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Call My Bluff

Page 22

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Ok, Jade. I’ll see you soon,” Keith enters the elevator and I hold my breath watching him as the elevator doors slide closed. I hurry into my room, flip the locks and crumble to the ground. There is something seriously wrong with my bodyguard. Tears leak out and I allow myself a brief break down before I pick myself back up and enter my suite.

  Looking out over the Vegas Strip, I calm down and try to figure out a plan. I can’t ask Spencer for help. Not right now. He needs to focus on the match tomorrow night. I have to figure this out on my own. It’s like I’m stuck in an Alice and Wonderland movie with the Mad Hatter scene playing on repeat. I pull my phone out of my pocket and click on Spencer’s name. I send him a quick text.

  Me: I can’t make it for dinner. Something came up and I need to address this issue quickly.

  Spencer: Do you need my help with anything? I hear I’m pretty good at solving problems.

  Me: You’re pretty good at solving certain issues, that’s for sure. This is something I need to do on my own. Kind of prove to my dad I can do it. I hope you understand.

  My phone rings and Spencer’s name flashes across the screen. I can’t ignore him since I was just texting him. I hit the green button.

  “Hey,” I answer.

  “Hey, I hate texting,” Spencer responds. “Can I help you figure out your issue? I have a few minutes before I head to the gym.” My heart pounds hard against my chest just hearing his voice.

  “Hmm . . .” I sigh into the phone. “No, I wish you could but I need to figure it out. Listen, if I can’t make it for dinner, just enjoy yourself and I promise to see you soon. I miss you already.” I stare out over the Strip, waiting for Spencer to answer.

  “I miss you too, Kyanna. Is it weird that we just met but you’re all I can think about?”

  “It would be weird if the feeling wasn’t mutual. That’d be an obsession.” Spencer laughs through the phone. “What are you doing right now?”

  “Right now, I’m staring out the window to my suite, thinking what I’d do if you were here with me.”

  “And what would you be doing?” I’m playing with fire, but I can’t help it. There’s something about Spencer that draws me to him and I don’t want it to go away.

  “Well, first I’d trail kisses down that delectable neck. Then I’d peel that sexy top off and explore those plump tits with my mouth and hands.” Fire races through my veins imagining I’m with him right now.

  “What else?” I whisper. No one has made me feel as wanted and sexy as how Spencer does.

  “I’d peel those jeans down those sexy as fuck legs and kiss my way up every inch of your body until I reached your panties.” Our conversation is cut short when there’s a loud knock on Spencer’s door. A knock I recognize. “Hang on a second. Someone’s here.”

  “No, Spencer. Wait!” I shout. He doesn’t hear me. A sinking feeling drops into my stomach when I hear him answer his door.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Spencer is angry, I can hear it in his voice.

  “I’m going to warn you this one time,” Keith’s voice is harsh. “Stay away from Jade. She’s mine.”

  Spencer laughs. “She’s yours? Tell that to my dick which was shoved down her throat a little while ago.” No Spencer! What are you doing? Why would you say that? Fear freezes my feet to the floor when I hear a growl and something smashing. “That all you got asshole? Kyanna isn’t yours. You’re an unhinged psychopath.”

  A grunt followed by the crunching of bones against flesh fills my ear. Tears are streaming down my face, thinking Keith is killing Spencer. Shuffling and shouts fill the room.

  “Drop it now!”

  “On your knees, now!”

  “Hands up, now!”

  “Spencer? What’s going on?” I shout into the phone. My feet are moving fast toward the elevator. I push the call button but it’s taking forever to open. Sick of waiting with the phone pressed against my ear, I lunge for the stairs. I take them down two at a time, listening on the other end for anything. Any noise to tell me what’s going on. I reach the doors to the executive suite and slam my body against them. I fall forward with a grunt but catch myself at the last second so I didn’t face plant onto the plush carpet.

  Policemen and women are surrounding Spencer’s door. I step closer, trying to see what’s happening.

  “Ma’am you’re going to have to step back,” one officer wraps his hand around my upper arm that still hurts from Keith and yanks. I hold back a whimper.

  “I’m the owner of this hotel. Can you tell me what’s going on?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Ms. Del Marco.” The officer releases my arm. I rub it gently. “We had a nine-one-one call about fifteen minutes ago from another hotel guest. They said there was arguing and fighting inside this room. They could hear a man and a woman’s voice.”

  “That’s impossible,” I shake my head denying it.

  “And why’s that,” The officer crosses his arms over his chest, widening his stance.

  “Because the occupant in that room has been on the phone with me the whole time,” I hold up my cell phone and show we’re still connected and have been for the last thirty minutes. “So, you see the issue here.”

  “What can you tell me then, Ms. Del Marco?” He pulls his notebook and pen out of his shirt pocket.

  I open my mouth to answer when another officer comes out of the room with Spencer’s hands cuffed behind his back. He shakes his head no; his lip is bleeding and his cheek is bruised. Then a second officer comes out with Keith handcuffed. His bruised and swollen eyes narrow on me and his face beats red from the hatred pouring off him in waves. He looks worse than Spencer did. Now is my chance to get away from Keith. The opening I’ve been waiting for. I always thought karma was a bitch but now it’s my turn to get my life back. Get out from under Keith’s control. His crazy, psychotic, obsessive control.

  “Sirs please wait. You’ve arrested the wrong man,” I gain the attention of the officers escorting both Keith and Spencer. “The one you need to arrest is this man, Keith Ryan. He’s been obsessively stalking me for years and even left bruises on me earlier.”

  “Jade,” Keith hisses through clenched teeth. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Ignoring him, I keep talking, “He’s been posing as my bodyguard for the past several months. Every time I tried to get away from him, he’d threaten my father. This bruise,” I roll up the sleeve to my arm, showing his handprint on my skin. “Isn’t the only time he’s done this. I have footage and documentation of each time he’s put his hands on me unwanted.” Keith is snarling and shouting from his spot but I don’t back down. Not now, never again.

  “I will need you to show us the proof, ma’am.”

  “If you release Spencer Bryant, I’ll be happy to show you the proof. I need protection from this man and no offense to you, but I feel safer with Spencer.”

  “Jade! What the fuck are you doing! You can’t do this! I will kill you, you selfish little whore! You’re a fucking slut, just like your mother!” Keith shouts. Spit flies from his mouth with every word and his face is beat red. He fights the officers with all he has, but they subdue him, face down on the carpet. “You will pay for this you high and mighty slut!”

  I flinch from his words but hold it together. “See what I mean officer,” I turn to the man blocking me from Spencer. “Spencer was protecting me, not hurting me. Not the way he has.”

  The officer nods to his partner and he removes Spencer’s handcuffs. Spencer leaps over a still thrashing Keith on the ground and sweeps me into his arms. His piercing green eyes roam over every inch of my face. His strong hands rub my arms gently.

  I lightly touch the bruising on his face with my fingertips. “Are you OK?” I whisper.

  “I’m much better now.” Spencer rests his forehead against mine, “Why didn’t you tell me the whole story?”

  “I was embarrassed, Spencer. I was ashamed for letting him control me.” He wipes the tears falling down my cheek
s with gentle strokes.

  “Don’t cry, I’ve got you,” Spencer wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chest. I can feel his heart beating hard against my ear. I breathe a little easier knowing he’s still here with me.

  “Ma’am, I need you to come down to the station and file a report,” the officer who stopped me says from behind Spencer.

  “I’ll be right behind you,” I nod my head.

  The other two officers hoist a snarling Keith off the floor. He’s become completely unhinged, spit flying from his mouth as he shouts demeaning accusations at me.

  “Get him the hell out of here.”

  “Yes, sir.” They remove a kicking and screaming Keith away from us and out of sight. Once I can’t hear him, I release a harsh breath.

  The first officer turns toward me, sympathy in his brown eyes, “Make sure you come down to the station. Without your report, we won’t be able to hold him for more than forty-eight hours.”

  “Yes, I will be down. First, I have to get my documentation from my room.”

  “Do you need one of us to go with you?”

  “No, all I need is Spencer.” Spencer’s arms tighten around me, offering me comfort.

  “See you in a little while then.” He shakes my hand and follows the other officers down the hallway and out of sight.

  Spencer rubs my back and guides me to the door I flew out of a few minutes ago. We quietly make our way up the stairs. Neither of us says a word. The tension is unbearable and I break the silence first.

  “I’m really sorry you’ve got caught up in all of this.” My voice is quiet in the stairwell.

  “Kyanna,” Spencer gently grabs my shoulders, halting my forward momentum. He turns me toward him, “There are things that are beyond our control. I’m not a religious man by any means, but I do believe God put us together for a reason. So, stop feeling guilty for something you didn’t do.”

  “If you never came here, you wouldn’t be involved in this mess,” I sigh.

  “If I never stepped on that bus, you would still be living in fear. We never would’ve met and that isn’t something I want to think about. I’m in this with you until you tell me to leave.” Spencer gently pushes my dark hair out of my face. His big hands cup my face and he leans into me resting his forehead against mine. My heart is beating hard and butterflies take off in my stomach. “Kyanna, no matter what, I will be here. It’s not an obligation. You’re not an obligation. You’re a priority.”

  Spencer leans down and captures my lips with his. It’s sweet and gentle, everything I need at the moment. Before we get too carried away in the stairwell of my hotel, Spencer breaks the kiss, breathing heavily. I smile and grab his hand, pulling him up the stairs with me. The tension between us disappears the closer we get to my suite. I open the door and straighten my spine. So much has happened in this room, that I don’t even want to think about. So many times, Keith has laid his hands on me out of anger. So many times, he’s taunted me with his words. I’m ready to put it all behind me and move forward.

  “Wow, this place is impressive,” Spencer says walking to the floor to ceiling windows. What he sees as beautiful, reminds me of the pain I’ve suffered at the hands of an abuser.

  I hurry to the safe hidden behind a portrait over the fireplace. I remove the artwork and open the safe.

  “What you’re in awe of, is a reminder of what I’ve suffered.” I pull out all the photos and micro tapes in a brown envelope and shut the safe. “I’m ready to get out of here and never come back.”

  “Was it that bad?” Spencer asks from directly behind me. His warm body is pressed against mine. He wraps his arms around me, pulling my back to his chest.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  Spencer takes the envelope out of my hands and I close my eyes, revelling in the strength he’s giving me. He sets it on the glass coffee table and pulls me over to the windows overlooking the strip.

  “Let’s take a minute to make a good memory in here instead of all bad. Where were you standing when I called you earlier?” Spencer’s voice is low and gentle.

  “Right here,” I answer, my breath catching in my throat. Spencer runs his hands up my sides and gently grips my breasts. His lips caress my neck and I angle my head slightly to the side allowing him more room. He nuzzles the side of my neck his hot breath causes a thrill to tingle down my spine. I reach behind me and grip his head. I’m not sure where this is heading, but I know where I want it to go. I want to forget for even a few minutes. Spencer’s hands roam under my shirt and I lift my arms above my head. He drags my shirt up and tosses it behind us. Next, he unbuttons and unzips my jeans slowly, while kissing my neck down to my collarbone. He drags my jeans down my legs and I step out of them. Spencer tosses them behind us onto the floor.

  “You were standing in this very spot when I told you what I would do if we were together?”

  “Uh-huh. Right here when you made my body hum with need.”

  Spencer grabs his t-shirt by the collar and yanks it off, adding it to the growing pile of clothes. His chest and arms are covered in tribal tattoos, expanding across the broadness of his chest. His muscles flex with every movement. Spencer unbuttons his jeans but my fingers stop him. There is confusion on his handsome face.

  “I want to do it,” I say. Spencer holds his hands up and allows me to unzip his jeans. They drop to the floor and he kicks them out of the way. We’re facing each other. Me in my matching bra and panties, him in his boxers. I can see his hardness outlined through the material. An uncontrolled need thrums through my body, my nipples tighten in anticipation when I see the look of lust in his eyes. Even after everything we’ve gone through, he still wants me just as much as I want him.

  I step closer to Spencer and rest my palm over his heart. It’s beating hard against my fingers.

  “I need you, Spencer.”

  His hands grip my hips and splay over my ass, tugging me against him. Spencer’s mouth crashes down onto mine. His tongue runs along the seam of my lips and I open for him. His taste causes a moan to work its way up my throat and he swallows it with his kiss. Spencer lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist. His hard cock digging into my panties. I rub against him and he moans.

  “You’re going to be the death of me. But at least I’ll die a happy man.” Spencer groans against my lips. I kiss him hard and long. Both of us panting by the time we break apart.

  “Make me yours, Spencer,” I breathe into him. Spencer growls before walking forward and my back meets the cold window. He’s going to fuck me right against the window. One fantasy coming to life by this sexy as hell man.

  Spencer leans back a little and his hips jolt up, causing his hard cock to push against my clit. A moan passes through my lips. I unhook my bra, letting it fall off my shoulders. Spencer dips his head and pulls one nipple into his mouth, nipping and sucking on it. I can feel the pull from his ministrations into my aching pussy. I shift my hips and rub against him, needing him inside of me. I toss my head back and Spencer drops his boxers. He releases my legs and sets my feet on the floor. He then pulls my panties down and I kick out of them. Spencer kisses his way up one leg while his hand trails up the other one, my naked back pressed against the cold window. Once he reaches my pussy, he licks his lips and stares up at me through hooded lashes.

  Without a word, Spencer throws my leg over his shoulder and his tongue runs along my clit. He flattens it and a moan escapes my throat. He licks and sucks at my clit while his fingers play with my opening. I can feel the wetness coating my thighs but Spencer licks and sucks it up, lapping at me with no remorse. Tingles start in my toes. I’m so close to coming. I grip his dark hair and buck my hips into his face. He growls and it sends a vibration through my body at the same time his fingers plunge into my pussy.

  “Oh fuck,” I groan. Spencer’s fingers pump in and out of my pussy at a fast pace while he sucks at my clit. I’m so close, but I want to come on his cock, not his fingers. I grip his face and pull him up my
body. Spencer sucks one nipple on his journey up before his mouth lands on mine, kissing me. I can taste myself on him and it creates a want so deep in my core, I can’t wait any longer.

  “Fuck me, Spencer.” I pant against his lips.

  “You’re going to get fucked alright. Right here against this window.” Spencer lifts me and I spread my legs around his waist. His cock teasing my entrance. “I’m going to erase every terrible memory in this suite and replace them with good ones of you and me.”

  “Then do it, please,” I plead. Spencer pushes me against the window the chill of the glass sends a tingle up my spine. I grip Spencer’s strong shoulders and push down onto his shaft. He slides in and a moan rips from my throat. He’s so big and it fills me completely, stretching my pussy to the point of pain. My pussy squeezes his cock, milking him for all he has. Spencer thrusts his hips up, his fingers digging into my ass causing me to push down at the same time he thrusts up again. We find a steady rhythm of give and take. Spencer pushes me back so my chest is in his face. His mouth captures my nipple and it sends tingles down my spine right into my pussy. He thrusts up hard and slams into me, causing stars to detonate behind my eyes.

  “Oh fuck, Spencer,” I moan. I’m so close. My pussy tightens on his cock as he keeps up the punishing pace.

  “Fuck, Ky, you feel perfect. Your tight pussy is made just for me.” Spencer kisses me hard at the same time he pumps his hips, his groin slamming against my clit.

  “I’m coming,” I pant. And I do. I come so hard around his cock my body takes over, shuddering through my orgasm. Spencer’s cock swells even bigger before he grunts and comes hard right along with me. We’re a mess of sweat and harsh breathing.

  I rest my back against the window, my legs still wrapped around Spencer’s waist. His hands still holding my ass. The chill of the glass cools my heated skin. Spencer leans in and kisses me hard. Our tongues duel back and forth and I feel another stir in my core.


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