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The Reagan Diaries

Page 101

by Ronald Reagan

  Laxalt, Carol

  Laxalt, Paul

  Layman’s National Bible Association

  Leach, Leslie

  League of Savings Institutions, U.S.

  Leahy, Pat

  Leakey, Richard

  Leath, Marvin


  American deaths in

  car bombs in

  hostages in

  Israel and

  Syria in

  U.S. embassy bombed in

  LeBlanc, Dennis

  Lee, Peggy

  Lee Bum Suk

  Lee Ki Beak

  Lee Kuan Yew

  Le Figaro

  Legal Task Force

  Legend of the Lone Ranger, The (film)

  Lehman, Ron

  Lehrer, Jim

  Lehrman, Lewis

  Lemmon, Jack

  LeMond, Greg

  Lenhart, Colonel


  Leslie, Joan

  Les Miserables


  Leukemia Fund

  Levin, Jerry

  Levin, Senator

  Lewis, Ambassador

  Lewis, Andrew “Drew”

  Lewis, Jerry

  Lewis, Jerry (Congressman)

  Lewis, Samuel


  Library of Congress




  Ligachev, Yegor

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lincoln Center

  line item veto bill


  Linkletter, Art

  Linkletter, Lois

  Lions Club

  Lipinski, William

  Lisner Auditorium

  Little, Rich

  Little Foxes (film)

  “Little Man”

  Liu, Eric

  Livingston, Bill

  Livingston, Congressman

  Li Xiannian


  Locks, Thomas

  Lodge, John Davis

  Loeb, J.

  Loeb, Nackey

  Loeb, William

  Lofton, John

  Logan, Barbara

  Long, Gillis

  Long, Patti Just

  Long, Russell B.

  Long, Shelley

  Lopez, Al

  López Portillo, José

  Loring, Gloria

  Los Angeles Dodger

  Los Angeles Times

  Los Angeles World Affairs Council

  Lott, Trent

  Louis, Joe

  Louis, John

  Lowell, Vice President of Philippines

  Lowitz, Don

  Loy, Myrna

  Lubbers, Rudolphus

  Luce, Clare Boothe

  Luce, Gordon


  Lugar, Richard

  Lung Association

  Luns, Secretary General of NATO

  Lusinchi, President of Venezuela



  Lyles, A. C.

  Lyng, Richard

  Lyon, William

  Lyons, Charlton

  Lyons, Jimmy

  Ma, Yo-Yo

  Mac, Coach

  MacArthur, Douglas

  McAuliffe, Christa

  McCain, John

  McCallum, Napoleon

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCarthy, Tim

  McCloy, John

  McClure, James

  McClure-Volkmer bill

  McConnell, Mitch

  McCrea, Francis Dee

  McCrea, Joel

  MacDonald, Ian

  McDonald, Katherine

  McDonald, Larry

  McFarlane, Robert “Bud”

  and hijacked Egyptian plane

  and hostages in Lebanon

  on Iran

  at Iran-Contra hearings

  King Hussein’s visit and

  and MX bill

  pardon for

  resignation of

  Russian trip of

  Shevardnadze’s meeting with

  and South Africa

  Soviet Union and

  suicide attempted by

  McFarlane, Jonny

  McGregor, Lord

  Machel, President of Mozambique,

  Mack, Connie

  McKay, Judge

  MacKenzie, Gisele

  McKernan, John

  McLaughlin, Ann

  McLaughlin, John

  McLaughlin Group,

  McManus, Mike

  McMurtry, Larry

  McNair, Mrs.

  McNamara, Robert

  McPherson, Peter

  Maddonwald, Polly

  Madison, James

  Madrid meeting on human rights

  Magana, President of El Salvador

  Magazine Publishers Association

  Maguid, Foreign Minister of Egypt

  Mahan (CIA employee)

  Mahatlin, Prime Minister of Malaysia

  Maitland, Olga

  “Making of the President, The” (White)





  Management Magazine

  Mancini, Henry

  Mandel, Prime Minister of Jamaica

  “Manhattan Transfer”

  Man of Iron (film)

  Mansfield, Maureen

  Mansfield, Michael

  Manulis, Marty

  Mao Zedong

  Mara, Kamisese

  March of Dimes

  Marco Polo, (TV show)

  Marcos, Ferdinand

  Marcos, Imelda

  Margaret, Princess of England

  Margat, President of Haiti

  Marines, U.S.


  Marlowe, Jess

  Maronite Christian

  Maroon, Fred J.

  Marriott, Bill

  Marshall, George C.

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Marshall Plan

  Martens, Wilfried

  Martin, Dean

  Martin, Dean, Jr.

  Martin, Jeanne

  Martin, Jim

  Martin, Lynn

  Martin, Mary

  Martin Luther King Jr. High School

  Martin-Marietta Astronautics Facility

  Marx, Karl

  Mary, Queen of Scots

  Maryland, University of

  Mary Poppins

  Masing, Mari

  Masire, President of Botswana

  Mason, James

  Mason, Morgan


  Massie, Suzanne

  Mata, Mr.

  Mathews-Dickey Boys Club

  Mathias, Mac

  Mathias, Senator

  Mathis, Johnny

  Matlock, Jack

  Matta-Ballesteros, Juan


  Maxwell Football Club

  Mayberry, Eugene

  Mayer, Jane

  Mays, Willie


  Mears, Rick



  Medved, Miroslav


  Meese, Edwin

  death of son of

  on FBI director

  and Iran arms deal

  Medved affair and

  Meet Me in St. Louis (film)

  Meet the Press


  Meguid, Esmat Abdel

  Meharry Medical School

  Mehta, Zuban

  Mellon, Paul

  Menotti, Gian Carlo

  Menuhin, Yehudi

  Merchant Marine, U.S.

  Merrill, Robert

  Merritt, George

  Merv Griffin Show, The,

  Metropolitan Opera

  Metzenbaum, Senator

  Mexican War


  Meyer, Dick

  Miami, University of


  Michel, Bob

  Michigan, University of

  Michigan State U

  Michiko, Princess of Japan

  Milewski, Jerzy

  Military Spouses Day

  Milland, Ray

  Miller, Ann

  Miller, Arthur

  Miller, Jack

  Miller, James

  Miller, Jonathan

  Miller, Roy

  Mills, Ed

  Milstein, Mrs. Nathan

  minimum wage

  Minnelli, Liza

  Minority Business Week

  Minority Enterprise Development


  Minority Groups Business Briefing

  Misfeldt, Terry

  Miskito Indians

  Missing (film)

  Missing Children’s Act

  Missing Childrens Center

  Miss Teenage America

  Mitchell, Senator

  Mitchell, Arthur

  Mitterrand, François

  M Magazine


  Mobutu, Joseph

  Moffo, Anna

  Moi, Daniel Arap

  Molinari, Guy

  Momoh, Joseph


  Mondale, Walter

  Monduzzi, Bishop

  Monge, Luis Alberto

  Monoram Club

  Montgomery, Ambassador

  Montgomery, Senator

  Moomaw, Donn

  Moon Sun Myung

  Moore, Arch

  Moore, Henson

  Moore, Herman

  Morality in Media Prayer Breakfast

  Moreno, Rita

  Morgan, Harry

  Morgan, Lee

  Mormon Church

  Mormon Youth Choir


  Morris, Edmund

  Morrow, Doug

  Moscow, University of

  Moscow summit

  Motley, Tony

  Moyers, Bill

  Moyers, Steve


  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus


  Mubarak, Hosni

  Mudd, Henry

  Mudd, Roger

  Mugabe, Robert


  Muldoon, Robert

  Mulroney, Brian

  Mulroney, Mila

  Murder She Wrote

  Murdoch, Rupert

  Murdock, David

  Murdock, Gabrielle

  Murdock, Justin

  Murkowski, Senator

  Murphy, Dick

  Murphy, Father

  Murphy, George

  Murtha, Jack

  Muscle Training Magazine

  Muscular Dystrophy

  Muscular Dystrophy Telethon

  Museveni, Yoweri

  Muskie, Ed


  Myers, Pamela

  Mzali, Muhammad


  Nacional Theatre


  Naisbitt, John

  Nakasone, Yasuhiro


  Namphy, Henri

  “Nancy D.”

  Nardina, Mr.

  Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan



  Nash, George

  National Advertising Council

  National Alliance of Business.

  National Alliance of Senior Citizens

  National Aquarium Society

  National Arthritis Foundation

  National Association of Black County Officials

  National Association of Broadcasters

  National Association of Counties

  National Association of County Officials

  National Association of Evangelicals

  National Association of Independent Schools

  National Association of Manufacturers

  National Association of Minority Contractors

  National Association of Realtors

  National Association of State Legislatures

  National Baptist Convention

  National Baseball Hall of Fame

  National Campers & Hikers Association

  National Cathedral

  National Catholic Education Conference

  National Cattlemen’s Association

  National Chamber of Commerce

  National Child Support Enforcment Month

  National Commission on Excellence in Education

  National Commission on Space

  National Conference of Lieutenant Governors

  National Conference of Mayors

  National Conference of State Legislators

  National Conference on a Drug Free Workplace

  National Conference on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

  National Consumers Week

  National Corn Growers Association

  National Council of Catholic Bishops

  National Council of Churches

  National Council of Farm Cooperatives

  National Council of Negro Women

  National Crime Victim Week

  National Day of Prayer

  national debt

  National Drug Abuse Education & Prevention Week

  National Economic Commission

  National Electrical Contractors Association

  National Endowment of Arts

  National Endowment for Democracy

  National Endowment for the Humanities

  National Epilepsy Foundation

  National Eye Care Project

  National Farm Bureau

  National Federation of Independent Businessmen

  National Federation of Independent Unions

  National Federation of Press Women

  National Federation of Republican Women

  National Forest Timber

  National Forum on Excellence

  National Fraternal Congress of America

  National Gallery of Arts

  National Geographic

  National Governors Association

  National Governors Conference

  National Guard

  National Guard Association, U.S.

  National Heritage Corridor

  National Homebuilders Association

  National Horseshow

  National Institutes of Health

  National Italian-American Foundation

  national Law Enforcement Council

  National League of Cities

  National League of POW/MIA Families

  National Medals of Science

  National Monetary Fund

  National Newspaper Association

  National Newspaper Publishers Association

  National Organization of Women (N.O.W.)

  National Park Service

  National Partnership for child Safety

  National Peace Institute

  National Prayer Breakfast

  National Press Club

  National Productivity Advisory Committee

  National Publisher’s Board

  National Realtors Association

  National Religious Broadcasters

  National Republican Committee

  National Republican Congressional Committee

  National Republican Congressional Leadership Council

  National Republican Convention

  National Republican Federated Women

  National Republican Heritage Council Board

  National Republican Senatorial Committee Trust

  National Resources & Environment

  National Review

  National Rifle Association

  National Safe Kids Week

  National Safety Belt Use Week

  National Savings and Loan Conventions

  National Security Agency (NSA)

  National Security Council (NSC)

  on Afghanistan

  on Africa

  on Aquino

  and arming of Jordan

  on arms control

  on arms negotiation

  on arms reduction talks

  and arms situation with Germans

  on Asia

  on B-2

  Buckley’s European trip and

  on budget

  on Canada

  on Central America,

  on chemical weapons

  on Chile

  on China

  on China trip

  CIA activities and

  Civil Defense buildup and

  on Contras

  on Cuba on

  Cuban diplomats expelled from Britain

  on Danish ban on nuclear vessels

  on Dean Martin, Jr.

  on debt in developing countries,

  on defense

  on defense appropriation bill

  on El Salvador

  on energy

  on European trip

  on French espionage

  on Geneva summit

  on Gorbachev

  on Grenada

  on Haiti

  on Hezbollah

  on Higgins kidnapping

  on Holocaust Museum

  on Honduras

  on imports

  on INF

  on Iran

  on Iran-Contra

  on Iran-Iraq War

  on Iraq

  on Israel

  on Jamaican hurricane relief

  on Japan

  on KAL flight

  on Kohl

  on Korea

  on Korean spy story

  on Latin America

  leak from

  on leaks on Lebanon

  McFarlane’s retirement and

  on Marcos

  “master strategic meeting of,”

  on MBFR,

  on meetings with president of


  Middle East and

  on Midget Missile

  on Mubarak

  on Mulroney

  on MX

  on Nakasone

  on NASA

  on new


  on new credit lines

  on Nicaragua

  North in

  on nuclear installations

  on nuclear security

  on Pakistan

  on Panama

  National Security Council (NSC) (continued)

  on Philippines

  PLO and


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