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When a Cowboy Loves a Woman

Page 4

by Maggie Carpenter

  Pulling on a fresh white T-shirt, he finished unpacking the few clothes he’d brought, and then it hit him. The bag was empty. His clean underwear and socks were gone.

  “You brat, Bridget Cooper,” he exclaimed, “I knew it!”

  Staring at the bag, his hands on his hips, though he was shaking his head he couldn’t help but break into a grin, and reaching for the phone he called Richard’s office.

  “You ready for this?”

  “I don’t know,” Richard replied. “Am I?”

  “I left my overnight bag in the van, so Celeste sent Bridget to fetch it. I just discovered she relieved it of all my underwear and socks.”

  “She did what?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I like this girl,” Richard chuckled. “That’s brilliant.”

  “I wanna to wring her neck, but I have to admit I’m grinnin’ as well.”

  “I assume you’re in your room.”

  “Yes, Richard, I’m in my room with a towel around my waist.”

  “I’m sorry,” Richard said chortling loudly, “but this is hilarious. Don’t worry, I’ll be right there.”


  Hanging up the phone, Caden moved back to the window and stared down at the paddock. Bridget was still playing with Valentino; the horse’s spirit was back, and the sight was pure magic.

  “What am I gonna do now? I’m real happy to see you like that again, big fella, but what’s gonna happen when I load you back into the van to take you home. One problem is solved, and it presents me with another.”

  A knock told him Richard had arrived, and wishing he could run down to the paddock and join Bridget and the happy horse, he walked across the room and answered the door.

  “Sorry, Richard, I thought it was unlocked. Come in.”

  “No problem, here you go. You know what this means, don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Caden frowned taking the unopened packets of underwear and socks from his friend. “It means I have to borrow a car and go into town, and I was gonna take a nap.”

  “Besides that.”

  “I’m not sure, what?”

  “She’s engaging you. She’s communicating.”

  Caden was already ripping open the plastic packaging around the briefs, but he paused, staring at his friend.

  “Damn. You’re right. I wonder if she knows that.”

  “She might not, but that was lifting up the sword, throwing down the gauntlet, that was an attention grabber, an invitation, a-“

  “You can stop now,” Caden said holding up his hand. “I get it. Damn. Hope springs eternal.”

  “The question is, what’s your response.”

  “You know what I’m thinkin’?” Caden said pensively.

  “I’m afraid to ask, what?”

  “None. Nada. Nothin’. A kid throws a tantrum, what’s the best thing to do?”

  “Ignore it,” Richard declared.

  “Exactly. I won’t say a word. When I go down to watch her ride Valentino, I won’t say a word. It’ll drive her nuts.”

  “You are a cruel man, Caden Price, and I’m not sure that’s smart.”

  “Hey, all’s fair in love and war, besides, she’s got it comin’. Maybe the best way to get her attention is to stop askin’ for it. Oh, by the way, speakin’ of Valentino, go look out the window.”

  As Richard walked across the room to look down at the paddock, Caden pulled on the ill-fitting briefs and grabbed a pair of jeans.

  “Two peas in a pod,” Richard remarked. “Talk about a match.”

  “No kiddin’. That horse has been depressed ever since his owner left. That’s the first time I’ve seen him like that. What the blazes can I do now?”

  “Think on it,” Richard said wisely. “That, my friend, is a bigger problem than getting Bridget to listen to you. The prank is proof of that. It’s just a matter of time now.”

  “Yeah, I agree,” Caden said slipping into a shirt. “I’m feelin’ almost as happy as that horse. I never thought I’d be pleased that someone took my underwear and socks,” he laughed.

  “Here, take my car,” Richard offered pulling the key from his pocket. “It’s the silver Mercedes in the garage.”

  “Thanks, Richard. Do you need anythin’ while I’m in town?”

  “Nope. Just make sure you’re back for lunch at midday.”

  “Are you kiddin’? I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Caden, before I leave…”

  “Yeah, what?”

  “Think twice about ignoring her.”

  The look on Richard’s face was serious, and Caden had learned to listen to his older, wiser friend.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “She’s given you what you want. You have her attention. In her own whacky way she’s reaching out to you. You went to a lot of trouble getting her here, and it’s worked, my friend. You don’t want to reject her now.”

  “Dammit, Richard, you’re right,” Caden sighed. “How could I not see that? I was about to be an idiot…again! I swear, that girl just twists my head around.”

  “I’m on the outside looking in. My view is unimpaired by emotion.”

  “You do have a way of puttin’ things,” Caden remarked. “I’m still goin’ into town to buy what I need. Even if she is gonna talk to me, my underwear and socks could be floatin’ down the creek.”

  “Or in the manure pile,” Richard laughed. “From everything you’ve told me, I wouldn’t put it past her. Now I must get back to my desk. I assume Max mentioned we have Heather Chadwick arriving tomorrow.”

  “Yep, he couldn’t wait to tell me.”

  “She has given us quite the list of requests, or rather, her mother has. I’m still organizing them all. I’d better get back to it.”

  “I don’t know how you do it, Richard. I wouldn’t have the patience to deal with these entitled, spoiled divas.”

  “Simple. I charge them a ton of money,” Richard exclaimed.

  “I’m ready to leave,” Caden said grabbing his wallet. “I’ll walk down with you.”

  “Lock your door,” Richard said with a wink. “She might sneak up here and take something else.”

  “Such a brat,” Caden mumbled.

  “Maybe, but that’s one of the things you love about her.”

  “I hate to admit it, but you’re right Richard, you are so right.”

  Down in the paddock, Bridget had stopped running with Valentino and was catching her breath. Panting and laughing, she watched the big gelding walk towards her.

  “You are the best, most handsome fellow in the world,” she said as he stopped in front of her. “Who are you? Where did Caden find you? I should make up with him just so I can spend time with you. I wish I could afford a horse like you. Maybe by the end of the summer I’ll have earned enough working here to make that happen.”

  As if understanding her, he dropped his head over her shoulder and pulled her into his chest. There was little that touched Bridget more than a horse offering its affection and trust, and as her heart swelled, she could feel the heat at the back of her throat.

  “Valentino, I can understand why that’s your name. I’d call you that myself if you were mine. Can you keep a secret? I did something very naughty, and now I’m wondering if it was a mistake. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.”

  The horse lifted his head and backed up, and sensing someone behind her, she turned around and saw Max walking towards them.

  “You’ve really clicked with him,” Max remarked as he approached.

  “I have. He’s a dream.”

  “You know you’re gonna get to ride him, right?”

  “I didn’t know that for sure. Richard mentioned I could ask the trainer,” she said, wishing the trainer was anyone but Caden. “I saw him in the dining room and he didn’t say anything, but I hope I can. It’s been love at first sight.” Like it was with Caden, but you won’t break my heart like him, will you, Valentino?

  “No kiddin’,” Max rema
rked. “Look at him, he’s totally taken with you.”

  “I feel so honored,” Bridget said stroking the horse’s neck.

  The sound of a car pulling into the stable yard caught their attention, and turning around she saw a silver Mercedes roll to a stop.

  “Who’s that?” Bridget asked.

  “Richard,” Max replied, but as he started to walk away to meet his boss, he stopped. “Nope, sorry, it’s Caden Price, the trainer, drivin’ Richard’s car.”

  Bridget caught her breath, and as she watched Caden head towards the gate to enter the pasture, the butterflies in her stomach burst to life.

  He’s wearing a change of clothes. That means he’s unpacked his bag and knows what I did. Well, good. I’m glad. I hope it made him totally crazy. Uh-oh, why is he smiling, and why do I feel like jumping on this horse and galloping away.

  “Hey, Caden. Have you seen this happy couple?” Max asked as Caden neared.

  “I have. Valentino is crazy about you, Bridget.”

  “He’s a special horse,” she replied trying to control her nerves as she looked into Caden’s hauntingly infinite blue eyes. Why do you have to be so fucking handsome? It totally sucks. Damn, I hate you.

  “Max, do you mind if I have a private word with Bridget for a minute?”

  “No, no, be my guest. I have to get back to the barn anyway. When you’re done, Bridget, could you please check in with me. I have some other details to go over with you.”

  “Yes, sure, of course,” she replied wishing Caden hadn’t found her.

  They watched in silence as Max strode through the field and out the gate, then Caden began moving his hand across Valentino’s back.

  “I know what you did,” he said, calmly turning his eyes back to Bridget.

  “What I did?” Bridget quipped raising her eyebrows. “What might that be?”

  “Are they in the manure pile or the creek, or maybe,” he paused, “under your pillow?”

  “In your fucking dreams,” she hissed.

  “Ah, so you admit it then, and there’s that word again,” he said shaking his finger at her.

  “I told you to stay out of my way.”

  “Actions, dear Bridget, you know what they say.”

  “What do they say?”

  “Think about it,” he said smiling down at her.

  “Why are you here? Whatever it is you have to say, just say it and leave,” she huffed. “Is it about riding this horse? Before you ask, yes, I would love to, and yes, I know that means I’ll have to deal with you, and that’s fine, I get it, and it’ll be worth it. That’s settled so now you can leave.”

  “Bridget, I’ve walked into this paddock and am standin’ here for one reason, and one reason only, and it’s not about ridin’ Valento, though you can. No problem.”

  “What reason might that be?” she asked impatiently.

  “I’m here to put you on notice.”

  “What do you mean, put me on notice?”

  “Before this day is over, I’m gonna put you over my knee and spank you.”

  A hot, uninvited flush burned across Bridget’s face, and a wave of something she couldn’t identify surged through her body and landed between her legs. She wanted to snap back at him, say something funny and toxic, but not only was her mind a complete blank, her mouth had fallen utterly dry, and she was incapable of speech.

  Shit. What’s wrong with me? Yell at him, slap him, walk away, do something. Anything.

  “My goodness, nothin’ to say?” he quipped. “That’s a first. I know I threatened it when we were together, but to quote an overused phrase, this is not a threat, it’s a promise. I’ll be seein’ you at lunch, and then you’ll ride Valentino, and then, at some point before midnight, you’ll be over my knee gettin’ your ass spanked. I should’ve done it a long time ago. Maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess if I had. Still, better late than never.”

  Paralyzed, face blazing, she watched him turn and stride away.

  Holy crap. I feel like I’m on fire. He’s bluffing, he must be. He wouldn’t dare try to put me over his knee, would he? He was always talking about spanking me when were together but he never did. Does he mean it now? Holy crap. Oh, Valentino, I shouldn’t have raided his bag. What have I done?

  As if reading her mind, the horse snorted and shook his head.

  “I’ll just make myself scarce,” she muttered finally finding her voice. “I’ll have a wonderful ride on you, then disappear. I’ll scout out a place he won’t be able to find me. There are those woods behind the barn. I’ll check them out before lunch.”

  But even as she mumbled the words, she knew wherever she tried to hide, he’d find her. She’d crossed some invisible line. She could feel it, and as she hugged the big, chestnut gelding, a warm shiver rattled down her spine.


  Entering the dining room a few minutes before midday, Bridget lingered, waiting to see where everyone would sit, and when Caden chose to be next to Richard, she grabbed a chair at the other end of the table. Throughout the meal she studiously avoided eye contact, and when Richard introduced her, singing her praises and talking about what a first class horsewoman she was, she could feel Caden watching her. After his threat she was sure she’d fall victim to a blush if their eyes met, and she couldn’t bear the thought.

  But Caden had his own thoughts about why she’d been avoiding his gaze.

  You know I was serious, don’t you, Bridget? You’re such a brat. Flowers and chocolates might work for some women, but I think you’d see it as an apology, and I have nothin’ to apologize for. Nope, you’ll get the flowers and chocolates when you deserve them. I’m not gonna reward stubbornness, nor will I beg forgiveness for a crime I didn’t commit. You have been pig-headed and unreasonable, and takin’ my clothes? That was just childish. Perhaps you pulled that stunt because you want me to take you in hand. Maybe you’ve been wantin’ me to take you in hand all along. Regardless, I’m gonna be warmin’ that cute tush of yours before this day is over.

  As the lunch broke up, and the staff began going their separate ways, seeing her attempting a quick exit, Caden walked quickly across the room. Unfortunately for Bridget, several others were also heading towards the front door, and loitering in the hallway they had prevented her escape. Catching up to her, he grabbed her elbow and bustled her back into the dining room.

  “I have to get to the barn,” she protested trying to wrestle her arm from his firm grip.

  “Bridget, you’re behavin’ like a child,” he scolded. “You’re embarrassin’ yourself. This is important. Listen to me!”

  Glancing around she a few stragglers watching her, and though she stopped struggling she still didn’t look at him, staring past him out the windows.

  “I know we settled the fact that you’re gonna ride Valentino, but Richard wants to watch. He and I will be at the stable at two o’clock. Max has put my saddle and bridal in the tack room, so he knows where it is. I’ll expect you to be ready when we arrive. Don’t get on him, just be ready and waitin’.”

  “Fine,” she muttered.

  “Bridget, drop the attitude. I don’t think you want Richard to see what a diva you can be,” then lowering his voice and placing it at her ear, he added, “and it will only make me spank you harder.”

  Though she felt her face flame red and her stomach churn, she summoned the courage to lift her eyes.

  “You, Caden Price, better not dare lay a hand on me. If you do, you’ll be sorry.”

  She had hissed the words, and turning on her heel she stormed away.

  As Caden watched her dramatic exit, he leaned his shoulder against the wall and crossed his arms. She was behaving exactly as he’d expected, and he couldn’t be happier. Her protests were showing him how much she still cared.

  Deciding to take the short nap he’d missed that morning, he trotted up the stairs this room. Kicking off his boots and pulling off his jeans, he laid on the bed and sank into the inviting mattress, his tired body g
rateful for the respite, and closing his eyes he let out a long breath, allowing his mind to wander.

  Bridget, I don’t know where I’m gonna catch you, but I can’t wait to see your naked backside again. Yep, darlin’, I’m gonna bare your butt when I whip your bottom, and you’ll yell and holler and kick, and I’ll keep on spankin’ that ass until you promise to sit quietly and listen.

  He felt his cock stir, and choosing to imagine the scene taking place in the small forest behind the barn, he pictured himself grabbing her wrists and pulling her towards a fallen tree trunk. Sitting on the rough wood, he yanked her over his lap and started smacking her perfectly lovely behind.

  Pushing off his underwear, he clutched his cock and began to rub, but the image changed. It was the last time he’d made love to her. They were inside the barn at his in-town facility, hidden behind stacks of hay bales. He’d taken a brand new horse blanket and thrown it over the soft layers of scattered straw, then grabbing her, he’d kissed her fervently, and together they’d tumbled on top of it, urgently removing each other’s clothes as their fever took hold.

  As the memory raced through his head, he recalled the intense craving they’d had for one another, the soft whispers of love they had shared, and the promises they’d made. He ached to have her back in his arms, to knead her fleshy breasts and taste her pink, sweet kiss, and as the orgasm rippled through him, shooting his cream across his hand, though his deep groans signaled his release, they also spoke his of longing.

  He laid still, letting the moment pass, then used the little energy he had left to roll over and grab some tissues.

  I’m gonna get you back if it’s the last thing I do. You’ve been missin’ me as much as I’ve been missin’ you. That’s whole reason you came out here. It doesn’t matter how far you go, you can’t get away from your feelin’s, and I think you’re findin’ that out.

  As Caden was drifting into a light doze, down at the barn, Bridget was in a silent, covert battle. Caden was in her head and refusing to leave. The feel of his fingers locked around her arm after lunch had sent a wet fire through her sex, and when he’d brought his lips to her ear, her heart had pumped so hard she thought it was going to burst from her chest.


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