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Call My Bluff

Page 23

by Elizabeth Knox

  “How’s that for a good memory,” Spencer asks, resting his forehead against mine.

  “Perfect,” I answer, breathing in his intoxicating scent. He grows soft inside of me and releases my legs, gently setting my feet onto the plush carpet.

  “I’m going to take a shower and then we need to go to the police station. Get this over with.” I walk my naked body toward my bedroom. I can feel Spencer’s eyes on me the whole time. I turn around once I open the door and sure enough, he’s standing near the window in all his naked glory watching me. “Are you going to stand there and stare or give me a hand?”

  Spencer moves faster than I thought possible and lifts me up, tossing me over his shoulder. I squeal and laughter bubbles up in my chest. He slaps my naked ass with the palm of his hand and then rubs the sting.

  “You know we’re never going to make it out of here if you keep flaunting that beautiful body.” His words send another tingle into my heated core.

  “I’m OK with that,” I groan. Spencer’s fingers play with my pussy while I’m still draped over his shoulder and he walks us into the bathroom. He pulls his fingers away and sets me on the heated tile floor. He kisses me hard before releasing me and starting the shower.

  I don’t know how long this will last between us, but I’m going to live in the now and not worry about the future. I still need to tell him about the bookie, but that can wait for another day. We’ve had enough drama to last us a while.

  Chapter Six


  It’s been three weeks since Kyanna’s bodyguard was arrested. He’s still sitting in the county jail awaiting his trial. The evidence she had against him is overwhelming and I’m still shocked with everything she went through with him. She still warms my bed every night and the smile on her face is pure and genuine. I haven’t let her leave my side since this entire thing went down. I’m afraid if I don’t have eyes on her, Keith will show up and take her. Even though he’s in jail, he still taunts her throughout the day. Either with a phone call or someone watching us. It’s taking a toll on her mental state, but she keeps saying she’s fine. I know she isn’t. I can see it in the dark bags under her eyes. Immediately after we left the police station, I asked Kyanna to stay with me. She had the bellhops bring all her things down to my suite and we’ve been together ever since.

  I had my first two matches already and won them both with TKOs in the second round. I’ve been training hard for this next fight tomorrow night. I’ve been on my own and haven’t seen Jeff since he showed up in my room three weeks ago. If I win this fight tomorrow night I’ll be crowned MMA Champ. The fights have run smoothly and Kyanna has put her whole heart into making it a success. Each fight has had a full house and the crowd chanting my name has been the best thing I’ve ever known.

  Who would’ve thought Vegas was my place to be? I was hoping to make a name for myself here, but each time I step into the ring, it reminds me how big I’ve actually become. My name is whispered among the elite of MMA fighting.

  “Hey fucker, there you are,” a familiar voice draws me out of my head. I look around the pool area trying to figure out where he is while a grin splits my face. I spot my big brother walking toward me in his leather cut. He’s smiling from ear to ear. Behind him are the rest of his MC, Savage Saints.

  Ace reaches me and gives me a bro hug. “Holy shit, what are you doing here?” I’m shocked as hell.

  “Can’t be letting my little bro have the biggest fight of his career without support. So we said fuck it and headed out. Wow, this place is incredible.” Ace lets out a low whistle looking at all the scantily dressed women around us. A few turn their heads and are blatantly staring.

  Ace is the Secretary of Savage Saints, Mt. Pleasant. He also has his own underground fight club which I’ve attended a few times before my career picked up. Behind him is the whole MC. Kayne, the President, with his Ol’ Lady, Poison. Blayde, the VP with his Ol’ Lady, Siren. Stryker, their Enforcer with his Ol’ Lady, Holly. Then Rooster, Axel, Texas, Maddox, Talon, Knuckles, Tatt, Rebel, Butch and Duke. He’s right, the entire club is here dressed in their leathers and looking menacing.

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say.” I’m shocked and excited they’re here for me.

  Kayne steps forward and extends his hand, “Congratulations, Spencer. Now give us a tour before we scare off the guests.”

  I shake his hand, “Follow me.”

  “I want the Blackjack table,” Texas says from in the back.

  “I call dibs on the motherfucking slot machines,” Maddox calls back.

  “Bro, you can’t call dibs on all the fucking slot machines. This isn’t like back home, dickwad. Trust me there is enough for everyone.” Knuckles slaps Maddox on the back of the head.

  “How the fuck am I supposed to know, asshole?” Maddox counters.

  “I call dibs on the fine as hell woman walking toward us,” Tatt shouts. Someone elbows him in the gut and Tatt grunts. “What the fuck, bro?”

  My eyes draw to Kyanna rapidly approaching us and tune the bickering out. Her black pencil skirt is tight around her waist. The gray silk blouse she’s wearing is hugging her plump chest and the killer heels she has on makes her tanned legs leaner. A smile breaks across my face when she reaches us with a raised brow.

  “Is there a problem out here?” Kyanna asks, looking at all the bikers around me.

  “Ky, I want to introduce you to my brothers and their Ol’ Ladies.” I wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her into me, kissing the top of her head.

  “Man, what the fuck,” Tatt grumbles when he sees me grab Kyanna.

  “Bro, there is so much pussy around here, you’ll be fine.” Butch’s rough voice makes Tatt shut the hell up.

  “All these guys are related to you?” Kyanna asks in shock.

  Ace steps forward and extends his hand, “I’m the blood brother, the rest are club brothers. Name’s Ace. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Kyanna is unsure if she should grab his hand but then she squares her shoulders and takes it, giving him a firm handshake. “Kyanna Del Marco. Owner of Jade Hotels.” She releases Ace’s hand and looks at the rest of the brothers. “Why don’t we take this inside? I had a few complaints from the elderly guests about some big dangerous bikers causing a scene. I can tell now they were just confused, but why don’t we grab something to eat. Then you can tell me all about why you’re here.” Handling the brothers like a true businesswoman, Kyanna leads us all inside. Her heels click on the marble floors as their boots echo around us. People stop what they’re doing and watch as we cross the expansive foyer and into the restaurant. It’s empty with soft music flowing from the hidden speakers.

  “I’ll get the chef to prepare you all an amazing meal. Please sit wherever you like and I’ll be right back.” Kyanna tugs on my hand asking me to follow her.

  “I’ll be right back,” I say to Ace.

  “Sure, bro.” Ace looks around the restaurant and lets out a low whistle. “This place is impressive.” All the brothers and their Ol’ Ladies pull tables together and sit around it, laughing and joking around as Kyanna leads me into the kitchen.

  “Wow, I needed a minute. That was a real test,” Kyanna releases a deep breath and smooths her skirt.

  “I had no idea they were coming. They can be a handful but are loyal.” I feel the need to defend them.

  “Hey, don’t stress.” Kyanna grabs my hands and pushes her body against mine. My cock aches from her intoxicating smell. “I called them and invited them out. I thought it would be a great surprise for you.”

  “You did what? When? How’d you know?” I’m dumbfounded.

  “I called Ace and didn’t realize he’d bring his entire club. But they’re your family and that’s what’s important.” Kyanna wraps her arms around my neck, drawing me into her warm soft curves.

  “Thank you. This means a lot to me.” I hold onto her waist, digging my fingers into her hips.

  “It’s a big night for you and I
wanted you to have those who mean the most to you here.”

  “But how did you know?”

  “I have my ways.” The smirk on her face tells me she has connections even I don’t know about.

  “Thank you, Kyanna. This is the best surprise ever.” I lean in and kiss her hard. She opens her mouth and I plunge my tongue inside, tasting her decadent flavor. A low groan rumbles up my chest.

  Kyanna breaks the kiss, “I need to find the chef and have him prepare some food to feed those hungry bikers.”

  “I’ll head back out and make sure they don’t cause trouble. Come out as soon as you’re done.”

  “I will.” She kisses me again and I watch her ass sway in her skirt as she walks away.

  Once she’s out of sight, I head back into the dining room. Laughter and joking rumble through the room and I smile. There’s been something missing since I’ve been here and this is it. These men and their women are what I’ve been missing. Savage Saints have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Blood-related or not, they’re still a part of me.

  “Yo, Spence, come join us,” Ace motions for me to come over. I take a seat next to my brother and leave a chair open for Kyanna when she comes back. “So, tell me about this hot as fuck woman who called me out of the blue?”

  “Well, her name’s, Kyanna and she owns Jade Hotel and Casino. We’ve been together since I stepped foot in her hotel.” I don’t tell them about Keith and what she’s endured. That’s her story to tell if she wants them to know.

  “And?” Kayne speaks up.

  “And, I think she’s the one. You know when you know.” I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t want her out of my sight or not in my bed. She’s captured me from the very beginning.”

  “Good to hear, Spencer. Are you planning on staying out here permanently?” Poison, Kayne’s Ol’ Lady, asks.

  “Yeah. Win or lose tomorrow night, I’m staying here.”

  Ace slaps me on the back hard, “That’s what I wanted to hear. That girl wouldn’t go through what she did to get us here if you weren’t serious about each other.”

  “What’d she do?” What the hell is he talking about?

  “What time’s your big fight tomorrow night?” Blayde asks, leaning forward, his leather cut creaks. His blue eyes bore into me. He’s always been larger than life and I’ve always looked up to him.

  “I take the ring at eight p.m.” Before I can ask more questions, Kyanna comes out of the swinging black door and crosses the room. She takes a seat next to me and looks at all the men and women surrounding us.

  “The chef is bringing out food in a few minutes. I hope you all are hungry after your trip.”

  “I’m starving,” Poison answers rubbing her belly.

  “Woman, you’re always hungry,” Kayne growls against her neck.

  “Hmm . . . for other things, yes. But since that’s not available right now, food will have to do.” Kayne growls again and Poison giggles.

  “I’m sorry this barbarian biker didn’t introduce us,” Poison says and pushes Kayne’s nose away from her throat. “I’m Poison. That’s Blayde and his Ol’ Lady, Siren. Then Stryker and his Ol’ Lady, Holly. Followed by Rooster, Axel, Texas, Maddox, Talon, Knuckles, Tatt, Rebel, Butch and Duke.” Each member gives Kyanna a wave as Poison says their name.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I will try and remember all your names, but I can’t guarantee it.” Kyanna release a small laugh and her cheeks turn red.

  “Don’t worry, we all still have on our colors. Just look at the names if you can’t remember,” Poison points to her name on her cut.

  “Thank you,” Kyanna answers, her face is still red from embarrassment.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out. Frowning, I swipe the green answer button. “Yeah.”

  “Spencer, I need you in the gym at three. Can you meet me here?” Jeff asks into the phone.

  I check the clock and see it’s just after eleven a.m., “Yeah I can be there. You mean you’re going to act like a trainer and do your fucking job?” I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Jeff since he showed up in my hotel room weeks ago.

  “Yeah, man. That’s my bad. I had some business I needed to handle. But it’s all good. We’re going to train light but fast so be ready to work up a sweat.” There’s something in his voice that’s off. I’ll have to figure it out later. I have my family here now.

  “Yeah, I’ll see ya then.” I click the red button and end the call before he can say anything else. “My trainer wants me to meet him at three.”

  “The one who hasn’t bothered to show up until now?” Kyanna asks with a raised brow.

  “You’re still with that cocksucker, Jeff?” Ace asks, baffled.

  “When he shows up,” I respond.

  “Fuck that douche. I’ll train with you today. We’ll show that weasel dick motherfucker what it’s like to work out like a motherfucking champ.” Ace slams his hands on the table, making it rattle. Hoots and hollers echo around the dining room, making me smile. God, I missed these motherfuckers.

  The chef brought out a huge spread of food and we ate everything offered. After everyone ate, they retired to their rooms. Kyanna got them all on the same floor with rooms side by side. I heard something about hitting the slot machines and Blackjack tables.

  Kyanna and I are currently in her office. She’s on the phone with some vendors, looking out the floor to ceiling windows over the Vegas Strip. One thing I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter where she is, she always has this view. I can see why. It’s mesmerizing and comforting watching the glow of the city lights.

  “Make sure you deliver as promised or there will be hell to pay tomorrow night. I can’t be having my guests short on anything.” Kyanna pauses and takes a deep breath. She’s agitated. “If you can’t deliver what’s ordered, I will be forced to go with another vendor and you’ll lose a lot of money tomorrow night.” She listens to the man on the other line. Watching her pace back and forth in that tight skirt, asserting her strength at this guy has my dick stirring. “Thank you. I will see you tomorrow.” Kyanna ends the call and rubs her temples.

  “Problem with something?” I ask while standing up from the chair across from her desk. I approach Kyanna and rub her shoulders.

  “Nothing I can’t handle.” Kyanna leans back and brushes her ass against my cock. “Hmm . . . that feels good.” I kiss the side of her neck while my hands knead the knots in her shoulders.

  “There’s one place we haven’t christened yet,” I growl against her neck. I move my hands down the front of her blouse and cup her plump tits. They fit perfectly in my hands. Kyanna leans back and doesn’t stop me. I leave one hand massaging her tit while the other trails further down toward the bottom of her skirt. I lift her skirt and the garter belt she has on makes my cock throb even harder against the zipper of my jeans. My fingers brush along her panties and Kyanna’s breathing picks up. Her chest heaves against the palm of my hand. I wrap my arms around her slender body pulling her tight against me. My fingers work along the edge of her panties and she’s withering underneath me. I dive my hand into her panties and she’s soaking wet. I pinch her clit and Kyanna moans. Working her into a frenzy, I push one finger into her wet pussy while my palm rubs her clit. Kyanna’s hips buck into my hands. I trail kisses along the side of her neck and keep pumping my fingers in and out of her wet heat. Fuck she feels so good.

  A sudden knock on her office door and Kyanna’s body stiffens in my arms. She’s so close to getting off I keep pumping my fingers, not letting up. The person knocks loud again and Kyanna pushes my hand away.

  “Just a moment,” Kyanna shouts through panting breaths. She straightens her skirt and blouse, throwing me a look. I smile and stick my fingers in my mouth, sucking off her juices. The heated look in her green eyes makes me want to say fuck it to whoever’s on the other side, rip her skirt over her hips and fuck her senseless. But we can’t. This is her job and I have to respect that.

Once Kyanna is all put back together and her ponytail is fixed, she opens the door. “Ms. Del Marco, I need your signatures on a few things.” An older man with black and white hair pushes his way into her office and she gives him an exasperated look. He’s about my height but his skinny frame is hidden behind a dark suit. “They can’t wait.”

  “Mr. Hannah, I’d appreciate it if you waited until I invite you into my office instead of just barging in whenever you want,” Kyanna says sweetly but the fire in her eyes tells me he’s done this more than once. He hasn’t seen me yet and I wait quietly to see how he responds.

  “Yeah well, I’m here now so sign these so I can get back to work.” He plops the papers on her desk. My hands ball into fists at my sides. I’m ready to show this motherfucker who’s in charge.

  Kyanna shakes her head at me. She grinds her teeth and narrows her eyes in his direction. She straightens her shoulders and faces him. “Did you forget who’s in charge here, Mr. Hannah?”

  “Nah, I didn’t forget but I thought maybe you did. Seems how you’re never around.” His flippant attitude is grating on my nerves.

  “I’m always here, Mr. Hannah. So, please leave the papers on my desk and show yourself out.” Kyanna handles herself like a professional, leaving the door open and motioning with her hand his dismissal. This douche stomps his foot like a two-year-old and mumbles under his breath as he passes her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that, Mr. Hannah.”

  “Nothing, Ms. Del Marco. Just sign the papers and return them to my secretary as soon as possible.” He stomps his way out of her office and Kyanna quietly shuts the door. She leans against it, releasing an exasperated breath.

  “Wow, he’s a piece of work,” I grunt.

  “Yeah, he is. But he’s been with the company since my dad first opened Jade Hotel and Casino.” Kyanna pushes off the door and crosses over to her desk. She sits in her chair and picks up the papers he left. “He has an old school mindset and doesn’t work well with others. It’s part of the game we have to play.”


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