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The Reagan Diaries

Page 93

by Ronald Reagan

  Saturday, November 19

  Slept in, then up & at the desk for P.D.B. & radio script timing. And then a packet of bills arrived for signature or veto. No vetoes, all signed & delivered when I went to Oval O. for radiocast. The afternoon was a mix of packing things for Nancy to take to Calif. Mon. More bill signing, more mail & reading. Then dinner & early to bed.

  [Sunday, November 20: watched panel shows; packed papers for California office, commented, “Finally tired of that & took a shot at TV”; Patti, Dick, and Geof arrived; attended black tie dinner thrown by Katharine Graham. Monday, November 21: flew to California; motored to site of presidential library for ground-breaking ceremony; Mrs. Reagan went to home in Bel Air; went to ranch, watched football; commented, “Then bed time & for me the 1st time to go to bed without Nancy ever at this ranch.”]

  Tuesday, November 22

  Mulroney re-elected P.M. of Canada—phoned him this morning. Then a horse back ride on a very beautiful day. Forgot to say yesterday I sorted wines & put together 8 cases to go down to L.A. & our new house. Barney, Dennis & I had lunch then went back to our pruning. Then waited for news about Nancy’s arrival. Call came she was 15 min’s. out. Up to landing pad to meet her helicopter. She’s home at last. I put 2 more cases of wine together for the new house—cleaned up, dinner & finally bedtime.

  Wednesday, November 23

  Up & into riding clothes but no go. First fog rolled in & before breakfast was over the rain came. A load of homework arrived—mainly bill signing plus 3 vetoes. One was the much discussed “Ethics Bill.” It’s a lousy piece of legislation. Every Cabinet member said veto & a few Dem. members of Congress have gone on record favoring veto—Dingell & Rostenkowski the 1st 2. Looks like an indoor day. And it stayed that way. Dennis here for lunch. Rain set in for most of afternoon. So it was homework, bill signing, vetoed the controversial Ethics legislation. Kathy sent me a bunch of speeches I’d done back in the 60’s & 70’s when I didn’t have speech writers & a Xerox of my handwritten script of 1980 inaugural address.

  A couple of calls from Ken D. & one from son, Mike. Then dinner in front of TV. Watched “War & Remembrance,” 8:30 to 11 P.M.—then to bed.

  Thursday, November 24—“Thanksgiving”

  A cold, windy day—so cold I said no to a ride. A gray cloud cover—no rain—it’s too cold to do that. Late morning there were some signs of the clouds breaking. Did some chores, turned on the heat in the guest house in case our guests might want a look this afternoon. At 3 P.M. Dennis & Merme arrived. She & I had a most productive talk about her future. Then at 4 P.M. Jane E., Elaine Crispen & her daughter arrived. Cocktails & a 5 o’clock turkey dinner. It was a most enjoyable evening. They left around 7:30 to drive home in the rain. Nancy & I watched “Mary Poppins” on TV & then to bed. The Johnny in the bathroom had a mechanical problem—flusher wouldn’t work. I had to flush by lifting the plunger in the water box.

  [Friday, November 25: wet weather again precluded riding; homework; Ron and Doria arrived for visit; hung pictures.]

  Saturday, November 26

  Up early to do broadcast—subject “protectionism.” Blue sky, bright sunshine & a cold wind that kept the temperature in the 40’s. All of that plus the sloppy ground kept us from riding. Finished up with the picture hanging which involved the house, guest house & tack room. We took down things that will go to the Library, Eureka or Dixon House & replaced them with things we had in storage. Lunch with Dennis & Barney. Ron & Doria left for home about 10:30 AM.

  After lunch we split the wood we had cut on Tues. Then we all gathered in the bldg. of the Dr. & the Mil. Aides & watched the finish of the N.D. game—U.S.C. N.D. 27, U.S.C. 10. Then a ceremonial picture of all of us in front of the door with the Bide A Wee sign evident. The last time we’ll ever have those sessions. The Bldg. will be disassembled & returned to the mil. They presented me with a home made plaque with all our names on it. I’ve hung it in the Tack Room. Dinner—Barney present. Then Nancy & I watched TV for awhile—“Philadelphia Story.” And so to bed. Left a 7:15 AM call.

  [Sunday, November 27: returned to Washington; read Final Flight by Stephen Coonts en route.]

  Monday, November 28

  Staff time at 10 AM—after months of negotiation—a Grain agreement with the Soviet U. Extends present agreement (now expiring) until 1990—thru 1990 harvest. Then we talked about reaction to my veto of the ethics bill. Some flurry in Press but already running down. Then subject of Ollie North & possible pardon. I can’t do that before the trial. It would leave him under a cloud of guilt for the rest of his life.

  NRA [NSC]—George Shultz’s decision to deny Arafat a visa to come to U.N. Israel is very happy. Arab States are upset about it. Our law is very clear on the subject. George is right & the visa should be denied.

  Then a little planning talk re Gorbachev’s visit to U.N. George & I will spend about 2 hrs. at lunch with him at residence on Governors Island in N.Y.

  [Session with portrait painter; quick hello from James Baker; greeted Dick and Tommy Smothers escorting officials of American Lung Association; haircut; visit with W.H. operator facing surgery for brain tumor; photo session with W.H. staff of ninety-three people; Betsy Bloomingdale staying as houseguest, noted “She & Nancy are buried in closets—I think eliminating clothes that will not go back to Calif. with us. A brief interlude for dinner—then back to the closets.”]

  Tuesday, November 29

  Up early & had breakfast in Study. Then woke Nancy before I left for the office. First meeting—Ollie North case—Judge Gesell has made it plain that if certain secret information can not be used in trial because of Nat. Security—some charges may have to be dropped. We have notified Judge & prosecuting attorney Walsh that we can’t allow some facts to be made public. Rev. Falwell has sent a petition with 2 mil. signatures demanding a pardon for Ollie.

  Ken D. is having a meeting with Sununu to show him the ropes. Sen. Burdick of No. Dakota was taken to the hospital last night. Their law calls for election if Senator is disabled. Nick Brady is working on a plan to rescue the Savings & Loan banks. Last night Cong. John Dingell told Ken I was absolutely right in vetoing the Ethics bill.

  N.S.C.—I received a letter from Egypt P.M. Hosni Moubarak—friendly but pleading with me to allow Arafat to have a visa & come to the U.S. Sorry, I can’t do that. A meeting is taking place between Soviets & Mujahadeen regarding P.O.W.’s. Another meeting is scheduled.

  Rcvd. a message from Pres. Botha (S. Africa) explaining things that need to be done if they are to sign off on an Angolan settlement.

  Then desk work ’til Dick Wirthlin came in with latest polls My approval rating is 63%. I’m 80% on handling Soviets. Almost everything is in that range or thereabouts. Lunch, after lunch calls to Bob Dole & Sen. Mitchell—both elected to Sen. leadership positions. Then a photo with Phil Dusenberry—he’s retiring. More desk time. Then A. B. Culvahouse came in. I have a plea from Art Linketter about a pardon for his son-in-law who faces trial or sentencing December 7 for some mix-up with a Texas Savings & Loan for whom he was brokering a loan to a Mexican group. He has admitted he did not reveal to authorities some violation of Texas laws on interest rates by the bank. A.B. has convinced me I can’t do what Art asks. It’s plain however that an injustice is being done. We’ll keep watching it.

  Then a group including Mayor Barry came in & presented me with a sledge hammer. Has to do with the successful transfer of ownership in a Wash. housing development from govt. to the residents. We’ve started this & now about 13 more in different cities are moving to do the same thing.

  Then a sneeze shot & up to shower & change for a busy evening. First we go downstairs to a reception for about 250 people involved in the “Art in Embassies” program. Then over to Library for Cong.—The Repub. Senators dinner.

  At the 1st event we were presented with a silver box holding tapes of favorite songs. Then a receiving line for about 270 people. Some mix & mingling then over to the Library of Cong. & another receiving line—a
few hundred people. Dinner & some ceremony about departing Senators. Then Bob Dole did a beautiful tribute to me—I responded. Bob toasted me & gave me a gift—a weed chopper for the ranch. Homeward at 10 P.M. A wonderful evening.

  Wednesday, November 30

  Another 10 AM day. The Wash. Post mis-stated the case of Ollie North. A. B. Culvahouse gave me the legal details & corrected the story that had suggested I would be a witness. Budget Review Board meets today to receive budget proposals for various dept’s.

  Ken reported on his meeting with his successor Gov. Sununu. The Gov. wants a detailed report on our staff duties & performance. Fred Ryan came in & reported on Presidential Library progress. I was pleased to learn we’ve been shipping stuff to Eureka College for their museum.

  [NSC meeting regarding Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney’s request for meeting over trade; Swiss government confirmed for Philippine government that Marcos’s accounts contain $350 million, also doctors say Marcos is healthy enough to travel; received news of gun accident on USS Nimitz.]

  We are losing further our Persian Gulf protection. Ships will patrol zones instead of accompanying ships. Also a barge is being taken away. It carried supplies & served as a landing pad for helicopters.

  Word is Bhutto will be named Pakistan P.M. tomorrow. First woman to serve as such in any Islam state. Met with Ricardo Bofill—leader of Cuban Rights Committee. He’s campaigning worldwide on subject of human rights. Castro had him imprisoned for 11 of his 45 yrs.

  [Session with portrait artist; lunch with administration officials; photos with Savings Bond Volunteer Committee; Shultz submitted letter of resignation; attended black tie dinner for supporters of presidential library.]

  Thursday, December 1

  And again a 10 AM start. A.B. came in with more on the North case. Judge has asked independent council Walsh to tell him what the info. blocked from use in trial is. This may force a drop of 2 of the charges.

  U.N. voted 151–2 against us on Arafat—England abstained. Bud. Review Board rejected NASA’s request for further increase. We’ve already proposed a 21% increase plus a 22% increase next year. Mil. is asking for 4% pay raise—we’ve offered 2%.

  NSC—Soviets have stopped jamming radio broadcasts such as Radio Liberty & all the others. They have also announced they are releasing 120 pol. prisoners.

  Then on P.F.I.A.B. (Anne Armstrong) & several others came in to report. They have been working with CIA on a matter that goes back 25 years. […]

  [Visit from Foreign Minister Sousuke Uno of Japan, commented, “We really have established a good relationship with Japan”; then annual visit of rabbis with menorah for Hannukah; lunch with Vice President Bush, commented, “He’s really torn about the choice for the Sec. of Defense. I couldn’t help him”; photos with appointees; met with publisher Robert Anderson about program dedicated to the American horse on a 23,000-acre preserve in New Mexico; trade briefing; filled appointments to commissions; photos with Secret Service agents; went to doctor for exam of hand, commented, “Dupreyton Contraction. It should be operated on—I suggest early Jan.”; made before-dinner speech at dinner for Jack Kemp; returned to W.H. for dinner.]

  Friday, December 2

  Sec. Cavasos is new in the job—he asked for a budget increase of $70 mil. He didn’t know Congress had already added a bil.$ to what we had asked for. Ann McLaughlin—Sec. of labor is asking for a $400 mil. increase. This is in the budget overview we were having. Energy has had a $21 mil. increase, they want more. Leaders of our American Indians want a meeting with me. 61 Sen’s. & 8 Senator-elects have signed an endorsement of Geo. S’s. ruling on Arafat.

  [Noted upcoming schedule of speeches and TV appearances; NSC meeting noted meeting of Caribbean and Latin American countries in Miami; Soviet hostage crisis; NATO meeting; birthday lunch with secretary; met with David Rockefeller about his private initiative programs; received report from Advisory Commission on the Arts; telephoned Caribbean meeting and made remarks.]

  Then the whole gang of stewardesses, flight crews etc. from Pan Am who carry our press on trips but who always gather as a greeting group for me when A.F.1 lands came into the Oval O. It was great to see them & really meet them.

  Then Lyle Parker—Teke from Eureka when I was there dropped by with his family. Then upstairs to change for Camp David. On way to Helicopter—supposed to choose some wood carvings as gifts from the carver. We chose a large pair of Swans & a Santa Claus. Photos in Dip. room & outside with about 40 Interns. Then on to helicopter & Camp D. Temperature at the camp, 34 degrees. The movie after dinner—Jim Stewart in “The Way The West Was Won.”

  [Saturday, December 3: radiocast; homework; talk with Dr. Hutton regarding upcoming hand operation; received news of sudden death of longtime housekeeper; watched football.]

  Sunday, December 4

  Dawned bright & cold. Up at 9, watched “This Week with David Brinkley.” George Shultz was solid & good. Then at 11:30 AM left for W.H.—there at 12 noon (had a tailwind). Both of us brought back most of clothing we had at Camp David. Only one or two more weekends left up there. I spent the afternoon at my desk. Then the Kennedy Center Honors reception, 5:20 P.M.—W.H. Honorees—Alvin Ailey, George Burns, Myrna Loy, Alexander Schneider & Roger Stevens.

  1st the reception & a receiving line of about 350—many of them old friends—Bob Hope, Claudette Colbert—well the list is too long. Then upstairs, a fast dinner with Merme & Dennis & Ted Graber. Then over to the Kennedy Center—a great show honoring the 5 & a surprise finale when they did a tribute to Nancy & me with Auld Lang Zyne.

  Monday, December 5

  [Reviewed week’s scheduled speeches; noted new congressional leadership.]

  Budget meeting—main problem—military pay. We’re $1.1 Bil. over the Gramm, Rudman $100 Bil. ceiling. Dan Crippen reported on this one.

  N.S.C.—Some talks about the Wed. meeting with Gorbachev. We have to find out what title to use. He is now Gen. Sec., Chmn. & President.

  Venezuela election—John Perez who was Pres. in 70’s was elected again. We can work with him. The radical Left did poorly. The brief mil. revolt in Argentina has been controlled. The Heritage Foundation revealed its true nature. They are against an Angola settlement getting Cubans out charging we are selling out Savimbi. No such thing—we strongly support Savimbi. Desk time ’til lunch. At 12:45 up from lunch & a photo with Lindy St. Cyr. Then photos with a group of Jim’s friends. Then a photo with a 6 yr. old girl & her mother. Meeting me was the child’s request. She only has weeks to live. She has a brain tumor.

  At 1:30 a signing ceremony for Proclamation designating 1989 as “Year of the Young Reader.”

  [Meeting with George Shultz, as noted, “mostly on Middle East, the P.L.O. & upcoming meetings”; did exercises; dressed for Capitol reception for congressmen, old and new; returned to W.H. for dinner with Mrs. Reagan and Graber, who had plans for the new office in California.]

  Tuesday, December 6

  Again the day began at 10 AM A. B. Culvahouse began the meeting with talk about pardons for North, Poindexter & McFarlane. Jon (Mrs. McFarlane) wrote me a letter on her own asking for a pardon for Bud. He awaits sentence, he pleads guilty to making a couple of statements that weren’t true on the basis of things he said later. I don’t think he deliberately lied at all. I lean very much toward a pardon for him.

  Woodward of the Wash. Post sprang a story that Israel’s Nir had told him there was a secret intelligence agreement between Israel & the U.S. There is no such thing. Woodward wrote the story after Nir turned up dead in Mexico—a plane crash. It looks like a repeat of his story about Bill Casey—after Casey died.

  [NSC meeting with word that commander of U.S. F-16 base in Spain was killed in crash of one of the jets; South Africa said it would return to Angola talks; discussed Canadian trade problem.]

  There are rumors that Gorbachev is planning a shake-up of the military. Tomorrow is the day Geo. B. & I lunch with him in N.Y. Nancy has left this morning for N.Y. but we won’t
see each other while we’re there. Another rumor has Gorby creating something like our N.S.C. Another rumor has it that someone had planned a coup while Gorby was in the far East.

  [Briefing for Wednesday meeting; photo session.]

  Dr. Hutton brought in Dr. Hummel of St. Johns Hospital in L.A.—he has set up a team for any medical needs we may have after January 20. Then the Board of the Alzheimer’s Disease Assn. came in &, among them Yasmin Khan, daughter of Rita Hayworth who died a victim of Alzheimers. I had declared November as Alzheimers month. Today I received a plaque. Then it was a photo with the top brass of the Air Force Assn. I’m a charter member.

  Then an unscheduled meeting. The P.L.O. were meeting in Sweden re the middle east situation. Arafat made a statement that if it remains as told to us for his public pronouncement tomorrow, 6 A.M. our time we can grant him the visa for the U.N. & we are the winner.

  Then over to the family theater for rehearsal of Thurs. nite’s Press Conf. Upstairs, exercise, shower & then dinner with Ted Graber.

  Wednesday, December 7

  10 AM COLIN in our meeting. I signed a photo of Gorby & me in our first meeting in Geneva when he & I agreed to more meetings. I’m taking it to him in N.Y. We have information that Gorbachev will tell the U.N. he is reducing his military unilaterally. Learned Soviet U. had an earthquake in the Caucasus—great damage & many dead. Arafat’s news conf. in Sweden—he recognized Israel’s right to exist as a nation & rejected terrorism.

  [Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) requested that subject of opportunity for physically handicapped be raised with Gorbachev; flew to NYC and residence on Governors Island.]


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