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Beholden to You

Page 21

by Sexton, Carlie

  “Thank you, and thanks for breakfast.”

  Drinking my coffee and eating my breakfast sandwich, I sat in silence, looking at Mac and thinking about all the wonderful things he had done to show me his love. Then my mind turned to the trust, and how he knew the day after we returned from Vegas about having to get married. “Oh, Mac. Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered, knowing he couldn’t respond. Would I have married him if he had told me? Everything happened so fast and I was swept away by all of his romantic gestures. Then, there was Ty. He still had an effect on me. A heart-pounding, palm-sweating effect. Would I have given Ty another chance if I wasn’t married to Mac? I put my hand on my stomach, thinking about the life growing inside me. Moving toward my husband, I sat beside him and took his hand, kissing it and holding it to my face. From the moment Mac put his arms around me on Thanksgiving, I had felt beholden to him, too. But not in an obligated way, more in a way that we were bound to each other, drawn together by a force greater than ourselves.

  Dr. Rosenberg walked in and greeted me.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Carter.”

  “Good morning, Dr. Rosenberg. Any idea when Mac will be waking up.”

  “I gave him some pretty strong sedatives, but he should be waking up in the next few hours. Why don’t you go home, rest for a while, and come back?”

  As the doctor asked me to take a break, Neil came through the door.

  “He’s not awake yet?” Neil asked me.

  “Not yet.”

  Neil and Dr. Rosenberg shook hands. “I’ll be back later. You should consider going home for a while, Mrs. Carter.”

  “I agree with the doctor. Kate is waiting for you at the house. Why don’t you head over there and relax for a little while?”

  “Okay, thanks Neil,” I said, hugging him before leaving.


  I turned back to look at Neil.

  “Mac is completely in love with you. When he found out about the trust, he was going to tell you, but I advised him against it.” Well, I hadn’t seen that coming.


  “Because I didn’t want you to get in your own way. I could see that you two belonged together, but I knew you were scared, and I didn’t want you to have a reason to run.”

  “I see.”

  “Do you see, Natalie? Mac took a bullet for you. He would give up his life to protect you.”

  “I know. Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because of the man last night who couldn’t take his eyes off you. Ty’s in love with you, too. Kate filled me in after we left the hospital.”

  “Nothing has happened between Ty and me.”

  “But he wants something to happen. The question is, what do you want? You need to figure that out. That is, if you don’t already know the answer.”

  I nodded and walked out the door. Neil had cut right through me and I didn’t know what else to say. It wasn’t as if those thoughts hadn’t already been invading my mind. Do I honestly believe that Ty is just in my past? Was that where I wanted him to stay? Was I certain that Mac is my future?

  Chapter 38: Mac

  I opened my eyes to a most familiar face…Neil. “Hey man, how do feel?”

  “Like I tried to use my body to stop a train.”

  “Yeah, you were in surgery for a long time, but the doc says you’re going to be fine.”

  “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you in Maui?”

  “That’s a long story. Right now, I want to concentrate on you and why you’re in this bed.”

  “All I care about is Natalie. She wasn’t hurt was she?”

  “No, she doesn’t have a scratch on her. You saved her life.”

  “Where is she? I need to talk to her. She knows,” I said in a panicky voice. Was she with Ty?

  “She’s with Kate. Before she left I told her that I advised you to withhold the truth.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She asked me why and I told her that you two belonged together, and I didn’t want her to use the trust as an excuse to not give you a chance.”

  Fuck. “Did she say what she’s going to do? Does she want to be with Ty?”

  “No, man. All she told me was that nothing has happened between them.”

  “Well, I found out from Mitch that he kissed her. Wouldn’t you say that is something?”

  “Shit…yeah, I would.”

  “I walked from the merger and came back early because of Mitch’s call. When I spoke to Natalie, she told me Ty was back, but she didn’t tell me about the kiss.”

  Neil nodded his approval at my decision. “Okay, so she’s guilty of withholding information too,” he said, flipping into lawyer mode.

  “I hope she sees it that way. I can’t lose her.”

  “I know, man. I think Kate will get through to her.”

  A knock on the door interrupted us. “Come in.”

  “Mr. Statton, I’ve been able to dig up a lot since last week. Here’s the file. Your wife told me where I could find you.”

  “Mac, this is Dean Evans, the investigator I hired to do some research on Cassie and the marriage clause in your trust.”

  “Glad to meet you. What did you find out?”

  “Mr. Statton was right. It’s a forgery. Your parents didn’t have anything in the original trust about you being married. I had a handwriting expert compare the original document with the one that Harold Brody gave you. There were discrepancies between the signatures.”

  “You mean this was some sort of scam? Did Cassie plant it or are she and Harold working together?” I asked.

  “Cassie is Harold’s daughter.”

  “What the fuck? So they are working together?”

  “Yeah, they’ve done this before. Cassie Montgomery, aka Kimberly Montrose, married another rich man under the same circumstances, a Maxwell Ellington. After a few months, he was in an accident and died. She thought everything was going to her, but a week before he died, he had changed his will and she got nothing. The police didn’t have enough evidence to arrest her, so she walked.”

  “How long has Harold worked for you?” Neil asked.

  “A couple of years. I remember him being friends with my parents when I was a kid, so when he came to me for a job, I hired him. I met Cassie not long after.”

  “I have given a copy of the file to Detective Roberts. He should be coming here to talk to you soon,” Dean said.

  “So, their plan was to get rid of Natalie, coerce me into marrying Cassie, and then kill me off? This is unbelievable.”

  Neil sat there shaking his head. “It was just a hunch I had, that Harold could have given you a forgery. None of it felt right to me.”

  “Obviously Harold didn’t think I would take this to another lawyer. I guess he thought playing the victim card would distract me for having it authenticated, and it would have if you weren’t my best friend. You always have had my back, Neil. Thanks, man.”

  Another knock at the door welcomed Detective Roberts into my hospital room. He filled us in on what had been happening since the shooting. My security team had found blood on the terrace, so they assumed that Streeter had clipped the shooter. They also found the shell casing from the shooter’s rifle. Cassie and Harold were already in custody, and Cassie had a wound on her arm and gunshot residue on her hands. Evidence confirmed. She was the shooter.

  “They’re both going away for a long time,” said Detective Roberts.

  “Do you think there was anyone else involved? I want my wife to be safe.”

  “Everything points directly to the two of them. We didn’t find evidence of any other party involved.”

  A doctor cleared his throat at the door. “Gentlemen, Mr. Carter needs his rest, so unless you need him for any further police business, I’m going to ask you to leave.”

  Everyone cleared out except for Neil. “I’m Dr. Rosenberg. It’s good to see you feeling up for visitors.”

  I extended my hand to shake his. “It’s good to
meet you Dr. Rosenberg. Things have been a little hectic in here since I woke up, but I am very concerned about something.”

  The doctor raised his eyebrows. “I can’t feel my legs. Will I be able to walk again?”

  “Oh, you haven’t seen your wife yet. The immobility is temporary. Once the swelling goes down you will be able to feel your legs again. Probably a couple of days or so. The bullet ruptured the sac around your spine, but I repaired it. You won’t have any problems.”

  “Thank you,” I said. He checked all my vitals and my chart, then took his leave, no doubt going to see another patient.

  Chapter 39: Natalie

  Kate had a fresh pot of coffee brewing when I arrived with Westin. She hugged me harder I thought possible.

  “How are you holding up, Nat?”

  “I’m actually totally freaked out. Someone tried to kill me, I found out my husband had to marry me, or somebody, due to some trust, now he’s lying in a hospital bed, my old flame wants me back, and the jury most likely will come back with a verdict today.”

  “Oh God, Nat. I can’t imagine how you are keeping it all together at the moment. Go sit on the sofa. I’ll bring coffee and we can talk.”

  I did as Kate told me. I had no energy for anything else. Sinking into her sofa felt cozy. I pulled the chenille throw over me and put my head back. Carrying a tray with coffee-filled mugs, sweetener, and her favorite hazelnut creamer, she placed it on the coffee table and sat next to me. As I began adding creamer to my coffee, Kate asked, “What are you going to do about Mac and Ty? Do you still love Ty?” Trust Kate to get straight to the heart of the matter. Her and Neil are so well suited.

  “I’ve been so messed up over this the last few days. I have feelings for both of them and no matter what I do, someone’s going to be hurt.”

  “I think I have a way to help you decide.” Kate got up to get her purse. She came back with it and taking out her wallet, she fished out a quarter. “Why don’t we let fate intervene? I’ll flip this coin and if it’s heads, you stay with Mac, tails you go back to Ty.”

  “What? Are you crazy?” How could I let a quarter decide my future?

  Kate didn’t respond. She placed the quarter on her thumb, readying herself to flip it. Before she did she said, “Admit it. You want it to be one side more than the other.”

  “Heads,” I said. “I want it to be heads.”

  “Now, you know,” Kate said, placing the quarter on the table.

  “Wow,” I said, running my hand through my hair. No more second guessing myself. “That was a very dangerous game you were playing.”

  “But, it told you your true feelings, what you wanted deep down. The man you truly love is Mac.”

  “I really do. I can’t imagine being without him.”

  “Good. I’m glad we got that settled.” I nodded, grateful that Kate was being assertive and decisive. That’s what I needed at that moment.

  “Now, as far as Mac having to get married. Nat, he would have married you regardless. He’s in love with you. He’s demonstrated it over and over. Your surprise wedding,” Kate said, beginning to choke up, tears forming in her eyes, “was so incredible. He would do anything for you. Don’t doubt his love.”

  Tears formed in my eyes, too, as I thought about that magical night, under the stars, saying I do to the man I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. “You’re right,” I whispered. Kate put her arms around me and held me tight, just like a sister, and it felt like things were being set right in my life.

  “I need to get back to Mac. He needs to know I love him and want him.”

  “I’ll text Neil and find out what’s going on. I put clean clothes and a towel out for you in the guest bedroom if you want to take a shower and change.”

  “Yes, I could go for a quick shower. Thanks Kate.” I made my way to the guest bedroom while Kate was texting.

  When I returned, she told me that Mac was awake, and Cassie and Harold had been arrested.

  “Thanks Kate, for everything. I still want to know what happened in Maui, but…”

  “Oh, it’s okay. It can wait. Go see your husband.”

  I hugged Kate goodbye, and Westin drove me back to the hospital.

  Mac’s room was empty when I arrived, so I went out to the nurses’ station to find out where he was. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ty walking toward me. I looked over at him as he approached me.

  “Hi, Nat.”


  “I wanted to come tell you in person, that the jury came back with a verdict this morning. Justin has been found guilty of manslaughter. He’ll be serving three to five years depending on behavior. Just thought you’d want to know.”

  I closed my eyes for a moment, taking in the news. “Thanks for coming to tell me in person. I’m relieved to have the trial over with.”

  “I have to admit, I’m not. I won’t be seeing you…unless… ”

  “You won’t be seeing me, Ty. You’ll always have a place in my heart as my first love, but that’s it. Mac is who I have chosen.”

  Ty nodded. “Is it too much to ask for a hug goodbye?”

  “Of course not,” I said, looking into his sad green eyes. Ty wrapped his arms around me, pulled me close, and held me tight.

  “Goodbye, Natalie,” he said in a low voice.

  “Goodbye,” I said, as he released me. Ty turned and walked away. I didn’t find out why he hadn’t fought for me, but I didn’t need to know anymore, because all that mattered was Mac. Mac’s love somehow relieved my fear that I was not worth the effort.

  I found an available nurse to locate my husband. “Dr. Rosenberg was running a few tests, but he should be back in his room by now.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll check again. Thanks.”

  I walked into Mac’s room. He was lying in his bed with his eyes closed. Oh, how I loved that man.

  Chapter 40: Mac

  I opened my eyes when I felt Natalie’s presence, but I didn’t think I could conceal the hurt of watching Ty holding her. I thought we had a chance, but seeing them together told me how wrong I was.

  Natalie rushed to my bedside, leaned down, and kissed me on the lips. At least I was getting a goodbye kiss. “Baby, I’m so glad you are okay. I was so scared.”

  “Nat, before you say anything else, I just want to tell you that I understand.”

  Natalie tilted her head. “I’m lost. Understand about what?”

  I almost couldn’t get the words out. “About Ty.”

  “Mac, what are you talking…”

  “Let me get this out, Natalie. I know I said I’d never let you go, but I want you to be happy. I saw you two in the hall a few minutes ago. He was holding you, whispering in your ear. I understand if you want to go back to him. I love you too much to get in your way. We can work things out with custody when the baby comes.”

  “Mac, you are the kindest, most generous, loving man I have ever known. And if you think I am leaving you for one second, you are sadly mistaken.” Natalie sat on the bed beside me, picked up my hand, and put it to her heart. “You are the love of my life, Mac Carter. You’re the man I want to go to bed with every night and wake up with every morning.”

  “But I thought…”

  “I was saying goodbye to him. That’s all. Just a hug goodbye.”

  I grabbed her head and pulled her toward me, kissing my beautiful girl. “A million things have been going through my mind. You didn’t tell me on the phone that he kissed you at the courthouse. When I came home, he was there, informing you that I hadn’t told you the truth… just now he was holding you in the hall. I thought we were over.”

  “No, Mac, if I have anything to say about it, we’ll never be over.”


  The sun was rising as I stared out at the horizon, sipping on the vitamin-packed smoothie Trina had made for me, while Mac was behind me massaging my shoulders. We had been docked in Hawaii since the night before, and were enjoying the view of paradise. I leaned back and re
sted my head against Mac’s chest. He was back to optimal health and the doctor had cleared us to take a long vacation. Mac had scoped out all of the adventures that the islands had to offer, and zip-lining was one of them. I couldn’t wait, as our zip-lining in Catalina had been the beginning for me in conquering my fears. It had helped me loosen the tight control that I had been holding onto in my life.

  It had been a couple of months since Mac had been released from the hospital, and another trial was on its way. Cassie and Harold’s. They were facing charges of attempted murder and fraud. Mac had paid her a visit in jail, where she communicated her remorse for all she had done to him. He also got her to admit that her father was responsible for the murder of Ellington, which made the DA happy, since Mac had been wired. They weren’t going to get away with any of their crimes.

  Both Mac and I would be testifying, but a different ADA would be prosecuting the case. Ty had recused himself since he knew us, and, as I was a conflict of interest. I wondered if he still had feelings for me, but the answer really didn’t matter.

  It was interesting that Mac had felt I was going to leave him. I guess, deep down, we both had similar fears of abandonment. We both had felt abandoned by our parents, even though it had been completely out of their control. I had been thinking that perhaps we needed to see a grief counselor to resolve those fears, because it was possible it could harm our relationship. Mac had been willing to let me go. Would I have felt the same if the situation were reversed? Those are things we should work on. I knew we would, and I was certain we would be stronger as a result.

  In the meantime, the power of Mac’s love had completely overwhelmed, and in many ways, transformed me. His attentiveness, his kindness and selflessness, had amazed me constantly. I still grieved the loss of Jessica, but the more I learned to open myself up to my friends, the more I realized that I am not alone, without support, but rather, surrounded by family. A family who loved me very much. Neil’s parents embraced me as their own, and I couldn’t feel more blessed and welcomed. Watching Mac with Neil’s niece, Olivia, had been incredible. At times, funny. But, I know he will be wonderful as a father to our child. We would soon be welcoming our first child. Victoria, if it was a girl, and Aiden, if it was a boy.


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