret arrays.

  F-Drive - Fusion Drive – This is the third method available for piloting any UAS spacecraft in auto or manual drive, while covering distances that are typically less than thirty light minu
tes away, with speed and agility. On board, each UAS Presidential and IMC Command Spacecraft are thirty-two F-Drives, each highly capable, yet all are integrated effectively for unforeseen backup purposes. On each UAS Space Force Support Spacecraft there are a minimum of two F-Drives for redundancy, increased capabilities, and as a backup.

  Filament – For the purposes of this book series, a filament is a cosmologically connected series of galactic superclusters. They are massive, thread-like formations, with a typical length of 163 to 261 million light-years and a thickness of about 20 million light-years. Dark matter typically attracts baryonic matter, and it is through the structures created through this attraction that filaments are formed. They are the most immense known structures in the Universe.

  As an example: The Milky Way Galaxy is a part of the Local Group of galaxies (more than 54 galaxies, including Andromeda and a number of dwarf galaxies). The Local Group is an outlying part of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies (between 1300-2000 galaxies). The Virgo Cluster is a part of the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies (comprising about 100 galaxy groups). The Virgo Supercluster is a part of the Laniakea Supercluster (about 100,000 nearby galaxies). The Laniakea Supercluster is a part of the Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex, which is a galaxy filament that is about one-billion light-years long and 150-million light-years wide (comprised of sixty superclusters) and is one of the most massive known structures in the observable universe, surpassed by the Sloan Great Wall, the Clowes-Campusano-LQG, U1.11-LQG, Huge-LQG, and the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, all of which the IMC will explore.

  FLA - Fusion Laser Array – For each Turret Array, this consists of four turrets that deliver fusion controlled laser packages to a target, meant to dilate for the breadth of damage and scope for precision - an effort is used to do the least damage to gain control, but can be used to destroy or cripple the target. Can only be used with permission from highest ranking mission commander. For example, if flying with the UAS Presidential Spacecraft, approval must come from President Eliza A. Williams, if flying with General Vesha Celeste and the UAS President is unavailable, then Vesha Celeste, then the Zonal Commander of the IMC Zone they are in.

  G-Core - Gravity Core - The third type of core, or the Gravity Core canvases an area within a 100-mile to 1 parsec radial sphere, fuses sensory information with monopole, dipole, and multi-pole magnetism, defies gravity and allows navigation up to light speed and adjusts grounding comfort for personnel with ease, there are thirty-two onboard each UAS Presidential and IMC Command Spacecraft, support spacecraft have at least two, where one can handle everything, the others are backups and networked effectively.

  G-Drive - Gravity Drive - Canvases any area within a one-hundred-mile-to-one-parsec radial sphere, fuses sensory information with monopole, dipole, and multi-pole magnetism allowing a spacecraft or optimized living being to defy gravity and navigate up to light speed with ease. On each UAS Presidential or IMC Command Spacecraft, they are located hidden and woven throughout the shielding entirely for maximum control and effect. This is orchestrated in such a manner as to allow attractive forces and redirective forces to avoid any sort of collisions.

  G-CCO - Gama Camera Control Officer - There are four G-CCOs on board each UAS Presidential and IMC Zonal Spacecraft. They are primarily responsible for managing all gamma transmissions and activity and providing situational awareness and briefings via the Virtual Universe and in the real world to apprise Commanders and other leaders as necessary.

  GCO - Gun Control Operators - There are sixteen GCOs on board each UAS Presidential and IMC Zonal Spacecraft. Each operator is responsible for one of sixteen turret arrays and can manually operate them in accordance with Universal Ethics to preserve life and the mission from destructive forces, and as coordinated with the designated UAS Presidential or IMC Zonal Spacecraft HBCI.

  Globular Cluster – A globular cluster is symmetrical and a spherical cluster of older stars, typically revolving around the galactic core as a satellite. The Milky Way Galaxy has about one-hundred-fifty of these types of clusters, and the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy appear to be donating their globular clusters to the Milky Way. In comparison, the Andromeda Galaxy has approximately five-hundred globular clusters revolving around its galactic core.

  GPA - Guided Projectile Array - Four 30-mm Bushmaster armor piercing cannon systems, each consisting of one AGM-176 Griffin Block III C short-long-range missile delivery system, and one GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb III (SDB) advanced delivery. According to UAS IMC Guidance on weapon systems, the GPA can only be used if in imminent danger or through proper coordination from the UAS Command Spacecraft Leadership, the WSO, and the designated HBCI.

  Hanny's Voorwerp - Voorwerp is Dutch for Object. Thus, an Astronomer, named Hanny, discovered an anomaly that, as is fictionally-used in this book, fundamentally breaks the law of the speed of light, where, for example, six-hundred-fifty-million light-years away a small galaxy had passed through a larger galaxy and subsequently when passing above or below the galactic bulge or the central black hole, many thousand light years from the galactic center, a quasar-like action took place, and as observed, the remaining galactic material passing underneath the bulge was wholly ionized or vaporized in a matter of moments, transcending the speed of light and causing the small galaxy to be reduced to primary star formation material.

  https://www.hannysvoorwerp.com/3-voorwerp-in-the-pictures/ (click here)

  HBCI – Human-Biological-Computer-Interface – Discussed in detail in the second novel of the two-part series, “Further than Before: Pathway to the Stars.” An HBCI is near-human, much more capable, yet merciful, kind, and benevolent. In contrast to how reality may be in other perceived Universes, HBCIs are given full citizenship and rights like any human being and thus work together on the shared mission of preserving life, humanity, living constructs throughout the known universe, and the Universe itself. As time goes by, their capabilities and capacities to beautiful and bequeath powers grow.

  Health Matrix - Location within the Virtual Universe designed to provide all healthcare needs, unlimited in healthcare provision of needs, but unused by public populations until a full scope of issues were addressed, and resolutions were made upon clarity of options and resultant requests. After the 28th Amendment of the US Constitution, anyone may opt for full optimizations or choose to heal from deadly diseases or complications, but otherwise, keep their physiology intact.

  Holoscreen – A projection on any given area providing a three-dimensional near-real digital display and representation for its viewing and sometimes participating audiences. Eliza and other Pathway members demonstrate, dependent upon their training and upgrades, anyone fully read-in has the capacity to broadcast in this way to its audience, locally, globally, or Universe-wide.

  Holowardrobe - A digital wardrobe overlay that ties-in to any user's neural identification, their mind, and the compartmentalized wardrobe section of the brain using its wardrobe selections to instantly apply a wardrobe combination to the individual's smartsuit. By the end of 2022, the smartsuit is no longer needed, because physiological and neurological upgrades allow the epidermis to act in the same way as the smartsuit. If a person is read-in, they can think about a tuxedo or ball gown, its details, and like that they are wearing such. After 2025, many fashion designers open up shops within the Virtual Universe where they sell wardrobe codes within their own Commerce Matrices for purchase and personal use, adapted individually.

  Hutchison-Guilford Progeria Syndrome - This disease impacts the body's ability to properly process progeria, causing the victim of this disease to age more than eight times faster than the average human being. All humans have progeria, but most process it in an effective manner allowing humans to live between seventy to 100+ years, while the life expectancy of someone Hutchison-Guilford Progeria Syndrome, or Progeria for short, and have a life expectancy of ten to thirteen years. Resolving this syndrome may greatly assist humanity to mitigate the disease of aging.
Doctor Michael Fossel is a modern-day leading expert and researcher on this particular subject. For more information please visit: http://www.michaelfossel.com/ (click here)

  Hyperloop - An elaborate series of airtight and properly pressurized tunnels with a vacuum train that fits in such a way that it can carry passengers going at supersonic speeds.

  I-CCO - Infrared Camera Control Officer - There are four I-CCOs on board each UAS Presidential and IMC Command Spacecraft. They are primarily responsible for managing all infrared transmissions and activity and providing situational awareness and briefings via the Virtual Universe and in the real world to apprise commanders and other leaders as necessary.

  IMC - Intergalactic Mission Contingency – This consists of the entire unit comprised of all thirteen UAS IMC Command Spacecraft. There is one spacecraft identified on occasion as the IMC, and that is the vehicle that Vesha Celeste and Erin Carter oversee. Vesha and Erin also monitor all of the other UAS IMC Command Spacecraft, while traveling through space together. Once an IMC Command Spacecraft is left to its assigned zone, leadership becomes decentralized, where the appointed spacecraft commander is in charge of their own command spacecraft and their zone. They are still part of the IMC, but direction becomes decentralized within each zone. Each command spacecraft is overseen by one of twelve zonal commanders. For clarity, all IMC command spacecraft are built the same way, with room enough to comfortably house a 1200-member crew, along with their onboard families and visitors, and all of its support components. Each spacecraft is paired with a self-healing nanosystem and a very high-tech and robust Artificial Intelligence system that works congruently with its nanosystem as it protects the life of every being on board and is very much alive and sentient. Its capabilities are countless beyond that, and very sophisticated, as such, each command spacecraft’ is given or allowed to choose a name. They have also been given UAS Citizenship.


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