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Safe Words

Page 5

by Magnolia Robbins

  “No problem,” I replied, taking a deep breath. My attention turned to the magazines as she flipped to the next article. I could sense her eyes on me but I dared not to look at her. My awkward feelings were written all over my face. Her hands grazed over the piece I had marked. I cleared my throat. “That one was a story about Parsons Design School students breaking into the fashion industry. I thought it was relevant for younger readers.”

  I caught a nod out of the corner of my eye. Again, I could tell she was looking at me. My eyes shifted to meet hers. When they did, I knew I was done for.

  “Sit,” Scarlett said firmly, motioning to the seat. There was no hesitation. I did as she asked, trying my best to act calm. It seemed to go well until Scarlett spoke again. “I’m assuming you have questions about what you saw the other night.”

  The blood drained from my face. I struggled to breathe. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” My stomach was in knots while my heart ripped through my chest full speed.

  “No need to play coy, Ms. Ross. We’re both adults here. If you have questions, ask them.” Scarlett sat back in her chair, leaving the magazine open in front of her. She hadn’t moved her eyes from me and as desperately as I’d tried to move my eyes away from her, I couldn’t.

  “How-I mean, how did you...” I trailed off, trying to come up with any reason to leave.

  “That amphora on the table by the elevator. It’s worth ten thousand dollars alone. You don’t think I’d invest in a security camera or two?” Scarlett almost looked amused. Almost.

  I didn’t know what to say. There were a million questions racing through my brain, nearly all of them inappropriate to ask a superior in a work environment. Instead, I asked the only thing that made logical sense to ask. “You said the second door on the left.”

  “I also gave you explicit instructions to go straight to the room and then leave, which I’m quite certain you ignored.” Scarlett studied me. The windows. I’d went to look out the windows. I’d been turned around and hadn’t realized it.

  “Who keeps things like that in a linen closet!” It came from my mouth before I could stop myself. Mortified, I looked down at my feet for a moment. The room grew silent. When I had the courage to glance back up again, Scarlett was staring at me. She didn’t seem angry, in fact her face had relaxed somewhat.

  “Someone who keeps very strict company,” Scarlett replied. The way she looked at me when she said it sent a chill all the way up my spine. I took a hard swallow, unsure of what to say. I wanted to say something to the effect of ‘what you do in your own time is your own business. Even if it is collecting a closet full of whips.’ It was probably what I should have said. A far more appropriate thing to have said.

  Instead I surprised myself by having questions. “Have you used them before?”

  For the first time that conversation, a smirk trickled on Scarlett’s lips. “I’m curious what you think, Ms. Ross.”

  Another shiver escaped me before I felt compelled to answer. “Well—I don’t think they’re being used for decoration.” There was a silence between us that curl still lingering on Scarlett’s lips. It was intoxicating, and I found I couldn’t look away from her.

  “Doesn’t it hurt?” It came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

  Scarlett didn’t hesitate. I watched her draw closer, her body leaning forward over her desk. “Sometimes,” she admitted. “Though it’s mostly used for pleasure.”

  I found the idea rather funny, but was still intrigued. “How does a whip bring you pleasure?”

  Scarlett’s smirk grew as she leaned back into her chair. “Well, Ms. Ross. I suppose that’s something you’d have to find out for yourself.”

  A shiver raced through me. It wasn’t the answer I was expecting. Just as I was about to ask another question, the phone on my desk rang.

  “I should—” Scarlett nodded, and I took off out of the office to answer. Relieved that I had an excuse to escape the room.

  The phone call with Versace took forever. Afterward, I spent several hours at Andrea’s beck and call. While we worked organizing a closet full of last spring’s wardrobes, Andrea quizzed me about Scarlett.

  “Did she seem a little off to you today?” She asked, handing me a box of shoes. All I could imagine at the mention of her was the image of her holding that jockey whip. A riding crop. Shamefully, I’d looked it up. “Natalia.” Andrea was scowling at me, smacking me in the face with a cardigan.

  “What? No. I don’t think so.” I paused, taking the clothes and hanging them. “Well, now that you mention it, she was yelling at someone on the phone. James, I think?”

  Andrea sighed loudly, shaking her head. “Just what I thought. Poor Scarlett. What an atrocious woman.”

  “What are you talking about?” As I asked, I shelved a stack of clothes she’d handed to me, making sure to flatten out the wrinkles before I turned my attention back to her.

  By the look on Andrea’s face, she was rather annoyed, but it softened. “Of course you wouldn’t know. It’s privileged information anyway, I shouldn’t be talking about it.”

  “Well you kind of already are,” I noted, shelving a pair of boots.

  “Fine, fine. If you must know.” Andrea hushed her voice, drawing in closer. “Scarlett has been going through a very lengthy divorce. They’ve been separated for over a year but Diana refused to sign divorce papers. Rumor has it, she agreed this week.”

  “Scarlett was married?” Scarlett and monogamy surprised me.

  “For six years,” Andrea replied as we finished the last bit of organizing. When we did, we met eyes. “To an atrocious woman. Completely off the wall. It was a wonder they lasted as long as they did. She’s out to destroy Scarlett. And doing a good job of it, from what I hear.”

  The conversation ended after that though it left me curious the rest of the day. Just as I was packing to leave, Andrea had me run an errand for Scarlett to the building across the street. Fetching another document for a piece about a local designer. It would add another hour to my day by the time it was all said and done, but I didn’t argue.

  When I returned, the door was ajar and the light still on in Scarlett’s office. I fumbled the envelope in my hand that was to be delivered to her. Wondering if I had the nerve to knock on her door after the conversation we’d had. After a few deep breaths, I convinced myself to. Scarlett called out for me to enter.

  I stood at the doorway, staring at her. Besides us, the rest of the office had emptied for the evening. Scarlett studied me for a long moment as I stood there. A thick ink pen was twirling between her fingers. “Are you going to just stand there gawking, Ms. Ross?” She looked somewhat annoyed.

  “I have the papers for you. The ones you requested.” We locked eyes again. Scarlett’s gaze was so intense it caused my heart to skip beats. I made a move towards her and she held up a hand, stopping me. When I paused, the look on her face changed. She seemed almost curious, through her eyes were still burning a hole through me.

  “Ms. Ross,” Scarlett’s voice came out in that buttery smooth tone. Her eyes rolled over the entire length of me before she spoke again. The gesture made me lose my breath for a moment. “I find you rather the obedient type.”

  The way she said it was strange. I was unknowing of what to say. I gave a small shrug. “I like to follow the rules.” My voice trailed off. It was hard to focus with her gaze so fiercely upon me.

  Scarlett nodded. For a moment the back end of the pen rested on her dark stained lips. I found myself entranced when it fell there. When my eyes turned their attention back towards Scarlett, she leaned back in her chair. “So, if I asked you to stay late and sort through those documents you have, would you do it?”

  Having to stay late was not something I was thrilled about, but I nodded regardless. “If you needed me to, yes.”

  When I looked back at her, Scarlett looked pleased. The pen twirled in her fingers again. “What about my office Ms. Ross? It’s a bit untidy. If
I asked you to clean it for me, what would you say?” My eyes scanned the room. It looked about as pristine as it always did, but there were little things I could find. As soon as I moved, Scarlett snapped her fingers. My body jerked to attention, and we met eyes.

  Scarlett leaned forward in her seat, studying me. The top half of her pen tracing across her lips again. I couldn’t move my eyes from her. “I’d like you to get down on your hands and knees, Ms. Ross.” Her eyes hadn’t moved from my own. For a moment I could hardly comprehend what she’d asked me to do. My eyes diverted from her to my feet.

  “Pardon?” I’d lost my breath for a moment.

  “Your hands and knees.” Scarlett flashed me a curious look. She motioned to the floor, and I looked down at my feet once more. Thoughts rapid fired in my mind. Questioning my sanity. Hers. If I should turn around and walk straight out the room. When I stared up at Scarlett again, something about her eyes was very calm and inviting. They relaxed, the blue sparkling with a hint of playfulness.

  While I couldn’t imagine myself doing such a crazy thing and I thought without a shadow of a doubt, I’d tell her no, something stopped me. An intense nagging that begged me to do as she asked. That wanted her approval. Our eyes didn't move from one another as I dropped slowly to the floor. There was a hint of a smirk on Scarlett’s lips for a brief moment. Where I assumed I’d be embarrassed, humiliated even, instead I felt a surge of energy course through me.

  “Very good, Ms. Ross.” Scarlett said, looking somewhat pleased at me. “Now come here.” She motioned for me to move, and I couldn’t believe it. I stared at her for a long moment in disbelief. Part of me thought this was some sort of joke. Except it didn’t seem like a joke. More like a game that I was eagerly wanting to participate in.

  “You want me to...” My voice trailed off. When her gaze didn’t waiver, I realized that was exactly what she had been implying. I hesitated for a long moment. My knees and hands shifted on the ground, the hardwood beneath them cool to the touch. My eyes gazed over the documents sitting on the floor. Scarlett watched me as I debated what I would do next. While I expected myself to be mortified at the idea of crawling across the room to Scarlett, I instead felt willingly obedient to her wishes.

  After I scooped up the envelope, I placed one side of it into my mouth, biting down into the paper. My teeth gripped just enough of it to keep it steady. Once I was satisfied, my hands dropped down to the floor and I looked straight ahead, my gaze back on Scarlett. Her blue eyes were firmly on me, and I wanted her to watch my every motion. The air breathing out of my nose tickled the skin under it. For a long moment, we stared at one another. Finally I started to move across the floor. Scarlett’s eyes roamed over me as I did and it gave me shivers. When I reached the desk, she motioned for me to move around the side. Her hand stretched in front of her and I lifted my head to hold the documents out for her to take.

  Scarlett motioned for me to stand. “On your feet now.”

  When I got to my feet, my wave of confidence dissipated. My face grew hot, and I found myself unable to look at her. The room got quiet for a moment, except for the rattle of papers as Scarlett opened the envelope. We met eyes again, and she gave me a brief nod.

  “That’s all,” Scarlett said. I couldn’t read her expression. I stared at her in shock for a moment, unable to formulate words. As I turned away, I saw a hint of a smile on Scarlett’s lips. While I walked from her office, I felt her eyes watching me the entire time. My legs turned to jelly the moment I’d escaped her, and I barely caught myself on the edge of my desk. Once I’d gathered my things, I raced from the building.

  The elevator took forever to arrive. Before I managed to escape, Scarlett wandered out. When she joined me inside, I had to hold onto the railing to keep myself standing. Neither of us spoke as we rode down, alone. When we made it to the ground floor, I noticed Scarlett’s eyes on the side of my face. When I looked at her, she nodded.

  “Goodnight, Ms. Ross,” Scarlett said, her face expressionless.

  “Goodnight, Ms. Stone,” I breathed. For a moment I watched her wander off. When she disappeared from sight, I made my way towards the exit, taking a last minute detour into the bathroom. My body collapsed against the side of the stall and I experienced a surge of energy that ran through my entire length. Heat radiated from me and I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled my skirt up to let cool air hit my skin. The draft trickled over my flesh. I pressed my body against the cool wall, letting it offer relief.

  The image of Scarlett wouldn’t leave my mind. Those blue eyes burning into me as I moved to her. The feeling of the cold floor beneath my hands and knees. My heart ramped up speed in my chest. Before I realized it, my fingers were working between my legs, my breath still in pants. Picturing Scarlett Stone with that riding crop dangling in her hands.

  “On your hands and knees, Ms. Ross.” Her voice echoed in my head. I gasped voiceless, my body trembling. It took hardly any time at all before waves of pleasure rippled through me. When it subsided, I barely managed stand. After a minute I forced myself from the bathroom stall and over to the sink. I splashed the cool water onto my face and neck to help steady my heart.

  The realization hit me as I made my way into a cab home. Justine had been right all along. My desire to please Scarlett was more than just that of a dutiful employee. I wanted her. More than I’d wanted anything in my entire life. And it was becoming clear that the feeling was mutual.

  Chapter Five

  THE AIR WAS FRIGID that early Monday morning. Struggling to carry twelve coffees and three suits, I’d called Andrea to meet me in the lobby of the Baker Publishing building. She did not seem amused. “How is it in the five years I’ve worked for Scarlett, I’ve not once had to get help with errands? Are you not capable of handling things on your own?” She was definitely in a mood today.

  “Maybe you have longer arms than me,” I replied as we stepped onto the elevator. Andrea adjusted the clothes on her arm and looked straight ahead. “Or maybe I’m just an underachiever.”

  “You best be on your best behavior today, Natalia,” Andrea said. “Scarlett is always high-strung the week before a fashion show.”

  My stomach flipped at the mention of her name. I’d done my best to distract myself all weekend as to not think about the intense interaction between us Friday night. The more I’d thought about it, the more conflicted I’d felt. Yet here I was, dressed the way she’d liked me to. Craving her attention. The funny thing was, I liked it. Everything except for the feet destroyers. Those, I could live without.

  When we reached the twenty-second floor, Andrea and I scattered off the elevator and into the office. The normal crowd came for their coffees while I walked with Andrea to hang Scarlett’s suits. The office seemed more chaotic than normal, if that were possible.

  “You’ll want to prepare the schedule today for the fashion show,” Andrea reminded me, though she’d given this same speech last week. “Scarlett likes to make changes on Monday.” I’d already had the schedule printed off on my desk, but I didn’t interrupt her. “After you get settled, we’ll go help the interns with organizing. That takes all week and Scarlett always has things she wants to fix.”

  After I’d sat down at my desk, Andrea wandered off. I found the printed schedule laying on the desk where I’d left it and went to Scarlett’s office to leave it for her. Once I’d finished, I started on emails, sipping at my coffee.

  For the first time since I’d started at Stitch, Scarlett did not arrive at her usual time. In fact, she was a half hour late. The office had panicked, including me. When she finally arrived, I sensed by the tone of her voice that she was in a terrible mood. When she rounded the corner, I watched her as usual. She looked stunning, in what looked to be an Armani suit. As she drew closer, I was surprised my guess had been correct. I’d gotten the hang of discerning things like that after being surrounded by it all day long.

  Scarlett moved straight past me into her office. She didn’t look at me or ask me a singl
e question. As soon as she’d disappeared inside, the door shut behind her. I stared in shock, unable to believe she’d gone without speaking to me. For a moment, I pondered if I should knock and check on her, but I decided to let her be.

  I buried myself in other chores while I waited for Scarlett or Andrea to give me another project to work on. My attention had become so focused on what I was doing, that I hardly noticed Scarlett looming over my shoulder. When I felt her breath on the side of my face, the hairs on my neck stood on end. Her hands fell on either side of my head, resting against the back of the chair. I fought the urge to move but I rather enjoyed her proximity.

  Scarlett stayed where she was, her mouth dangerously close to my ear. When I looked down at the desk, I noticed she’d placed my schedule in front of me. There were red marks all across it. A lump formed in my throat. My heart beat a little faster in my chest.

  “Ms. Ross,” Scarlett spoke into my ear. Her hot breath tickled my skin and I felt myself sinking into the seat. “This schedule is atrocious.”

  I swallowed hard. While I was slightly offended that my hard work hadn’t satisfied her, I didn’t speak. “I’m sorry Ms. Stone,” I said. “I’ll fix it right now.”

  “I expect it to be on my desk in an hour,” she replied. “Or there will be consequences.” When she drew out the word consequences, her lips grazed my ear. My entire body trembled. Scarlett pulled away, walking back into her office without another word. As soon as she closed her door, I could breathe again. When I’d come to, I trotted straight to Andrea.

  “I suppose I should help you,” Andrea said, shaking her head.

  “Please,” I breathed, still trying to recover. The two of us made our way back to my desk and Andrea assisted me in fixing the problems with the schedule. They were so minute, every little change made me more frustrated. When we finished, an hour had almost passed. I gathered the printed document and went to Scarlett’s office.


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