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MOAN: The Cantonneli Mafia

Page 26

by Sophia Gray

  Cade’s eyes met my own and a sizzle of arousal coursed through my body.

  “Later,” I added softly.

  Cade grinned. “I’ll be waiting,” he said in a low tone. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek before jogging away.

  I stood there like an idiot with my hand on the part of my face he’d kissed, beaming. Suddenly, I’d completely forgotten about my parents—no one existed in the world aside from Cade and me. Everything was perfect when it was just the two of us.

  The door creaked open and I almost fell backwards into the apartment. Mom was standing there with her hands on her narrow hips.

  “Vanessa, the manners on you!” She scowled. “It’s like you were raised in a barn! Why didn’t you invite your friend inside for a glass of water? It’s hot today!”

  “It was the mailman,” I lied.

  Mom frowned. “Well, you’d better come inside before you start to get too hot,” she said as she stepped away from the door. “Come on.”

  Chapter Twelve

  It felt like my parents had completely invaded my life. They made themselves right at home in the living room. Mom took out her knitting and Dad figured out how to get the TV on a local sports station. Once they settled in, they basically started ignoring me. All I could hope for was that Kimmy wouldn’t want to come home for a few days.

  I pulled out my books and started studying. I hated to admit it, but Mom and Dad were kind of right. Ever since I’d met Cade, I hadn’t been putting as much time as I should have into my studies. There was even a fine layer of dust over my books and I groaned as I cracked my heavy anatomy book open and began studying the systems of the body.

  Naturally, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the naked men in the book. Now, every time I saw a naked man, I thought about Cade. I thought about his perfect body, his sculpted muscular frame, that hard cock that he’d slammed inside of me until I’d screamed with pleasure.

  It made me shiver and blush.

  “Vanessa, are you spacing out?”

  I snapped my head up and saw Dad staring at me.

  “You know you can’t start doing that, not when you have so much school left to go.”

  “I know,” I said. I nodded. “Sorry, Dad.”

  “Don’t apologize to me,” Dad said. “Apologize to yourself. These are your grades, Vanessa.”

  I blushed even harder. I knew that I was definitely going to have to work on getting my head back in the game.

  For dinner, Mom heated up some of her lasagna. It tasted like cardboard with cheese on it, but I managed to clear my plate.

  “I’ll take care of the dishes,” I said. “Why don’t the two of you go relax? Madison’s a nice place to walk.”

  Mom looked at me. “Oh, honey, we don’t really know our way around here,” she said. “And we’d rather spend the time with you.”

  Inwardly, I groaned. “I know,” I said, forcing a smile. “But I should really study. I have a lot of midterms this week, and I really have to finish preparing.”

  “Vanessa’s right,” Dad said. He stood up and brushed his hands off on his jeans. “You study, honey, and we’ll go out for a little walk.”

  As soon as they left, I called Cade.

  “Hey.” He didn’t sound relieved to hear me, instead it was like I could almost imagine him groaning. That didn’t make me feel good; my stomach started churning and twisting instantly.

  What if he wants to tell me that he can’t see me anymore? What if he’s bored? What if I wasn’t a good lay? My mind was freaking out and I couldn’t stop spinning scenarios of the worst kind inside my head.

  “Vanessa? You there?”

  “Yeah, sorry.” A hot flush came over my cheeks. “Look, my parents went for a walk. I can meet you somewhere and we can talk, but I can’t be out for too long.”

  Cade sighed. The sound filled my ears with dread. “Okay,” he said. “Can you meet me at the corner Starbucks in twenty minutes?”

  I was there in fifteen, nervously waiting for Cade. I hadn’t wanted to put on more makeup—I didn’t need Mom and Dad asking any nosy questions when they got home—but I did give myself a once-over in the mirror. After ordering my herbal iced tea, I sat down and started shaking my leg.

  Finally, Cade showed up. He was dressed exactly as he had been earlier, and he kept his sunglasses on as he slid down into the booth across from me.

  “Hey,” Cade said in a low voice. “Sorry about this. Thanks for meeting me.”

  I nodded. “No problem,” I said softly.

  There was a long pause.

  “So,” Cade said. He spread his hands out on the table and I stared at them, wondering if he’d ever want to touch me again. “The guys know about you, and they ain’t thrilled.”

  I shrugged. “Why not?”

  Cade shook his head. “Not because of anything you’ve actually done,” he said. He rolled his eyes and pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. “It sucks, Vanessa, and you don’t deserve this shit. I know as well as anyone that you’re innocent.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, you know I’d never try to pull you away,” I said softly. My blood was pounding in my ears and my heart was going a million miles an hour. I knew the words “I don’t want to see you anymore” were on the tip of his tongue.

  Cade glanced at me and I saw concern spring up in his blue eyes. “Hey,” he said softly. “What’s the matter? Why are you upset? Your parents?”

  I shook my head tightly and took a microscopic sip of tea. “No,” I replied quietly. “I’m afraid you’re going to tell me that you don’t want to date me.”

  Cade laughed and another ripple of unease went sailing through my body. “No,” Cade said shortly. “Nothing like that. Hell,” he added, raking a hand through his blond hair. “I wish I didn’t wanna see you, Vanessa.” When his eyes met mine, I shivered. “That would make this easier.”

  I frowned. “Make what easier?”

  “The guys don’t want me seeing you right now,” Cade said. “I fucked up that night I met you at the Demon Catchers club. I sold some pills, and I shouldn’t have done it. That’s their turf, not ours, and now I’m deep shit with Rudy.”


  “A club lieutenant,” Cade explained. “Anyway, he wants me to break it off with you.” Cade raised his eyebrows at me and I felt another small ripple of excitement.

  He doesn’t want to break up! He actually likes me! I can’t believe it!

  “So, what are you going to do?” I asked cautiously.

  Cade stared at me. “It’s up to you,” he said in the most earnest tone I’d ever heard him use. “Either we date, in secret, or we don’t. I hate to keep you a secret, but no one can know about this, Vanessa. Not even Kimmy. Her word might get back to the club.” He shook his head. “I feel like a real ass telling you that I’d have to keep you hidden, but it’s your call. What do you wanna do?”

  I bit my lip and thought about it. “I want to keep seeing you,” I said impulsively.

  “It might be bad for you, Vanessa, if someone were to catch on to us,” Cade said in a low voice. He leaned close and a shiver of arousal and danger rushed through my body. “You wouldn’t want that to happen. It could be bad news for both of us, but especially you.”

  I bit my lip. “I don’t care,” I said softly. “I want to keep seeing you.”

  “What about school?” Cade frowned. “I don’t wanna fuck up your grades, or whatever. I don’t wanna hurt your chances of getting into a good medical school.”

  “It’s always been my goal, but whenever I think about it now I just feel tired,” I said honestly. “I don’t really care what happens. I know that I need to buckle down and focus. It’s just…” I trailed off and sighed. Suddenly, something painful and sharp and sweet blossomed inside of me. “I don’t care anymore!” I said loudly, slamming my hand down onto the table and making my tea jump. “I don’t care. I just want to do something for myself for once!”

  Cade stared at me. He raised an ey
ebrow and smirked. “I’m impressed,” he said with a wink. My lower belly lurched with arousal. “It’s not every day I turn a good girl bad.”

  I licked my lips. “Well, it’s about time,” I said saucily. “After all, I’m twenty-one. No time like the present, Cade.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  By the time I got home, I was almost swimming in a puddle of my own arousal. Cade had led me into a back alley and we’d shared a steamy make out session. His hands had been all over me, pawing me through my clothes. I could feel my chin was red and swollen from his stubble rubbing against my face. I didn’t care. Cade was my boyfriend, and even though it was a secret, I felt happier and more self-indulgent than I ever had in my entire life.

  Thankfully, I managed to beat Mom and Dad back to the apartment. After a quick shower, I threw on a pair of sweatpants and curled up on the couch with my anatomy textbook. I was hoping that the little break would have done some good, but I found focusing harder than ever before. I kept zoning out and staring at the drawings, imagining Cade naked in front of me and staring up at me with his blue eyes blazing.

  When the front door opened, I jumped up in surprise.

  Kimmy was standing there, clad in a hot pants and a crop top. She looked flushed and tired, like she’d just finished running a marathon. When she saw the suitcases in the living room, her eyebrows went up.

  “What the fuck is this, are you going on a trip? Lucky,” Kimmy said. She flopped down on the opposite end of the couch and I felt my stomach flip with anxiety.

  “Not exactly,” I said softly. “My parents showed up this morning. They’re gonna be staying for a week. Two, maybe, at the most.”

  Kimmy stared. “Oh god,” she said. “Really? You can’t make them leave sooner?”

  I bit my lip and shook my head. “Sorry,” I mumbled. “I know, it sucks. They just showed up, and they wouldn’t listen when I said that it’s not a good time for a visit.”

  Kimmy narrowed her eyes. “And you’re sure you told them that I wouldn’t be happy if they stayed over?”

  I blushed hard. “I’m really sorry. They just wouldn’t listen.”

  Kimmy pushed herself up off the couch and ran her hands through her thick blonde hair. I stared at her—she was still one of the prettiest girls that I’d ever seen. I couldn’t explain it, but it was like something inside of me really wanted her to like me, even though I knew she was actually kind of a bitch. Maybe it was because I’d never been all that popular, but being around Kimmy made me feel like I had finally found a second chance to be cool.

  “Fine,” she said. “I’m going to nap. Tell your parents that I’m really not happy about this.”

  I looked away as her loud footsteps carried her across the apartment. The slam of her door echoed off the walls.

  When Mom and Dad got back, I’d managed to read two chapters and retain about a tenth of it. I couldn’t believe myself—even before when I’d been preoccupied, it was still possible to study and do a good job. But right now it felt like Cade had slipped inside my head and begun to control my brain. I couldn’t think about anything but him. When would I see him again? Would things still be the same between us? Did we have to keep our relationship a secret forever?

  “Hi, honey,” Mom chirped. She sighed. “Boy, we’re beat! Your father had this idea to take a walk around the city and it’s nice, but I’m so tired!” She yawned loudly and put a hand up to cover her open mouth. “Have you been inside all day, Vanessa? You’re starting to look pale.”

  “Kimmy got home,” I said pointedly. “And she told me that she’s really not thrilled about you two visiting right now. She’s going through some issues,” I added in a loud whisper. “Are you sure about staying?”

  Mom nodded. “It’s your apartment, too,” she said breezily. “And you wanted us here, so tough cookies for Kimmy!”

  I had to look away so she wouldn’t see the pained expression on my face. I never wanted to be one of those bratty daughters, the kind who told their parents that they hated them. But then again, I was afraid of becoming a complete and total doormat, too. If I couldn’t even learn to stand up to my parents, how the hell was I supposed to make it working in a hospital? The atmosphere in a medical facility is always tough. I didn’t want to be bullied my whole life!

  Almost immediately, I felt guilty. Mom and Dad were my parents. They loved me! They wanted me to be happy! At least that was what I wanted to believe. Deep down, sometimes I was afraid to think that I almost didn’t know.

  I helped Mom make some lunch for the two of us and Dad while he watched TV. I’d tried to tell him about Kimmy, again, but just like Mom, Dad had brushed me right off. It was irritating. Were they going to do this my whole life?

  “So, Vanessa,” Dad said. “I was thinking about coming to school with you tomorrow, checking out some of your classes. You think your professors would want to talk to me?” He raised his eyebrows. Dad had been retired for a few years but I knew that he’d gone through med school and worked as a hospital administrator for a period of time.

  “Dad,” I groaned. “Please don’t do that. They won’t have time. You know how busy professors are.”

  Dad stared at me. “Well, they’re certainly too busy to pay attention to politics.” His face twisted into a grimace. “Those darn professors are just as liberal as ever.” He laughed. “Shows how much they really know!”

  I tried not to roll my eyes. “Dad, they’re all really smart,” I said softly. “And you know I don’t pay attention to politics.”

  “You’d better not start,” Dad warned. “This world is going straight to hell. I think just watching the news would be enough to put a mark on your soul!”

  I gritted my teeth uncomfortably. We’d managed to make it a few hours without religion coming up, and I didn’t want an earful of that now. When I’d first moved out, I’d promised Mom and Dad that I’d find a nice church in Madison. It wasn’t that I hadn’t had time, exactly, but it hadn’t really been at the top of my priorities list. After all, I wasn’t sure how religious I really was. Wouldn’t a church be able to guess how rotten my mind was? I felt like my obsession with Cade was written clear on my face, and I didn’t fancy sitting in a pew for two hours each week and feeling guilty about having premarital sex.

  “Okay, Dad,” I said calmly. “I’m going to finish studying now. You enjoy your lunch, okay?”

  Dad frowned at me. I could tell he wanted to say something else, but thankfully he shut his mouth and turned away towards the TV.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I didn’t hear from Cade for three days. By Thursday, I was dying. I was sitting in my mid-morning class when I felt my phone vibrate against my thigh. I didn’t want to be rude to the professor, but I couldn’t just sit there without reading the text so I ran out into the hall and checked my phone.

  U free tonight? Let’s get a room somewhere. ;)

  I grinned and clutched the phone to my chest. The whole rest of the day, all I could think about was Cade and how I couldn’t wait to see him. My classes passed in a daze, and I practically ran back to the apartment after I was finished with my last one.

  Mom and Dad were sitting on the couch with serious expressions on their faces as I let myself into the apartment.

  “Hi, Mom, Dad,” I said cautiously, dropping my books on the floor. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

  Mom frowned at me. She pressed her lips together. “Vanessa, I found something in the bathroom,” she said in a strained voice. “Would you mind explaining this?” She pointed down towards a plastic sandwich baggie on the coffee table.

  I groaned as I saw what was inside: Kimmy’s vibrator and a box of condoms. I swallowed hard.

  “Those aren’t mine,” I said softly. “They belong to Kimmy, and I’d put them back now if I were you. I don’t think she’d appreciate you going through her things.”

  “I thought you’d say that,” Mom said grimly. She looked at Dad and then reached out for his hand. “Ho
ney, your dad and I have been talking, and we both think that you should move back home. I’ve called movers to come for your things in the morning. Why not go to your room and do some packing now?”

  “What?” I could feel my face getting red with anger. “What the heck are you talking about?”

  “Don’t use profanity around your mother,” Dad thundered. He stood up and his face was purple with rage. “You’re coming home with us, Vanessa, and that’s final!”

  “No,” I cried out. “No, I can’t! I love it here! Kimmy’s a good roommate!”

  “A good roommate?” My mother’s voice was high and shrill. “A good roommate? Vanessa, she’s a terrible roommate, exposing you all kinds of sin!”


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