Sky (Legacies Book 2)

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Sky (Legacies Book 2) Page 11

by Erin Osborne

  “Yeah. I just have morning sickness. Sometimes it’s bad and other times it’s not,” she says, resting her head on my chest.

  I move us until we’re laying down on the couch together. Grabbing the remote, I turn on the TV and find a movie. After turning down the volume so we don’t wake Zoey up, I pull the blanket down off the back of the couch and cover us up. It’s not long before Emersyn is sleeping on my chest. Keeping her in my arms, I get up and carry her into the bedroom.

  Once she’s in bed with the covers pulled up all around her, I check on Zoey and cover her little body up. Placing a soft kiss on her forehead, I stare down at her for a minute thinking about having two of her running around. My heart swells with love as I realize this is truly what I want. I want a family with Emersyn, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make things work between us.

  Walking through the house, I make sure all the windows and doors are locked before heading back to the bedroom. I strip down to the pair of shorts I left here and climb into bed with her. Emersyn moves her body back into mine and I wrap my arms around her. This is how I want to fall asleep every night. There’s so much to think about and do. My mind is whirling with everything as I close my eyes and let Emersyn’s scent calm me down and lull me to sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Emersyn ‘Sky’ Wilkes

  WAKING UP THIS morning, I realize I’m wrapped up in Colt’s arms. Last night’s conversation about the baby and us being together come back and a smile breaks out on my face. I think it’s one of the first genuine smiles I’ve had since my mother died. Well, in anything that doesn’t pertain to Zoey. My little one can always put a smile on my face.

  Everyone else has gotten the smile I reserve for when I know I’m supposed to be happy and feel as if everything is right in the world. Nothing’s been right in my world for a long time. Not since Colt’s family moved away and then I lost my parents. No matter what anyone says, my dad is still alive, but he’s been dead since my mom died. If I called him, I’m not even sure the phone would be on let alone that he’d answer the damn thing. At this point, he doesn’t even know he has a granddaughter or that I don’t live in the same town as him anymore.

  Hearing my phone vibrate on the stand next to the bed, I carefully reach over and see a message from Tonya.

  Tonya: Leaving in twenty minutes. Get up and get ready.

  Me: Where are we going?

  Tonya: Shopping with the girls. Blood and Bounce will have the kids.

  Tonya’s immediate reply lets me know she was waiting for me to tell her no. Instead, I like the idea of going out with a bunch of women and spending the day with them. Other than Kari, I don’t have any friends. It was never allowed by Jeremy because then he didn’t think he’d be able to control every second of my day.

  The few acquaintances I had decided I wasn’t worth the effort to become true friends when I always had to make excuses not to go out and do whatever they were doing. Jeremy didn’t like me not being in his sight at all times. Especially once he realized I didn’t like getting my ass beat. He’d taunt me and threaten me about beating me to the point I couldn’t move if I left the house. Even if he wasn’t home, he’d tell me others were watching out for him to make sure I didn’t go anywhere. What a life to lead.

  Sliding out from under Colt’s arm, I make my way to the bathroom. I’m a little nauseous this morning, but there’re no smells overwhelming me. I turn on the shower before taking care of the rest of my business so it’s hot when I get in. The second I step under the hot water, I release a sigh of contentment as my bones begin to loosen up and relax.

  I don’t hesitate to get washed and step out of the shower. With a towel wrapped in my hair and a second one tucked around my body, I make my way back into the bedroom so I can get dressed and check on Zoey.

  “What are you doin’?” Colt asks, his voice filled with sleep.

  “Going shopping apparently. Your mom messaged me and told me to be ready in twenty minutes. I’ve got about ten minutes to get dressed and make sure Zoey’s ready to spend the day with your dad and Bounce,” I reply, leaning over to place a kiss on his lips.

  “Oh. Didn’t know she was plannin’ that,” he mumbles. “Thought we’d stay in bed most of the day and just relax here. While you’re out, I’ll head to the club and make sure things are ready for tonight. Let me know when you’re on your way back and I’ll pick up dinner for us.”

  “Okay, baby,” I say.

  Colt gets out of bed and makes his way toward the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on as I grab a worn pair of jeans and tank top out of the dresser. Quickly, I get dressed before grabbing clothes for my daughter to wear for the day. Along with extra to put in her diaper bag because you never know what’s going to happen while we’re gone. Especially with her starting to eat baby food now.

  By the time I’m ready to go and Zoey is dressed and has had her morning bottle, Colt is out of the shower and ready to leave too. He takes the car seat from my hands and carries my daughter down the stairs while I lock the door behind us and make sure I have the burner phone, diaper bag with everything the guys will need, and my ID.

  Meeting Colt at the bottom of the steps, he grabs my hand and together we walk into his parent’s house. There’s already a houseful, and it’s more than just the women, Blood, and Bounce. Several members of Kings Vengeance are here and they’re all eating breakfast. Must be Tonya feeds them in the morning. Or they had some sort of meeting or something.

  While I spend a few minutes with Zoey after greeting everyone, Colt and Tonya disappear. I don’t even want to know because if I know anything about my man it’s that he’s stubborn as hell and will do what he pleases. The Johns men are all the same in that regard, but I couldn’t love them more than what I already do.

  “How are you feelin’?” Blood asks me, walking up to take Zoey from my arms.

  “Better than yesterday. So far anyway,” I respond.

  Blood and Tonya are the only two who know I’m pregnant and I’d like to keep it that way for now. I’m glad Colt agreed to keep this our secret for now. However, it’s not like I could keep it from Tonya, and she doesn’t keep anything from her husband. Especially if it involves one of their boys. Their relationship is what I want with Colt. It’s the same kind of love my parents shared once upon a time and it’s what I’ve always wanted for myself.

  Tonya and Colt come back in the kitchen where we’re all congregated. There’s a smirk on her face as she looks from Heaven to Sydney and finally to me. Yeah, there’s something going on and I won’t find out until we’re at whatever stores we’re shopping at today. Honestly, I have no clue where we’re going, and I don’t care.

  “Alright, let’s get going girls,” Tonya says as she walks over to her husband.

  Tonya kisses Zoey’s head and talks to her for a second before turning her lips up to meet Bloods. They share a kiss so intense I have to turn away. Colt laughs from the side of me and pulls me to him.

  “You should know Mom and Dad are like this,” he says, thinking back to our youth. “Have fun today but be careful. You start feelin’ like crap or think anythin’ is off I want you to call me. No one else but me.”

  “I will. You be careful too,” I tell him as his lips meet mine.

  After we all say goodbye to one another, the four of us walk out of the house and make our way to Tonya’s truck. We all get in with me in the backseat with Sydney. Tonya starts the engine and we take off.

  “So, it looks like you and Colt figured your shit out,” Tonya says as we head out of town.

  “I guess. We’re going to see what happens. Not sure anything will come out of it,” I answer hesitantly.

  “Why not?” Sydney asks me.

  “Because he’s around all the women at the club on a regular basis and I’m nothing like them. I’m not stick thin or ready to do whatever he wants me to do at the drop of a hat,” I reply honestly.

  “And that’s what makes you the woman he wants,” Tony
a informs me. “My son has always loved you. He just didn’t know what to do with his feelings. Then he wanted you to live your life a little before he made you his. We moved and you guys didn’t stay in touch. None of us did and it’s something we’ll all regret until our dying day.”

  I look out the window for a minute to get myself under control because my life would be so much different if I’d had Tonya and Blood to turn to when my mom died. Without knowing what would have changed, I have no doubt in my mind I wouldn’t have ever been with Jeremy and things with my dad wouldn’t have gotten so out of control. Blood and Tonya would’ve ensured it.

  “Emersyn, those girls at the clubhouse are there for the single guys. I’ve known Colt since the family moved back here and he won’t stray from you. He’s not a cheater and he’ll devote himself to your baby girl and you. You have nothing to worry about. And you have a banging body from what I’ve seen. You’re real and the sweet butts are nothing but fake,” Heaven tells me, turning around so I can see she’s telling me the truth as she sees it.

  “I’ve missed him so much since you guys left. I love all of you, but Colt is the one who broke my heart. For so long afterward, I would sit outside and cry because I knew there were no more trips to the beach, the park, or anything else we used to do,” I say. “Yeah, I could’ve done all that on my own, but I didn’t want to. In my eyes, those were the things I did with the boys or we did as families. And, you know how the kids were in school, so it’s not like I had any friends to hang out with.”

  “It didn’t stop as you got older?” Tonya asks me.

  “No. If anything it got worse. The kids teased me because I didn’t have my mom to talk to anymore. Then it was because I was the only one in high school who was a virgin. Every little thing they could think of to pick on me about, they did. Colt and Logan weren’t around to protect me anymore,” I tell her.

  “You never told your dad, did you?” she questions me.

  “No. He had enough to deal with. His grief is something he’ll never get over. I don’t even know where he is anymore. Or if he still has the house,” I say.

  “How did you hook up with Zoey’s father?” Sydney asks me.

  “When my mom died, I took over the house. My dad would go to work and then shut himself in the bedroom they shared. So, I cooked, made sure the bills were paid with his paychecks, did all the shopping for the house and us, and cleaned. After a few years, I was tired of it. I wanted to have a life outside the walls of the house we lived in,” I reply, tears filling my eyes and running down my cheeks. “I started to party and that’s where I met Jeremy. He soon started talking to me and for the first time since Colt left, I felt like I was wanted. What soon started out as feeling like love turned into something different; something dangerous. He cut me off from my friends and even my father. Then I had to quit school to take care of him. Jeremy got me pregnant twice and beat me so bad I miscarried the first baby.”

  For a few minutes, no one in the truck says a word. Sydney puts her hand on my arm as a silent form of compassion and understanding. It’s not until Heaven turns around that I know I’m about to be asked another question.

  “How did you finally manage to get away?” she asks me.

  “He beat me to the point I ended up in the hospital. My wrist injury is a result of that beating. It’s just now to the point I don’t have to wear the brace on it. While I was in the hospital, my only friend got Zoey from the house and packed up some of our stuff. A friend of hers brought us here and the rest is history,” I respond. “I’m not dumb enough to think Jeremy’s not going to come after me, but for now, I’m here.”

  “You’re not leaving here either, sweetheart,” Tonya says, voicing her opinion on the matter.

  I shrug my shoulders and I know Tonya doesn’t miss it. She never misses anything.

  The rest of the ride, we talk about Legacies, the club, and the guys in the club. They keep my mind off of my past and missing Colt and the rest of the family for so long. Sydney talks about life with Bounce and how back and forth he was before he decided to give in to what he was feeling for her. I laugh because I can totally see Bounce not wanting to fall in love with anyone. Thankfully he let himself because Sydney is head over heels in love with him. They have an adorable little family too.

  “Now, before we go in here, I have strict instructions,” Tonya says, turning off the truck before turning to look at me. “You’re getting a new phone, clothes, and whatever Zoey needs. Colt is getting a few things for her too.”

  “Oh, um, I can’t,” I begin to say, shame filling me. “I don’t have any money. I only came to hang out with you three.”

  “Colt already gave me money for you to use. If you go back empty handed, he’s not going to be happy. He has the money, Emersyn, because the man never spends a dime on himself. Much like you. So, today, you’re going to shop and get what you want,” Tonya tells me, using the voice all moms seem to have when they’re talking to children who don’t want to listen to them.

  “Fine. I’ll just pay him back once I start making money,” I say, getting out of the truck along with the rest of the women.

  We’ve been at the mall for so long already. Between all of the walking, not feeling good because of all the different scents lingering in the air, and the crowd of people, I was ready to leave over an hour and a half ago. Instead, Tonya, Heaven, and Sydney are dragging me through one store after another.

  There are so many bags we’ve already had to go out to the SUV once to take them out. Still, we have more than enough bags for all of us to carry. I’ve got a new wardrobe, a cell phone, toys and other necessities for Zoey, along with more lingerie than I’ve ever seen in my life. Plus, I’ve gotten some outfits to wear at work.

  “Who’s ready to eat?” Sydney asks.

  “I am,” I say, not completely thinking through my decision to head to the food court.

  “I think we all are,” Tonya agrees.

  Heading to the opposite end of the mall, I feel as if I’m being watched. Looking at the women surrounding me, they aren’t looking anything other than ordinary, so I know it’s just me. I look around, trying to appear as if I’m simply looking at the stores on the way to the food court. No one stands out as the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stand on end.

  “You okay?” Tonya asks me.

  “I don’t know. I feel as if I’m being watched suddenly,” I respond, keeping my voice low so no one else outside the four of us hear.

  “Call Colt,” Tonya tells me.

  Pulling my new phone out of my pocket, I unlock the screen and place the call to Colt. It’s not hard considering I only have four numbers in my phone. The women with me and him.

  “’Lo?” he asks, not sure of who’s on the line.

  “Colt, it’s me,” I say quickly.

  “What’s wrong, Emmy?”

  “I feel as if I’m being watched,” I tell him, continuing to look around and appear as normal as possible.

  “Nothin’ stickin’ out at ya?” he questions as shuffling around sounds on his end.

  “No. I’m looking around and I don’t see anyone I know. No one is standing out to me either,” I respond.

  “On my way. Get out of there. Now!” he demands of me.

  Since I’ve pulled the phone away from my ear, the rest of the girls with me overhear and we change direction. Instead of heading back the way we came, we head into one of the stores with its own entrance. We rush through the store and out the doors as if the hounds of hell were chasing us.

  My stomach is tensing from nerves, heart is racing, I feel as if I’m sweating gallons, and my eyes are large and darting around the store at the faceless people walking by us. I haven’t felt these things since leaving Jeremy and my gut feeling is that it’s him following us. He loves to play mind games, and this would do the trick for him. Jeremy would sit back and watch us scramble while laughing his ass off.

  “Emersyn!” Colt yells through my phone.

Shit! I forgot he was even on the phone with me still.

  “Where are you?” he asks, his voice frantic.

  “We just got to the parking lot. Heading for the truck now,” I tell him, not slowing my steps down.

  “Get in the truck and head for home. We’re on our way to get you,” he warns me. “Well, the guys are. I’m with the kids because Dad made me stay back.”

  I can see the smoke coming from his ears. Colt would be pissed about having to stay behind. Before I can answer him, we’re at the truck. Tonya unlocks the doors and we all jump in the best we can with it being so high in the damn air. I feel like the shortest person in the world trying to get up on the back of an elephant with no help or ladder to climb.

  “I’m gonna let you go so we can head out,” I tell him. “See you soon.”

  “See you soon,” he returns before I hang up.

  “Tonya, Colt said to head directly home. The guys will meet up with us at some point,” I tell her.


  Tonya starts the truck and immediately backs out of her spot. There’s no hesitation as she leaves the parking lot and points us in the direction of home. None of us speak and the music isn’t playing as we ride in silence. My eyes are constantly looking out the windows in case someone is following us. Still, I don’t see anyone.

  The further we get from the mall, the more I relax. My heart isn’t racing, the hair on my arms and neck isn’t standing on end anymore, and it feels as if my eyes are normal size again. I’m not ready to let my guard down just yet.

  If it was Jeremy, this is only the first phase of whatever he’s got planned. He knows where Zoey and I are now, and he won’t stop until he gets us. Or at least me. Jeremy won’t make his presence known until he’s ready to stop the mind games though.

  Before I can sit and think too much about Jeremy and the games he’s going to play with me and the King’s Vengeance, I hear the rumble of multiple motorcycles. Looking out the front window of the truck, Blood’s dominating form is sitting in the front of a group of bikes. He pulls out just before Tonya gets to him with one other member. The second we pass by the other five bikes, they pull out behind us. Suddenly, we’re surrounded by bikes and my comfort level shoots through the roof.


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