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Beholden to You

Page 20

by Sexton, Carlie

  Opening my front door, I stood there for a minute, not believing my eyes. Was I too late? “Natalie? What’s going on? Who is this guy and why the hell is he holding you?” I asked, dropping my bags to the ground. Natalie turned to look at me, despair etched over her face.

  Getting up and walking over to me, she handed me a paper. “Mac, I think you need to explain to me what’s going on.”

  I recognized it immediately. Bile rose to my throat and my gut tightened. She knew, and I wasn’t the one to tell her, her old boyfriend was. I was so fucked. “Natalie, I can explain.”

  “Carter, what can you possibly say to explain this?” Ty, who was now standing, interjected.

  “This is between me and my wife. I’d like you to leave,” I said, as my fists balled up. I wanted to tear this guy apart limb by limb.

  “I’m not leaving unless Natalie asks me to.”

  Natalie stood there quietly, her brow furrowed, deep in thought. I wanted to take her in my arms and make her understand, but I knew it was too soon for that. “Natalie, I didn’t know about this until after we were married, I swear. I didn’t trick you, I love you.”


  “What do you mean?”

  “When exactly did you find out? After Vegas, or after our wedding?”

  I wanted to say after the wedding so I wouldn’t seem like such an asshole, but I couldn’t lie to her.

  “I found out right after Vegas, the Monday we returned.” I hated the way the words sounded as they came out of my mouth. The look of betrayal in her eyes scared the shit out of me. Why hadn’t I told her? Everything was fucked up.

  “I see,” she said calmly. I wanted her to yell, throw something. Anything, but be calm.

  “Natalie, why don’t we pack a bag for you? You can come with me, I’ll take care of you,” Ty said.

  If that man thought he was walking out of my house with my wife, he had another thing coming.

  Natalie turned to Ty. “So, you want me to go with you? A man who devastated me within weeks of my parents dying? With no explanation or regard for what I was dealing with?”

  Ty stood there staring at her, words apparently eluding him. He must have felt like a total ass, at that moment. “Natalie, I’ll explain everything, just come with me.”

  Staring at my beautiful wife, I noticed a red dot on her chest, coming in from the terrace.

  “Natalie, watch out!” I screamed, as I lunged to get her out of the way, pushing her down as the bullet came racing toward her.

  We both laid there, me partially on top of her. I then knew what searing pain felt like. I stopped the bullet with my body and my blood was spilling from me.

  Streeter immediately returned fire and the shooter fled. He went out to the terrace, but couldn’t see anyone.

  “Oh my God, Mac, you’ve been shot,” Natalie screamed. “Ty, call 911.” Natalie managed to get out from under me and ran to the kitchen for some dish towels. Applying pressure to the wound in my back, tears were streaming from Natalie’s eyes. “Baby, keep your eyes on me. Help is on the way.” Even though I was in more pain than I had ever experienced, hearing her call me baby made me feel a thousand times better.

  Natalie looked over at Ty. “How long will they take?”

  “They should be here in a few minutes. I’ll get more towels.”

  “Mac, I love you so much. Everything is going to be okay,” Natalie said, as she continued to apply pressure on my wound. “Please God, please let me keep my husband,” Natalie pleaded as tears streamed down her face. “I can’t live without him. Please,” she sobbed.

  I reached up to wipe her tears away. “Baby, no matter what happens, everything is going to be okay. Even if I don’t make it you’re still going to have a beautiful life. I promise.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, Mac Carter. You’re staying here with me, damn it.”

  Streeter approached. “Mrs. Carter, let me take a look at him.” Streeter had brought in scissors from the kitchen and cut the back of my shirt right off. The grave look on his face told me everything I needed to know. I was shot in the back and I didn’t know if I would survive, but I felt pretty confident that I may never walk again. But, I’d gladly give up everything to protect my Natalie.

  “Streeter?” Natalie uttered. He looked at her but said nothing.

  “The ambulance is here,” Ty called out. He let them in and showed them the way.

  Natalie kissed me lightly on the lips. As the paramedics tended to me, stabilizing me, she whispered over and over how much she loved me.

  I began to lose consciousness when being moved to the gurney. Natalie was holding my hand as she walked out with the paramedics. Then, everything went dark.

  Chapter 37: Natalie

  They got him onto the gurney and began wheeling him out to the ambulance. Holding his hand, I kept talking to him, but his eyes were closed and I had no idea if he could hear me.

  “Nat, I’ll follow behind,” Ty told me. I didn’t have the strength to respond to him. I just climbed into the ambulance with my husband, praying he would be okay. He had to be okay. “God, this isn’t happening. I’ve lost everyone. Please don’t take Mac, please,” I sobbed. There was nothing else I could do.

  My phone was in my pocket, so I texted Charlie and Beverly, telling them to come to the hospital. Then I realized Neil’s parents were essentially Mac’s parents. I didn’t have their phone number, so I texted Kate. She replied with the number. I called Mrs. Statton.

  “Mrs. Statton, this is Natalie.”

  “Hi Natalie, how are you?”

  “I have bad news. Mac has been shot. We’re on our way to the hospital, right now.”

  “Oh, my God. Which one?”

  “Scripps in La Jolla.”

  “We’ll be there, Natalie.”

  I ended the call. I couldn’t say another word. Kate was texting me back, asking me what was going on. I responded with three words. Three words I never thought I would have to type. Mac’s been shot.

  My phone started ringing instantly. “Nat, we’re at the airport right now getting on a plane.”

  “What?” I asked. The ambulance was pulling into the hospital.

  “We’ll be there as soon as we can.”

  “Okay, we’re here. I gotta go.” I ended the call and got out of the ambulance, following them as they rushed Mac in. The doctors were ready for Mac as the paramedics had called in a gunshot wound. I wanted to go where Mac was going, but they wouldn’t let me.

  A nurse named Michelle greeted me, and began taking down the information she needed. I didn’t really know all of the details, and hoped that Neil’s parents might be able to fill in any of the missing information about Mac. Ty was the next person to come through the door, followed by Streeter. Neither of them said anything until Michelle stopped asking me questions.

  “Mrs. Carter, why don’t you take a seat in the waiting room. We’ll let you know the minute we have any news.”

  Streeter extended his arm to me. “Mrs. Carter?” I took his arm and he led me to the waiting room. Ty followed behind.

  We all sat down, Ty looking over at me. “Nat, I’m so sorry.”

  “What are you sorry about, Ty?”

  “Everything.” He put it that simply, but his devastated face spoke volumes. “Please forgive me for hurting you. I’ve been such an ass.”

  “Yes, you have,” I said softly, looking into his gorgeous green eyes. “I forgive you, Ty. It’s all in the past, anyway.”

  Ty picked up my hand and kissed it. At that moment, Charlie and Mitch came in. The glare on Mitch’s face made me think that Ty might soon be needing a hospital room, too. His teeth were gritted together, his nostrils flaring, his eyes slightly squinted.

  “Charlie,” I said, getting up to hug her. Then I hugged Mitch.

  “What happened? Is Mac going to be okay?” Charlie asked.

  “Someone was on the terrace with a gun. I think Mac saw them, and he pushed me down and got hit instead. He
saved my life,” I said, my voice trembling. I grabbed onto Mitch’s arm for support.

  “Come here, Nat,” he said, giving me a bear hug. “Mac’s strong. He’s going to be okay.”

  With that, I lost it and sobbed uncontrollably in Mitch’s arms. Charlie had her hand on my back.

  “Nat, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe this is happening,” she said.

  When they reached the hospital, Neil’s family rushed into the emergency room asking about Mac.

  “He’s in surgery, right now. That’s all I know,” I told them, as they each hugged me. We all sat down to ready ourselves for the unbearable wait. While waiting, I explained to them what had happened. Well, as much as I could. It all happened so fast, and I was a little delirious from fatigue and worry.

  “I can’t lose him. This isn’t happening. I should be the one in there. Not him. He saved my life. I can’t lose him like I’ve…” I put my head in my hands and began sobbing again. My entire body was shaking.

  I lifted my head and looked at Neil’s mother. “Sophia, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. This is all my fault. I know Mac is like a son to you and he could die because of me.” It was like a damn burst and more tears streamed out of my swollen eyes.

  “Sweetheart, you didn’t shoot Mac, some lunatic did. I’m proud of him for protecting you. I would expect nothing less from him. He loves you more than his own life. You two are so lucky to have found each other,” Sophia said, as she grabbed my hand. “We’re all just going to have to have faith that he is going to pull through this.”

  Mitch stood up. “I’m going to go to the cafeteria to get some coffee. Can I get anyone anything? Some water or coffee?”

  “Water would be great,” several people requested at once.

  “Great,” Mitch said. Then he turned toward Ty. “Ty, is it? Why don’t you come along and help me carry the drinks back?” Ty got up, but didn’t say anything.

  Beverly and Daniel arrived. The moment I saw them, relief swept through me and I practically ran to them, hugging them like my life depended on it. When Beverly asked me what happened, I couldn’t speak. I looked at Charlie and she filled them in on the details.

  After a long while, Mitch and Ty returned with the drinks. Ty looked like he had been through the ringer during his time with Mitch. His mouth looked grim, held in a tight line, hiding anger perhaps? He wouldn’t look at me. Instead, he looked at the ground. It was too much to try to understand what Mitch had said to him, but, I knew I loved Mitch just that much more for his effort to protect me.

  “Natalie, can I talk to you in the hall for a minute?”

  “Sure,” I said, getting up to follow Ty.

  “Mitch filled me in on some things, including that Mac didn’t know about his trust when he married you in Vegas. I totally fucked up, again. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling you,” he paused for a second. “No, no. That’s not true. I thought when I told you about his secret you would dump him and come back to me.”

  I took in what he was saying and my heart broke a little. For so long I had wanted him back, had wanted to hear him say those words. “Ty, I don’t know what to say. Until a few weeks ago, I would have done anything to have you in my life again. But, right now, I need you to leave. All I care about is Mac pulling through this, and everything else has to wait, including the fact that he kept a secret from me.”

  Ty put his hand around the nape of my neck, his thumb caressed my face. “If anything changes, I’ll be around. I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Natalie.”

  Kate and Neil walked up as Ty was professing his love for me. “Kate, Neil…why are you here and not in Maui?” I asked, breaking away from Ty, embracing them.

  “I told you we were at the airport, Nat. We were coming home.”

  “I must have missed that. I’m so glad you are here, but why aren’t you there?” My head hurt.

  “It’s a long story. Let’s just say…Roger happened.”

  Before I could respond, two police officers walked up. “Are you Mrs. Carter?”


  “I’m Officer Milano, and this is Officer Alvarez. We’re going to need a statement about what happened.”

  “Officers, I’m Ty Latham, the new ADA. I was there when this happened. I’d like to give a statement and maybe you could talk to Mrs. Carter later? She needs to be with her family right now.” Ty took out his business card and handed it to Milano.

  “Okay, Mr. Latham. Mrs. Carter, here’s my card and we’ll be in touch if we need any further information.”

  “Thank you,” I said, and Kate, Neil, and I, returned to the waiting room.

  Hours had gone by and all we knew was that they had called in a specialist to operate on Mac. I sat there in my blood-stained clothing, just focusing on breathing. Was I losing someone else? Could it even be possible? It felt like a cruel joke, and I was being hit repeatedly in the face by the punch line. Charlie sat on my left and Kate on my right. Each of them held one of my hands. I hadn’t said anything for a long time, thinking that if I spoke, everything in the world would come crashing down around me.

  Charlie began to speak, but I interrupted her. “Don’t say it’s going to be okay. You don’t know that. None of us know from one moment to the next what can happen.”

  The words no sooner left my mouth, as the doctor walked through the double doors. I rose to my feet along with Sophia and Magnus.

  “I’m Dr. Rosenberg. You must be Mrs. Carter?”


  “Your husband is in recovery. He’s going to be fine. I don’t want to get to technical on you, but the bullet ruptured his Thecal sac which is connective tissue that protects the spinal cord.”

  “Is he going to be able to walk again, Doctor?” I asked, the blood draining from my face.

  “He will have some paralysis until the swelling goes down, but he will be walking around in no time. Most likely a couple of days.” “Oh, thank you,” I said, hugging the doctor. It probably was not protocol, but I didn’t care. This was the man who helped save Mac’s life.

  Magnus pulled Sophia into his arms. “He’s okay, he’s okay,” he choked out.

  I let go of doctor. “When can I see him?”

  “He’ll be moved into a room shortly. I’ll make sure you see him soon. Hearing your voice will be good for him.”

  “Thank you so much.” Dr. Rosenberg smiled, nodded, and walked away.

  I turned to Charlie and Mitch who had stood up beside me. “You guys have been here for so long. Why don’t you go home and I’ll call you later? You too,” I said toward Kate and Neil.

  They all hugged me and made their way out of the waiting room. Daniel walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. “I’m so glad that Mac is going to be okay.”

  “Thanks,” I murmured. “Why don’t you and Beverly go home, too? I’m sure you are both exhausted.”

  “We can stay if you want us to,” Daniel responded.

  “No, I’ll be okay. I’m going to stay here with Mac.”

  Beverly grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Are you sure, honey? We don’t mind staying.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Call us if you need anything.”

  “Yeah, go home and rest. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  The nurse came to tell me we could see Mac one at a time, and that he was recovering in room 325. Streeter followed me up along with the Statton’s. I went in first. I sat next to Mac, took his hand, brought it up to my lips and kissed it. “You gave us quite a scare, Mr. Carter, but the doctor assures me that you are going to be good as new in no time.” Tears filled my eyes, even though I was trying to be strong. Seeing him lying there in that bed was overwhelming. I told him over and over how much he meant to me and I couldn’t wait for him to open his gorgeous eyes.

  Neil’s parents were waiting to see him, too, so I went out to the hall. “I’d thought you’d like to see him tonight,” I said, squeezing Sophia’s hand.

  The Statton’s went
in to see Mac and I stood out in the hall with Streeter. “Streeter, we are going to need more security.”

  “I’ve already called it in and Westin should be here with a bag of things for you and Mac. We had a team go to your home to sweep the place, look for evidence, and to pack your things. I’ve also booked a hotel room for you until we know who is behind this.”

  I stood there, stunned. I hadn’t heard Streeter talk so much at one time. “Thank you, Streeter. How are we going to figure out who is after me?”

  “You let us worry about that.”

  A few moments after the Statton’s left, Westin showed up with two bags. I was so glad to have some essentials from home. Going through the bag, I found a pair of jeans, sweats, my long-sleeved gray-knit top, a toothbrush, and some clean underwear. I was kind of embarrassed that Westin had gone through my underwear, but that was the least of my worries.

  Getting ready for bed, my mind began to replay the events of the day. I lay on the sofa, covered myself with the blanket the nurse had provided, but couldn’t fall asleep. It was all too much: the trial, Ty, Mac’s secret, and the attempt on my life. My head felt like someone was using a jackhammer on it, and I had to keep telling myself that what had happened was real.

  Suddenly, I was being awakened by someone touching my arm. Opening my eyes, Ty appeared with coffee and a bag in his hand.

  “Ty, what time is it?”

  “It’s about seven. I’m on my way to work, but I thought I would stop by and check on you.”

  “You didn’t have to do that,” I said, sitting up. My eyes still felt heavy, and the last time I remembered was two in the morning.

  Ty sat next to me on the sofa and handed me the coffee and bag. I took a sip. “You remembered how I like it.”

  “I remember everything,” he said with a look of intensity that would make any girl squirm.

  I opened the bag to find an egg sandwich.

  “Thank you. You’re very thoughtful.”

  “Well, you continuously occupy my thoughts.”

  “Ty, you shouldn’t say things like that.”

  He touched my hair, sadness clouding his eyes. “I better go. I’m assuming you won’t be in court today, but I’ll let you know the verdict when it’s in.”


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