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The Reagan Diaries

Page 100

by Ronald Reagan

Gershwin, George

  Gershwin, Ira

  Gershwin, Leonore

  Gersten, Dr.

  Gesell, Judge

  Geyer, Georgie Anne


  Ghazala, Abu

  Ghorbanifar, Manucher

  G.I. Bill of Rights

  Gibson, Tom


  Gilley, Mickey


  Gingrich, Newt

  Ginsburg, Douglas H.

  Giorgio Cini Foundation

  Gipp, George

  Girl from Jones Beach, The (film)

  Girl Scouts

  Girl’s Nation

  Gish, Lillian

  Giuliani, Rudolph


  Glamp, Dr.


  Glenn, John

  Glitman, Mike

  Gloria, Hurricane



  Goddard Space Flight Center

  Godwin, Richard

  Golan Heights

  Goldwater, Barry

  Goldwater (Casserly)

  Gonzalez, Felipe

  Goodby, Ambassador

  Good Evening America

  Goodman, Benny

  Goodman, Lt.

  Good Morning America

  Goodwill Industries

  Goolagong, Evonne


  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  arms proposal of

  and Daniloff case

  and Iceland meeting

  letters to RR of

  nuclear arms reduction plan of

  RR’s meetings with

  Shultz and Carlucci’s meeting with

  Shultz and McFarlane’s meeting with

  on Soviet nuclear sub fire

  UN speeches of

  Gorbachev, Raisa

  Gordiyevsky, Oleg Antonvich

  Gordon, Senator

  Goria, Giovanni

  Gorillas in the Mist (film)

  Gorman, General

  Gormé, Eydie

  Gorton, Slade

  Gossett, Louis, Jr.

  Gottlieb, Paul

  Graber, Ted

  Grace, Peter

  Grace, Princess of Monaco

  Grace Commission

  Graham, Billy

  Graham, General

  Graham, Katherine

  Graham, Martha

  Graham, Mrs. Billy

  Graham, Otto

  Grambling University

  Gramm, Phil

  Gramm-Latta bill

  Gramm-Rudman-Hollings budget bill

  Grant, Cary

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  Granville, Bonita

  Grassley, Senator

  Gray, Bob

  Gray, William H.

  Great Britain, see United Kingdom

  Great Society

  Great Wall


  Greek Orthodox Church

  Greenberg, Hank

  Greenfield, Meg

  Greenspan, Alan

  Greenwood, Lee


  Grey, Congressman

  Grey, Joel

  Gridiron (film)

  Gridiron dinner

  Grier, Roosevelt “Rosey,”

  Griffin, Merv

  Grilley, Paul


  Griscom, Tom

  Gromyko, Andrei

  Gross, Ariela

  Grosz, Prime Minister of Hungary

  Ground Floor Committee



  Guare, John




  Gulf Cooperative Council

  Gulf of Sidra

  Gunga Din (film)


  Habib, Philip

  Habré, Hissène

  Haddad, Saad

  Haggard, Merle

  Hagler, Marvin

  Haig, Alexander

  anti-Semitism concerns of

  Begin’s meeting with

  China and

  Falkland War and

  grain embargo and

  Gromyko’s meeting with

  as “hit band” target

  on Israel and Lebanon

  Lebanon and

  Middle East cease fire and

  Mubarak and

  resignation of

  resignation threatened by

  rumor of firing of

  Schmidt and

  Hair, Jay


  refugees from

  Hakim, Albert

  Hale, Clara McBride “Mother,”

  Hall, Sam

  Hamedi (terrorist)

  Hamilton, Congressman

  Hamilton, West A., 166 Hamlisch, Marvin

  Hammer, Armand

  Hampton, Lionel

  Hampton Institution

  “Hands Across America,”

  Harlem Boys Choir

  Harlow, Bryce

  Harper, Edwin

  Harper family

  Harrington, William

  Harris, Ralph


  Hart, Gary

  Hartman, Arthur

  Hartman, David

  Hart to Hart (TV show)

  Harvard University

  Harvey, Paul

  Hassan, King of Morocco

  Hassan, Prince of Jordan

  Hasty Heart, The (film)

  Hasty Heart, The (play)

  Hatch, Orrin

  Hatfield, Senator

  Haughey, Prime Minister of Ireland

  Hau Xu


  Hawke, Robert

  Hawkins, Paula

  Hay, Admiral

  Hayakawa, Senator

  Hayes, Helen

  Hayes, Maxine

  Hayes, Rutherford B., ix

  Hayworth, Rita

  Hayworth, Yasmin

  Healey, former defense minister of England

  Health (film)

  Health and Human Services Department, U.S.

  health care bill

  Hearns, Tommy

  Hearst, Patty

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Hearst Foundation

  Heartland (film)

  Hecht, Chic

  Heckman, Connie

  Heflin, Howell

  Hellcats of the Navy (film)

  Heller, Walter

  Helms, Jesse

  Helms, Richard

  Helms amendment

  Helsinki Pact

  Henderson, John

  Henderson, Lady

  Hendon, Bill

  Hepburn, Katharine

  Heritage Foundation

  Heritage Groups Council

  Herman, Jerry

  Herrera Campins, Luis

  Herrington, John

  Hershiser, Orel

  Herzog, Chaim

  Hesburgh, Father Theodore

  Heston, Charlton



  Hickey, Cardinal

  Hickey, Ed

  Higgins, Anne

  Higgins, Robin

  Higgins, William R.

  Highway Bill

  Highway Patrol Association

  Hildreth, Jim

  Hill, Rush

  Hillery, President of Ireland

  Hills, Carla

  Hinckley, John, Jr., xi

  Hinckley family

  Hinton, Ambassador

  Hirohito, Emperor of Japan

  Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce

  Hispanic American Radio

  Hispanic Business People

  Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

  Hispanic Heritage gathering

  Hispanic Heritage Week

  Hispanic Scholarship Fund

  Historically Black Colleges &Universities

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hitler Youth

  Hodel, Don

  Hodges, Harriett

  Hodges-Scheiss, Joy

  Hoffman, David


  Hollings, Senator

  Holms, Brad


  Holocaust Day

  Holocaust Museum

  Home Loan Bank


  Hong Kong

  Honkey Tonk Man (film)

  Hooks, Benjamin

  Hooley, Jim

  Hoover, Herbert

  Hoover Institution

  Hope, Bob

  Hope, Dolores

  Hopper, Grace

  Horne, Lena

  Horne, Marilyn

  Horner, Connie

  Horowitz, Vladimir

  Hotel Inter-Continental

  Houphouët-Boigny, President of Ivory


  House, Dr.

  House Appropriations Committee,

  House Armed Services Committee

  House Ethics Committee

  House Foreign Affairs Committee

  House Intelligence Committee

  House Military Affairs Committee

  House of Representatives, U.S.:

  budget and

  Central American covert aid and

  Contra aid and

  deficit and

  drug bill in

  immigration bill in

  Nicaragua bill in

  Noriega and

  Pershing II passed in

  plant closing bill in

  spending cuts and

  tax reform and

  trade bill in

  House of Writers Association

  House Republic Conference

  House Ways and Means Committee

  Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

  Housing Bill

  Howard, Edward Lee

  Howard University

  Howe, Geoffrey

  Howell, John

  Hoyt, Desmond

  Hu, General Secretary of China

  Huang Hua

  Hubbard family


  Hudson, Rock

  Human Events,

  Human Resources

  Human Rights Commission

  Human Rights Conference

  Human Rights Day

  Human Rights Week

  Human Rights Year

  Hume, Jack

  Hummel, Dr.

  Humphrey, Gordon

  Humphrey, Hubert

  Humphrey, Hubert, Jr.

  Humphrey, Muriel


  Hunt, Guy

  Hupe, Straus

  Hurtado Larrea, Osvaldo

  Hussein, King of Jordan

  Hussein, Saddam

  Hutton, John

  Hyde, Henry

  Iacocca, Lee



  Inchon (film)

  income tax



  Indiana University


  Industrial Competitiveness



  as tax

  In Name Only

  Inouye, Senator In Performance at the White House

  Insurance Agents of America

  Intelligence Oversight Board


  interest rates

  Interior Department, U.S.

  Intermarket Working group

  Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces(INF)

  International Baptist Movement

  International Bureau

  International Council Conference

  International Federation of Business


  International Forum of the Chamber of Commerce

  International Games for the Disabled

  International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  International National Private

  Enterprise Task Force

  International Police Chiefs

  International Private Enterprise Task


  International Trade Representatives

  International Whale Protection


  International Withholding tax Iowa



  hostage crisis in

  Japanese pressure on


  Iran-Iraq War


  Israel’s bombing of


  Ireland, Andy



  aid to

  Arafat’s recognition of

  and arms for hostages

  economic problems of

  Egypt and

  Iraq bombed by

  Lebanon and

  1981 election in

  P.L.O. and

  Weinberger’s remark about

  and West bank

  Israeli lobby

  Issues & Answers


  Ito, Masayoshi

  Ivory Coast


  Izz Al Dim

  Jabu Al-Ahmed, Sheikh, Amir of


  Jackson, Helen

  Jackson, Henry “Scoop”

  Jackson, Jesse

  Jackson, Michael

  Jacobs, John

  Jacobsen, David

  Jacobsen, Pat


  James, Daniel “Chappy”

  James, Fob

  James, Pen

  James S. Brady Presidential


  Janis, Byron

  Janklow, Mort


  auto exports by

  CNN in

  Jarriel, Tom

  Jaruzelski, Wojciech

  Javits, Jacob


  Jayewardene, President of Sri Lanka

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jemison, T. J.

  Jenco, Martin

  Jenkins, Jim

  Jennings, Peter


  Jewish Coalition of Republicans

  Jewish Congress

  Jewish Heritage Week Ceremony

  Jewish Press

  Jewish War Veterans

  Jim Brady Foundation

  Jimmy Carter Presidential Library

  Job Partnership Training Act

  Jockey Club

  Joffrey Ballet

  John F. Kennedy, USS

  John F. Kennedy Presidential Library

  John Paul II, Pope

  Johns Hopkins University

  Johnson, Kelly

  Johnson, Lady Bird

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson, Sally

  John Stennis USS

  Johnston, Bennett

  Joint Chiefs of Staff

  Joint Committee

  Jones, Shirley

  Jones, Tom

  Jones Cult Affair


  Jorgenson, Earle

  Jorgenson, Marion

  Jorgenson, Sonny


  Juan Carlos, King of Spain

  Judiciary Committee

  Jumblat, Walid

  Junejo, Prime Minister of Pakistan

  Justice Department, U.S.

  “Just Say No” Club

  Just Say No to Drugs Week

  Juvenile Arthritis

  Kahn, Sammy

  Kalb, Bernard

  KAL flight

  Kampelman, Max

  Kansas, University of

  Kansas City Royals

  Karnes, David

  Karsh, Yousuf

  Kasselbaum, Nancy

  Kasten, Senator


  Kaufman, Irving R.

  Kaunda, Kenneth

  Kaye, Danny

  Kazan, Elia

  Kean, Thomas

  Keel, Al

  Keel, Fran Marie Kennedy

  Keepers of the Sea (Maroon and Beach)

  Kelley, General

  Kelly, Ambassador

  Kelly, Gene

  Kelly, Jim

  Kemp, Jack
r />   Kennedy, Anthony

  Kennedy, Caroline

  Kennedy, Ethel

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, John F., Jr.

  Kennedy, Joseph

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  Kennedy, Rose

  Kennedy, Ted

  Kennedy Center

  Kent State


  Kerry, Senator

  Kert, Larry


  Khachigian, Kenneth

  Khomeini, Ayatollah

  Kilgore Junior College

  Killing Fields, The (film)

  Kilpatrick, James J.

  Kimeu, Kamoya

  King, Coretta Scott

  King, Larry

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  King Lear (film)

  Kingon, Al

  Kings Row (film)

  Kinnock, Neil

  Kinsley, Michael

  Kirchschlager, Rudolf

  Kirkland, Lane

  Kirkpatrick, Jeane

  Kissinger, Henry


  Klinger, Barney

  Klinghoffer, Leon

  Klinghoffer, Marilyn

  Knight Ridder

  Knights of Columbus

  Knights of Malta

  Knute Rockne, All American (film),

  Koch, Edward

  Koehler, Jack

  Kohl, Helmut

  Koivisto, Mauno

  Kojella, Candi Thomas

  Kollek, Teddy

  Kondracke, Morton

  Koop, C. Everett

  Kopp, Mrs., Foreign Minister of


  Koppel, Ted

  Korean War

  Kountche, Seyni

  Kozak, Michael G.

  Kraigher, Sergej

  Kranowitz, Alan

  Kreisky, Bruno

  Kristol, Irving

  Krol, Cardinal

  Krulak, Victor “Brute”

  Kuehl, Frank

  Kuhn, Jim

  Kuhn, Judy


  Kyprianou, Spyros

  La Bohème

  Labor Department, U.S.

  Labor-Health and Human Services appropriation bill

  Ladies Home Journal

  Laffer, Arthur

  Laghi, Pio, Archbishop

  Laird, Mel

  La Joie, General

  Lakanihl, Abdul Ghaffar

  L.A. Lakers

  Lambro, Donald

  L’Amour, Louis

  L’Amour, Mrs. Louis

  Landon, Alf

  Landry, Tom

  Lang, Eugene

  Lange, Jessica

  Lantos, Tom


  La Prema,

  Lasorda, Tommy

  “Last Days of Patton, The”

  L.A. Times

  Laurel and Hardy

  “Law of the Sea” treaty

  Lawrence, Steve


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