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The Reagan Diaries

Page 94

by Ronald Reagan

  Geo. B. joined us there, Shultz & others arrived & briefed us on Gorby’s U.N. address. In it he declared he wanted mil. reduced by 500,000 men, 10,000 tanks, 8000 artillery pieces & 800 front line planes. Then Geo. B. & I met Gorby on his arrival. The 3 of us met for a short meeting then it was lunch with about 20 of us including translators & note takers. Meeting & lunch ended at 3 PM. I think the meeting was a tremendous success. A better attitude than at any of our previous meetings. He sounded as if he saw us as partners making a better world. Then he & Geo. B. & I motored to the waterfront where we faced Lady Liberty, then a view of the N.Y. skyline. George left us there & we went on to the Ferry dock where Gorby & I parted. Marine 1—then A.F.1 to Andrews & Marine 1 to the W.H. Nancy is home I’m glad to say. But I hurried through a shower & clothes change & at 6:25 P.M. left for “American Enterprise Inst.” for annual dinner. I spoke before dinner & returned to W.H. for 8 P.M. dinner with Nancy & Ted G.

  Thursday, December 8

  First meeting upstairs here with Colin, John, Ken & Bea. Main thing was that the Gorbachevs are returning to Russia today because of the tragic earthquake yesterday. He has said the deaths might well go into the 1000’s. We phoned him in N.Y.—I did my goodbyes etc. & offered to be of help if we were needed. Then Nancy got on for a farewell to Raisa.

  Then a pre-news conf. briefing in the family theater. Desk time in the office & lunch. My lunch was clear broth & jello & tea. Breakfast was a ginger ale & tea—Dr’s. orders. Last night I upchucked my dessert—the last time at 3 AM I feel very much OK now but I obeyed the Dr’s. orders.

  [Met with NAM executive board; signed proclamation of Human Rights year; briefed for news conference.]

  Over to Dr. Hutton’s office—other Dr’s. there. We got a bit of tomorrow’s annual check-up done. Then Nancy & I did photos for News Week & upstairs—desk time ’til dinner then the press conf. in the East Rm. It turned out very well. They seemed more friendly & all our gang thought it was great.

  Friday, December 9

  10 AM start—no breakfast—10 ounces of Golightly & a repeat every 10 minutes for a total of 13 glasses. Dressed for Camp David. First meeting a little post mortem on last night. Then told Stu Spencer had suggested after Jan. 20 that I might think of contributing a couple of speaking fees to the United Negro College Fund. Ken told me there would be no appeals for more money in the budget by any of our Cabinet.

  N.S.C.—Colin reported Israel had moved into Lebanon again militarily on land, sea & in the air. We all think it’s stupid. We’ve discovered the French are back to stealing from hotel rooms of American businessmen in Paris. Our A-10 that crashed in a German village has stirred up more German demands that may stop our flying there. Apparently Arafat who signed the paper we thought would meet our demands has fuzzed things up again & says it must be approved by some other group there in the middle east.

  [Greeted head of Paramount Pictures; photos with Mrs. Reagan, including one with dog breeder who raised Rex; received sculptures for W.H.; went to Bethesda for checkups; went to Camp David; watched Destry Rides Again (1939).]

  Saturday, December 10

  Bright & cold. Did radiocast—had to do a little writing—to get an insert in on meeting with Gorbachev. After radiocast at Laurel took our places before fireplace for greeting & photos with each of 135 newcomers to the Camp D. crew since last Xmas. Then lunch at the mess with the enlisted men & women. I did a little Q&A with them. It was fun.

  Spent afternoon mainly on homework I’d brought along. Dinner & at 7:45—Camp D. detail Christmas Caroled us. Then the movie, “North by Northwest”—Cary Grant. A call from Ken D.—we are going to stop by the Russian Embassy tomorrow afternoon & sign the condolence book re the earthquake.

  Sunday, December 11

  [Watched panel shows briefly; returned to W.H.; received word of deadly crash of Soviet plane headed to earthquake zone with relief supplies.]

  Lunch in the Atrium—then a short afternoon of cleaning out drawers. Then downstairs for photos with beautiful Xmas decorations—over to the Soviet Embassy—signed the condolence book for earthquake victims. Then on to the annual “Xmas in Wash.” Jimmy Stewart, Shirley Jones, Vicki Farr [Carr] & others—a wonderful Xmas program. Then back to W.H. for dinner in front of the T.V.

  Monday, December 12

  10 AM—Q’s. are being raised again about whether something should be done about people with incomes (this time above $90,000) collecting Soc. Security. Talk of Wed. schedule—speech at the exec. forum & Fri. to Va. on Foreign Policy. I’ve suggested Q&A because this one is at a University. Thurs. I get the commission’s recommendation on pay increases. Kranowitz is being hired away from us by Bob Michel & the Repub. Cong. leadership. Cong. resumes on Jan. 3. Tomorrow I get the budget.

  NSC—Colin in Detroit making a speech. John took over. He gave me or I should say an A.I.D. man gave me an update on our aid to Soviet’s on Earthquake disaster. Another plane crash there. This was a Yugo Slav plane—mistook a lighted highway for a runway—7 dead.

  Swedes are telling us Arafat is going to make his statement to the U.N. in Geneva (5 A.M. our time tomorrow). It will, we’re told, be the statement we’ve asked for. Moubarak wrote me a letter that Arafat is coming around. Argentina—Noriega helped finance the attempted mil. rebellion. Pres. Alfonsin has broken off relations with Panama. Polisario now admits they shot down our plane believing it was a Moroccan mil. plane. Some desk time—P.D.B. & so forth. Then my Commission on Physical fitness brought me the annual report. There were 18 of them including our friend Pam Shriver. Then into Lunch. Two staff members for the 2nd time smuggled a Xmas Tree into the study where I lunch. At 2 P.M. I met in Cabinet Room with 18 heads of Indian tribes. I think meeting went well. They want less bureaucratic control of tribes & more freedom. I’m for that.

  [Desk work; haircut; photo with employee who processes photos; dropped in on Mrs. Reagan’s tea with Sammy Davis Jr. and his wife; more photos; attended Congressional Ball at W.H., entertainment by Peter Duchin.]

  Tuesday, December 13

  10 AM & Arafat still speaking in Geneva to the U.N. The 5 AM was postponed to 9. He’s been going for an hour & a half. Colin was listening to him on CNN. I don’t think Arafat has met our demand. Our 4th plane is on it’s way to Armenia. Our W.H. staff exceeded it’s quota on the Fed. govt. charity drive. Carlucci is proposing a new idea in Defense long term ordering of weapons that would eliminate the every year squabble over budget. A.B. came in & clarified some of the issues over the North trial and classified info. that can’t be used.

  NSC—Angola, Cuba & S.A. have signed an agreement calling for Cuba to get it’s troops out of Angola. We’re trying to contact Savimbi to make sure he is involved. Out near Indian Ocean one of our ships testing a harpoon missile. An Indian ship came into target area in spite of our warnings & was hit by missile—1 man killed. We discussed the Higgens matter. We’re still not sure he isn’t already dead. In Armenia, 18,000 bodies have been retrieved from the rubble.

  [Addressed three thousand administration employees on economic policy of the two terms; greeted friend from Sacramento days; economic briefing, noted, “Our growth continues & the predictions of a possible recession don’t ring true”; spoke to Business-Government Relations Council; met with Webster about new satellite, the Lacrosse; had allergy shot; went to dentist for tooth cleaning; exercised; Maureen and Dennis at dinner.]

  Wednesday, December 14

  Back to 9 AM—News clippings carried a statement Bob Hope made about me in Miami, Fla. It was most complimentary. Some talk of remaining schedule then Danny told me budget report I’m getting this afternoon will be showing a surplus by 1993.

  NSC—Nations are divided about Arafat’s speech to U.N. Our own view is that he did not come through with clear cut statement we need. U.N. is to get together December 22 on Angola agreement. Need in Armenia is for a concerted plan as to how best we can help.

  Turmoil in Soviet U. as a great shifting & changing of leaders takes plac

  Then 10 AM Ambas. from China—Hau Xu in for a visit I asked for. It is 10th anniversary of China-U.S. establishing of relations. Desk time but a brief hello to Henry Kissinger who was here to see Ken D. Then a pleasant time in Roosevelt room with 30 or 40 of advisors to me on “Pvt. Sector Initiatives.” They gave me a report. They’ve done a great job. Lunch with V.P. Then—entire crew of A.F.1 came by for photos—about 35 all told. Then photos with the 3 groups Nancy Risque heads up. George Shultz’s regular meeting. He showed me a miniature railroad built in to a carrying case—a present from our NATO leaders to him. He tells me details of verification of Angola withdrawal has yet to be worked out. Vienna meeting is supposed to report on a variety of things having to do with conventional weapons on Jan. 5. Egypt says P.L.O. should be talked to now. Israel adamantly says no. Then photos with 58 Admin. officials, 1 at a time.

  [Presented medal to longtime employee; budget briefing, commented, “Joe Wright has done a great job. We’ll present a budget to Cong. Jan. 9 that is within the Gramm Rudman target by billions of dollars”; received list of recommended raises from Commission on Executive, Legislative and Judicial Salaries; exercised; had dinner; attended holiday reception for press; noted that “Tonite’s news (TV) featured George S. announcing that at last Arafat had made the statement we’ve been waiting for & our Ambas. in Tunis will begin meeting with him. I issued a written statement to the press. We mustn’t say it out loud but we outlasted him & we won.”]

  Thursday, December 15

  10 AM again. I’m told our budget includes a small start on the Savings & Loan problem.

  A follow up on my meeting with the Indian leaders. The Bureau of Indian affairs has a $45 mil. fund for loans to Indians (guaranty) for Ec. development.

  NSC—Reactions are showing up re our announcement of a dialogue with Arafat. Israel, of course is dead set against it. A number of Am. Jewish groups are rather noncommittal & we are being praised in a number of circles here & abroad. As we see it—a new game begins today.

  We’re still watching the Conf. on Security & Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.). Geo. S. may be a little too optimistic in his belief that its job is finished & we move on to other areas of negotiation & dialogue.

  A meeting with Turkish P.M. Turgut Ozal. A short but pleasant meeting. We are on good terms. He indicated a need for more help on military support. I hope we can but we’ve trimmed down on help to a number of other countries.

  A little desk time then our 2nd visitor, Italian P.M. Ciriaco De Mita. He was late so our meeting was short but again it was pleasant. Italy has agreed to take our F-16’s once based in Spain. Spain refused to extend the lease. Finally—15 min’s. later—lunch. Then 6 photo ops. for S.S. agents being transferred. Then photo op as I received a plaque from the new officers of the Future Farmers of America. Bob Tuttle with appointments to a number of boards & commissions—followed the P.M. A meeting with Att. Gen. Thornburgh for a rundown on the indictment of the Marcos’s. After him, Peggy Noonan—another session on our creation of my Farewell Address. Then a photo op with Ambas. Montgomery & his daughter. He’s been our man in Oman for 3 yrs. & a great help in the Persian Gulf business.

  [Videotaping, including a broadcast to the Soviet people; attended Christmas tree lighting; dinner with Maureen and Dennis. Friday, December 16: flew to Charlotte, Virginia, for foreign-policy speech at University of Virginia, commented, “The old school abounds with tradition & the spirit of Thomas Jefferson who founded the U.”; photo sessions at school; returned to W.H.; more photo sessions; Christmas reception for W.H. staff; noted that “Nancy is so tired we’re having dinner in bed.”]

  Saturday, December 17

  Nancy slept in—I got up & went out to the Park Police Stables. Did photos with them in the riding arena & got a thank you plaque from them. They trained our S.S. agents in riding & always brought the horses up to Camp David. I should have been giving them a plaque. Back to the W.H. & to the Oval O. for the radiocast—then up to the solarium for lunch—just the 2 of us. Then at 2:15 down the Grand Staircase to greet the W.H. & E.O.B. staffs—the whole downstairs was filled with them. Then upstairs to exercise & shower before a rubdown Nancy had scheduled. Dinner in study & then to bed.

  [Sunday, December 18: watched panel shows regarding deficit and Arafat situation; packed.]

  Monday, December 19

  A 9 A.M. start. A little fuss with dept. of Energy. They wanted a budget increase to restore nuc. plants. We pointed out they are holding excess funds & those must be used for the nuc. safety measures. They hold $900 mil.

  Just rcv’d. a fire management report on handling of natural fires (lightening etc.). Rule is to let them burn themselves out. We agree with rule but need provisions in case of certain weather conditions etc. A dispute also with task force looking into Fetal tissue research. They say using aborted fetuses is not immoral. Well I say it is because abortion is immoral.

  [Discussed pay raises for judges and other executives; NSC meeting with news of bombing of Peace Corps building in Honduras, of kidnapping of two people identified as Americans in El Salvador; resolution of problems regarding Chinese launch of civilian satellites; report that Soviets were waging an all-out air war on Mujahadeen in Afghanistan; report from aid workers on Armenian earthquake relief; photo sessions; addressed Grace Commission; many photo sessions; telephoned Governor George Deukmejian (R-CA) urging him to run for a third term; taped a greeting to CBS reporter Terry Drinkwater who was in the hospital with cancer; attended Christmas party for W.H. employees.]

  Tuesday, December 20

  Well, George will have to do the honors if our friend Emperor Hirohito leaves this mortal soil. If he does anytime in the next 30 days—the services wouldn’t take place ’til after Jan. 20.

  [Received positive word on inflation and that kidnap victims in El Salvador were not Americans but Salvadorans; NSC meeting with report on Israeli political situation; agreed to requested meeting by President Eric Delvalle of Panama; lengthy briefing for interview with David Brinkley following day.]

  Lunch—then photos shaking hands with 55 dept. people & 74 military. Another session with Peggy Noonan on my farewell address. Over to E.O.B., another photo with Uniformed Security. Then to East Room to greet Volunteers at their Xmas party. Back down to Dr. Hutton’s office for check on my eyes by Dr. Glamp & his assistant. And upstairs—I’ll exercise, shower & get dressed again for tonite’s Sr. Staff Party.

  It was a lot of fun, first the handshakes—about 300 & photos, then entertainment in the East Room by Yakov Smyrnoff—very funny. And so to bed.

  Wednesday, December 21

  A 10 AM start—talked about schedule. I present the budget to Congress Jan. 9. Don Hodel has endorsed the Quad Commission’s proposed pay raise. Our people have put in a request that the signal phone system we have be continued for 6 months.

  NSC—Geo. S. will be present tomorrow in N.Y. when the Angola, Cuba, S. Africa, Navimbi signing takes place.

  Top Secret the Chfs. of Staff have drawn up a plan for taking out the Libya poison gas plant if we should decide to go that route. We have sent a cable in my name to P.M. Shamir reaffirming our continued support for Israel.

  Then a briefing for my upcoming TV interview. Everything this morning has been in the study. The Oval O. is being set up for A.B.C. to rig it for my interview with David Brinkley. Then it was zero hour. Everyone says it went very well. I’ll wait ’til I see it tomorrow night. It’s a segment of an hour show on my presidency. Then lunch & after lunch a photo with Dale Petrosky who left us a short time ago.

  A Cabinet meeting—2 subjects—Montreal meeting on free trade. We got 11 out of 15 things we waned. Agriculture still a sticking point with our European trade partners. 2nd subject was a report on budget by Joe Wright.

  [Photo sessions with more than 130 people.]

  Then a meeting with Geo. Shultz. He gave his views on the Angola settlement even though we are not a signatory. Then made a pitch for me to pardon North & Poindexter
now on those charters that involve secrets having to do with Nat. Security. Let them stand trial on the indictments having to do with possible breaking of the law. It was a hell of a presentation & I’ve ordered that we pursue this further.

  [Photos and Christmas reception for Secret Service.]

  Upstairs—dinner & beddy bye. A phone call from Colin re the Pan Am plane crash in Scotland—258 aboard & all dead. We believe a great many were Am. mil. on their way home for Xmas.

  Thursday, December 22

  Ken D. heard from Dick Wirthlin who said a poll had shown 59% favoring our talking with Arafat & 19% against it. We decided I’d pre-tape my radio script in Palm Springs. We’ve decided I’ll give one more Medal of Freedom before I leave office. It will go to George Shultz. We’re invoking a 301 against Taiwan. They’ve banned our shipment of Turkey parts to Taiwan. A.B. came in. I’d sent him letters from Ollie North’s lawyers asking me to pardon Ollie. Now Judge has stated Nat. Security secrets must be released. We’ve said no.

  NSC—Air crash of Pan Am plane over Scotland began with some kind of explosion at 31,000 ft. New figure on dead—273 on the plane. Ambas. Charles Price & Carol went to scene of crash last night. Margaret Thatcher went early in the morning. I talked to both of them later in the day. Israeli’s 2 parties voted on yes on a unity govt.

  Basic Science agreement with Soviets came to me for approval. Our ranks are divided—some say sign, others want to go back & get some word changes. I haven’t made up my mind yet. A brief meeting with Pres. Delvalle of Panama. He went away pleased when he found George B. is going to continue our anti-Noriega campaign when he takes office.

  Photos with 5 of our Ambas’s. & familys. At 10:30 Thornburg came in with a well reasoned argument against pardons for North & Poindexter. Then new Sen. designate Dan Coats & family came by for a picture. He is the Congressman Gov. Orr of Ind. appointed Senator to replace Quayle. Then a brief address to about 50 Vol. rescue workers just back from Armenia & lunch with V.P. He told me of some other appointments he’s going to make & then asked if he & Barbara could use Camp D. over New Years. I said yes.


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